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I think that Alex Jones is into something.

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

All I can say is: EXACTLY!

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by dizzie56

He is totally the next bush so to speak. Completely furthered Bush's policies and hasnt "changed" a damn thing.

Thats because Americas foreign policy has not changed one iota for the last 75 years. Since WWII...

America needs to go back to a military isolationist stance...The administrations have no control over Americas foreign or monetary policies...same thing goes for congress..

The day congress votes the power to be given back to the American people to control our money and our soldiers is the day you will see either civil war #2 or WWIII...

But it just aint gunna happen...unless 400 more Ron Pauls enter the legislative branches of our government...

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:33 PM
He is one of those guys that would defeat Hitler, but then become Stalin. Sure Hitler is worse for the world, but if I was german I'd choose Hitler back in 40s.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by open_eyeballs
reply to post by Ha`la`tha

Hallelujia!! Amen brother!

Finally someone with some common sense about them...

Of course an opinion that resides on earlthy terrain gets ignored, unlike the ones that are floating above the clouds...sad they way things work like that...

What is so funny about Alex Jones is he is a regurgitator with a little twist. He likes to add his pathetic outlandish persona to everything he shouts threw his bullhorn. More than half the "info" he spews is actually research from someon elses hard work.

What he does is propogandizes it and makes it easily accessible for all the other conspiracy nerds out there that dont have the time or want to give the effort to research the "conspiracies" Jones talks about. So he desperately tries to tie things together that do not go together at all by "piecing together" the puzzle un-meticulously...

Its a sad day when someone like Jones is looked up to as hero.

You have real genuine interest and knowledge about how to achieve real change through peaceful legislation and democratic means with someone like Ron Paul, and he gets ignored. But as soon as the maniac with the bullhorn shows up everyone starts screaming constitution and how the elite are out to kill all the maniacs come roaring out of their caves with their guns strapped to their sides thinking they are "protecting " their second amendment...

Last thing I will say about him is he is a distraction. And that is about the best thing I can say about him.

edit for typos and to clarify

[edit on 1-9-2009 by open_eyeballs]

First, the other thing Alex Jones does is use good grammar. "Spell check" is your friend.

Second, I don't appreciate the generalizing about who listens to Alex Jones and what sort of person we are. I have no gun strapped to my side, I think that using a gun on a superior force with even bigger guns is idiocy, and even if I did have a gun strapped to my side I still would not be a "maniac." Owning a gun does not make you crazy any more than owning a vehicle does. Vehicles are the leading cause of death for people ages 5-32. Guns are simply a consumer product like automobiles.

Third, he has been right more times than not. When he was wrong I have heard him admit it. If he makes a mistake on a prediction he doesn't cover it up like a cat turd. Considering what he has to work with (reading from FOIable documents, and the occasional "ex" interview) I think he manages quite nicely. He's not getting the good "get" like the corporate media hoo-ers are, and yet he's still ahead of the game.

Fourth, he's not partisan, and, quite frankly, at this point that is good enough for me. I cannot stand being treated like a child and fed an opinion that demonizes an entire group of people. I hate the anti-American tricks that isolate us from each other and teaches us that our neighbor is someone "bad" because they are of a different political party.

Fifth, he sneaked into the Bohemian Grove with a camera. He brought a British journalist with him. How freakin' cool is that? Very.

So wax on about his bullhorn if you like. I'll keep listening. Oh, and before I get labeled some gun-toting, troglodyte, "conspiracy nerd" allow me to tell you that this "nerd" does in fact have an Ivy League education, is a homeowner, has yet to create a character on WOW or cream myself over a Chuck Norris film, nor have I worn a Twilight Mom t-shirt to Comic Con. I am a boring, middle American who decided one day to turn off the corporate news and think for myself.

By the way, instead of judging "them" judge their words. Listen to the whole video.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by A Fortiori]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:43 PM
Believe what you want, but Jones is an integral part of their plan. Its not the best example, but in the Matrix film, 1% of people realise something is up and reject the program, because it is too perfect, too systematic, too methodical. It is similar in the real world. People realise something is up - this isn't the natural progression of things, something or someone is manipulating major outcomes.

