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The World Meets in Barcelona -- A European Extraterrestrial World Summit

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posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by On the level
Anyone else feeling the falsest flag of them all is coming and TPTB announce that we are not alone, we have allies but there is a mortal enemy that wants to wipe out mankind, que the wiping of the financial slate and 100% employment to fight this enemy and get the factories back working, I would not be shocked if this was to happen, would be a fantastic get out of Jail free card for the British and American governments to get out of the unwinnable Afgan and Iraqi war

I think this is the only reason disclosure would happen - the final piece of the NWO plan - we all have now a common enemy that we must fight together etc.

Check the Arrivals vids on the UFO phenomena - and here for the second part -

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 11:47 AM
Look at the speaker list...Stephen Greer, Michael Salla, Bob Dean, Donna Klaus and Steve Basset. What a waste of time. If people are supposed to get worked up about these guys they need to set their bar a little higher. They're all making money and bringing nothing to the subject but self-referencing each other. IMO...a bunch of hoaxers and suspected hoaxers. No credibility in any of them.

Nick Pope has credibility, but he doesn't know anything more than anyone else.

The conference is sure to get a few people excited and start creaming at the idea that 'DISCLOSURE' is imminent. Not happening. Greer'll be tucked up in Barcelona's 5 star hotel suite checking the bank statements and shifting merch. There's more to the subject of UFOs than shifting DVDs and selling interviews.

Jeez..I wonder if anything at all will be presented that hasn't been done already?

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 04:49 PM
the event takes place july 25th and 26th so i don't even have to wait long.

if they are hoaxers maybe they are just trying to just get publicity and convince a lot of people so the governments may get forced into disclosing? or something along those lines.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 05:09 PM
I'd love this to be the real deal.........but,check this link, and note the date

Seems to me this is just another annual get together

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 05:13 PM
There we go again --asking if this FINALLY will bring about disclosure, when the important question isn't really being asked yet, now has it? The important question isn't if disclosure will be coming out of this, because, now brace yourself, it won't be. No, the reason question is...
Who is attending? Not countries, who are the individuals attending? You answer that question and you will know the REAL reason for this "summit."

"Summit," that's a funny word, isn't it? Summit. Say it: 'summit.' I wonder what the view is from atop this summit?

Let's pick a different word for this gathering...umm...Promotions.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 05:46 PM
Nothing will come of this but it will keep attention on the subject.
One day we will get the disclosure we are looking for but i think they are more intrested in the economy at the moment or should i say messing up the economy well i live in hope of that day when we get disclosure if ever.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 05:48 PM
Here is the official video trailer of the venue:

Would love to go there...

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Gutterpus

LMAO. That's classic! Extratrurestials. LOL

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by On the level

This almost sounds like the Ori now.. Training a more undeveloped people ( Relatively, as in we havent developed any real space technology) to take into a war in space to defeat an enemy... Hmm Hallowed are the ori.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 06:24 PM
These guys presenting evidence..are all old

I wonder why there arent any younger speakers with evidence, and who are maybe more up-to-date.

I seems like these guys just keep telling the same old story over and over again, and making money doing so.

They're not bringing things to the next level.

the world press looks at it this way:

Bob Dean, hmm okey Bob dean, lets do some googling. Bob Dean gives you all kinds of UFO stuff about his personal experience (and more, all the respect to that man). To the sceptic, and human unfamiliar with the UFO stuff this would seem like a crazy guy telling bogus, and the media doesnt want that on TV. Because 70% watching would be sceptic, and unfamiliar with the subject.

So due to their repeated failures of disclosure, their credebility drops..alot.
The media would send it out if there was some high ranks speaking out, in an official way, that way people would instantly think this wasnt bogus.

Now its just '' BOB DEAN SAYS! - again - '' ''GREER SAYS! - again - ''

And why I think this way? because i've been in the media a long time.

and by the way, its just a theory



posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by deltaalphanovember

He subscribes to the Nibiru theory as well. I just watched Robert Dean on an interview about DUMBS. To be honest I have a hard time with Nibiru and Phil Schnieder ( R.I.P) and spelled incorrectly. Just my take.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 11:02 PM
When I was in the service in 69-70, the Sergeant Major was one of the most powerful men on base. When you guys downplay the position of SM, it tells me you are not a vet of the military, too young to know, or you had little contact with men of this rank. When I was in, they were fading them out and no new ones were being commissioned, There were just a few left in the Air Force in my day. If you were not the rank of full bird, you didn't mess with a Sergeant Major in the 50s and 60s. In the fifties and early sixties, the Sergeant Majors were the old WW2 war heroes and commanded a lot of respect and the position held that respect by fading them out and having very few of them through the 60s and now days there are just a hand full.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 11:26 PM
I'm sure while this fancy little meeting seems to be earth shattering for some of reality it's just going to be the same recycled garbage that doesn't get us any closer to disclosure than a hollywood movie about disclosure would. I can't wait to way out any new facts that may be presented for myself..... but I'm pretty sure mass media and the majority of the public won't even bat an eye at this.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 12:03 AM
I was thinking that all this media attention on the 40th anniversary of the moon landing is a way to put outer space back into our minds quite possibly to unveil something much bigger later on. Also in my opinion that if the government were to inform us that they have known for many years, the public & media(i only mention media because once the news it out, they will want to profit from it) that we will be demanding all secret documents from the government.....which will simply never happen.

If they announce something like that, it will be "NEW" news to the government, maybe a discovery of something major on the moon im betting.

any thoughts?

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 12:12 AM
Finally! But we should all know that whenever they do something like this, it is all planned out....Meaning that this meeting has been planned for some time...the very fact that we know what this meeting is about is part of disclosure......../ desensitizing.

I have heard from many places that it will happen in 2009.......It may not..

