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Doppelgangers??? anyone had any experience ?

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posted on May, 18 2004 @ 04:31 PM
Figure this is the best heading to fit this into! I have had at least 3 situations now where I have seen my doppelganger, it is really freaky, you get a very weird sensation and you seem to look at the doppelganger like a magnetic attraction, the look on my doubles face seem to indicate he was having the same feeling. lol, Well the second time this happened my girlfriend was with me and she was just as stunned as I was, btw so was my doppelganger because he saw us too. Just wondered if anyone else had any thoughts, theories, or experience in this matter. thanks

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by Mindsmog]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 04:34 PM
Why don't you talk to this person? Are you sure that you are not his doppelganger?

As for another me...that just can't happen. The world can only take one of me. Solution: steel cage death match.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 04:35 PM
I know nothing of this subject. How does it work? Does he just walk into a room? Or just materializes? Do you see him walking down the street? Can you talk to him? How do you know who is the original you?

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 06:01 PM
ive never heard

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 06:16 AM
well I had hoped for some serious discussion , but never mind.... as for talking to this other me, its always a situation where we are travelling in opposite directions, and to be honest to turn round follow the person and risk looking and acting like a weirdo i dont think its worth it, I have read doppelgangers are in a lot of myths and legends , some say its bad luck or an omen of death, but I dont believe superstition there is maybe a scientific explanation or theory.... like an alternate reality timeline briefly coinciding. It isn't just seeing yourself its the feeling of terror you get that accompanies it, thats what makes me think this situation is not normal, we have all seen people who may look like us but we as individuals are the best people to know if someone looks like us, as we see ourselves all the time albeit in a mirror reverse. Guess no-one else has had any experience of this then

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 06:30 AM
about 17 years ago I was told by several people that there was a girl that looked exactly like me living in the next town, and a few times I had people stop me and think I was someone else, say hello and then awkardly make there excuses when it became obvious that I didn't know who they were. My look-a-like and I must have changed in different ways over the years though because it doesn't happen now. I would have liked to have come face to face with her, just to check her out. Perhaps I should have dug deeper to find out who she was all those years ago.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:54 AM
I once read an interesting article about a woman who met her doppelganger, and it turned out to be a twin sister she didnt know about lol, not saying that is the case for me or for you pantha btw, but you never know, nothing can be ruled out .. You said the other person must have changed... well maybe they moved out of the area, you never know! oh well maybe we will never know now eh pantha

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 10:41 PM
I have heard of a person htat just looks like me and have been told that I always just miss him. At first I thought it was people just joking with me, but then it starting happening with many people.

I wish I could of seen the fella!
Strange world!

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 05:00 AM
That's interesting to hear, A lot of people I have spoken to have said the same thing, but just brushed it off thinking it was just them, However, the more people I speak to the more say exactly that Areyouforreal. Would be interesting to know if we all had doubles ,one theory of mine was it could be like a time distortion or alternate dimension thing, I know that sounds a little far fetched, but so can my imagination sometimes

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 05:26 AM
I never saw mine face to face but I have had the same thing as pantha in that a bunch of my friends and even my wife have seen mine. Also people coming up to me and start taking like they know me.

posted on May, 30 2004 @ 04:40 PM
I think originality is your soul.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 04:03 AM
My Grandparents took a holiday in Italy a few years back and whilst at a bar they were so sure that a person sitting at a table near them was me they nearly spoke out to him. Tney didn't have a camera but apparently it was my twin. Wierd.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 04:31 AM
A doppleganger can just be someone who looks like you, or it can also actually be you , somehow projected to another place in the world, for example, if you were in grave danger, you may somehow be able to project your self to someone as a sign that you need help.
Another definition of a doppleganger, is a spirit that is supposed to follow us around, but always be just out of sight.
I think that the experiences that people have had on this thread are just down to lookalikes.

here is a link to a story about someone who's doppleganger was of the third type that I described.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 01:00 PM
There's supposed to be a bloke at the same university as me who's my double, I've never seen him personally but a friend of mine reckon I'm his evil twin. To be honest, some people look like others, it happens.

posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 03:01 PM
Hi everyone, I've had a similar thing happent o me. I live in a smalish town in the north-west of England, numerous times have ppl said "I saw u before Jack" and i wasnt even close to where they said they saw me. Anyway last week i came out of college and my mum was in the car across the road lookin kinda worried so i hurried over and banged on the window and asked how are u. she said she could swear she just saw me get in somone else's car and drive down the road. The lad who looks like me supposidly had the same clothes on. Well that freaked me out every couple of months freidns would say they'd seen me in like iwerd places and i'd never even been near them.......just a thought but maybe there's more to these doubles of us than meets the eye, maybe the gov is trying to secretly get rid of us for some reason

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 10:44 PM
I'm pretty sure everyone has had that occasion where someone has stopped them and asked "Do I know you?" or "Haven't I seen you before?" I don't really think it's Doppelgangers per se, but probably just people who have a similar facial structure. I've seen plenty of people who look like people on TV and what not.

There are only so many facial strutures in the human race and your bound to come across some that look similar. It's not uncommon. It would be quite uncommon though to have a real Doppelganger haunt you because to my knowledge they are basically just your evil twin of unknown or spiritual (as in ghostly) origin.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 11:51 PM
Friend of mine in college, when we first met, told me about a guy in his home town of Clam Lake, Wisconsin (a real place, I've been there) who looks just like me. Later he showed me a picture of the guy. He could have been my twin. It was eerie. Since then I haven't been told of any other lookalikes, though some friends in Chicago recently told me they saw someone who looks like he could be my older brother.

I figure that there are plenty of people who look similar, if not exactly alike. It's just that there are so bloody many of us that the odds of ever encountering a doppleganger are very slim.

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 02:20 PM
No... I've never seen anyone that was my double, but I once saw a woman who looked just like my deceased grandmother, If she had a twin, I would swear this woman was her. I only saw her once at the apartments where I lived. I wonder if anyone else saw her???? Can these doppelgangers take on the appearance of a deceased person???

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 08:53 PM
I was recently watching tv and saw a woman cheering for Kerry, actually she was sitting on the podium behind him and it was pretty shocking, she was like an identical twin, wrinkle for wrinkle, same length and color hair too. I called my Mom and told her. She was shocked as well when she turned the tv on. Its really weird to see someone who looks identical to yourself.

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 10:31 PM
I haven't seen anyone that looks exactly like me. Although teachers do confuse my one friend and I quite frequently.

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