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Gay penguins hatch rejected egg

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posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by MajesticJax
And this proves what? Are we REALLY advocating same-sex marraige in this thread because two PENGUINS are acting strange?

Reaching a little, aren't we?

Am I the only one who is cracking up hysterically over this and over some of your comments?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by karl 12

You know, I think that article you cited may have given some people on here some instruction...."penis fencing" ?!? LOLLLLL!!!!!!!

All I can say is, you just killed my images of goats, giraffes and a few other animals but I sure do admire those monkeys. Name five people you know who get sex twice a week, let alone every two hours!

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:36 PM
Because of these gay penguins the wrath of god will befall us!

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 09:38 PM
nice pro-gay propaganda... and nice to compare ourselves with mindless animals of lower (or none) intelligence that dont even know the concept of "self" let alone the concept of "gay" and that are only driven by instinct.

How are they gay anyway? Did someone ask them? Or 2 males that take care of something together makes them gay? But thats alright... next time I wanna do something wrong that I think is right but I really wanna do it, I'll just use the argument "HEY SEE ITS NATURAL, DOES IT!!" Nice going, "humans" lets compare ourselves to lower species and start imitating their primitive irrational and instinctive behavior... actually, if some modern dance groups already dance like chimps, maybe this is the future... to go back millions of years of evolution to find our true selves. Well... I choose to continue to be "less evolved" then.

Or is this just plain propaganda pro-gay, pro-gay marriage, pro-gay adoption, etc etc?

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by MilitieTempliSalmo

I have to say I've got respect for your posts on other issues around the boards but I don't think all the observations and comments made in these links can be seen as 'propaganda':

That homosexuality exists in animals is I think beyond question -if you have an issue with the practise of it -that is of course your prerogative.

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 05:15 AM
Nope. There is no propaganda, no nothing.

Absolutely NO propaganda, at least for me.

There is, however, a message here to take away: Acceptance.

Who CARES whether it's choice or genetics?

An earlier poster here made a point.

It's all about acceptance, of your fellow human being.

And I guess that's why I'm so misanthropic. I've seen so much, in so little time, of "social stigma", or so-called "intelligence" at work, of people who bash because of religion, who hurt people, and who think they are always right because others have not had proof to show them.

There are no confirmed proof of aliens either; yet why do most of us believe in them? Genetics clearly have shown us the best REASON behind homosexuality - it might be something else post-conception or whatever - but we accept it because the other option is not possible.

CHOICE is not possible. If you were gay, you would know. But the matter of the fact is, a lot of you aren't gay. You are clearly, and proudly (duh! Who wouldn't be, in the majority!) straight.

No one has asked you to be gay here. Besides putting your wee-wee in a same-sex hole, which someone said to be "proof" you can choose what you do sexually, no one really asks you to like the same-sex. All that has been asked of you is to tolerate people who do.

And yet, I don't see that. I really don't.

I don't even see toleration.

You think this is "pro-gay", "pro-marriage", "pro-adoption" propaganda. You think the minority, the homosexuals, are misguided in lifestyle choice, but YOU'RE in the minority when it comes to understanding the roots of being gay.

You might argue, that penguins aren't humans. You might argue, that penguins might just raise an egg together as males. You might argue that just because it's natural for them might not be natural for us.

1) Yes. Penguins aren't humans. But the fact that we have to resort to comparing two different species - just goes to show how desperate the situation is, that we have to show homosexuality is natural for you haters to see that it IS (and not a choice)... and even then, so many of you poke holes and laugh.

2) Yes. Penguins might raise eggs together as males. Who knows? But what I do know is that many other animals do, too. Not only that, they perform gay acts without reason. Dogs, for example, I have seen. And sheep, too.

3) Yes. It might not be natural for humans... but what is natural? is natural "what God decreed"? Is natural male-and-female? Just because we are at the so-called top, intellectually, at least, of the animal kingdom, does that mean nature works differently for any of us? You might have your religious objections, but I believe that nature is nature, and whatever the cause, if you can see it in any lower rungs of the animal kingdom, it should be in us, too. Just because we have better brains doesn't equal we are denied anything in comparison to other animals.

YET... after all this... what is the point?

Tolerance. Acceptance.

By now, I know of three posters here who might STILL be fixed into thinking it's a choice. Lifestyle-wise, YES. Homosexuality on a whole, NO. So many gay people don't lead flamboyant homosexual lifestyles... but they are "closeted". And they only wish for YOU TO ACCEPT THEM. So they can come out, and stop fearing the repercussions if they do.