It will start for sure in 09 though, the reason they are doing it now is that it coincides with all the other crazy shat that is happening around the world and to humanity.

I believe this was their plan or part of it all along..

They wanted to do it when there was enough around to distract us so for us not to be as scared as we would be had everything been " All good"

Now, we have economic crisis, " global warming " lol...., possible escalation of WW 3....Terrorism...ect...we have a lot to occupy our mind space and therefore it is the ideal time for this disclosure.

TPTP use whatever happens in life to their advantage....they have been at it too long to do otherwise..

They will use these situations ( some of which they created.....not all ) to their advantage as the right time to start the ball rolling on Alien disclosure...

In 100 years our fellow humans will look at what we did and how we acted during these times and be like " How could you not have known ? How could have been so stupid and gullible"

All the while their gov is pulling some other higher shat on them too...

We always think once we are given info that " this is it....this is THE truth" when in fact it is only A truth....

There are many millions maybe only thousands of races of intelligent beings out there amongst the " space"....

If we were a more mature race and less gullible and easily tricked we would have discovered this 2,000 years ago, but we are a kind and nice people so we trust too often the people in power because we truly believe they have our best interest at heart.

Some do.....some don't.........Not all elite are scum douches.......Some are on our side, but they are smart enough to mingle in with the others and gather info and just take a back seat to whatever is happening..

A good majority of what will happen in the next 4 years I believe was going to happen anyways ...hence " It was meant to happen"....

There are too many situations and other things that have happened for this not to be the case.

Our mind is not capable of connecting all these dots and even containing that much info to be able to connect the dots.....TPTP know this and therefore because they can contain the knowledge , the TRUE powers must be beyond just our "human being"....

For everything in our human history to play out as it has, there must have been a smarter more intelligent and wise "being" behind all of this....

While one being might sound appropriate , it is more likely a many of different race of beings knew about our plan , our history, and all that has and will happen to us....

Trust there is more , and there will be.

Be scared of the more and you will never experience it as intended.....

Peace to all...god bless ( if you believe in it ).........I kind of do but in my own way..

The Great conscience is " IT" .......believe it or not and we are also it..

Sorry if this sounds like rambling but my mind is so clear right now I just can't stop typing my thoughts...

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 12:20 AM
Don't expect anything earth-shattering to come out of this meeting. Just another gathering of UFO "celebrities" saying the same old stuff.

[edit on 23-7-2009 by StevesResearch]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
not going to happen

however it's the best time to do it however while an Audit the Fed bill is in the works, lol.

yes it will...
and it will all be fake prepared info...

but hey .. if you don't have the merit to even mentally challenge that which you'll eventually be wowwed with..when this happens...
then don't even bother to apologize for doubting it... when they eventually do deliver the goods...concerning the eventual "disclosure"..of the UFO cultists wet dream.

UFO cultists and conspiracy researchers...
careful what you wish for.


posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by deltaalphanovember
Firstly this is not a meeting of governments, or even representatives of governments.
They are hoping for some dignitaries to attend, but the best they can produce is

NATO Allied Command Master Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean to present irrefutable evidence that NATO produced a compelling secret document verifying the existence of the UFO phenomenon.

A Sergeant Major!
I am sorry I find their naivety amusing. By the way, have you seen how much it costs to register? A nice little money making scheme if you ask me.

I agree. The title of this thread and the article's use of countries' names implies that the meeting would be hosted and attended by official representatives of the listed countries. That does not seem to be the case. If the standard for a "world summit" does not require official representation, then one could argue that there is an extraterrestrial summit every day of the tourist season in Roswell, NM.

[edit on 23-7-2009 by andrewh7]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Look at the speaker list...Stephen Greer, Michael Salla, Bob Dean, Donna Klaus and Steve Basset. What a waste of time. If people are supposed to get worked up about these guys they need to set their bar a little higher. They're all making money and bringing nothing to the subject but self-referencing each other. IMO...a bunch of hoaxers and suspected hoaxers. No credibility in any of them.

Nick Pope has credibility, but he doesn't know anything more than anyone else.

The conference is sure to get a few people excited and start creaming at the idea that 'DISCLOSURE' is imminent. Not happening. Greer'll be tucked up in Barcelona's 5 star hotel suite checking the bank statements and shifting merch. There's more to the subject of UFOs than shifting DVDs and selling interviews.

Jeez..I wonder if anything at all will be presented that hasn't been done already?

Very pathetic all this. A bunch of snake oil salesmen who manage a low level celebrity profile hawking their pseudo-information to people so desperate for a senes of wonder in their lives they actually pay to be hoodwinked by charlatans.

Bob Dean will probably go on about how Jesus was an alien, Greer will name drop astronauts who have distanced themselves from his proven unethical Disclosure Project that has been caught passing off written fiction as fact.

Intelligent people once interested in the UFO phenomenon have learned to themselves distance from these clowns. They are no different from the phony mediums, fortune tellers, ghost hunters, and other characters of the past who found there was a quick buck in feeding people's fantasies.

There is a reason ordinary rational people roll there eyes when one talks about UFOs. These con men have systematically destroyed the credibility of the field.


[edit on 23-7-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Pappie54
When you guys downplay the position of SM, it tells me you are not a vet of the military, too young to know, or you had little contact with men of this rank.

I was a Bombardier (Corporal) in an anti-aircraft regiment. So as an NCO I had a lot of experience with SMs and the RSMs.
Yes, they were powerful within the military structure. They strutted around like puffed up peacocks striking fear into the ranks.

They were NOT trusted with military secrets, and neither were most NCO's. There are exceptions of course ... if he had higher clearance or worked in a specific branch etc.

But the man's story: the Colonel just pulled out a folder from the vault and handed it to him because he was sleepy ... ummmm no.

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