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United Nations Launches Investigation of Human Rights Abuses in the United States

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posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Yes, but that is not the point. The point is that the UN, and this woman do not care about the problems of the U.S, they only care to use these problems to give power to the UN over the US. That is my point.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

That won't happen, not if Obama wants to be re elected.

I wouldn't want to be the President that allowed the UN tell us how we should operate our cities.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Instead of bashing the president and the UN How about you tell us what you proport to do to clean up this catastrophe and human rights mess that is very real? How about coming up with solutions instead of knocking everybody else's down?

How about instead of spending more money than in any other presidential inauguration, or giving money to rich bankers, or to other rich elitists to bail their companies, why not use that money to KEEP AMERICANS WORKING?....

How about keeping factories that were hiring thousands of Americans still open, instead of demanding for new types of cars to be built, more so since we do not have such factories to build such cars, and because of these sort of demands factories have been closed, and the rich who the Obama administration bailed closed down their factories even when these companies were given billions of dollars....

Or how about instead of sending millions, and billions of dollars to other countries now, meanwhile the U.S. is in a about spending that money IN the U.S.?...

But anyway, you missed the point of my thread..... The UN, and it is clear by now that also the Obama administration don't give a rat's behind about poor people, or the middle class which is also struggling these days...

This is just another ruse being used to allow the UN to control the U.S., that is all this is for... They are never going to solve any problems...

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Oh but I'm sure you have a nice cushy residence and lots of money burning your pockets, so what do you care, as long as you're happy. Right? That's the problem with you people, all full of complaints but not an ounce of any type of thoughts or ideas to change an unfair system in the least. I get so sick of threads like this, go crawl back into bed.

And you are that naive that you believe this move by the UN is going to solve problems in the U.S?....

I am sick and tired of people like yourself, too idealistic that you have never known, or experienced the truth of the world, and you think that your idealistic "Socialist" ways can solve all problems....

I was born in a Communist nation, and I know what being poor is.... I also know what it is like to live in a truly Socialist nation.... I lived in a nation where since the beginning of the "revolution" there was a rationing which the elitist Communists thought was all we needed to survive, which wasn't much. There are no fat Cubans for a reason, unless they are Communist elite, and it is not because we exercise everyday.....

I also lived in Spain, when my parents and I, and thanks to family in Spain and in the U.S., we were able to escape Communist Cuba.

In Spain my parents and I have lived for years in an attic which had a plastic roof, and I very well remember the cold winters of Spain.

My mother used to hang the clothes she had to wash by hand right by our beds, and in the morning the clothes were covered in ice, and frozen. I have also spent Christmas alone and without gifts, since my parents had to work from 8 am until 1 am every day, including holidays just to afford the attic, and food, and some clothes.

Not to mention that since i was a foreigner, i wasn't very welcomed by most kids in Spain, except a few who became my friends, but since there was always one spaniard kid or another who wanted to pick a fight "with the Cuban" my parents had to move me from school to school, and in general I went to 6 different schools in Spain in 9 years that I lived there.

I have had to fight against "gitanos" that would try to steal my lunch money, and since they couldn't win one on one they would attack me in groups.

I have had to fight, and sometimes run from older kids trying to steal from me in Spain 5 times, and my own father had to fight twice against would be robbers in Spain who were trying to steal his motorcicle, which was nothing fancy nor expensive, but it was the cheapest way for him to get to work. And of course, most of those robbers were drug addicts that only wanted more money for the next fix, and then there are those Americans that want the United States to legalize drugs, just so the U.S. can become just like another Socialist, drug addict European nation....

We came to the states 20 years ago, in July 1989, and since then have lived most of my life in apartments, and only about 9 years ago were my parents able to afford a townhouse, which is not that big, meanwhile I was in the U.S. Navy in aircrew/AW. Everything that i have now, I got it through hard work...even my college degree, which my parents did not pay for because they couldn't...

So trust me, i did not grow up in riches, nor was I ever spolied, like most liberals have been, and yes i know SOME liberals were not spoiled but most seem to act like spoiled children.....

[edit on 27-10-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 02:06 AM
Affordable housing a basic human right?

I know a million people who died of starvation on this planet that would have been happy with a fricken biscuit every day- never mind the housing. Even a dirt bed feels good with something, ANYTHING in the stomach.

And besides, did anyone bother to define "affordable?" Affordable to who? The homeless? The jobless? Or affordable to the vets that gave everything they had when they were "used?"

I'm with you, EU. This is some stupid ploy and attempted power grab. Ridiculous!