So they try and find out what is going on. Jones is more often than not, going to be the first information source they come across. He supplies information, much of which is true, but none of which is substantial enough to 'enlighten" anyone that understands even the minor details of how social, politcal and monetary systems work. Information is useful, but it only highlights problems, it provides no solution. Interpreting, analysing and processing information provides solutions. Jones does none of these things.

Jones riles people up, he gets them angry and in a mindset where they don't think clearly and do pointless things such as protesting. Groups like this are useful to "them" as they seem crazy to the vast majority of people and are laughed at and ridiculed. We are dealing with extremely intelligent people here, people that also have access to information and resources that the rest of us could only dream of. Protesting against "them" is equivalent to attacking a pride of lions with a pillow.

While these people are out getting angry, making themselves look stupid and protesting, "they" are further implementing their plan. Every year that goes past that people are merely getting angry and protesting, gets "them" ever closer to the point of no return. There is a point of no return, and it is not all that far off.

Jones is a distraction, he prevents people coming up with real solutions and recruiting the type of people that could actually make a difference. Do you really think any influential people are going to join up with a group that epitomize the description of crazed loons. Many people that are intelligent and realise something is up are put off by people like Jones and is followers, he fits the tin foil hat brigade persona perfectly, the paranoid, loud, angry guy that has lost it.

Stopping these people will require a whole lot more than holding up signs and shouting through a megaphone. It will require a plan as secret and meticulously planned as their own plan.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by mrmanuva]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by mrmanuva

I completely disagree. Normally, someone like Jones wouldn't have the sort of following that he has. He is an unanticipated problem, an adverse event. Personally, I think he goes "over the top" to get people's attentions because we have been so conditioned to love bread and circuses that there is no other way to gain and keep our attention.

Having been a nerd in school I can tell you that being "square", talking softly, and being rational gets you an "A", but it doesn't make you homecoming queen, miss popularity, or the head of student government. You have to have "style" and panache.

Have you ever been to a Rage Against the Machine concert? Everyone is all riled up against the man when they leave, swearing they will go back to their community and wake everyone up. Then they get home, turn on the Playstation, and forget all about writing Leonard Peltier or seeking out their Congressman. They get apathetic without a constant reminder to WAKE UP.

Alex Jones knows America. America is the mob. America is the beating heart of the Colosseum. Give them blood and they'll love you for it.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by A Fortiori

"Spell check" is your friend.

Dont have spell check. And I am doing 3 other things at once. Didnt realize this was a grammer test.

I don't appreciate the generalizing about who listens to Alex Jones

Ummm, where did I generalize "all Alex jones listeners? Huh? Please...there is a quoting mechanism for these purposes. Quoting my entire post isnt evidence of your accusation of me 'generalizing'.

I consider myself a conspiracy nerd as well. Thats why I come here. To learn about things I didnt know before. Much of the topics I find fascinating is world history and the plethora of conspiracies that are intricately tied to our past...I love learning about conspiracies I was completely ignorant to before becoming an 'ATSer'...

That doesnt mean I need to take everything I hear or read and run with it quacking along like a baby duck at every person about how the 'world is going to end,' or that the rich and powerful are going to kill us all off...which is what Alex Jones does on a consistantly annoying basis..or his followers come here and spew the same rhetoric he does but with no research what so ever behind what it is they are spewing...just regurgitation of non facts...

Owning a gun does not make you crazy any more than owning a vehicle does. Vehicles are the leading cause of death for people ages 5-32. Guns are simply a consumer product like automobiles.

I agree. I am all for the second amendment, but theres all sorts of talk abou the government trying to steal our secong amendment away from us...wielding them in public is not some constitutional display of our rights in my opinion. If you have a gun in your holster in public it better be there for your protection...its not a poster, or a sign.. A gun has one purpose and one purpose only...thats to kill...for self defense purposes...

So wax on about his bullhorn if you like. I'll keep listening. Oh, and before I get labeled some gun-toting, troglodyte, "conspiracy nerd" allow me to tell you that this "nerd" does in fact have an Ivy League education, is a homeowner, has yet to create a character on WOW or cream myself over a Chuck Norris film, nor have I worn a Twilight Mom t-shirt to Comic Con.

Cool...good for am i..except I no longer own a home or have a college education, unfortunately...lost it due to the housing crash and went into the military after high school...

