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The Conspiracy of Good Vs. Evil

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posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 12:40 AM
I have heard it said before that there is no such thing as good or evil.
I have heard that these are false dichotomies. The idea of anything being inherently "good" or "evil" is illusion. This made me angry when I first heard it.
Of course rape is "bad". of course children's laughter is "good".
However, something hit me recently and I somehow "get it" now.

I am changed and can't go back. It all makes so much sense now. I don't know why I couldn't get my head around it before. I am under the impression that there has been a plan to divide and conquer. The more divided we are the more defenseless we are. There is no better religion.
There is no better philosophy. There is no better country. There is no right. There is no wrong. There is no good. There is no bad/evil.
These are just words which do a poor job of conveying a concept which was based on illusion. Everything just.......IS.

Once you attach a label to it, you taint it with your bias. You filter it through your reality. A knife is not good nor bad. It depends on your relationship to it.I have a good relationship with knives. Getting punched in the face is neither good nor bad.
It is your relationship to that act and the resulting pain that taints it in one direction or another.

I posted this in the general conspiracies forum because I believe that is exactly what we are dealing with here. I believe that this is the "original conspiracy". The illusion of good and evil. Once we accept this premise there are now two entities where formerly there was one. Now that there is division, we can be further and further divided untill finally we are conqured. Feel free to move it if you wish, It won't hurt my feelings.

The people who respond to this thread will either "get it" or they will be really upset, as I was when I first entertained this silly notion.
Can anyone name me something definitively "good" or "Bad"

[edit on 8-6-2009 by Jesus H Christ]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 12:52 AM
great post, excellent observations

i can name one thing thats good
and one thing thats bad

the word "good" is good
and the word "bad" is bad

hehe, make of that what you will

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

uhhhwell...I guess you have a point there. I never really though of it like that. You just twisted my mind into a pretzel. I have alot of thinking to do now. I must re-evaluate my whole life,sell all my earthly possesions, and retreat into the wilderness not to return untill I can wrap my head around what you just said.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:05 AM
Thanks for posting this, it is ironic because this has been on my mind lately. Here's my conclusion, good and evil are the same thing. Hope that makes sense.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:08 AM
I can't tell you what is good for you, or what is bad for you.

I can tell you I find many things good, and also many things that are bad........for me.

I do believe there is a struggle between good, and evil.

Your absolutely correct about Dividing, and conquering.........which more, or less equates to order out of chaos.

Those concepts are neither good, or bad, but the New World Order uses them with Evil intentions.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
great post, excellent observations

i can name one thing thats good
and one thing thats bad

the word "good" is good
and the word "bad" is bad

hehe, make of that what you will

I think the word good is basically the same as the word bad.
And I think both of them can be either good or bad, it all depends on intention.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:16 AM
It all comes down to personal perspective.

Really, when you remove people from the equation, in turn you remove subjectivity and as a result, the universe simply IS.

Or ISN'T . . . If the universe were no longer observable, would it exist?

[edit on 6/8/2009 by JPhish]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
I can't tell you what is good for you, or what is bad for you.

I can tell you I find many things good, and also many things that are bad........for me.

This is my point though. If we replace the word good with the word "googoo"
And we replace the word bad with "gaga" (stick with me)
then you realize quickly at some point we are just using sounds to describe something going on inside of us.
Something that we are either having a favorable (not to be mistaken for "positive) reaction to, or something we are having an unfavorable (not to be mistaken for negative) reaction to.

The only one in this universe that can dictate your reality to you is.......well...YOU!

If you chose to use the sound BAAAAD to describe what you are feeling inside then that is all well and good but relative none the less.
Am I making sense?

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by Jesus H Christ

What you are stating is relativity theory. It is the logic in a lot of my philosophy on life. I am glad to hear you are aware of it now.

It seems we humans have a tendency to judge other humans, whilst the only judge that exists is an infinite being, if it exists.

Of course, if an infinite being exists, then it must permeate the entire universe and anywhere else in and of existence. One may conclude that we are indeed part of the infinite being.

Does this prove we are actually the infinite being? A super-consciousness? We pass "judgment". We can be "good" or "evil". If united, who knows how far human potential could carry.

These are the questions I ponder.

Anyway. ttyl

[edit on 8-6-2009 by Unlimitedpossibilities]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Unlimitedpossibilities

Thank you for the insight. I think I have pinned down what is going on here. All possibilities are happening at once and we are doing the editing as we go.
We chose our reactions to every situation which brings further realities into the editing room to be chopped up and spliced into the film of our lives.
The concept of good and bad are just that......concepts. The poorly describe an internal conflict that arises in us everytime a new reality is presented to use to splice into the film.

Whohhh... I need some sleep. I'm starting to question my own sanity and that's not good! lol.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by Jesus H Christ

Thank you for the insight. I think I have pinned down what is going on here. All possibilities are happening at once and we are doing the editing as we go.

Thank you. I actually like that perspective. Acquiring many perspectives on life is such a fascinating process.

Makes so much sense. This would actually help with the super-consciousness idea. I even think that us being "God" helps to eradicate some of those pesky paradoxes. Or maybe it creates new ones.
I will have to give it some thought.

