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Middle-class suburbia waking up

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posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 01:23 PM
I've been noticing more and more people that I talk to that are waking up to the fact that things are not as they seem. I am a middle-aged, middle-class, single mother living in a 3200 sq. ft. house on 1.5 acres of land in a predominately white (with a few black families) southern suburban neighborhood. The kind of neighborhood that we can still let our children go out and ride bikes, go to the pool, etc.. by themselves without fear for their safety. The majority of my friends haven't really been impacted yet by the economic disaster, are both republican and democrats (and sometimes split), are both black and white (and sometimes mixed), have good paying jobs, own their own house and take nice vacations every summer for a week or two. About half of them work for the government and have for many years. You get the picture... just "normal", everyday people with everyday problems but none so serious yet that would normally lead to "desheeping" or to being distrustful of anyone.

Yet, these people ARE questioning the system and things going on in the world and ARE suspicious that there's more to the story than we're being told by the media, the politicians, etc... I've noticed over the past few months an increasing amount of comments from these people that have made me feel more secure in broaching "alternative" subjects with them only to find out that they too know something's up, have their own alternative theories (and some quite disturbing haha), and are becoming very distrustful of what they're being told in general. It's weird. These are the same people who, for years, have benefited from compliance and yet, secretly know something, either tangible or intangible, and are wishing for revolution - and not just from the government perspective but also from a spiritual perspective and yes, ETs.

I don't subscribe anymore to the notion that the majority of Americans are asleep. I think they're just waiting for something to happen - a spark. That said, I'm still careful about what I say to people about subjects that were traditionally thought to be tin hat subjects, because I don't want to be seen as a loony or dissident - I do have my reputation to think of you know.
I think most Americans that we talk about in these forums on ATS as being asleep are like me in this respect and that's why we all think that they're asleep.

They're not asleep - although the media and other talking heads may want us to believe that they are... they're just waiting for the right time.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 01:31 PM
Being awake or asleep has little correlation to the testicular fortitude necessary to take action. I've seen many of the same types talk a good game about resistance, revolution and tossing congress out on their well padded butts however they all fail to ever make good on their posturing and puffing, so I suspect in the end awake or asleep the people will just take this latest round of suck laying down rather than on their feet.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Helig

Excellent point. But then I have to ask, how many here on these ATS boards have taken action? Doesn't that mean, then, that they too are sheep or asleep??

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 01:51 PM
No, it means they are normal (at least kind of) and aren't all about making waves in a system that is known for brutal backlash. I don't fault anybody for not acting, I myself don't because I prefer to survive in an off-the-radar fashion.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 02:06 PM
The thing is that these as you said are "normal" people. They are not wacked out crazies. They just aren't going to storm to Washington and start a war.

They know something is up and they are just waiting for the moment to act. It will take another "event" false flag or real to unite the people once again. The thing is though is that if we do get attacked it won't be a false flag it will be due to negligence.

It is like I always said people are not stupid, they just have their families to look out for and right now things are not so bad for them to abandon their jobs. They are still doing what they need to do which is take care of their families.

Nothing has happened for them to go put their life on the line, yet.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 07:40 PM
A lot of "normal" people have seen fifty percent or more of their paper wealth evaporate over the past year and a half or so so, as the stock market has sapped their 401(k)s of vitality and the housing market has slumped. They may not be living in any materially different way...still slurping their starbucks lattes, heading off to the cube farm, and polishing their McMansion countertops...but they know they are poorer than they expected to ever be again, and they are now starting to realize that despite what Cramer of "Mad Money" says, the value of their holdings isn't coming back soon. That's got to be opening a lot of eyes. And nothing opens eyes like layoffs. Those lucky enough to still have jobs have probably at least seen a couple of victims of axe-swings among their friends and collegues.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Helig

Good thing I do not have testicles.

I have also noticed this. I sent the Monsanto Milk thread to my family, I mean my whole family, cousins, aunts and grandparents, and almost responded with great concern! Many making comments I have never thought they would have said.

Even this evening when I went out to dinner with my mother. There was a TV in the restaurant on Fox news discussing the Iranian nuclear situation. My mother was listening and I snorted saying 'Dont listen to that #, they are just talking suits for the government wanting to make sure we dont get the whole picture.'
My mother responded, 'I know... I'm just trying to get my head around how I trusted them all these years.'

