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Aliens, why the emphasis on Humans???

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posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:02 AM
Well, from a specifically unbiased view, I would say that aliens wouldn't care about us anymore than they would care about this guy...
In fact, given the photo I chose, I would say that an alien might care about that guy more than you or I.
However, you have to figure compatability.
The "aliens" are supposed to be very similar to us in the fact that we are both humanoid with "higher functioning" brain-activity patterns.

Meaning, a centipede isn't going to take over the planet and detonate atomic weaponry anytime soon.
We have already done that.

Or, maybe they are trying to figure a way to use us to bolster their own population through genetic means.

I don't know.

Honestly, if we are to grant the postulation of alien visitation, NOBODY knows.

Hope that helps

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Blue Alice

Okay then how do I describe our capacity for reason, culture, creating things - what human have that no other species does?

Animals reason. Horses learn. Crows make tools.

Some animals, such as wolves, have complex social structures.

Birds create nests. Bees create hives. Spiders create webs. Crows & apes create tools. Termites & ants create complex tunnel systems. Dolphins create language:

Elephants create art:

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 02:00 AM
The Alien says, "We come in peace and love."

Yet, they come off as being prejudice toward things that's bodies don't have the ability to be as intelligent as they'd like it to be.

Really Mr.Alien? You love us all?

I haven't heard of many animal or insect abductions. And some could argue that some of the human beings that are abducted aren't the brightest.

You know I think specism comes from a simple fact that we cannot communicate with Animals/Insects.
How do I make the noisey birds outside be quiet. Obviously I cannot scream at them to shut up.
And what about that insect who won't stop standing on my food...then flying away and standing on it again while rubbing his stringy feet together.

They seem very disrespectful.
Mosquitoes don't ask for blood do they? No they just go right ahead and take it and leave us with a very irritating itchy bump.

We cannot communicate with them. So what? Then we might as well swat/kill them?
Some might say "well what do they expect?"

It's really frustrating.

At least animals like Pigs, Chicken, and Cows aren't so in our face. They may smell bad, but then maybe we should just distance ourselves from them rather than breeding them only to kill them in such a horrendous way. We are so cruel to them.

Are aliens really all they say they are?
Yea, I know there are some evil Aliens out there.
But, what about these ones saying how loving they are and I have never heard of them wanting anything to do with Animals or insects. Unless...maybe they are...could our ego be in the way of seeing this?

Google Video Link

[edit on 25-8-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
You know I think specism comes from a simple fact that we cannot communicate with Animals/Insects.

We can. It changes everything.

We cannot communicate with them. So what? Then we might as well swat/kill them?

No. Try to live & let live.

It's really frustrating.

Yes, b/c some don't respect or understand others' choices.

we should just distance ourselves from them rather than breeding them to kill them in such a horrendous way. We are so cruel to them.

Yes. Each of us has the ability to choose kindness over cruelty & death by making different food choices.

Are aliens really all they say they are?

It depends on which ones are saying what.

But, what about these ones saying how loving they are and I have never heard of them wanting anything to do with Animals.

Some do care about animals very much.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 02:15 AM

I haven't ever killed an animal, not in this life time anyway. And I don't remember the last time I murdered an insect.

But, for the sake of others how can we communicate with them?

It isn't through talking.
The"Excuse me mister bug could you please not do that." doesn't work.

And still couldn't there be "good/bad" animals/insects as well? I am sure there's some who must enjoy bothering us.

Do we use the law of attraction to get them to buzz off when they're being irritating?

[edit on 25-8-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
But, for the sake of others how can we communicate with them?

Some animals understand verbal communication, some tactile, some read body language, some can read your intent. Animals communicate "differently" from humans. Some say telepathically.

And still couldn't there be "good/bad" animals/insects as well?

As far as I know, all animals are light-beings here to support life/lessons here on earth.

I am sure there's some who must enjoy bothering us.

