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Another Letter from the Future

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posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 10:08 AM
By now, some of you are familiar with the story Izzy told – I know that a fair number of you here have read The Abundance Paradigm, and a fair number either refuse to read (too busy, perhaps), or you skimmed and scoffed…and a number of you have never heard of the paradigm at all.

Of course, for my future to happen, many of you must see what happened from my perspective, thereby allowing you to believe that it could work…

Sorry, let me introduce myself. I’m Professor Harold Inke, and though Izzy is a beautiful heart, her focus was on the story of Amelia. She is just so grateful. But her story didn’t address much the nuts and bolts of what happened as the abundance emerged from our choices.

Once Stephen Colbert – a true hero he! – let his viewers contemplate the paradigm via Amelia’s appearance on his show, a triad of people who worked behind the scene on cameras and scripts got together and since one was geeky, and knew how to program a website of excellent function, they put together AbundanceParadigm.web (that last more for its significance and less how it was accessed) and did it all open-source.

Everything was kept as straightforward as possible and the forums to discuss things were allowed to emerge from the initial setup, with a “one computer, one vote” setup to star posts one thinks are good, and the votes matriculated the ideas upwards as people starred others’ (but not their own) ideas.

Really, the site began with a place to post suggestions of what topics should be made into forums, and the star system led to the elevation of the things people cared about. Sure, it was work administering the site, reading the topics and throwing the ones that seemed frivolous into an open “trash” bin and archiving them, listening to defenses for ideas that were thus disposed of, and other administrative duties, but the goal was noble and the work had no shortage of efforts to grow with the project.

Suggestions that had star points up to the millions wound up being the prime things people were interested in solving.

The triad approached Stephen, their ultimate hero. Stephen, in his visionary wisdom, announced the site on his show. (In fact, the site was often worked in from there on…) Also, realizing bandwidth would rapidly be an issue, any who could help in that effort were invited to join. There were a few days here and there where it got sticky, but the problems were always solved. The rest of the media began a buzz about what Stephen had presented and about the ideas Amelia had brought forth, and the paradigm spread further.

There was a forum for Amelia’s Points, which included the development of Personal Witness in all its open-source glory, there was information on Zero Point Energy and how to extract it – that guy who called himself the Anti/Christ had his design, based on a crop glyph, win out, with the most elegant and easy to produce device, as many designs were built and tested (and could be watched through the process via the web)…

There was looking at the resources on the planet and integrating the process of drawing on these resources in the most organic way. Distribution went hand in hand with these efforts. And those who could see the farthest and understand the most rose out of the discussions

The robot freaks open-source programmed things to take care of us, things to do any work none (or not enough) of us wanted to do. A number gained world-wide acclaim for their efforts. It was a grand and glorious time as many brought their ideas and expertise together to publicly work on creating a robot to do every job no one wanted to do. Many of the first ones were done in spare time, but it really didn’t take long, with energy handled, until the efforts by the most active were fulltime bliss in their lives.

Shortly after the “Free Energy” forum started, the Anti/Christ’s victory was assured, and soon after that, small boxes with outlets became available on the market, and a whole house could be plugged into energy sources that ran for years and years. Computers came out that never had to be plugged in. Cars began to spring up, running on clean ZPE (Zero Point Energy) that never had to stop for gas… Factories and offices were switched as these inexpensive units were eagerly built by those whose bliss it would be to provide this world with free energy. And there were an astonishing number of them that came forth to build. Though many units were sold, most would be given as gifts.

Though Izzy’s world of Jump Doors and replicators was a bit in the future, just the freedom from energy worries (and costs!) made all the difference in the world.

People could run their air conditioning and their heat on free energy. They could run their cars. They could run all their electrics even in a tent. The number of people freed this way was staggering. Many opted to step back and go camping, with the new stoves, refrigerators, lights, heaters, air conditioners, composters and waste disposal units, and a car that flew in the sky (all were cheap because energy was no longer a cost all the way up the line of production), and many did not choose to come back – often working wirelessly from home at AbundanceParadigm.web.