I was completely floored. I choked on my food.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Helig

"testicular fortitude"

Hilarious! And, true....

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 08:49 PM
The masses are opening thier eyes and are now seeing the light.
With so many starting to know the truth you can bet the NWO will need to speed up thier plans and act faster then they anticipated... So watch for a quickening of events..!!

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 09:03 PM
As we awake, so shall we rise.

The time to do something about this rested with our parents generation. However, very sadly....the hippies failed and became 10 times worse than the powers they were fighting against back then.

Now it lies with our generation to pick up the banner and finish the fight. We can NOT afford to sell out as our parents did. We must rock this boat and be heard!

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 10:08 PM
What I want to know is, are they waking up in a "gee, maybe things aren't really as I thought they were" kind of way, or in a "my third eye has been penetrated by the sacred adamantine Ray of Thoth, and my ada and pingala channels are thrumming with trans-chakric vibrations" kind of way?

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 10:17 PM
The reality of it all is that most people, if not all, are helpless to do anything short of standing by and watching it all unfold.

The world is coming to an end - slowly every day. We all see that. While I keep a close eye on the unfolding news of the day, I don't "rely" on it. I rely on the scriptures but also compare the news of today to the scriptures.

No matter how bleak things are looking, and will continue to look, I have to remember that God is in total control of this earth, and His children. The last day won't arrive until He says it will.

Til then? I am still in shock/awe/amazement? that out of alllllll the generations that have been on this planet, THIS generation, the one I'M living in, is probably going to see the entire 'end days' play out. How lucky/unlucky? can a person be?

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:05 AM

Great replies. And OP... I'm glad that you are talking amongst your neighbors (albeit, cautiously.) That is wise. Hope you aren't to put off by my abrasiveness ... you are in the south? I was raised in California... there's a reason I'm no longer there. Can't take it out of me though.

This whole thread is very encouraging as I've experienced similar to what most people have posted. (WTG Tentickles mom.)

I made a DVD for the in laws to watch and we didn't get to it right away since they are very low key and love... absolutely love family get togethers.

I'm the 'Doom & Gloom Conspiracy Theorist'. Suddenly, when everyone is winding down and ready to leave almost saying goodbyes ... Now, they ask about the DVD. And 2 hours later and lots of comments and discussion later... Seems I'm the go to man for answers.

I'm not the type. I dislike being center of attention and they know it.

Over the last 2-3 months as people are getting ready to leave a family gathering they ask for news... so, I've taken to giving weblinks and you tube links.

My dad in law, a typical ruralist, but definitely a sharp engineer that he is; now has WND and FoxNation in his favorites. He already liked O'Reilly (and got me watching him) but he knows that's comparatively shallow.

Now that he's seen 55% of his 401K disappear and mom in law is concerned about the investments and retirement ... they are also waking up.

It's encouraging hearing that everyone around is disbelieving the news that comes over the main stream. We are getting prepared.

Even a friends mom described an experience like Tentickles just 3 days ago. Asking he son how they can store a years worth of food etc...

No sense keeping your 'testicular fortitude' on your sleeve. Keep those jewels safe and take them out when needed and show no mercy for you will not be shown any mercy.

Remember Newton's law.

People are just waiting...

We have a great example in Chuck Norris ... he never sleeps, he just waits.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:29 AM
Yes more and more people are "waking up", but people need to be careful what they ask for as when more people "wake up" there's going to be certain people who go about things the wrong way, the last thing we need is a "revolution" or "rebellion".
I often think the government WANTS this to happen.
If their plans are as true as some people claim this action by the public will make their actions justified and much easier, without any blame being put upon them and them being seen as the heroes once again.
I think some of the more known fear mongers are put here for this purpose, to cause fear and panic in people and try to make others act without thinking.
The more people who do this the less it will be questioned if there is a heightened state of police and military.

I think within the next few years we are going to see a lot of shootings and violence from people who do not trust their government, there was just a case of this in PA where a man went on a shooting spree in a civic center who they said was a "paranoid person with mistrust of his government and was into conspiracy theories", the government loves this because it gives them more reasons to have higher suspicions and red flags on these types of people, it gives them more of a reason to try to gain and obtain more control without being questioned by most, the more people like this the more justified the governments actions.
So I think the more people who become awake, the more harmful it may be in the long run and that this entire thing is going to end up being a self fulfilling prophecy and the government is going to use this and these people as their first and biggest tool.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by nomorecrueltyTil then? I am still in shock/awe/amazement? that out of alllllll the generations that have been on this planet, THIS generation, the one I'M living in, is probably going to see the entire 'end days' play out. How lucky/unlucky? can a person be?