Why must they come out?

Because it's HEALTHY for them. Just like any other secret, revealing it can change EVERYTHING.

There is a CORRECT answer for this. The answer is that: WHATEVER it is, it is anything BUT A CHOICE.

If you mistaken people continue to think gay people "can change" just by changing their "choice" of male or female, then you continue to enforce the stigma. You continue to force them to stay closeted, in a sense, "choosing" to be straight against who they REALLY are. Do you understand how wrong that is?

It's oppression, really, submitting the weaker, less-resilient-of-mind to be sexually oppressed to follow "the normal".

You are on ATS, and you oppose oppression (hopefully), but you don't realize this is oppression of the socially-accepted nature.

And I am not asking you to accept gay marriage. Or gay rights. Or gay equality. Or whatever. That's some other thread here.

What I am asking you to do, is to accept that this, for some people, for a MAJORITY of people, really, is something they can't help. And if you talked to enough gay people, if you bothered to go out and find information and interact and learn, you would see that, too. If you bothered not to talk to gay strippers, but to REAL people, blue-collared office workers, working in firms and being scared of being "outed", you would soon learn otherwise.

Go out and TALK to them yourself. Stop being so adamant when you haven't interviewed, you haven't surveyed, and you haven't discovered.


And TOLERATE them. If you think it's a choice, you automatically don't TOLERATE them, because you think they can change easily, so you degrade them and insult them as people who "choose a wrong, sinful lifestyle" (for what? the fun of it? the insulting that comes with it?) and that is just wrong.

If it's not genetics, and if it's not choice, what is it?

It's something biological for sure.

Xq28. I remember that genetic marker from the information I found. I'm no biologist, but markers affect behavioral determinants of a baby after conception. So maybe it ISN'T genetics, but it's a hormone that is derived from a genetic marker. Maybe homosexuality isn't "passed down", but the hormone that codes for it is.

Unless any one of you here are biologists, you can't say.

And you can't say OTHERWISE, either. Just because you ruled out genetics, the "natural given characteristics" doesn't mean the other end of the spectrum, "human free will" is automatically the answer.

Who knows what it is? Science, as it progresses, will uncover the secret.

But what you, non-biologists, can do, is to go out there, find out BEFORE you open your mouth and KEEP INSISTING, REFUSING TO LEARN ("I've had my say. I'm tired..."). You say, but you don't pick up anything.

If anything, I'm here on ATS to learn.

You are clearly not doing that.

Start finding out, learning, and please, CHANGE YOUR ERRONEOUS MINDESET.

For the good of ALL of us, HUMANKIND ON A WHOLE>

(No propaganda here, is there? Pftt.)

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by MilitieTempliSalmo
nice pro-gay propaganda... and nice to compare ourselves with mindless animals of lower (or none) intelligence that dont even know the concept of "self" let alone the concept of "gay" and that are only driven by instinct.

How are they gay anyway? Did someone ask them? Or 2 males that take care of something together makes them gay? But thats alright... next time I wanna do something wrong that I think is right but I really wanna do it, I'll just use the argument "HEY SEE ITS NATURAL, DOES IT!!" Nice going, "humans" lets compare ourselves to lower species and start imitating their primitive irrational and instinctive behavior... actually, if some modern dance groups already dance like chimps, maybe this is the future... to go back millions of years of evolution to find our true selves. Well... I choose to continue to be "less evolved" then.

Or is this just plain propaganda pro-gay, pro-gay marriage, pro-gay adoption, etc etc?

So being gay is "primitive", "irrational" and "instinctive"?

It's behavior of LOWER species?

My, is that insulting!

And it's hilarious how a supposedly-more intelligent species is saying that.

The way I see it, being straight is "primitive" and "instinctive". It's the Instinct for men, which I am certain ALL of you people are, to spread their seed and to impregnate as many women as possible for the longevity of the species.

Homosexuality is anything but primitive, because it goes against "spreading seed in women" to ensure the survival of the species. It's something which evokes more thought, because since it doesn't seem to serve any biological purpose, WHY is it still being done by animals?

And whether you like it, or not, HUMANS ARE STILL ANIMALS.

Stop elevating yourself. The way I see it, there are still MANY humans out there, George Bush for starters, who lack intelligence and are still "lower", like you put it.

Oh, wait. Did i just cross this over into political propaganda?