Dean Kamen’s water purification device had high demand, once the energy to run it was available. Fresh, clean water was available to more and more, as the device was built and distributed. Africa, especially, benefited, though the whole world found use for the device that could purify the water at hand.

And the products themselves began to be thoughtfully produced, no longer tied to profit motive, and efforts were made, not to build something that would break down so another could be sold… They were built to last. And as products that lasted made their way back into our lives, the amount of waste dropped radically. Things that used to last a year or two now lasted 20 or 30… Or virtually forever.

Farms were developed to run organically and in harmony with nature. And it was gentle robot shepherds that were developed for the projects as they spread out. The poison that was genmod, the soil-sapping fertilizers, failure to rotate crops – all this vanished. In its place the Earth returned to a pastoral state.

As long as people needed distribution, they could request it – the system of distribution having been set up via AbundanceParadigm.web – and country stores as well as city markets were well stocked, and the food was first very cheap and then free. Many, having “gone camping,” started their own plots to grow food.

It did not take long for money to lose its hold of the humans on Earth. Though many thought this would be a long and involved process, it really took only a few years.

Yes, there was resistance by many a corporate toadie. It took a bit for it to dawn on them that they didn’t have to have a boss. The appeal of that finally won over many – most had a human heart, deep down, and only made choices as they did because they could see no other choice. They became involved in speaking truth, helping, and making it all happen…and then the rest, the lizard hearted, followed into the paradigm.

As money slipped into uselessness, as people could, more and more, just ask for things and were given them, the rules of the lands were found to be unnecessary. Only the three Laws were seen as needed. Do not willfully kill or harm another, do not willfully take or damage another’s property, and do not willfully defraud another. Regulations, statutes, acts, codes, mandates, and so on were ignored – who needs a tax code when there is no money to tax? Who needs the statutes on social services when no one needs social services? Who needs regulations when everything was built with care, and with an eye to lasting? When cheap crap was made no more?

It was standard for those who loved to create things to do so with camera running, so others could admire the process of craftsmanship that went into any effort. People avoided things mired in secrets. The more open about processes and programming, the more it was esteemed.

Open-source was the way to go, and though there were no rules against proprietary software, anyone who used the proprietary software did so at their own risk, whether it was in their computer or in their robots.

Many at the outset thought that Jump Doors and replicators were decades off, but they did not grasp what the results of the infinite point on the technology curve would be. Though there were efforts to disparage the fact that technology was advancing geometrically for the last 5,000ish years, with a very slow start, and in the 1800’s beginning noticeably upward, the 1900’s saw the curve shoot up enormously, and in the early 21st century… That rate of tech development was nearly pointing straight up. Nearing “infinite.” With information about many things once hidden in Black Ops and in corporate secret labs now flowing via AbundanceParadigm.web, the work people did – those who cared (which by then was most) – advanced at a phenomenal rate. And the advent of many wonderful and surprising technologies, including Jump Doors and replicators, burst out in glory.

Many solutions in one industry found a place in another. Issues that were solved in one effort were picked up by others in different pursuits to solve better their problems. As secrecy for profit motive vanished with money, information flowed freely.

(Continued in next post...)

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 10:09 AM
(Continued from previos post...)

The cures for many diseases also were taken from their suppressed state and made known. The evil of making chemicals to patent that masked issues and led to more – all for profit – stopped. The many cures that Earth Herself offered were reported on, and healthful technologies sprang up. Marijuana, in particular, was honestly reported on. Gone were the vapid suggestions that there was something wrong with it (doggies telling Lindsay they don’t like her when she’s high) and the many easements of ills, and the fact came to the fore that it promoted more loving behavior than even sober people exhibit.

Many evils were exposed and eliminated. Plans in the works that involved taking over the planet fell useless, and we moved away from profit and Machiavellian motives. And there were some mighty evil plans afoot. Though a number of you here would not want to believe just how fiendish the plans are, it was a good thing the abundance paradigm was allowed (via Stephen) to emerge. For if it had not, the planet would have seen great suffering and strife. The New World Order would have taken over, with a few “elite” and many either dead or enslaved.

