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Israeli terror suspect on murder charges

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 12:55 PM

Israeli terror suspect on murder charges

An American-born Israeli man, called a terrorist by Israeli police, was indicted Thursday on murder charges despite his attorney's concerns about his mental stability.

Yaakov "Jack" Teitel, a West Bank settler, was indicted on two murder charges, four attempted murder charges and several lesser charges, including carrying and manufacturing weapons, Israeli court authorities said.

Teitel, 37, was arrested last month in connection with a string of attacks and murder plots over the past 12 ye
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 12:55 PM
Man i've been following this for a few weeks now, and this guy is scary if you see all his pics.

But here's the interesting and the main point for the thread:
Israel spy agency tried to recruit alleged killer

A Jewish settler who was arrested for allegedly having murdered two Palestinians was approached by Israel's internal security agency to be an informer after the attacks, the agency said Friday.

He is also suspected of being behind a string of bomb attacks since 2006.

the domestic intelligence agency asked him to serve as its informant in extreme right-wing circles

So this guy that they call a terroist was a wanted employee of Mossad, or whatever israeli spy agency?

And of course if he was recruited, wouldn't that imply that he would have been cleared of all charges?

What a story!
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:09 PM
What made you think that if he became an informer , he would not go to jail now?? When Shabak (those are who deal in internal security) tried to recruit him nobody knew about what he did. There is a weird logic you use here.
In Israel,unlike in Palestinian autonomy, terrorists are punished and not protected by authorities.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
When Shabak (those are who deal in internal security) tried to recruit him nobody knew about what he did.

nice try

When Teitel returned to Israel in 2000, three years after the murders, he was questioned by the Shin Bet internal security service and the police over the killings, but no charges were filed.

It was at that moment that the domestic intelligence agency asked him to serve as its informant in extreme right-wing circles, according to the mass-selling Yediot Aharonot newspaper, which broke the story.

better luck next time

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:25 PM
It is not an uncommon practice for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to recruit informants from the ranks of groups they are investigating. Including criminals. It is a valuable resource having a person on the "inside". But I suppose when Jews do it it is cause for outrage.

[edit on 12-11-2009 by DoomsdayRex]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

What luck? He was questioned - yes, but he was not questioned alone. There were a lot of suspects , we got enough fanatics here too.
You can count as a fact that they did not know about him being the murderer for sure, because otherwise he could not have refused their pressure to become an informer. And it took 9 years since failed attempt to recruit him until the arrest. You think that secret service would not use this to press a person into whatever they want?
Critical thinking is a good thing to consider, even if Israel was somehow involved.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Hey you left the rest of the sentence out....

Teitel, 37, was arrested last month in connection with a string of attacks and murder plots over the past 12 years against Arabs,

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex
It is not an uncommon practice for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to recruit informants from the ranks of groups they are investigating. Including criminals. It is a valuable resource having a person on the "inside". But I suppose when Jews do it it is cause for outrage.

why play that card for?
Was it really necessary?
Do you think this adds anything to this discussion?
Why ass-U-me that this was the intention?

and on top of that why say jews?
so If CIA wanted to recruit him would you say christians wanted to recruit him?

It's funny but it's always the same people who say "Israel has a right to exist", but never refer to it's people as israelis but jews.
Wow are you guys stuck in your own confusion.

anyhow it is common to recruit criminals, but murderers or people who plant bombs for years on the other hand...
That's a completely other issue

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 03:08 PM
I have to say this is one of the strangest worded articles I have ever seen.

An American-born Israeli man, called a terrorist by Israeli police, was indicted Thursday on murder charges despite his attorney's concerns about his mental stability.

It’s almost as if they are trying to say the Israeli police are wrong in calling him a terrorist that his so called mental instability makes him less menacing and accounting.

Teitel sees himself as an emissary of God, who has come to eradicate all the profanities against God, according to Keidar. He said he thinks Teitel needs immediate psychiatric evaluation.

Wow what an understatement yet its hard not to get the impression that both CNN and this man’s attorney would like for his alleged crimes to not be considered terrorism! There is no denying that the mainstream media in this case is playing word games in how it is writing the article and questioning events, which it would not if a ‘politically correct Islamic’ terrorist was involved.

Teitel has admitted to the 1997 shooting of a Palestinian man and the laying of explosive devices -- in addition to other crimes that he was not involved in, including the August shooting attack on a Tel Aviv gay youth club that killed two people, Keidar said.

I love this one he admitted to other crimes he was not involved in. Are they trying to suggest he wasn’t involved in any of the other crimes with this wording? Are they trying to further underscore he isn’t a terrorist in CNN and the writer’s and editors eyes?

Israeli police consider Teitel a terrorist.

Here they go again Israeli police consider Teitel a terrorist but I am distinctly getting the impression CNN doesn’t.

"He was like a serial killer," said Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld "He was deeply involved in terrorism on all different levels."

Is this the real conclusion this amazingly bizarre worded article is trying to lead readers too “He was like a serial killer” not a terrorist? It appears like terrorism but terrorism on different levels?

I wonder if there is any such thing anymore as news that isn’t politicized and sanitized to draw conclusions.