There's a whole school of thought called "catestrophe theory" that pivots on the fact that one is alive right this moment itself suggests we are closer to the end of humanity than not. The logic is roughly as follows: Imagine two boxes, each full of one thousand numbered ping-pong balls. The boxes are identical, except in "Box X," each ball has a different number (1-1000) on it, while in "Box Y," each ping-pong ball has one of the numbers 1-10 on it. You do not know which box is X and which is Y. You pick a ball from one of the boxes, and its number is "7." Now, from a statstical point of view, the chance that the ball came from Box Y is much larger than the chance that you just happened to pick a number below ten from Box X. (Chance of picking a number below 10 from Box Y = 1:1; from Box X = 1:100).

Now, let "Box X" equal a human race with a very short total history (past, present, and future), while "Box Y" equals a human race with a very long history (most of it in the future). And let the act of picking a ball be the act of being born randomly in any given age. The fact that we are alive now rather than some other time in the far future thus itself suggests that humanity's end is statstically more likely to come sooner rather than after many millilons of years lateer

Its a subtle theory and I doubt my rather dry explanation does it justice. google around if you don't know about it; its an interesting idea to say the least.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

I wish I could agree with you but I cant... most people are still sheep content to do what their told.
Okay maybe that's not entirely true. they elect people to office hoping they will fix whats wrong. They just don't want to be bothered, left alone to take care of their own families and live their lives.

People always say, they never saw it coming... well the signs were there they were just to busy to notice. until it jumps up and bites them on the butt...

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

I wish I could agree with you but I cant... most people are still sheep content to do what their told.
Okay maybe that's not entirely true. they elect people to office hoping they will fix whats wrong. They just don't want to be bothered, left alone to take care of their own families and live their lives.

People always say, they never saw it coming... well the signs were there they were just to busy to notice. until it jumps up and bites them on the butt...

I think most people, you and me included, don't want to be bothered. I also think that's what making these people so mad. They elect people to "take care of things" and then they see these people neglecting the store. That makes people take a closer look, and with the advent of the internet, the things they see and read about are not what they expected and THAT makes them mad.

The more you look the worse it gets and the worse it gets the madder you become because you realize you've been living in a dream world.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by silent thunder
A lot of "normal" people have seen fifty percent or more of their paper wealth evaporate over the past year and a half or so so, as the stock market has sapped their 401(k)s of vitality and the housing market has slumped. They may not be living in any materially different way...still slurping their starbucks lattes, heading off to the cube farm, and polishing their McMansion countertops...but they know they are poorer than they expected to ever be again, and they are now starting to realize that despite what Cramer of "Mad Money" says, the value of their holdings isn't coming back soon. That's got to be opening a lot of eyes. And nothing opens eyes like layoffs. Those lucky enough to still have jobs have probably at least seen a couple of victims of axe-swings among their friends and collegues.

Very true. I was talking to an acquaintance that I don't know too well at the pool a couple of days ago and boy, was she mad about GM. Apparently she had invested heavily in preferred stock and because of the government take over she's losing it all. Her words - "the government take over".

She went on to say that the government was taking over all of the banking institutions in order to have control over us. Hmmm......

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

The go-to guy, huh? Lol, very nice.

My family has been talking more and more about these things as well. My 83 year old father (who's also an engineer) was asked recently to do some consulting work for the federal government (they still ask occasionally) and he told me that he didn't know if he wanted to support their work anymore because they weren't about what was good for the nation anymore. He's never made comments like this to me before the past year or so.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 09:42 AM
I'll believe that people are waking up when next year only a handful of House members return to their seats after mid-term elections, and we see many states implementing term limits. That is the only way I see a peaceful resolution to the current political-economic crisis. The people in Congress who've been there, in many cases, for decades must go. They were there when glass-steagal was repealed, they were there when they failed to reign in the GSEs and now we expect them to fix the things that they eff'd up in the first place.

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