If you do have that kind of education then you should have the smarts and tools to think objectively about anything and everything peole like Alex jones says...and not just take it as written in stone bible doctrine without researching his matter of fact style conspiratorial preaching...

I am a boring, middle American who decided one day to turn off the corporate news and think for myself.

thats great, but you traded a bus fool of shills for a wanna be barnstormer...

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by open_eyeballs

Calling people "conspiracy nerds" is inflammatory, and when I flamed back you were unhappy about it. My point to you was not to brag about my education or owning a home (sorry that you do not and if you want to U2U me I can definitely point you in a good direction as to how to rebuild--that's what I do now with my NGO), but to state that I am not someone living in an underground lair with an arsenal of guns polishing my knives OR some fanboy who listens to Jones and then rushes to the PS3 to play Call of Duty (not that there's anything wrong with that). I'm a boring old middle American. I don't fit the "conspiracy nerd" stereotype.

Maybe you don't like Alex Jones but you needn't disparage those of us that do or speak about our intelligence as if we have none if we happen to like him.

All that said, I really do wish you well, sorry to hear about your house, and there are programs that can help you.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Unlimitedpossibilities

I can say it like this when it comes to Alex Jones. I was doing 2012 research 2 months ago and came across infowars. I read the articles and listened to his show for 30 min. 2 minutes later i canceled my gaming accounts online and spent the last 2 months researching the nightmare that is in our face. So i HAVE done research on alot of what he says. And no i have not done ALL the research, for he gives you so much at a time you can only digest a fraction and then you have to stop looking and start thinking about what is it you belive and think you can prove to yourself. Its all about you! Your the only one that is going to be there at the end, Who have been there threw it all with you! So yes alot of what he says is true and EVEN IF half of it is true. I WAS AWOKEN BY ALEX JONES!!!

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by A Fortiori

Calling people "conspiracy nerds" is inflammatory, and when I flamed back you were unhappy about it.

Maybe so. i hav eadmitted on more than one occasion I can be very blunt with my arguments...Some people take offence..others dont. i dont worry myself about it...

And I wasntt unhappy about your reply in teh slightest. Didnt bother me a bit. I woul dexepct for people to stand up an dsay something when they feel "attacked."

My point to you was not to brag about my education or owning a home

I fully understood that. I wasnt being sarcastic qwhen I said good for you. i meant it. I am jealous in a way. But i would bet i probably have more experience in some ways than someone as yourself...I think at times that makes up for a lack of education to a certain degree...but i would much rather have a good eductaion like that...I think it is something to be proud of...

(sorry that you do not and if you want to U2U me I can definitely point you in a good direction as to how to rebuild--that's what I do now with my NGO)

thats cool ,but I turned a corner a while ago and am proceeding in the exact direction I woul dlike to be headed in. but i appreciate the offer...,

but to state that I am not someone living in an underground lair with an arsenal of guns polishing my knives OR some fanboy who listens to Jones and then rushes to the PS3 to play Call of Duty (not that there's anything wrong with that).

OK..I was being phasecious..I certainly dont believe all jones listeners are this way. actually I probably have more in common common with thier ideas than they think. i just highly dislike the style Jones employs...I fin dit crude an dvery untasteful and that it diminishes good poeples reputations like Ron Paul..

I'm a boring old middle American. I don't fit the "conspiracy nerd" stereotype.

neither do I. if you saw me you would think i just came straigh tfrom prison...
...well maybe not prison, but I can assure you I dont hav eth ecomputer nerd sterotype video game playing appearance...(not that ther is anything wrong with that!) and I have had close friends who did come directly from the penn...I was raised old school style by my pops and the result has been a blunt approach to those I have disagreements with. Sometimes it gets me more heat than hugs, but I am not here for hugs...

All that said, I really do wish you well, sorry to hear about your house, and there are programs that can help you.

Thank you kindly! I start training to become a heli pilot next year..cant wait! And I am in teh middle of 'fixing' my credt process as i type this...but that is very generous of you...and a kind gesture...hopefully you take that aproach with your clients...?

edit to fix some bad typos
and to clarify

[edit on 1-9-2009 by open_eyeballs]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by open_eyeballs

They aren't really "clients" they are people that I am called to help based on the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 25:13.