[edit on 8-6-2009 by Unlimitedpossibilities]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Jesus H Christ

ROTFLMAO!!! Next time I'm in a "sticky" situation I'll solve it by: googoo gaga...ha ha ha

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 02:10 AM
I suppose I can sum up what I am trying to get across in this way.

Bad: The sound that we use to describe a resistance to "what is"/
(our reality)
Good: The sound we use to describe an attraction to "what is".

This is all we are dealing with when we assign the label good or bad to something. We are describing an inner conflict, resistance, acceptance,attraction to our reality.
Since we are the only ones who have the right/free will to resist or accept our reality, then it follows that it is all relative. If it is relative then it is not ultimately real.
Whew, I need a drink.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Jesus H Christ

I think your concept is based on 'non-competition'. I think that's great!!

As for me, definitive bad, is acting against another's will to cause harm and/or cause others to respond in a negative manner.

Let's say, you're going to shoot someone packed with explosive to blow themselves up, and kill many people, that can be justified. But say if you catch this suicide bomber alive, strip him/her of the explosives, then execute or torture him/her in front of his/her family/relatives/friends, I don't think that's a justified act anymore. You'll be perpetuating hate and death. That is bad unless, getting rid of humans off this planet is a good thing.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 03:54 AM
there are hoarders(evil) and there are sharers(good). the hoarders hoard everything they can, especially knowledge, wisdom, and information. the sharers share everything with everybody equally, especially knowledge, wisdom, and information. control is necessary with both hoarders and sharers. but hoarders use control to place the power in the hands of a few using compartmentalization and the pyramidal power structure(which is our past, present, and most likely future models since its been used for so long). sharers use control to teach love, empathy, caring, equality, and all that is good.

the roman catholic church happens to be the source of the hoarding nature of our world. the names and faces change over time, but the knowledge, wisdom of the ages, who we are as humans, where we came from always remains the same and is passed on generation after generation among the chosen ones(preisthoods and brotherhoods). most of this info is how to control people and societies. the same tried and true methods have been used effectively for 1000's and 1000's of years. today those same methods of control are greatly enhanced due to technology like television.

what you are talking about has alot to do with how the elite think. what you are saying relates alot to lucifarian belfefs and satanism. but thats ok. because they are the ones who rightfully own and operate this planet anyway. so your on the right track of thought. read a book or two written by aliester crowley. he will explain "free choice" to you very well. and that is basically what you wrote about. you on step away from killing and raping babies and being o.k. with it. learn about freemasons too. and the jesuit order. albert pike wrote a wonderful book called,"morals and dogma". some introductory books on our real controllers and how they control the world are ,"vatican assassins" and "50 years in the church of rome". you can expand from there to talhard de chardain and others of both jesuits and freemasons.

getting a full grasp on who controls you, how they do it, why they are doing it(new world order), you will not see the world the same ever again. but its very freeing and maybe you will want to join em, cuz you can't beat em.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 04:10 AM
The concept of good and bad! Of course it exists…as we live in a binary universe with a duality that is as active as our senses.
Black and white, hot and cold, big and small…and so on. Good and bad are two of the same coin which is the universe or the plane we are in. The negative and positive decisions are based on the polarity of this very concept.
If one can extract himself from the mind operating process of thoughts, one could perhaps find a non dual plane with no positive or negative.
There must probably is no “good and bad”.
It is all in the mind.
Like a great thinker said; Stop all the thoughts and then show me the mind…

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:59 AM
I tend to agree with you and think I get it. After studying Nietzsche's views in one of my passed classes, I decided I agreed that there is no objective morality or ethics that exist universally in this world. All rules and laws are based off an individual's or group's interpretations of morality in some form or another.

However, this is not to say that good things and bad things do not exist, or that individuals are not capable of evil or benevolent behaviours - they are! It's just that we tend to classify it in a certain way and through a method of interpretation.

[edit on 8/6/2009 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 07:05 AM
There may not be good vs evil, but there certainly is truth vs lies. Absolute truth, is something very real, and many times the majority are on the other side believing the lies period.

So its truth vs lies, not good vs evil really. There is always real truth, and its a powerful thing. I am not talking about subjective truth, i am talking about absolute truths.

Like how can a country that murders and tortures people, talk about bringing peace?

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:08 AM
great post, s&f!

it reminds me of something i came across while researching my honours exegesis; if you change the context, you change the meaning. I think that definately applies to good vs. evil. Nothing is truly good or evil, it just depends on what side of the fence you're on. E.g - to Nazis, jewish children laughing would have been seen as "bad" while to jews, it's "good". Probably not the best example but you get the gist.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by kacou

If one can extract himself from the mind operating process of thoughts, one could perhaps find a non dual plane with no positive or negative.
There must probably is no “good and bad”.

I think this is more along the lines of what I am getting at. I have somehow tapped into a way to "extract" as you say, myself from the whole precess altogether. Now that I have (and I'm not walking around in this state of mind 24/7) things are a little clearer. I can go back when I need to but I also mostly live in the world of good vs. evil.....for now anyway.

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