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Muslim man critical after 'honour attack' with acid

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posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

You dislike people that think and look differently than you
that's racism!

I'm hindu myslef, anything I should know about your feelings towards India?

I hear you are short on water? Otherwise no! The 100 hand God thing is a little odd, and so is that girl born with the extra arms, but you guys seem alright!

J/K of course. My best friend is married to a black girl, my brother's wife is Hispanic, my family is mostly Native American, although you would never know it. I am married to a little, white Georgia Peach!

I don't have a set religion. I suppose I am a Deitist, although I am curious about all religions, I have been exploring Buddhism and Shambalah and Bahi'a. I think it is very odd that Muslim's believe in the Old Testament the same as Jews and Christians, and then everything gets haywire with the New Testament and teh Koran?

I am a Mason and mostly Republican, so I guess that is another nail in the coffin?

Your point about the Jihad is the same point I was making. I think we agree. I do not believe most Muslims are following the call to Jihad, and yes my westernized Muslim friends are entirely different than the radical ones we see on the news!

I don't hate Muslims, but I hate that we have to categorize them differently. I hate that we try to pretend all the different classifications are not different from one another. We are different! That is what makes us great. That diversity is key to our future success. If we ignore it, or pretend it isn't there, then we have cheated ourselves!

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
reply to post by getreadyalready

Admit it dude, you have it against muslims
you having westernized muslim friends is irrelevant.

You dislike people that think and look differently than you
that's racism!

I think people use the word 'racism' a bit too freely.

People tend to associate with other people just like them.

People are often labelled 'racist' for talking badly about muslims. I personally think that is basic human nature that is now trying to be forced into change through 'political correctness'.

If someone's skin colour is different to mine, or they are a lot more attractive, or a lot more ugly... if they have different views, or speak a different language, I tend not to accept them straight away. I often feel threatened and/or uncomfortable.

Don't say you're not the same, because you all are... its basic human nature to want to be around people just like you.

I'm not racist, because I don't hate them for their differences. Once I get to know people, I'm usually fine with them unless there are other, unreconcilable differences.

But (using this as an example, NOT picking on muslims!!) muslims and people from eastern countries are very different to me, an agnostic from a western country.

I don't feel comfortable with them AS A WHOLE. Individuals can, and do, win me over... but in general, I'd rather not associate with them because they are so different to me.

Go on, be PC ... tell me I'm bigoted and racist. Look a little deeper... its human nature, and really, everyone feels the same way.
Some just choose to deny it.

Accept this fact, and accept that it ISN'T racist. Its just being human.
If you hate them simply because they are different, then yeah, you're probably racist.

There's nothing wrong with admitting to feeling uncomfortable around people that aren't like you. I don't like being around loud, white English males who go drinking and get violent either.
That's not racist is it?

Its just that now this country seems to be full of people that aren't like me... be that foreigners, or natives who terrorize the streets with violent behaviour, drinking, drugs etc.

I feel quite uncomfortable, almost an outsider, in my own country lately...

[edit on 24/7/09 by axehappy]

[edit on 24/7/09 by axehappy]

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Kram09
reply to post by mr-lizard

Grow up? How ironic....

I am merely observing upon the ignorance and downright obnoxious arrogance of certain poster's judging other people's cultures and religions upon their basis of their own.

Throwing the word civilized around as if this somehow justifies their supposed moral superiority and absolves them of any prejudiced or racist views.

At least try not to be so narrow minded.

And whenever i present a few facts OR opinions, my words get so twisted out of place that it makes it look like i'm Nick Griffin, when in actual fact all i've done is comment on the fact that the UK has no place for religious attacks.

If you wish to believe that every country is as civilised as every other then i think it's you who needs to open your mind. I'm just using common sense here, i have no idea what type of interpratation of 'civilised' you understand, but the UK has been a MASSIVE developer of the western world, in many aspects such as science, medicine, industry, computers, technology, aviation, etc etc etc........ and that's because we managed to seperate religion from politics a LONG time ago.

Also if you can't judge a culture against your own, then what on earth can you judge it on? Maybe in your world everyone is perfectly equal and you have an inbuilt knowledge of every culture on your planet, but here... people tend to go off what they know.

There's nothing prejudiced about worrying about your own culture and there's nothing racist about being concerned about the state of religious interference in current affairs in your own culture.

I fail to see your twisted logic.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 11:48 AM
Back on topic though, the press made it clear that this was a muslim who was attacked, by other muslims, motivated partly by religious beliefs and honour.

This is obviously a cultural thing, and is certainly NOT part of British culture.

No matter what the reasons, its unacceptable behaviour, but the fact remains that it was an attack based on muslim beliefs.

Just like the gang/gun culture that is coming over here from America.

I'm sure there are plenty of good cultural imports... it just seems only the bad ones are noticed, as they have the most obvious impacts on society.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Would you be so kind as to give a list of the countries that you consider to be less "civilized" than your own?

I may be wrong, but i have a feeling that the majority of them will be in the Middle East. How would you treat such people from less "civilized" countries? As somehow beneath you?