Whoops. I apologize.

Back on track, if it doesn't serve any purpose, is it "unnatural"? No. Because it happens in nature. Happens in nature = "natural".

But humans have a different take on nature. They take natural as anything that is accepted by the majority of their society and is the "social norm". Anything that isn't, is, well, unnatural. Christians find atheists unnatural. Many fundamentalist Muslims find Americans unnatural.

Whoops. Did I cross this into religious propaganda?


You argue that we are higher than animals. I don't see why. Does a more developed brain makes us any different?

Just because animals do it = humans have to do it too?

NO. You don't HAVE to do it.

Choose your cherry (no pun intended), pick your side, or stand in the middle. You can do whatever you want, because it's a FREE WORLD (for all countries but North Korea, I guess... Damn, I'm sorry Militie I'm afraid I can't help myself), but don't OPPRESS those who choose otherwise.

And what you're doing now, IS oppression.

If it wasn't, why are there still closeted homosexuals? If it wasn't, why do people still bother hiding who they really are?

The way I see it, modern societal norms and conventions are DEGENERATIVE - they degrade society and make society more "base" and "restricted", if you know what I mean.

They restrict people from getting together (darn it! Pro-marriage propaganda! American Family Association is gonna come after me soon) and from coming out into the open, and being who they are.

Toleration is possible. Stop saying homosexuality is behavior of a "lower" species, it most certainly is not. It is the stupidity of human convention that PERCEIVES homosexuality to be "lower". It is NOT.

Because there are humans who do it too. But some holier-than-thou (yes, I will use that phrase, as I did in Page 2 or 3 of this thread) people insist these humans are "unnatural" and "primitive"... Rather, they're being "natural" and who they are. Just because they're following their sexual urges, doesn't make them any less human. Are they cannibals? Are they eating their fellow humans like the Neanderthals once did, and some Amazonian tribes still do?

No. So why is homosexuality - using the term BEYOND just gay sex and flamboyant lifestyles - "primitive"? They are themselves. And they accept others who are different, not just sexuality-wise, too.

And I applaud them for that.

In fact, they are HIGHER than those people who condemn others for being themselves just because they "do not follow the norm". Ironic, because these people are turning away and becoming more "primitive" themselves instead of entering society and living in a community and realizing there are people there OTHER THAN YOURSELF AND YOUR LIKE-MINDED FRIENDS.

Look, you're as much human as any of them. Stop being such FAKES.

And stop promoting hate. Really, just stop it.

Your comment, militie, was degrading and rude. Even though I'm not gay, I sure felt the degradation in the words you used... and I didn't like it one bit. That's not how you behave in a 21st century society.

(Darn it! I oppressed you AND I expressed social propaganda!)

[edit on 5-6-2009 by KarlG]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 05:45 AM

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 11:58 AM
They still weren't sure if they were gay until the penguins opened an after hours club and tried to book Diana Ross... SNAP

[edit on 5-6-2009 by SaraThustra]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by karl 12

OH MY!!! I am still laughing.. must wipe tears away...

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by KarlG

I dont HAVE to change my mindset. I'm entitled to my own opinions and if you come here because you opose oppression then let me be free to think what I wanna think and have my personal beliefs

Oh and dont throw "humanity" in there or anything like "for good sake of humanity" because if we were all gay and if being gay is so natural, there would be no such thing as "humanity" unless of course nature forced you to become a female during the mating season so we could actually reproduce and have "humanity"

Its my opinion and I'm entitled to it just as you are so "pro-gay" and I dont force you do believe or think otherwise. I'm not trying to sell anything here, I only gave my opinion on the "gay penguin" issue. I dont see gay penguins I see 2 males taking care of something fragile and precious. But ppl have to shove the "gay-is-natural-see-even-animals-are-nature-itself-made-it-so-please-accept-this" crap down our throats... ya know.. it would be better just to let it slide instead of always trying to make a point, gay penguins, homosexuality in nature, yadda yadda yadda. What kind of freaky agenda do you guys have anyway? Let it slide...

Btw... if it was "so natural" it would make news every time theres a "gay" something. If they were 2 hetero penguins taking care of an egg no one would care... why? Because its natural... see my point?

And please I ask again, can you stop comparing humans with dogs, sheep, etc? lol please?

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by MilitieTempliSalmo
reply to post by KarlG

Btw... if it was "so natural" it would make news every time theres a "gay" something. If they were 2 hetero penguins taking care of an egg no one would care... why? Because its natural... see my point?

