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Germany´s Weltspiegel Reports on Current Crop Circle Phenomena In The UK

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posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:31 PM
So I´m hanging out and BS´n on the computer when I hear my wife yell out to me from the living room, "Mike! Turn on ARD quick!". So, I do what she says, and it´s Weltspiegel on the tube, a news magazine showing news reports collected from various ARD reporters stationed overseas. Two seconds into the program, it hits me. It´s a report about the current crop circle phenomenon happening over in the UK! Red Alert! Magnification on max! Sound up!

It was a very good report, and it´s also very recently done. Main highlight: The german reporters managed to contact, and then travel with, a group of the circle makers in the middle of the night and showed them the pattern they wanted to create and then proceeded using the tools of the their trade to create the circle. The reporters were using night vision cameras during the interview with the circle makers so as not to give away their position. The crop makers also made sure their faces were masked or heads strategically turned as to not give away their identity.

At first, I thought this job was going to end up being one of those slop job crop circles you often see under rumors over at the CC Connection site. Then the shock, one of the makers busted out the diagram. Holy Schmoly! Here it is!

I still believe that there are some circles that remain unexplanable as to their construction, due to physical evidence and sheer complexity. However, just as a skeptic changes his mind once his own eyeballs focus in on a real UFO, I was very impressed with the kind of work these people can do in the middle of the night. So for me, unless there is extraordinary evidence on hand that cannot be explained away, these circles are all man made.

Fourtunately, ARD has an extensive website, and this story will soon be available within it´s online video archieves for later viewing. In the meantime however, there is a full page story about this report already online. It´s all in german, but I´ll post it here and translate it all for you ATSlers out there.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:56 PM
This is a long article, so it will take some time.

Großbritannien: Die Wiederkehr der Kornkreise
**(Great Britain: The Return Of The Crop Circles)

Sendeanstalt und Sendedatum: BR, Sonntag, 16. August 2009
**(Broadcasted by BR (Bavarian TV, a sister channel for ARD), Sunday, 16. August 2009)

Amüsement fürs Publikum - Ärger für die Bauern
**(Amused Public - Problems for the Farmers)

Eine Expedition in die Weiten südenglischer Weizenfelder. Die Wiedergeburt einer Volksbewegung. Sie stürzen sich ins Abenteuer. Die einen bei Tag, die anderen bei Nacht.

**(An expedition into the wide wheat fields of southeastern England. The ressurection of a public attraction. They dive into their lust for adventure. Some go by day, others , by night.)

Bei Tag wir nie gezweifelt, obwohl sie nächstens den Zweifel säen. Nur einer verzweifelt langsam: Der Bauer. Fast 5.000 Fußballfelder Getreide beackert Richard Oram. Einer der Großbauern in Wiltshire. Und einer, der großen Ärger hat mit nächtlichen Phänomen.

**(During the day there can be no doubt about what has happened. But for the farmers, the situation is turning into a problem. Richard Oram, a farmer in Wiltshire, growing wheat on an area almost 5000 football fields in size, is having even bigger problems than most dealing with the nightly phenomena.)

[edit on 16-8-2009 by fockewulf190]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:00 PM
Thanks for sharing this! I'm definitely going to check ARD's website in a bit to see if I can catch this clip! It should prove interesting to see how they created a circle like that. I remember years ago, when I was in middle school, I saw a documentary about crop circle creators and they didn't make anything like that.

Also, if you want, since that article is long, we can break it up and I can help you translate it. I speak German.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:01 PM
Nice find.. Star and flag for you. This just goes to further support my belief that ALL crop circles are man-made. I am just not sure why other people have to attribute all that they cannot understand to aliens.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by fockewulf190
So for me, unless there is extraordinary evidence on hand that cannot be explained away, these circles are all man made.

I don't believe anything we have seen recently is anything but man made. I don't extend that to all, ever, however. The circle makers have certainly improved their game over the years, but I've seen some of the original attempts, and they were absolutely laughable.

I don't know why they bother. If they're going to do this, and tell everyone they're doing it, what's the point anymore? The subject is no longer even interresting.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:24 PM
Richard Oram: [picture of him in article]
"Der Weizen ist kaputt, wie man sieht. Die Körner liegen auf dem Boden, und wenn das Getreide umknickt, ist es tot. Das ist ein großes Problem hier in der Ecke. Viele Bauern haben Kornkreise. Die werden immer mehr zum Ärgernis."

**(Richard Oram:
"The wheat as you can see is destroyed. The kernals lay on the ground, and when the wheat is bent, it´s dead. This is a huge problem here in this corner. Lots of farmers have crop circles on their land. It´s becoming more and more of a nuisance.")