I may look at some countries and recognise them as being less wealthy than my own etc, but i don't look at them and think oh they are so uncivilised.

You mention the "west" well how about the world? Have a look at what China and the far east and then the middle east have done throughout history. They too had science, medicine, art, literature. Doesn't make you better as people, as human beings, just because the Americans are credited with inventing and flying the first aeroplane, for example.

[edit on 24/7/09 by Kram09]

[edit on 24/7/09 by Kram09]

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by Kram09
reply to post by mr-lizard

Would you be so kind as to give a list of the countries that you consider to be less "civilized" than your own?

No i won't, this will simply provide ammunition for the Troll. If you can't accept the laws of common sense and / or basic english (i.e having the effort to read) then i'm afraid there's not much more i can provide for you. I've supplied all the information for you in my previous posts and shouldn't need to make exceptions for anyone, even you.

Although i will give you the definition of the word and let you do your own research and/or google it depending on your level of commitment.

"An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions."

Hope this helps.

I may be wrong, but i have a feeling that the majority of them will be in the Middle East. How would you treat such people from less "civilized" countries? As somehow beneath you?

How nauseatingly predictable, and again i won't lower my debate to your level. The only people who i think are 'somehow beneath me' are those who bait answers like yourself. I believe humans are 'born' equal, although some people/nations do lower their standards somewhat, in this case like you are attempting to back me into a corner with oh so predictable dialogue.

I may look at some countries and recognise them as being less wealthy than my own etc, but i don't look at them and think oh they are so uncivilised.

Really... Then why don't i believe you? I guess anybody can take this righteous angle of yours and pretend you have no idea what i'm talking about, but again i don't believe you.

You mention the "west" well how about the world? Have a look at what China and the far east and then the middle east have done throughout history. They too had science, medicine, art, literature. Doesn't make you better as people, as human beings, just because the Americans are credited with inventing and flying the first aeroplane, for example.

Nope but if you practice opening your eyelids occasionaly you will find i was merely comparing a culture i was familiar with to a culture i'm not familiar with. It's a word called 'comparison'. Again re-read my above posts if this is too complicated for you.

[edit on 25-7-2009 by mr-lizard]

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I knew you wouldn't list them. Probably because they ARE all in the Middle East.

Sad fact is, you use the word debate. I don't see you debating anything.

You seem to be getting quite upset just because i disagree with you over your use of a certain word. We all have our opinions. You have yours and you're entitled to it.

No need to go off on a tangent by telling me to read your post again just because you can't come up with a coherent counter to what i posted. Instead you resort to implying that i don't have common sense or can't even read a basic post and refer to me as a troll. Just because you disagree with what i wrote!

If you're going to act that way then i think i will leave this thread. It's like talking to a wall at times.

I've got no personal gripe with you, so i am just going to leave it now, because we're just getting into a petty argument. You have your opinion, fair enough, you're entitled and i respect that, but if you're not even going to contemplate what i am saying, then i will call it a day.

[edit on 25/7/09 by Kram09]

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Kram09

And you're entitled to yours...

But i get the feeling that 'if' i had said Uganda was uncivilised then i would have been told that i was being nasty or something. Although you could counter argue that it has a majority christian populous, although this was very different just a generation ago when it was mainly muslim.

Sorry if i offended you, but sometimes you just can't tell who is baiting for a petty arguement and who isn't.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:36 AM
There's Western civilisation and Eastern civilisation. Both will have different views on which is better.

I know a lot of the eastern countries frown upon our decadent western lifestyles. They don't consider it 'civilised' to be so greedy, and live a lifestyle mainly based on possessions, wealth and often, laziness.
I personally like the western lifestyle, and think that our idea of civilised is 'better than theirs' but I can totally understand its a two-way thing.

I also do look down on people I think are beneath me, but this is based on my own views of what is civilised behaviour.

Because a man in a poor country may live in a slum and beg for money/food from tourist, I don't look down on him.
If that's where circumstance has put him, its not his fault.
The country he is in, I would say is uncivilised, as a whole... purely because people are allowed to live in this condition.

In the UK, I think people are losing their civility... some to the point of becoming almost feral.
Drink and drug culture, to me, is not civilised, and it seems a lot of people are living that lifestyle.

But again, that's MY opinion, and everyone has their own standards to live up to, and compare others to. There'll never be worldwide 'civilisation' or equality, because everyone judges things differently.

[edit on 27/7/09 by axehappy]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Thebudweiserstuntman

that has nothing to do with shia law... its all about people who cant let go of anchient , this is not about shia law or religion, although they have used the religion, its all about people , people threw the acid and people stabbed the dude, not shia law, they may try and use the term "shia law" in their defence, but thats just that, a defence for their extreme actions.

shia law in uk DOES NOT MEAN anyone woudl get honor killed, as its against the law period!!"! i dont know how many times its been said or posted online (even though noone seems to read it)..



please, all you anti shia law people, stop reading the daily sun and star and go read some actual facts for a change.

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