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Maine Repeals Gay Marraige Law

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posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:54 PM

They had far more money and volunteers, and geography was on their side, given that New England has been more accepting of same-sex marriage than any other region of the country. Yet gay rights supporters suffered a crushing loss when voters decided to repeal Maine’s new law allowing gay men and lesbians to wed, setting back a movement that had made remarkable progress nationally this year.

Why are people still so vehemently opposed to gay marriage? The whole sanctity of marraige argument doesn't make any sense. How does another couples marriage effect the legitimacy of your own?

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:30 PM
I'm at a loss. This is so sad.

Or...this is so indicative of vote-tampering...

One or the other.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

It is not vote tampering. It is the will of the people being expressed. It is not like this hasn't happened before it has lost the other 30 times it was up for a vote. So right now gay marriage is running a big 0-31when you let the people vote on it.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by HotSauce

Well that can't be right... At least one time there was a win for those who would like the same considerations in society that other loving couples can take advantage of.

So it can't be 31-0...I'm just thinking...

EDIT to add: Can you prove there was no vote tampering?

[edit on 11/5/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Well the burden is on you to find proof that this has ever won in a statewide election when it was put up for a statewide vote.

Plus this whole topic has been covered HERE already.

EDIT TO ADD: Can you prove there is vote tampering?

[edit on 5-11-2009 by HotSauce]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by HotSauce

Nope, but I gave an "either/or." You stated in absolute terms. I figured you had proof.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Wel then my proof would be that since there are no calls for an investigation into vote tampering in Maine and there is no investingation on vote tampering in Maine then there is proof that there is no vote tampering in Maine.

God knows as fit throwing as the gays are in this country tht if there was even a hint they would be screaming it from every roof top.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by The Transhumanist

Why are people still so vehemently opposed to gay marriage

Because a person is smart.

People are dumb, stupid, ignorant, panicky, moronic animals and we all know it.

Also - because all it takes is to get a group of "people" to think that someone is against them and they'll huddle together into "my team" pairs and battle it out



So they all band together to mumble in a dark corner about how queers suck ass, and their own religion rules...all behind the facade of "SAVE THE CHILDREN"

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:51 PM
i dont see the sadness...

rather i see democracy in action...

sorry to those that thought it would fly, i knew it wouldnt though.

i really dont care one way or the other. but looks like when the left pushes the right on too many issues, the right comes out of the woodwork and cuts off everything the right thought they were going to get.

all of these socialists programs have awaken a firestorm.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:56 PM
I don't really think vote tampering was an issue. I think there is still just way too much prejudice. This is a case where it shouldn't be up to the states. The President should be able to give rights to groups of oppressed people without the say of prejudice homophobic voters. This is a clear case of the democratic process failing the American people.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by The Transhumanist

This is a clear case of the democratic process failing the American people.

I agree with your point, but disagree with the wording here.

The democratic process worked

It was just misused and exploited to push a bigoted, fearful, ignorant, agenda.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 04:02 PM
Actually, I think most Americans wouldn't care about this issue one way or the other. I have spoken to many people about this over the years and the most common answer is "if they want to get married and be as miserable as the rest of us, more power to em!".

The reason these votes go sour is because the religious coalitions out there are very good at scare tactics, such as what Snarf illustrated. They can take an indifferant neutral person and make them into a scared homophobic monkey with the right placement of words.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 04:04 PM
Technically it worked, but clearly homosexuals are disenfranchised. Could you imagine if the right for interracial couples was repealed like that one preacher wanted? Why does marriage even have such a sanctimonious connotation to begin with? It's not like there aren't secular marriages in this country. Doesn't that infringe on the sanctity of marriage as well?

[edit on 5-11-2009 by The Transhumanist]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 04:04 PM
This is a duplicate thread to this one:

So why isn't it beng closed by the mods?

