posted on Feb, 10 2003 @ 12:16 AM
I heed your words Estragon, but the exact tradition of east to west is in fact from Hebrew, and ancient Israel, it simply is not written. For King
solomon's temple was built East to west, though I've seen others try and say it was built with the altar to the west, I guess that means all of
Christianity is Satanic then by their reasoning.
But many religions probably use the East west thought, for the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west, and so those directions are given
It's interesting about St. Peter's church, but more interesting about the st.'s day, because it shows that though the dark ages were dark, they
still retained the traditions of astronomy with religion.
But yeah so the question still stands, where the hell did these people come up with the "right is good left is evil from the perspective of the
preist"? Cause that's been bothering me, concerning the rosslyn chapel, but I'm not sure why they were talking about it, because the Rosslyn
Chapel is completely "polar" meaning good is always opposite of evil.
So anyone else if they know what these people are talking about please chip in
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