Last night i had an old friend visit me that i hadnt seen in a long time.
This old friends name is RAGE...
I didnt ever think i would see him again....
Last night while watching my propaganda machine and flipping from one major news network to the next, I was hearing the same terrible dirge some demented mantra....
#1 Nick Berg gave out his email address to some one who gave it to a terrorist. (equating in the minds of the populace that he is really no more
than a terrorist)
#2 Nick Berg was offered a plane ride out of the country.
( yep ...he sure was ....but do you think they offered him a safe ride to the airport down RPG alley.??....No they didnt.)
#3 Nick Berg was carrying a copy of the quaran.....( My god he is definitely a terrorist sympathizer now) How convenient
#4 Nick Berg was traveling alone.....Yep he should have at least some armed guards or a couple of friends with him .....( what a fool hardy young
man)...sarcasm.(he had it coming....didnt he?)
This went on for hours and i heard all this with some other nice excuses made up for the reason he no longer has a head......but you know what ????
Never once in theese hours of channel flipping did i hear of any of the inconsistincies in the time line or the video or the emails sent by the u.s
consulate to Nicks parents.
It didnt matter what station i watched....never once were they how convenient.
This is when my old friend paid me a visit a most unusual form , at least thats not how he used to visit me in the past ....RAGE ,in the past
would build slowly to a crescendo.....but this time it was like it crashed thru a flood gate ......for a second i almost embraced my old friend and
said lets do some of the things we used to do.!!!
But knowing my old friends penchance to see me destroy my self , i quickly put the kaibosh on him and sent him packing with the help of some new
There is not one of you here on ATS who i do not hold the upmost respect for fact in years past i held grudges against many and have forgiven
all....even the most heinous humans who populate this planet....the feeling was quite liberating and it felt like id dropped a 1000 lbs i was carrying
on my back....
Now is the time for those of you who take any source of news from mainstream media and mouth it as the whole truth to stop doing it ....
No one will point to your mistakes of the past and you will be welcomed home as a brother or sister.
AP or REUTERS are utterly unreliable and promoting the worst propaganda....(Reuters...sounds like something you solve with an anal suppository doesnt
it ?) They are making Joseph Goebbels look like a date with little Mary Sunshine.
They flush there # down the proverbial toilet and the reporters get there skewed version of events ...cover them selves in this fecal matter and then
proceed to run it up the flag pole to see who salutes.
I hear time and again people bash grass roots news sources here and in other places as being unreliable ...but you know what ???
Thats where the real news reporting is done by people in the field .....real reporters ....not mouth pieces who sit behind a computer or a desk and
relay the garbage that is to be taken as the truth.....serving some giant propaganda machine with the most sinister of motives.
I have personally years ago seen news happen and then watched it be reported completely different than how it actually happened and have never taken
mainstream media serious ever since....
In the name of all that is good ...fair....and honest the name of Nick Berg .....who had more good intentions than Dudley Do right. I would ask
you to consider an alternative to theese news organizations with malefic intentions.
Nick could have been your brother....your friend....your relative......Nick was your Neighbour in a higher sense and the injustice done to him is seen
by the highest sources ....I think you know what i mean....
Consider your eternal inheritance and not the short warm moment that you will be spending here on this planet......That is all i ask.
I want to thank ATS and the users of ATS for exposing the problems with main stream media....KUDOS
[Edited on 15-5-2004 by watcheroftheskies]