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 04:11 PM

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 06:01 PM
Are the voters of Maine "vehemently" opposed to same sex marriage, just because they oppose it? I am pro same sex marriage, and I would be insulted if someone considered me vehemently pro same sex marriage just because I support it or vote for it.

I realize the Democrat Party is basically pro gay marriage and the Republican party it basically anit gay marriage. Um. Democrat Party, this is democracy at work, yes?

So, anyway, go lick your wounds, pro gay marriage folks, and try again. And for Pete's sake, lose the militant and insulting antics that bring a lot of negative attention to your cause. There's an old saying that goes like this: You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.

Doesn't Maine have both U.S. senators who are Republicans? I might be wrong. But I think this is so. That tells you something about the people of Maine. The Senators are moderate, for sure. If one thinks the folks of Maine are ready for same sex marriage, um.....wouldn't it be more like both senators were Democrats? Just wondering.

Even California voters rejected same sex marriage. Wow. I was astonished at that outcome.

I think it's quite evident that people usually don't embrace a great change immediately. Change takes time in the hearts and minds of people. That is unless one would just want to ram the change down people's throats, so to speak.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 07:13 PM
What does not vehemently pro gay marriage mean? You support it when you feel like it? This is really an all or nothing issue.

Yes it is generally seen as a democrat/republican issue but it really comes down to a religious/secular issue. We don't need to drag partisanship into this.

Didn't the civil rights movement attempt to "ram change down America's throat?"

Does that mean it was the wrong way of doing things? I can't blame people for demanding rights now rather than biding their time.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by The Transhumanist

Didn't the civil rights movement attempt to "ram change down America's throat?"

Does that mean it was the wrong way of doing things? I can't blame people for demanding rights now rather than biding their time.

uhm i think you missed the point on that one.

the right to marry, is not the same as right to freedom to be.

gays didn't have to sit at the back of the bus
gays didn't get crosses burned on their yards
their daughters raped
their sons murdered
their houses burned

for wanting to attend school and vote and live like a normal person.

aren't gays so dramatic..

just try again next time.

i just don't get it why gays want the right to "marry", so bad. the word is used for a religious purpose. in that religion you would go to the place down below for being gay to start with.

why not just call it civil partnership or something with the same benefits.

i don't try to weasel my way into other clubs or groups and call myself by one of their terms and then cry that its not fair that i cant be, because i don't follow any of their rules....

its kind of the same thing.

i guess an argument for you (because i like to play fair
) is that marriage itself is already tainted, because there are many atheists getting married already.

if you are going to use the religion argument for keeping gays out, then you should keep atheists out too. i just see a double standard that they use this as their argument when it suits their needs.

i really dont care one way or the other. its mostly a non-issue for me. i have gay friends, and i want them to be happy, but also dont see why marriage is the only way they will be happy.

wouldnt a rose by another name smell just as sweet?

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:05 PM

gays didn't have to sit at the back of the bus gays didn't get crosses burned on their yards their daughters raped their sons murdered their houses burned

The KKK targeted homosexuals as well. Gays have been through almost as many hardships as any other minority group. They weren't legally segregated so that makes all the other hatred ok? Wasn't there a story just a month or two ago about a boy who committed suicide because he was harassed so much by his classmates for being gay? So Gays weren't slaves. Maybe they didn't have it AS hard as blacks. But that doesn't make any of the hatred even remotely acceptable and it certainly doesn't make your separate but equal argument stand up.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by The Transhumanist

Wow. People are saying blacks have it worse because there used to be slavery?

Are you kidding me?

Hello. Slavery was abolished. It doesn't exist any more.

Gay people are still told, by our government, that "You are less than a real human being"

Thats right, our US government.

The same US government that said black people should be treated equally, but had them as slaves anyways.

The same US government that then freed the slaves, making them "equals"

A government that says black people have more rights than gay people.

So seriously - drop the slavery thing. It's been over for longer than anyone alive today, has ever lived in their life.

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