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5 Freedoms You'll Lose In Health Care Reform

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posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 12:45 PM

5 Freedoms You'll Lose In Health Care Reform

1. Freedom to choose what's in your plan
2. Freedom to be rewarded for healthy living, or pay your real costs
3. Freedom to choose high-deductible coverage
4. Freedom to keep your existing plan
5. Freedom to choose your doctors
(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 24-7-2009 by Kevin_X2]

mod edit, hopefully to fix links

[edit on 27-7-2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 12:45 PM
This is a new article on CNN money. Now, I'm sure there are a lot of counter points in the bill that make these null and moot, but its worth a read if you are concerned about what effects it will have on you. Especially if your under a stable health care plan right now.

This thread has some common ground with a thread started a few days ago on the "fine print" contained within this bill. It would be interesting to know what else is going to be stuck in there immediately prior to its release? also, will congress have a say in the contents or will they turn a blind eye?
(visit the link for the full news article)

+2 more 
posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Obama is out of control, his actions and the actions of this government are criminal. He needs to be taken out of office and arrested or deported back to Kenya

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:25 PM
I will also add:

Freedom to live if you are over 65.

Freedom to not have to pay a fine because I choose NOT to want the government system. Since the government healthcare system is manditory, the freedom to live free without being fined to actually live in America.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:28 PM
They were discussing the clause in the new healthcare plan that would require anyone over the age of 65 to dicuss a "terminal illness treatment plan" with their doctor every 2 years.

The intent is to save money by identifying patients who would prefer not to have any treatment and die quickly.

I think that one deserves a thread of its own, it's just so dark.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:42 PM
I think that obama is out of control and needs to be stopped at all cost. He has damn near completely destroyed this country and if this bill is passed there wont be much else to destroy.

I hope something bad happens to obama!!!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:48 PM
Obama didn't write the bill, he has nothing to do with the content in the bill. But if I remember correctly he didn't read it either.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:53 PM
there is no freedom left , my man .
The only thing missing, is for all to actually grasp that fact...

This there, this that, it is gone, only the barbwires you yet cant see is what makes you think in such a way !! You are starting to feel it, and when you fully realize it, it is too late....

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:56 PM
Guys, tell me something

No freedom to choose your own doctor or what's in your plan.

What other better way to for forced vaccinations?
Forced RFID even maybe.

Guys, don't focus on the facade of this article, look deeper.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 02:00 PM
Did you actually read the article? These are good things.

Today, many states require these "standard benefits packages" -- and they're a major cause for the rise in health-care costs. ...

The Senate bill would require coverage for prescription drugs, mental-health benefits, and substance-abuse services. It also requires policies to insure "children" until the age of 26.

The bills would allow the Department of Health and Human Services to add to the list of required benefits, based on recommendations from a committee of experts.

It's already in place in most states and look, it does GOOD things for you.

Here's more:

Under the Senate plan, insurers would be barred from charging any more than twice as much for one patient vs. any other patient with the same coverage. ...

"The outlook is worse for the second group. It encompasses employees who aren't under ERISA but get actual insurance either on their own or through small businesses. After the legislation passes, all insurers that offer a wide range of plans to these employees will be forced to offer only "qualified" plans to new customers, via the exchanges.

But those plans will probably offer MORE and have things like precription plans REQUIRED.

Under the proposals, the gatekeepers would theoretically guide patients to tests and treatments that have proved most cost-effective. ...

The bills do not specifically rule out fee-for-service plans as options to be offered through the exchanges. But remember, those plans -- if they exist -- would be barred from charging sick or elderly patients more than young and healthy ones.

Why is this bad, again? This prevents taxpayers for paying the thousands and thousands for hypochondriacs.

I really think it will be fine. In ten years everyone will be much better off.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 02:04 PM
About time the US catches up with the rest of the civilized world

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 02:13 PM
Obama has made it very clear that people who are happy with their present coverage can keep it without any penalty.

Private insurance will still exist; it will just compete with any public option.

People will also have the freedom to choose their doctor, just like they do now under medicaid and medicare. The doctor will have to accept their insurance coverage, of course, so technically they can decline a patient, but they do that already.

The proposed health care reform will not set up an NHS like the UK, where doctors work for the government. Doctors will continue to practice privately just like they do now.

There are a lot of other points I would like to correct but I think it would be a waste of time.