Every Terrorist should be so lucky to get a write up in CNN like this!

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 03:23 PM

Have any of you ever NOT heard of Dr. Rabbi Baruch Goldstein, who murdered 29 Palestinian men in a Hebron Mosque (Cave of the Patriarchs at 5:30am 25 Feb 1994) screaming (in a horrid Brooklyn accented Hebrew dialect !) 'specific verses' from the Torah (Deut. chapter 7, chapter 13 and chapter 20) and also that heinous Scroll of the Book of the Prophet Hezekiel chapters 8 and 9 about 'exterminating them all who face the now mercy...genocide every one...!!'

Of the 12 Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) who SHOULD have been there that morning on guard only 4 showed up--which suggests that at least SOME members of the local Hebron Mosque IDF knew 'that something was going down' that morning...

Now the 'good people of his home town Brooklyn NY' want to erect a statue to this 'Israeli settler' (may his bones be dust)...who was also a Rabbi AND a medical doctor.

Makes one wonder if Brooklyn NY should be examined for schools that teach & promote hate--perhaps the US govt should declare THOSE schuls 'terrorist nests' !!

(Dr. Rabbi Goldstein was a racist-zionist extremist (so-called ultra orthodox (!) protege of that other Rabinnic monster, Rabbi Kehane who thought that 'all Palestinians should be genocided'--and that coming from another Turko-Urkanian Ashkenaz who should have known better than use THAT word, despite the fact that the Torah tells its orthodox subscribers to 'exterminate all the sons of Amalek'...and in other places ('leave NOTHING ALIVE THAT BREATHES, men, women, children, and ANIMALS' cf: Deut chapter 13 and chapter 20) in 'sacred' (!!) unpointed paleo Hebrew too !'

So there are extemists in every religious group, especially the socalled MONOTHEISTIC religions which tend to promote xenophobia and racism as well as sexism (i.e. if you read their own documents !)

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Sigismundus

Why the need to twist certain things? Goldstein was not a rabbi. Extremists groups started to call him rabbi only after the terror act, and it has nothing to do with religion - it means for them that they should learn from what he did.
Thanks God, those groups are tiny minority in Israel so i do not understand why you join them in calling him rabbi.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 04:18 PM
Hi Zero

Yes, it’s very curious why so many people actually call him a Rabbi though--even apparently while he was still alive....

One wonders how much actual formal ‘rabbinic training’ this Dr “Rabbi’ Goldestein actually had although it is well known that he had been descended from a family of Brooklyn born Habad-Lubavitch fanatical racist Rebbes and had attended for a number of years the ultra-orthodox Yeshivah of Flatbush religious day school in Brooklyn NY and also Yeshiva University and then studied medicine at the Albert Einstein Institute---that is, before falling under the spell of another vicious orthodox racist-Lubavitch Rabbi Meir Kahane—

And even though he did not apparently have a formal synagogue of his own, he lived ‘like a Rabbi’ although one shudders to think if that is really a true statement (in fact, most Rabbi’s I know are divided on whether murdering Arabs ‘who face the east’ is actually demanded just because it says so in the Scroll of the Book of the Prophet Hezekiel chapter 9 !)

also: see:

"On April 5, 1994, Israeli radio reported that Rabbi Shimon Ben-Zion had distributed a leaflet among the Kiryat Arba and Hebron settlers requesting financial contributions for a book about "Saint Baruch Goldstein."

On April 6, Yediot Ahronot published the text. The book refers to Goldstein as


"Rabbi Doctor Baruch Goldstein of blessed memory, may G-d avenge his blood soon... the appreciation of Goldstein and the feeling that Jews have a right and duty to kill Gentiles who live in the land of Israel are growing. “
In his March 23, 1994 Haaretz article, Nadav Shraggai discussed the visit of a delegation of all Israeli branches of the Bnei Akiva, the large youth movement affiliated with the NRP, to Kiryat Arba and Hebron, which was then under a curfew selectively applied to its Arab inhabitants.
The purpose of this visit was to "encourage Jewish settlers." Yossi Leibowitz, a settler leader from Hebron, as described by Shraggai, "beaming with satisfaction visible in his face asked the delegation: 'Have you already visited the tomb of holy Rabbi Doctor Baruch Goldstein?'“

The visitors rejected the suggestion but did not utter one word of rebuke to the worshippers of their new ‘saint’. They then had to withstand a flurry of abuse from their local Bnei Akiva comrades who argued that their refusal to pay homage to Rabbi Goldstein amounted to support of the left….a book in praise of Goldstein, titled Blessed the Male, was published in 1995 and sold out through many editions.

Most of the readers were from the religious public. The book contained eulogies of Goldstein and halachic (torah-abiding) justifications for the right of every Jew to kill non-Jews.”

Either way, Baruch Goldstein was a racist monster, and 'an embarassment to all Jews' as was his long time mentor, the founder of the Kach Party, R. Meir Kahane, who was an active Brooklyn born Rebbe living in Israel before his own murder.

May their bones be dust.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

Well I don't know much about this guy whether he was a rabbi or not
I just know that everyone around him called him rabbi

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