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posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:34 PM
I’m studying the dates of the predicted events a long time ago, along with other conspiracies, such as the H1N1 and its vaccine. We’re seeing how the NWO is intending to force us to vaccinate, we’re seeing how desperately they’re trying to sell their killer vaccine and what is worse, all of as at ATS knows what for they’re really up to.

And I’ve made a conclusion, which is raised from one question: Why they’re hurrying so much? Why an organization which is always was obsessed by numbers, made various actions with great precisions, such as 9/11, why they’re in a great hurry suddenly?

By my opinion as they’re obsessed with their numbers, right now as the H1N1 vaccine is faced with great resistance, we clearly can see they’re trying everything to achieve their mass depopulation project.

We read many theories about upcoming nuclear attack in D.C. (Somewhere between October 11 and 25). We ready many theories about 2012. We also read 2009 will be the beginning, the start of all events of 2012. What is happening if everything is connecting well together? What is happening if with one great resistance, what with the help of the conspirators the world achieving right now against the H1N1, we can crush their plans? They’re obsessed with deadlines. They’re obsessed with numbers. And until this time they never hurried, they never were desperate… until now.

They’re working for a deadline and if our major conspiracies are true, the final deadline is December 21, 2012. But that date is depending on various other dates, such as 2009 and the others between this date and 2012.

By my opinion, if we’re working well together, if we’ll be capable to resist for a little more, we can cause a great mess in their plans as we did with their great H1N1 depopulation project. If we can keep up this job for a little more, we can win against them.

They always have a deadline. They’re fascinated by numbers. They’re fascinated by their own precision. They always have a date to create false flags, to create events to bring their own false prophecies true. They’re always making everything for a date. But if we can hold their projects back even just with a week, or even with a day and kill their deadlines, if we can make a similar resistance what we conspirators achieved with H1N1, tell the truth to the people and hold them back to kill their deadlines, they’ll panic and turn to desperate as they’re doing now with their H1N1 vaccines. If we can achieve this, I believe we can take them down once and for all.

Could you gather the deadlines into this topic, regardless they're hoax, false flag and others. Up from 2009 to 2012. With that, we can see what for they're preparing. With the deadlines we might be able to see the big picture. And remember. If we step something, they must step something. We make something against them directly, we already force them to change their plans.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Sharrow

Your thread just made me see something I didnt before, let me see if I can help show you


posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:56 AM
First of all, no one is trying to force anyone to have the H1N1 vaccine, except for schoolchildren. Requiring schoolchildren to be vaccinated before being allowed into school is a common occurrence that has been going on at least since I was a kid (a long time ago). It's nothing new. There is no deadline.

As for the other stuff, probably not. For all the hype, NWO appears to be little more than a pipe dream of some people, or a bugbear for others. I just haven't seen it. If there is any such NWO conspiracy, they're dreadfully incompetent.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by Sharrow
we’re seeing how desperately they’re trying to sell their killer vaccine and

People make mistakes when they get desperate.

Originally posted by Sharrow
And I’ve made a conclusion, which is raised from one question: Why they’re hurrying so much?

Because they know their destruction is at hand. The curtain has been pulled back; some people have come clean and leaked information. Some have diligently studied to put the pieces together and present them. Many people have done a lot of research and documentation. The masses know too much and the evil can't hide their sinister plans anymore.

Originally posted by Sharrow
Why an organization which is always was obsessed by numbers, made various actions with great precisions, such as 9/11, why they’re in a great hurry suddenly?

Perhaps they have always been on a deadline. Perhaps they were over-confident they could pull off their evil plans. Now they are pulling out every card they have; every alternative move that they could think of. They are down to the dregs.

Originally posted by Sharrow
we can crush their plans?

We were told that we have power over the serpents. So yes, we can crush their plans.

Originally posted by Sharrow
And until this time they never hurried, they never were desperate… until now.

They’re working for a deadline and if our major conspiracies are true, the final deadline is December 21, 2012. But that date is depending on various other dates, such as 2009 and the others between this date and 2012. we can crush their plans?

By the way, Ian Lungold, before he died, said the date of Dec. 21, 2012 was no longer valid and that "due to acceleration" the end date was recalculated to Oct. 2011. Not that I put any validity into the propaganda of the illuminati children....I just think it was another tip of the hand and a revelation of desperation.

Originally posted by Sharrow
By my opinion, if we’re working well together, if we’ll be capable to resist for a little more, we can cause a great mess in their plans

Endure and commit.
Also, something intriguing is that there is a scriptural passage that says that the end "time will be shortened" for the sake of the elect. Now, I am not sure what all that means except may those who are diligent to expose truth will foil the plans and the evil ones will run out of time to execute what they intended.

Originally posted by Sharrow
They always have a date to .... to create events to bring their own false prophecies true.

These "false prophecies" actually seem to be scripted battleplans that have been used before at different times throughout history.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 02:40 AM
The one single biggest thing that has led to the continuing downfall of these "elites" is the internet, and Forums such as this one.

They now know they cannot win, everyone is wise to their game plan.
All they can do now is try to take the entire world down with them.

They would love to control the internet, or destroy it, but they cannot.

I honestly believe the internet is being protected by a higher force giving the good guys a chance to counter and fight back the lies and deceptions of the bad guys.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 07:06 AM
Yup. Internet is their downfall. It was created by them to control the mass, but it's became a loose cannon for our luck. They may try to bring everyone down with themselves, but they're too weak to do that.

chiron613. Actually I believe there is a deadline. Just check the news. Many NWO occupied government are hurrying to get the vaccine, even if it's not tested. They're in a rush, so I believe, yes, they also have a deadline for it.

So, could anyone provide some dates?

RjKon. Yeah. 11 is in H1N1. Eleven is a number what they like to use.

[edit on 9-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 07:33 PM
Many different sources are predicting something 'big' on October 25th.

Webbot and Timewave Zero both predict very bad things for the 25th-26th.

In my opinion it will either be a bank holiday or attack on Iran.

Either way - it is going to be a rough ride for the next three years.

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