And please I ask again, can you stop comparing humans with dogs, sheep, etc? lol please?

Okay, I'm getting it. In your opinion being gay is not natural. Fine.
What is it?
Is it a choice? Do animals as well as humans choose it?

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by MilitieTempliSalmo
What kind of freaky agenda do you guys have anyway?

Equality. Freaky... innit?

[edit on 5-6-2009 by ImzadiDax]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:35 PM
dont some animals of certain species attempt to have sex with another species. i remember a while back a penguin being raped by a seal. animals are by no means the measure of high standard behavior, they do whatever to survive and that results in mutations. i wont be surprised if in another million years humans might be able to reproduce through other means. Im betting on oral

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by DuneKnight
dont some animals of certain species attempt to have sex with another species. i remember a while back a penguin being raped by a seal. animals are by no means the measure of high standard behavior, they do whatever to survive and that results in mutations. i wont be surprised if in another million years humans might be able to reproduce through other means. Im betting on oral

LOL!!! Dude, that was priceless!!! OMG, I nearly peed my pants!

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by MilitieTempliSalmo
nice pro-gay propaganda... and nice to compare ourselves with mindless animals of lower (or none) intelligence that dont even know the concept of "self" let alone the concept of "gay" and that are only driven by instinct.

How are they gay anyway? Did someone ask them? Or 2 males that take care of something together makes them gay? But thats alright... next time I wanna do something wrong that I think is right but I really wanna do it, I'll just use the argument "HEY SEE ITS NATURAL, DOES IT!!" Nice going, "humans" lets compare ourselves to lower species and start imitating their primitive irrational and instinctive behavior... actually, if some modern dance groups already dance like chimps, maybe this is the future... to go back millions of years of evolution to find our true selves. Well... I choose to continue to be "less evolved" then.

Or is this just plain propaganda pro-gay, pro-gay marriage, pro-gay adoption, etc etc?

Wow there are so many really inappropriate things i would like to call you right now.

Prove they are mindless and emotionless. Do it! PROVE IT RIGHT NOW! You do realize that we are not the most intelligent animals on this planet right? As far as pure brain power goes we are not! Besides i dare you to live in a penguin's habitat for a month! You think you could survive? On the same level too, you have to catch your own food and take care of yourself without your silly human technology. I got my entire life savings that says you would be dead in a week!

Go swim with a great white, see who is the lesser creature.

Take a hike through African savanna with just a walking stick and no guide see how far you get before a predator spots you.

Get bitten by an usambara baboon (its an african spider) see how much higher you are!

Some little factoids for your self righteous self.

An earthworm's brain is faster than the fastest supercomputer in existence.

In fact that little burst of hate you just had there was only because your brain triggered your pituitary gland to release a peptide to dock in some cell receptors that caused you to have that emotion.... What is more primitive than that?

Did you know that the neural network functions identically in every creature that has a brain? Some have more computing power, but they still work the same.

Sure some creatures are purely instinctive, but many can have thoughts and logical problem solving ability. And birds do not fit into that purely instinctive category.. You are just an animal with neurons and pathways, if you can think so can they!

Don't think a bird can have a coherent thought?

Exhibit A.

RIP Alex..

This one is good too..

This one is actually my favorite.

Bird Military Tactics..

Everyone knows that cats identify their young through smell. Then what is this all about?

I'm going to stop here, you are never going to give the animal kingdom the credit it deserves.... You are just an animal. Never forget that. Don't forget that every animal on earth is your kin. They have just as much a right to be here as your self righteous entitled %^&.

P.S. I do not support gay marriage, but I do not like it when people diss on animals they think are lower than them.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by DaMod]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:11 PM
Dude those videos are nothing. (Ok, yeah, they're something, but so is this!

Check this out:

An Elephant Painting a Self-Portrait

All the people who think other animals are stupid and don't have feelings, are more animals than men themselves. Even dolphins are more compassionate than that.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by bsbray11]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by DaMod

The last one.. really made me cry. Thats sad and hopeful at the same time!!

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

WOW!!! That is definitely on the top 3 of the coolest things I have ever seen!!!

Thank you for that!

I was going to do an animal intelligence thread. Do you mind if I use that vid?

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by DaMod

Of course not, you shouldn't even have to ask. I cried the first time I saw it because I never suspected animals were that intelligent.

To quote Burroughs, "Language is a virus from outer space."

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