Yes, Jones is over the top, but if you aren't over the top no one listens.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:31 PM
Im not much of a fan of Alex, theres no denying that he exagerates and fear mongers. Ive also never forgiven him for the Peter Joseph interview and thought he was very childish. However he's done a good job at spreading the word and his Bohemian Grove footage is priceless, so Im always willing to see what he has to say. Btw David Icke came up with the left wing right wing paradigm theory.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by itsallalie
SORRY TO SAY BUT HE IS PART OF THEM! when he spills his secret information on the radio waves and people think he has insider info your silly. He knows just enough to get your attention and just enough to stear you in the other direction. He insights fear and anger. The swine flu obama everything is a ploy to have you not focus on whats infront of you and to pick a side.

The game is much bigger and the only way for us who claimed to ba AWAKE can do is nothing. You see the machine rolls off money and making money if we dont make money they dont make money. we change the way things get done. no one gets there shots no shows up for work. What do they do then? Alex is another part of the fantasy you live in to make you believe that your not in a fantasy. wether a sheeple or an alex jones believer its all the same. Get educated see the patterns alex and all those so called insoder experts who are making money off the not so brite, all of them are part of the machine. You need two sides two everything in order to push an agenda. everything has two sides. alex is the other side of what i thought was the awakening. but he is not.


I whole-heartedly agree my friend. Alex Jones is just another voice yelling something at you. Anyone ever play Fallout 3? Turn on the radio and viola! You have information. What are you gonna do with it? In the end it's all the same information just from a different perspective. The truth is he is an antagonist and wants to complete the "divide and conquer" theory. With people like Alex screaming this and that to people who are desperate for truth, and the other 80 percent listening to MSM, we that are awake, have to just sit back and watch as they divide and conquer each other. They truly have beaten us and taken our country. We are way beyond the point of no return and it makes me sad.

Do you really thing THEY would let someone actually tell you the truth? Reallity Soap Opera for the masses.

With all of their research in Psyops and mind control they surely have no way of being beaten.

So now we play the waiting game...

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by SpaceMonkeys
Im not much of a fan of Alex, theres no denying that he exagerates and fear mongers. Ive also never forgiven him for the Peter Joseph interview and thought he was very childish. However he's done a good job at spreading the word and his Bohemian Grove footage is priceless, so Im always willing to see what he has to say. Btw David Icke came up with the left wing right wing paradigm theory.

David Icke rawks! He and Alex are buddies now which is a verrrry interesting turn of events considering that Alex called him the "turd in the punchbowl".

Still...they make for good radio.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

You know here Alex is up to?
He's crawling up some Zionist's end of his upper legs.
He has some truth, but his bashing against Germans makes him a brainless idiotic Moron!!!

Germany was fighting against the NWO!!!

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Haunebu]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:26 PM
If you devoted your life and career to conspiracies,

Would you lose your mind once or twice?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:37 PM
Why don't you all stop calling Alex Jones a "propaganda mouth piece" and start stating all the things he's lying about. Just because the guy yells doesn't automatically mean he's Stalin.

I'll make it easy. For those who hate Alex, name 10 things Alex has lied about and go into detail about those lies. If you don't "have the time for such nonsense," you should not be posting in this thread.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
Why don't you all stop calling Alex Jones a "propaganda mouth piece" and start stating all the things he's lying about. Just because the guy yells doesn't automatically mean he's Stalin.

I'll make it easy. For those who hate Alex, name 10 things Alex has lied about and go into detail about those lies. If you don't "have the time for such nonsense," you should not be posting in this thread.

*claps* Here we go...

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by A Fortiori

Hey, don't feel like you're being left out of it. For those who like Alex Jones, you can mention 10 things you like about what he does and go into detail about that.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:02 PM
I think Alex is okey, no more no less. But the thing is, it really don't matter, stop locking at the messenger and start looking at the message. If the message is true is all that really matters.

In this case it is, we all know it. Politic don't and have not ever worked for the people. Its just another charade, another wall to get through. Barrack Obama don't really matter either, nothing of this do. All that matter is HUMANS, all that matter is YOU. You should be free, or not should, you ARE free. If someone claiming just a slight control over your actions you should be furious. All we really need to do is reclaiming our freedom. Not by killing, not by riots. But realize what we are and who YOU are. Start to love, start to really love yourself. From there you realize that it is possible to love ALL humans unconditionally, not only possible but it is our destiny.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by InOurNature]

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