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93% pf people think fort hood act of terror????

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Vinveezy

There was no false flag. Just a psychopath on a personal Jihad butchering innocent people for no reason.

Instead of inventing conspiracies where none exist, you should be mourning the dead and speaking out against this evil act.

You either support what he did or you are sickened by his actions. There is no middle ground when it comes to these evil acts against innocent people just going about their day.

I thank God every day I don't live in a Nation where the Jihadists are butchering each other daily. This man was given everything. An excellent education and career paid for by the same people he turned his hate towards. That is the action of a genuine Psychopath. Nothing more.

The poll is right. No amount of propaganda can hide that.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 04:12 PM
As for the initial reports of 3 shooters dressed in black, couldn't just maybe it had been the SECURITY? I know they we're in dark blue clothes. And don't ya think they would have been detained them to give statements of the account?


posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 04:52 PM
So this is what it comes to... We must lable every wack job out there a terrorist is that it? O.k. fine so...what next... NTSB ads posting "If you drink and drive this holiday will get caught and you will be a terrorist!.. If your walking your dog and he takes a crap in public then your an animal fecal terrorist...? Really? this is where we are going because some of you are scared? SCARED STIFF of people who mean America harm?
Get a hold of your self... Do any of you people get what this country is? Forget all the patriot crap for a minute. We live in a country where you go down the wrong street in the inner cities and you get shot.... face it! You get lost up in the mountains and wonder on someones land and you might end up being used in some back woods stew?
Yea...This is America... this is the place where crazy sob's still burn crosses and the Hell's Angels are for real buddy. There are people right here who rape and hack up little kids for crying out loud. There are cults of folks who are waiting to drink some jacked up super fuel that kills them so they can hitch a ride on the next comet they think will take them to another planet? And your scared of people who have got nothing but a terrorist label...cause I tell ya right now terrorist don't scare me. You buncha morons who buy this crap are soccer moms and dads who shiver when Fox news flashes a news crawl about terrorist on their news channel.
Do you people understand what happened to some people in the South after 911?Middle eastern people were dragged out in the street beat the crap out of and their houses burnt. Yea I use to live in the South before I moved to D.C. in 05' As crazy as this country is there is not one country out there who hasn't taken a look at how crazy people are here and said there is NO WAY even if we could we would invade the U.S. ,they know every crazy wack job would come out of the gutters and mountains and straight up turn this place into a living might mare for some terrorist invaders. Some of you better learn your own back yard and your own crazy local religions before you get to scared of other ones...

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 05:03 PM
Since when did you have to belong to a club to be considered a terrorist? This is the most irrational thing I've ever heard. It was an act of terror. So then, the Christians who bombed abortion clinics weren't terrorist either. Guess the KKK are terrorist either. Some people will believe anything they see on tv.

I can understand not taking Fox seriously, but let's not let the Muslim Mafia pull the wool over our eyes.

If you don't know what the muslim mafia is do some research.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 07:24 PM
...... He was a terrorist. However there where def 2 shooters or more but no more then 4. It was planned it wasn't random...... CID and the SGO where not communicating.... thats all I am going to say

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 07:24 PM
It's pretty clear that in order for the terror and fear campaign to continue, the US government has to drop these type of incidents onto our TV screens via the media, occasionally. How else do they keep the general public in their grip and cause them to surrender even more rights and freedoms to the government? Just like the majority of wars, they create their own mess and then show how they bravely go in and fight for our freedoms, etc. etc. It's like a broken record. Granted, there may a possibility that this was a genuine incident, but the probability is pretty slim, given the government's past record and well known agenda.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 07:32 PM
The gullibility of the American people should surprise no one... Two terms of Bush and the election of Obama alone have proven that.

If they wanted to make you believe that Godzilla attacked Fort Hood they could do it. At least 45% of you would be willing to believe it just because it was on CNN.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 08:00 PM
You people are not listening

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Vinveezy

Also Allah Akbar doesn't even have any major meaning to the Muslims.

and i still do have faith in the eye witnesses.

Why don't u talk about how it goes agents the q'uran to take a Innocent life? i mean he is such a Muslim right? why do the ONE thing which WILL get you a ticket to hell?

"The takbīr or takbeer (تَكْبِير) is the Arabic name for the phrase Allāhu Akbar, الله أكبر. Usually translated "God is [the] greatest," it is a common Islamic Arabic expression, and is used as both an informal expression of faith and as a formal declaration."

This phrase is recited by Muslims in numerous different situations. For example, when they are happy or wish to express approval, when they want to praise a speaker, during battles, and even during times of extreme stress or euphoria.

The phrase is said during each stage of both obligatory prayers, which are supposed to be performed five times a day, and supererogatory prayers, which are performed at will. The Muslim call to prayer, or adhan, and to commence the prayer, or iqama, also contains the phrase, which is heard in cities all over the Muslim world. Utterances in the Prayer.

The phrase "Allahu Akbar" is written on the center of the flag of Iraq, 22 times along the borders of the central white stripe on the flag of Iran, and beneath the Shahadah in the 2004 draft constitution of Afghanistan in white script on the central red background.

Takbir - Wikipedia

To those saying things like "this had to have been planned", it was. Whether you believe it was a CIA, MI6, Mossad, ISI operation or simply a lone gunman, it does seem like planning was involved. However, I do not see how something being planned out beforehand constitutes a false flag operation. Do you believe the gunman would have been able to kill as many people as he did if he had no plan or method in place before the killings started? The guy is obviously mentally disturbed, but from reports he seems capable and intelligent enough to pull off something like this.

[edit on 12/11/2009 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by blackpheonix
...... He was a terrorist. However there where def 2 shooters or more but no more then 4. It was planned it wasn't random...... CID and the SGO where not communicating.... thats all I am going to say

Thanks for sharing, James Bond

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by Vinveezy

Oh but I DO agree it was an act of terrorism!!
Our government up to its old tricks again!

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by tsloan

It would appear that some of our representatives think that they are our owners, and they really ARE above the law, both in Court, and in reguards to 'Law Enforcement'. People like Piglosi are labeling patriots as Tea Baggers, and Terrorists already, because only people who agree that communism is the new American way are really Americans, or patriots. She is an embodiment of the reason why we have the 2nd Amendment.To protect ourselves from Reids and Piglosis. And Kenyans. I certainly hope that the courts actuallly do the legal thing, but it would clearly be an exception, and probably an accident. But God can do it in spite of their worst intentions. Relax, He has already won the war, and NOTHING Lucifer or his Nephalim descendants can do will change that.

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