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Yeah, it is a joke, and the worse part is, as you can see by the response before yours, and mine, that there are Americans who think this will solve any problems....

[edit on 27-10-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Instead of bashing the president and the UN How about you tell us what you proport to do to clean up this catastrophe and human rights mess that is very real? How about coming up with solutions instead of knocking everybody else's down? Oh but I'm sure you have a nice cushy residence and lots of money burning your pockets, so what do you care, as long as you're happy. Right? That's the problem with you people, all full of complaints but not an ounce of any type of thoughts or ideas to change an unfair system in the least. I get so sick of threads like this, go crawl back into bed.

YOU ! have got to be freakin kiddin me, I have worked since 9 years old at doing one thing or another to make my own money, whether it be delivering papers or dozens of other jobs, I've built, read that again in caps..."BUILT" my life.... because I AM ABLE.
Fate and Destiny are not the same, one youre born into one you create.
So by your logic we should ALL have evrything we want or need?
Those that work hard and those that do nothing should have the same?
"You People"? =work hard and create your life people?
"Money in your pocket people"? = Earned every penny people?
"Catastrophe"? The catastrophe is that too many people think like YOU.
"Unfair System"?= You mean life's not fair to you? No Chit? You mean it hasnt turned out like they showed you in the brochure? You mean the less you do the less you get, not the other way around?
"Human Rights"? the rights to housing? housing? you have the right to a home? given to you? you have that right?
You best pack your stuff up and head to where that's even possible, and when you get there let me know your address I'll send you a house warming gift.
"Full of complaints"? Offer no solutions"? You seem to have all the answers buried in code somewhere in your post because I do see them as being obvious!
You had better crawl back into bed along with whatever Psycotropic you obviously stopped taking or were ordered to take but havent started yet.
You as the rest of us, have the opportunity of time and effort, applied to our own lives, to do as you want, to build it as you want, to earn as you want, we have no rights to aquire, to own.
Just reading your crap and insults is disturbing.
CONSUMPTION without CONTRIBUTION is living with the idea of ENTITLEMENT.
If i want a trailer or a tent or a 4 thousand square foot home so be it,

WORK FOR IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

freakin people better get a clue.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

Don't worry about it. Some people are too spoiled for their own good, and then think that the fantasies their parents told them as kids are reality...

This sort of people have no idea what reality is, and unfortunately there are too many of these sort of people around which are part of the problem.

This sort of people are so naive that they can't even realize that this is just a ruse to control the U.S.

Obviously people like her have no idea what "sovereignty" means.

The UN doesn't CARE at all about Human Rights, they just use their power as an excuse to try to control other nations, meanwhile the nations where real human rights do not exist are avoided by the UN ike a plague.

[edit on 27-10-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:27 PM
"United Nations Launches Investigation of Human Rights Abuses in the United States"

Does this surprise anyone? Whether from the US or otherwise? Do people think that the US has become some sort of Shangri-La? Katrina was fairly recent and resulted in massive abuse to be human beings in the US....some stilll being abused.

Abuses happen daily and in all 50 states. I'm sure the United Nations will report on whatever they are told to report on.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy
Abuses happen daily and in all 50 states. I'm sure the United Nations will report on whatever they are told to report on.

....This has nothing to do with Katrina, or any other sort of disaster......

This is about the UN claiming that the U.S. is guilty of gross human Right abuses because there is not enough affordable housing.....

Please do read what is being discussed because it is obvious you didn't.

This woman that is being sent to some places aorund the U.S. is from Brazil, which has a lot worse problems with "affordable housing" among other things...yet the UN hasn't claimed that Brazil is in gross violation of Human Rights....

The same, and worse is happening in toher countries, including many members of the UN, yet they are doing it to the U.S. only.

This is being used as an excuse for the UN to meddle in, and to control the U.S. with their laws, and rules about "affordable housing", and "housing being a Human Right."

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 08:17 PM
What do you want to bet they will claim that we are abusing illegals because that are living 20 to 25 (5 to 6 families) to a house and that we deport them when they are caught or complain.
I know this happens because my brother works for the phone company in Los Vegas NV and has to repair, install, or disconnect the phone lines in these homes.
He said there are over 1000 of these homes in Los Vegas that the phone company knows about.(the phone company can not by law report these homes) and while the men and some women in these homes work some of the non working women use these phone lines for telemarketing and scams.