Antigrav, which you now have in Black Ops, was released, and cars became free of the roadway – open-source programmed to avoid collisions – and houses were built that floated in the sky, and then more and then more moved skyward. Many chose to remain on the planet, but most moved into the space above the surface of Earth.

It all worked because, mostly, people cared. They wanted to make it better for both others and themselves. Though many of you to whom I write think that mostly people are greedy and don’t care, it is only that sense of futility, that belief that one is powerless, that leads to efforts to take care of oneself and damn the rest. Once hope and a sense of power were injected into the world society at large, things moved swiftly as people did what they could do.

Freed from the need to work to survive, many who cared were now able to afford their bliss, assisting those who needed help – whether it was finding for these unfortunate ones the cures, products and other necessities for a comfortable existence, or just adjusting to the new paradigm.

Once women were not dependent on men for their survival (as is the case now in many of your countries), they were empowered to control their own bodies. As a result, the birth rate dropped off, as they chose to have children, not to “help out,” or because they had to for the men’s egos, but because they were ready to love and cherish the children they chose.

And Earth’s population stabilized. You can see how this would be true merely by studying those countries where women now have control of their bodies. Population growth is dramatically slowing, and in some places has gone negative. And with a stable population, it became easy to plan for and distribute to those who were in need.

In fact, the ability to take part and offer ideas, bring up observed resources, work locally for the global benefit, and see the abundance paradigm manifest was empowering. It filled many who had felt no purpose in scarcity with a sense of worth. Everyone was talking about the efforts, and everyone with a computer could input on the overall effort.

As is shown in the science of emergence, a small few rose, by their efforts and general consent into leadership roles. All discussions were online and, if it was not talked about openly, it was seen as a glad-hand effort. The main efforts, indeed, all efforts went through the forums at AbundanceParadiigm.web. And Personal Witness was ideal to show others at the site what they saw, both in terms of problems and in terms of solutions.

Once hope returned, early on, people became more generous. They helped others more readily, and as they could. The true nature of humans, as loving and giving beings, came forth and the love of money – the root of all evil – went away. With only caring as a motivation, rather than profit, loving things (now affordable) were done.

The war profiteers lost the motive to instigate war while supplying both sides. The motive to lie for profit disappeared, and truth was spread instead. And humankind was freed.

Of course, now that I have shown you my future, you have a choice. You can be marched down into slavery and misery at the hands of a few who would presume that they are “better” than you, or you can spread the paradigm and bring forth true solutions to the problems you face. And they are bigger and more immanent than many of you are willing to face at this time.

Interestingly, Amelia was a little fearful that Stephen’s call for the illuminati to contact him had resulted in his being “brought over to the Dark Side.” This was before he proved that he really wanted to be The One. That One who opened the door of freedom to all humankind.

Amelia was once heard saying, in frustration early on, “Would you just let my people go!?!” And in the end, in choosing that path that led to ME, she did indeed free her people.

There is more, dear reader, but the rabbit hole is very deep and takes adjusting to, and at this time, I’ll leave you to read The Abundance Paradigm (found here: ) and you’ll pick up on a lot of the rest. My main purpose here has been to show you that with what you have now, you can choose to make it happen.

(If you have read The Abundance Paradigm, offered freely, I honor you.)

Dr. Harold Inke

Ask questions, please. [smile]


posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:10 AM
Really? No questions? Not a one???

I surely hope to see something from someone...

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:45 AM
Hey brother. I know you! I already know your plight...your experiences...your sincerity. I am another one of you. Haven't read you e-book in it's entirety yet, but I agree with most everything in it, just my own experiences to add.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 11:04 AM
I have always thought that the life/society that you describe is already in existance and fully operational and we can all get there one step at a time by carefully choosing our thoughts.

Is this anything close to what you are suggesting?

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
Hey brother. I know you! I already know your plight...your experiences...your sincerity. I am another one of you. Haven't read you e-book in it's entirety yet, but I agree with most everything in it, just my own experiences to add.

Thank you for your input. [smile]

Anything you disagree on I would love to discuss, because, though I think I am seeing the whole picture, I would not assume that I necessarily am, and there may be things you can bring to the table.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Jesus H Christ
I have always thought that the life/society that you describe is already in existance and fully operational and we can all get there one step at a time by carefully choosing our thoughts.