IMO some people just want to tear down any attempts to change the status quo when it comes to health care.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by TheOracle
About time the US catches up with the rest of the civilized world


That must be the most ridiculous thing I have read all day.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Sestias
Obama has made it very clear that people who are happy with their present coverage can keep it without any penalty.

You do realize that just because Obama says something that it does not necessarily mean it's true right?

Here, read the bill for yourself:
Obama's Healthcare Plan

Some highlights of this awesome bill:

Private insurance will still exist; it will just compete with any public option.

Only at first. Read the above link. Once anything changes in your private plan like rates or coverage, you will be forced to take the government plan and you can no longer get the private plan.

Doctors will continue to practice privately just like they do now.

Not true. Again, see above links.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Kevin_X2
This bill is from Rockefeller not Obama. If more people understood that the Rockefeller family has many ties to the eugenics movement, they would understand why this bill is so awful ;No one in the civilized world would wish this bill on their worst enemy.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 02:48 PM
First of all, I don't believe the government is quite finished with Health Care Reform Bill. Aren't they late to meet the deadline date?
So, I am going to "think" that the health care reform will be much like the
Indian Clinics in Oklahoma. Yes, they have a psychiatrist, medical doctors, pharmacy, dentist, da da da. However, there is a tendency to wait all day long in a waiting room, as well as everyone else that has a CDIB card will also be waiting with you. Same goes for an emergency room visit. Sometimes an 8 hour wait. A friend of mine was needing to have an MRI, it's been 3 years and she is still on the waiting list, as the Indians don't have this service, only x-rays. The medicine you have prescribed may or may not be carried by the Indian Pharmacy, it seems there is a specific list they carry, nothing else. There are a lot of shortcomings to this type of health care, but everything can not be provided to all people for limited funds. The Indians provide their tribes free health care. Many illnesses do not get diagnosed or treated unless the people also have enough money to seek services outside of what the Indians provide. They make tons of referrals.

Just my 2 cents

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 02:58 PM
What Obama is doing with U.S healthcare would be popular in Europe at a time of high economic growth. But the American economy is not growing, and so government expenditure should not be further raised to pay for spending.
No self respecting family would spend more on wellbeing when their income is falling, so Americans are right to infuriated that Obama is doing the same.

Also because America is not socialised Europe the gap between rich and poor is so much higher. Therefore rather than spending 10,000 on some old man's cancer, the money would be better on say providing text books for 40 poor (yet talented) students (i.e. 250 dollars each).

There is also a proper reason why America can’t afford European healthcare…
The idea America spends 570 Billion or 4.7% of GDP on defence is a deceitful lie.
Because by the time you include military debt, foreign Military Aid, Nuclear Weapons (“hidden under the department for energy” Black Op’s and various other projects the real figure is more like 1.4 trillion…

And here’s a separate argument for Breaking the link between defence spending and GDP

Therefore because you American’s need to be the servants of a military industrial complex that views the freedom-liquidation of foreigners as more important than the lives of Americans; you can never truly, easily afford free healthcare for all poor (let alone all).

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 03:24 PM
You forgot: freedom to go untreated because you don't have money

Watch out when the right wing talks about "freedom": what they mean is the "freedom" for the rich to live large while the poor die.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by eradown
reply to post by Kevin_X2
This bill is from Rockefeller not Obama. If more people understood that the Rockefeller family has many ties to the eugenics movement, they would understand why this bill is so awful ;No one in the civilized world would wish this bill on their worst enemy.

Actually it's not here is who got this ball rolling.


posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Sestias

Obama has made it very clear that people who are happy with their present coverage can keep it without any penalty.

And what about people that have no coverage, will we be given the option to stay without coverage until we can afford it on our own ?

Due to the economy i've been unemployed for quite some time now and haven't had coverage for awhile. I remain without health insurance because i don't feel it's right for me to impose the costs of my healthcare on others. If i get sick, like i did with some major flu months ago i just ride it out, if i must go to the doctor i find a way to get the cash i need for a visit to the doc, without imposing on other taxpayers.

I don't want any kind of health care reform that would automatically enroll me in medicaid because i am unemployed and uninsured forcing me to become yet another burden to my fellow taxpaying Americans.

It's a good thing that there are certain programs out there for people that truely need and want them, but it is true facism to force those of us that don't want to use those programs to do so.

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