Maybe. Animals are born into a particular role & get "stuck" in the lower energy here. Maybe they take on some of that negativity just like people do, although they are not "dark." For ex, a wolf may kill a deer, but it's not "dark." It's just the way things are set up here. If he chooses to be a wolf, killing deer goes w/ the territory. I hope this make sense.

Do we use the law of attraction to get them to buzz off when they're being irritating?

Today, I had a bunch of bees buzzing around me. I wanted them to leave me alone, so I turned my back on them & walked away in a circle. I came back to the exact same place I'd been standing, but they left me alone. Maybe they got the message?

[edit on 25-8-2009 by faulconandsnowjob]

[edit on 25-8-2009 by faulconandsnowjob]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by faulconandsnowjob

93% of what we communicate is nonverbal.

So, they can get a feeling of our intent and see our body language.

And some can be telepathic???
hmm I don't know about that one.
Can we hear them telepathically or is it only a one way channel?

If this is true. Then Aliens should have an interest in Animals/Insects. I mean, they just got a soul in there that should be respected as much as any other being.

Are aliens only interested in the physical parts of humans?
I have a feeling they're only interested in us because of our bodies.
They only want us for our bodies!!!
So disrespectful.

[edit on 25-8-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Before2017Victor

Can we hear them telepathically or is it only a one way channel?

I think it depends on how sensitive you are. They are probably picking up on more than we think.

Then Aliens should have an interest in Animals/Insects.

Yes, they do.

Are aliens only interested in the physical parts of humans?

Some aliens - maybe. Others, definitely not.

More on animal intelligence:

Parrot language

Sea Lion logic:

Horse language:

Dolphins creating bubble rings to play w/ (requires the use of sound)

More on cetaceans:

Cetaceans from "beyond the stars"

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Blue Alice

The Buddhist idea of everything having a soul sounds wonderful, although it would ruin the idea of Starseeds. If souls are interchangable, then yours isn't special even if you were an alien in a past life. You might be a squirrel in the next one.

Souls are Starseeds in a way. It depends on how you perceive the Universe / Cosmos.

If this whole material Universe is merely all illusion the essence of our Consious Soul still would exist on some level, in some form ......

My life philosophy comes close to the Buddhist's ideas althought I do not believe a human Soul goes 'back' to an animal Soul again.

Reincarnation is like climbing up the steps of a Pyramid. One has to evolve and one evolves by spiritual learning.

Maybe 'Aliens' are more Spiritually evolved the humans? And they somehow choose humans because they have the Highest Spiritual possibilities?

Not that I personally think highly of humans though .... many still live like animals and react from fear: fright/flight reactions/mechanisms.

Or maybe Aliens have way other plans they want to do with / to humans ......

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Melyanna Tengwesta
Souls are Starseeds in a way. It depends on how you perceive the Universe / Cosmos.

Yes. Think in terms of different dimensions. Where do these souls come from? Not all are coming from earth & 3rd dimension.

My life philosophy comes close to the Buddhist's ideas althought I do not believe a human Soul goes 'back' to an animal Soul again.

What is a human? What is an animal? The physical body is just a form a soul manifests to interact w/ this reality. Is the soul human shaped? I don't think so.

Maybe 'Aliens' are more Spiritually evolved the humans?

Some - yes. But it depends on who/what the human is & who/what the "alien" is.

And they somehow choose humans because they have the Highest Spiritual possibilities?

They choose a form based on requirements.

[edit on 25-8-2009 by faulconandsnowjob]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:43 PM
There are too many variables and unknowns to assume aliens have not made contact with other species.

Just a few of the questions which come to mind are:
-How many alien species are visiting the planet?
-What is the ultimate goal of each species?
-How long has each been visiting the planet?
-Are we certain no species, including human, on Earth is not the product of an elaborate experiment or project?
-Have other species been tested for the aliens' purpose in the past and found to be incompatible or incapable of producing the desired results?

There are indications alien beings have been coming to Earth for thousands of years. Sadly, due to language, we do not have clear reports of what happened or even a clue as to when the visits began. There is no way to know what has been done between first contact and now. For instance, everything around us could be an alien version of a controlled lab and the results are being monitored.

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