Is this anything close to what you are suggesting?

Out of thought, action. In a sense, yes. But in order for us to do this, we have to realize that this path is an option. And for that to occur on a large enough scale...we need someone in the Media (MSM) to promote the one place we can do things at.

But yes, if enough of us are thinking in those terms, our behavior will shift so as to emergently manifest what I describe.

Thanks for your response, as well.

[edit on 8/15/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu


I've been trying for years to break the cycles in the workplace, concerning how work is viewed. Unfortunately, because of my views the bosses have looked at me either as a threat, or as I was challenging them when I offered a viewpoint that differed. My previous boss told me that he was sick of me bringing up ideas, that I brought up more things to fix than all the employees combined. I asked him to give me the power to implement another way that was easier. He couldn't wrap his mind around doing less made it easier to do more.

How does someone that has the vision you mention above implement it when the people with the power refuse to listen? I've tried many ways to get them to hear even allowing them to take credit for an idea. They eat that one up.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
reply to post by Amaterasu


I've been trying for years to break the cycles in the workplace, concerning how work is viewed. Unfortunately, because of my views the bosses have looked at me either as a threat, or as I was challenging them when I offered a viewpoint that differed. My previous boss told me that he was sick of me bringing up ideas, that I brought up more things to fix than all the employees combined. I asked him to give me the power to implement another way that was easier. He couldn't wrap his mind around doing less made it easier to do more.

How does someone that has the vision you mention above implement it when the people with the power refuse to listen? I've tried many ways to get them to hear even allowing them to take credit for an idea. They eat that one up.

I know your frustration. But it does not take ALL of us... Just enough. And that will happen swiftly - with the help of Media - or it can happen slowly, through sending the information via links and files...

Sadly, we are at a point where if we don't spread it swiftly, there is a high likelihood that it will be too late. The NWO will kill and enslave us, and wipe out the ideas.

This is why I am so vocal here and elsewhere. It is becoming IMPERATIVE.

I hope I have answered your question.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Love the ideas.

I think one of the main problems of getting this view across to people is that we are viewed as borderline communitsts to have these type of ideals.

The current american teenage generation is all about being better than the next guy. Smarter, stronger, richer, just plain better, in any sense of the word. I think this is probably the biggest challenge facing real progress towards equality. Those of us who are willing to be equal, are a huge minority on the planet right now.

I have my hopes, and my beliefs. I just hope one happens before the other.

I will be reading your Ebook, and I appreciate your efforts in all of this.

[edit on 15-8-2009 by sticky]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 05:01 PM
I have been toying with the notion that, come 2012 we will all be bitch slapped with a burst of cosmic energy/love coming from none other than the center of the galaxy.

Those who are receptive to, and able to recieve it's massive energy will be ushered into a new era of peace, harmony, and bliss.
Those who find this energy unbearable and intolerable will continue on in this frequency, free to enslave and be enslaved as they wish.

It all comes down to a decision of Fear vs. Love.

I choose Love. I choose the positive polarity. There is nothing universally wrong/bad with choosing fear/negative polarity. You will reap what you sow.

I encourage all of you. as the next few years progress to embrace these waves of harmony, contentment, love, peace, and bliss that I have already begun to feel in "waves" or "bursts", coming and lasting a short time then disappearing. Let go of your ego and allow yourself to be penetrated by this energy. "Allow yourself to be loved".

Anyway, just my thoughts and I really appreciated the future you described because it fit the future I have dreams about to a tee. There is no reason on earth that we cannot inherit this future together.


posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by sticky
Love the ideas.

I think one of the main problems of getting this view across to people is that we are viewed as borderline communitsts to have these type of ideals.

The current american teenage generation is all about being better than the next guy. Smarter, stronger, richer, just plain better, in any sense of the word. I think this is probably the biggest challenge facing real progress towards equality. Those of us who are willing to be equal, are a huge minority on the planet right now.

I have my hopes, and my beliefs. I just hope one happens before the other.

I will be reading your Ebook, and I appreciate your efforts in all of this.

Thank you, sticky. I appreciate your comments.