70 Kornkreise allein in diesem Sommer. So viele wie noch nie. Jahrelang war es ruhig. Was ist nur plötzlich los in Wiltshire?

Aus der Not eine Tugend macht mancher Bauer. Spendenbox im Kornkreis. Denn schon trampeln Touristen herbei - samt Erklärung für die Rückkehr der Kornkreise.

**(70 crop circles in this summer alone. Never before has there been so many. For years it was quite. But what is all of a sudden going on in Wiltshire? Out of pure good nature, some farmers place a donation box within the crop circles and allow tourists to trample around in the a loss as to why the crop circles have returned.)

Eine Kornkreis-Touristin:
"Schau dir doch die Welt an. Bankenkrise, Klimakrise. Energiemäßig verändert sich gerade alles.

Und das spürt sogar ihr Hund:
"Der ist viel verspielter hier. Als ob er unter Spannung steht. Wie ein Welpe - er liebt es im Kornkreis."

Aufs Korn genommen fühlt sich hier niemand.

**(One crop circle tourist explains:
"Take a look at the world. Bank crisis, climatic crisis. You can feel how the energy is currently changing here." [article shows picture of woman holding two small dowsing rods within each hand]

Even her dog seems to notice a difference:
"He is much more playful here. He´s full of energy, like when he was a puppy. He loves to be in crop circles."

No one seems to be captivated by the corn.)

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by octotom
Thanks for sharing this! I'm definitely going to check ARD's website in a bit to see if I can catch this clip! It should prove interesting to see how they created a circle like that. I remember years ago, when I was in middle school, I saw a documentary about crop circle creators and they didn't make anything like that.

Also, if you want, since that article is long, we can break it up and I can help you translate it. I speak German.

Tom, thanks, maybe you can take over the next paragraph or two.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Clickfoot

Originally posted by fockewulf190
So for me, unless there is extraordinary evidence on hand that cannot be explained away, these circles are all man made.

I don't believe anything we have seen recently is anything but man made. I don't extend that to all, ever, however. The circle makers have certainly improved their game over the years, but I've seen some of the original attempts, and they were absolutely laughable.

I don't know why they bother. If they're going to do this, and tell everyone they're doing it, what's the point anymore? The subject is no longer even interresting.

I´m only making exceptions for those circles which physically show heat related damage to stalks and metallic residue en masse. If that method shows up by the circle makers how they did it, and it is logically explained, then I´ll be fully in your camp. I remember seeing that old documentary in which some MIT students tried to duplicate that phenomena, but they utterly failed in their attempt to copy it.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by fockewulf190]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 03:30 PM

Eine seltsame Gegend

Eine Wünschelrutengängerin erklärt uns:
"Ich spüre, wie die Energie meine Handgelenke wärmt. Die Ruten bewegen sich aufeinander zu und berühren sich. Und wenn ich zurückgehe... Ich beeinflusse das überhaupt nicht."

Ein seltsamer Landstrich. Stonehenge zieht jedes Jahr zehntausende Besucher an. Künstlich aufgeschüttete Hügel, 5.000 Jahre alt, Grabkammern. Und das alles nur einen Steinwurf entfernt von den vergänglichen Kunstwerken im Korn.

Einer hier glaubt nicht daran, dass Menschen hinter den Kornkreisen stecken:
"Könnte man die Kornkreise über Nacht anlegen? Ich glaube, das wäre sehr schwer. Und wenn ich ein Team hätte, das dazu in der Lage wäre, dann würde ich das doch filmen und verkaufen. Ich wäre doch ein Genie, oder nicht!"

Der Mond scheint, wenn Genies sich an die Arbeit machen. Fünf junge Männer aus der Umgebung - und ein Plan. Sie arbeiten im Dunkeln - wir filmen mit Infrarotkameras.

A Strange Area

A dowser explains to us, "I feel how the energy warms my wrists. The rods move on and touch one another. And when I go back...I don't influence it at all.

A strange area. Every year, Stonehenge draws 10,000 visitors. Artificially, raised hills, 5,000 year old grave chambers—and all that only a stone's throw away from the temporary artwork in the crops.

Here, one doesn't believe that people are behind the crop circles. "Could someone make the crop circles overnight? I think that would be very hard. And if I had a team, that was there in the location, then I would film and sell it. I'd be a genius, wouldn't I?!"