He found one home with 10 families living on the property
It was a 4 bedroom home with a family living in each bedroom, An another 2 families living in the garage (someone had put up a wall to make 2 spaces)and two more families living in old travel trailers in the back yard and the last 2 families living in a tents in the back yard. and they had 8 phone lines to the property. he said it was strange to try to run a phone line to a tent.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 10:14 PM
I'd like to add that:

If UN troops came to the USA as "peacekeepers", they would get their behinds kicked out by patriotic Americans faster than a suburban nerd gets robbed in the Bronx. In fact, it might be entertaining to watch.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

As I said in my first post, considering the fact that this comes on the heels of a "mess" that our Government CREATED in the first place, there will be a lot of Americans who think this is a good thing...

Let the UN come in and fix it.
Sure, why not? The American Government can't (won't).

They are very crafty in the way they pursue these things. People will lap it up.

Obama: "Thanks for the Peace Prize, guys. I really appreciate it. In fact, how about you guys go ahead and take over the American Housing industry!"

This along with the watershed stuff about to be given to the UN and you are going to see a UN that controls every aspect of development in the US.

Bravo guys! Welcome them with open arms!
Nevermind the fact that they are nothing more than an international banking cartel.
Apparently we can't get enough of it. *Bends over and applies lube*

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 12:04 AM
The UN IS the US these days, isn't it?

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

....This has nothing to do with Katrina, or any other sort of disaster......

This is about the UN claiming that the U.S. is guilty of gross human Right abuses because there is not enough affordable housing.....

Please do read what is being discussed because it is obvious you didn't.

Why don't you calm down? I read the OP and thread and posted what I felt like posting on subject. Did I miss something? Are you the thread Nazi here?

How about I post what I want and you post what you want? Isn't that how an open forum works?

The US has had blatant disregard for human rights ever since the US began. Fact. The UN wants to do something about it? Good luck...

[edit on 28-10-2009 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 06:44 AM
None of you complain when the UN sticks it's nose into other countries, but nooo when it's the USA you don't like it.

It's called the United Nations, not the United Nations except the United States.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by Kram09

None of you complain when the UN sticks it's nose into other countries, but nooo when it's the USA you don't like it.

Amen. I wish I could do more than give you a star. We spend an assload of money each year to help people in third world countries defend their rights while we keep people down in our own country. That makes sense to some of you?

[edit on 28-10-2009 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

To me this is just another excuse to allow for the UN to have more control over the U.S., and the Obama administration, and President Obama himself have already agreed to this takeover by the UN.

?? Take over by the UN? Really? When the UN takes control of the FED, that's when I'll give a rats ass and believe me, I will be on the side of the UN. The FED runs this country...period.

The problem in the US is that too much of the money is in the hands of too few. Impossible to have democracy in such a situation. Impossible. Let's blame the UN.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Kram09
None of you complain when the UN sticks it's nose into other countries, but nooo when it's the USA you don't like it.

It's called the United Nations, not the United Nations except the United States.

Well, sorry to break it to you but the UN has no business in dictating any laws because of "not enough affordable housing" when you have dozens, and dozens of countries with MUCH worse "affordable housing" problems, including Brazil, the country from where this UN worker is from...

BTW this has nothing to do with NUCLEAR WEAPONS.....this is about the claims from the UN that the U.S. has gross Human right violations because of "not enough affordable housing"...

Oh, and of course where are you from if I might ask?

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

Amen. I wish I could do more than give you a star. We spend an assload of money each year to help people in third world countries defend their rights while we keep people down in our own country. That makes sense to some of you?

How in the world is that of any relation to the claims that the U.S. is in gross human right violations FOR NOT HAVING ENOUGH AFFORDABLE HOUSING, when in most of the world affordable housing is 100 times worse yet nothing is being done about hose countries....

Are you that naive to think this is going to solve any problems in the U.S?....

Can't you see this has NOTHING to do with the UN trying to help the U.S., but instead it just gives over the U.S. sovereignty over to the UN?...

[edit on 4-11-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

?? Take over by the UN? Really? When the UN takes control of the FED, that's when I'll give a rats ass and believe me, I will be on the side of the UN. The FED runs this country...period.

The problem in the US is that too much of the money is in the hands of too few. Impossible to have democracy in such a situation. Impossible. Let's blame the UN.

Obviously you haven't noticed that every Obama administration official is an advocate of giving control of the U.S. over to the UN, and BTW, who do you think the FEDs are?....

Ben Bernanke might be the chairman, but who is really behind it if not rich elites? And what are some of the plans of these rich elites?... We discuss this almost everyday in these forums and we have evidence of what is going on....

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