Of course, communism is a scarcity paradigm, predicated on the idea that the limited resources (limited by energy costs) should be equally divided. In abundance, the resources are not limited and any may take all they want.

Resources will not be equally divided, as some will want more of some things and less than others, as each makes his/her selection.

Yes, many of the upper and middle class kids are selfish - that's what they have been taught. But there are a huge number, both kids and adults, who are presently downtrodden, and who seek merely equality.

If we can get a media person and volunteers for a site together and announced... I believe we can make the changes - and rapidly - that I describe here in the OP.

Thanks again!

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Jesus H Christ
I have been toying with the notion that, come 2012 we will all be bitch slapped with a burst of cosmic energy/love coming from none other than the center of the galaxy.

I know something will occur then - but what it is, I am unsure of. Ian Lungold's presentations on the Mayan "time pyramid" suggests that now we are in the "Ethics" level, but will soon be entering the top level, "Conscious Cocreation." What that will result in is unclear, but I suspect it has much to do with us choosing the abundance paradigm.

I do not believe we will solve the issues here (or on any higher plain) by just waiting around for something outside of us. Instead, based on my studies of quantum mechanics, I believe we are all cocreating the Universe, and it is up to us, in this co-Godness that we are, to create what we want together.

Thus my efforts to focus many towards this goal.

Anyway, just my thoughts and I really appreciated the future you described because it fit the future I have dreams about to a tee. There is no reason on earth that we cannot inherit this future together.


I agree that there is no reason - except for efforts by small individuals who would try to keep the paradigm from spreading. We must overcome such efforts, but beyond that... No reason it cannot be at all.

Thanks for your response.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 02:52 PM
wonderful post !

ive made similiar posts on this subject as well.

ive seen several posts lately stating we need a revolution. My contention is this never works (1776 ultimately failed for americans).

The power behind the curtain will simply corrupt a new generation of politicians. The new Thomas Jefferson we elect to save us will be replaced by another Bush or Clinton. The elite will wait for us to forget why we fought to begin with.

abundance is the key. and we have the technology to give us abundance beyond measure.

instead of building homes from timber, we could use diamond.

instead of building roads and replacing tires, we could have anti-gravity cars

instead of dumping waste into drinking water (because its cheaper), it would be reused in some eco friendly manner.

the elite force scarcity on us and use money as a tool to keep us running on their treadmill.

i frankly dont see this ending without alien intervention. I just cant fathom the elite giving up their advantage

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by admriker444
wonderful post !

Thank you so much! I keep trying to distill the picture I see into words.

ive made similiar posts on this subject as well.

I will check them out. Thanks for the links.

ive seen several posts lately stating we need a revolution. My contention is this never works (1776 ultimately failed for americans).

The power behind the curtain will simply corrupt a new generation of politicians. The new Thomas Jefferson we elect to save us will be replaced by another Bush or Clinton. The elite will wait for us to forget why we fought to begin with.

Agreed. As long as there is money to love, those with the most will rule in one way or another, destroying the best efforts of the human hearts.

abundance is the key. and we have the technology to give us abundance beyond measure.

instead of building homes from timber, we could use diamond.

instead of building roads and replacing tires, we could have anti-gravity cars

instead of dumping waste into drinking water (because its cheaper), it would be reused in some eco friendly manner.

And there are methods that could transmute waste into non-toxic stuff. I mean... With Zero Point Energy in its infinite amount, we could transmute all the lead in the world to gold (and any other matter we might want to get rid of).

the elite force scarcity on us and use money as a tool to keep us running on their treadmill.

i frankly dont see this ending without alien intervention. I just cant fathom the elite giving up their advantage

I see that we have a way of doing it ourselves - as described in my OP. (In fact, some who claim communication with ET's claim that they will not interfere but that they say we humans must "do it on our own.") So I have been looking for ways to do it.

What we need are:

A free internet.
A media hype of a single website.
A website set up much like ATS, but with tiers of ideas that remain on a "Topmost" list as they accumulate "stars" above others
A tipping point in the awareness of the very real possibility of abundance and what it might mean.

If we had these things... I think our show will run itself.

Thanks for your response!

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