The moon shines when geniuses are at work. Five young men from the neighborhood, with a plan. They work in the dark. We film with infrared cameras.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 04:11 PM

Künstler der Nacht

"Das Design hab ich gemalt", erzählt uns der Jüngste der Gruppe. Gerade 14 Jahre alt. "Ein Kreis mit kleiner werdende Scheiben und außen herum eine planetenartige Anordnung."

Künstler der Nacht. Ausgerüstet mit Maßband und Holzlatten. Sie wollen nicht erkannt werden, denn immerhin machen sie sich der Sachbeschädigung schuldig.

Sie brauchen kaum Worte: "Es läuft gut. Der Anfang braucht immer ein wenig Zeit. Aber es sieht gut aus!"

Im Zentrum eine Wasserwaage mit eingebautem Laser. Drumherum legen sie das Korn flach - mit Brettern. Über 100 Meter im Durchmesser. Drei, vier Stunden Arbeit. Dann sind sie fertig.

"Das wirkt vielleicht ein wenig verrückt, aber es macht Spaß, auch, wenn man sein Werk erst am nächsten Tag bewundern kann! Es kribbelt schon ein bisschen, wenn ich mir vorstelle, was andere morgen früh für fremdartige Erfahrungen mit unserer Kunst machen."

Das Werk einer Nacht. Nicht von unbekannten Mächten, sondern unbekannten Machern. Um 10 Uhr ist das Feld voll. Fotos von ganz oben. Hautnah erfahren - und vor allem: prüfen, ob Übermenschliches gewirkt hat.

Artists of the Night

"I drew the design," explains the youngest, just 14 years old, in the group to us. "A circle with little, emerging slices and outside of that, a planet-like arrangement."

Artists of the night, equipped with a tape measure and a wooden plank. They don't want to be known because, they don't want to be blamed for damaging property.

They need hardly any words, "It's going good. The beginning always takes a little time. But it looks good!"

With the help of a level, with an improvised laser, they make the crops flat, with all the trappings, with the board. [The circle] is over 100 meters in diameter. [It took] three or four hours of work. Then they're finished.

"The effect is a little crazy, but it's fun, also, if one can admire his work first the next day! It already tickles a little, when I imagine, what others early tomorrow morning will experience with our strange art."

The work of a night. Not from unknown powers, but unknown makers. Around 10 am, the field is full. Pictures from above. Experienced close. And before all, to question, if super humans have been at work.

Hope my work helped! Some guests I have just returned so I'm not going to be able to translate the last paragraph. Sorry!

[edit on 8/16/2009 by octotom]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 04:39 PM
Tom thanks. Thats the heart of the story, so the rest is fluff. Once the video goes to archive I´ll post the link.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 05:06 PM
You can see the video by going to the site linked to above:

and clicking on the video link (Video zum Beitrag) near the top on the right hand side.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by Mollo]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 05:59 AM
Yes, thats it Mollo. ARD got it up pretty fast. The report is the same as the print article. Thanks for posting.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:32 AM
The ground shots are very messy and the crops have obviously been flattened with a flat object.

You can see here that the crops are starting to lift:

Is this the circle makers attempt at the complex weaving which we have seen recently? What ever it is, it's a mess:

Until they release a video of the circle makers producing an effect like this, I still believe some formations are from unknown origin:

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by dmorgan

Indeed, there are anomalies in some circles that remain wholly unexplained. Other circles are so complex, the proof burden lies by the human circle makers that they are truly capable of reproducing some of them. The "Alien Face" being a prime example.

[edit on 17-8-2009 by fockewulf190]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 03:18 PM
Thank you for the thread and translation ! S&F. This is a very funny article, the end especially. Did they really put a radio protection on the dog ?

Only the hopelessly delusional will continue to believe complex crop circles are impossible to create at night by a few well prepared guys.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 03:49 PM
This is really sad. The fact that more people are not participating and posting in this thread shows how disingenuous they are about this topic.

To have a theory about a mystery is one thing, to pretend something known is unknown is like I said really sad.

We have known for a long time now that crop circles are very earthly. Add to that most of them are in one area and it screams hoax. Then we have multiple cases of the hoaxers confessing and demonstrating how its done. What do we get.

Of course those making money off this are going to embellish with bizarre theories of the stalks breaking funny or some other nonsense.

Small plane owners are charging for fly overs. Farmers are putting out donation jars. One company is making crystal pieces with the crop circles in intaglio and selling them. There are a multitude of books. This is a money generation scheme on the back of a juvenile prank.

Had you posted and "Oh my god, look at the message in this crop circle" thread, there would be pages of posts. Deny Ignorance

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