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Reptilian race could come from Earth?

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posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:55 AM
This is a video documentary that ventilate`s the possibility that reptilian grey evolved from Earth? Could this be possible?


posted on May, 25 2009 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by Kukulcangod

I've never heard of Grays being referred to as reptilian... or coming from Earth.


posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Kukulcangod

It is interesting that some have theorized that a few dinosaurs may have survived the mass extinction of 65 million years ago. That bolsters some theories that Reptilians are descended from dinosaurs. I am not saying I believe it, but if one is interested in Reptilians, this is a path to follow in getting the evidence needed to prove they exist.

Here is a link to the story:

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:43 PM
Evolution...I've always thought evolution among the species is minimal, let's talk about intelligent design. What are we doing now as a civilization, we're cloning, gene splicing and playing with our food source, what else? Who else before us was doing the same? Soon manipulation of life becomes a game or toy for scientists, my God have they already done we don't know about?

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 07:32 PM
There is a paper that follows the story of a reptilian named Lacerta. It is not known if the paper is real or not (probably not). If it is though it explains that the reptilians were here long before us and that there have been several wars of different being for the control of the planet. you should check it out, fake or real it is a very interesting read.

Lacerta Files:

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:32 PM
Reptilians and Grays are already here inside of earth they have been for a long time, the reason they can’t come up here because it’s too polluted, and the other GRAND reason is because the NSA agreed to give them children (societies unwanted children, it’s a damn shame we call are selves human while we let members of our own kind being taken away like this) for them to eat and in return they lets us mine minerals.

Reptilians are not from this world they are from the Draco constellation; they simply hate humans and look at us as food. They are hydrogen breathers, war-like; they are into control and domination. They are like the bully in the galaxy; they are extremely dangerous in technology and physically, they have strengths of 15men, they are 18-22 feet tall, and they weigh in the thousands of pound. For the last 5000 years they have been trying to control “earth humans” through religion/politics (I see these two entities as the same thing), currency, making us feels inferior, making us kill each other through wars and racial purification. All the mental psychosis that we suffer is completely UNNATURAL to our psyche, its all because of these creatures.

People these creatures are literrally emotionless spiritualy in other words they are pure ego and genetically to make matters worse. DO NOT BE IN AW WHEN THEY GET HERE.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:43 PM
I just find it strange that in the age we live in where almost everyone has a camera that we have so little pictures of these reptilians. I mean reptilian pictures are hard to come by it is even hard to find fake ones. With the TV show V being remade we will see a lot of "reptilian evidence" in the next few months. Kind of like those hoaxed UFO photos that were showing up before Halo camme out.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by The Mack

I agree. Surely some indication of them would have slipped through the cracks sooner or later. Surely there is something out there in the way of evidence, if they do exist in mass in Earth, or even if they are just visiting.

I don't buy the shape-shifter videos on youtube, being passed off as reptilians losing their physical control over the human form, either. I have seen way too many camera anomolies to believe that.

Anybody got any evidence that has slipped through the cracks on these elusive creatures?

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by esteay812

I do not think anyone can provide proof that exists outside of David Icke's universe.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by The Mack

Don't dismiss David Icke. Yes his reptilian shape shifters seem like really far--fetched.
But I think there's a possibility he could be right.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Elmocall911

I would like to know where you got all this information. I like reading about them and would like to know sources for this. I would like to check it out myself.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:30 PM
Yes but then there is a possibility that he is just batcrap crazy

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by The Mack
Yes but then there is a possibility that he is just batcrap crazy

Yep there's always that possibility but also he might not be batcrap crazy either

"tales from the timeloop" was an interestin read.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:42 PM
it would make sense there may be more probelms to surviving in space than we think, specific frequecies for a species to overcome before acclimating or just cooking in space almost like some kind of technological cypher, you get so far out or off then get fried by invisible forces.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by uk today

I am a channel for the Christ spirit. The title was given to me very recently by the Godhead. -David Icke

Yes the possibilities are endless.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:49 PM
yeah they say that they took over all of existance, perhaps its true just have a weapon that does big bangs some kind of gravity bomb then just use it as a deletion field whenever someone steps outta line. destroy the entirety of exsistance then put it back with a few tweaks. but thatd require alot of sensory alot of computation and matter arrangement once basic stellar harnessing was surpassed also metabolic rate would be requird to be raised almost to infinite, then stabilising at the time space regions required for "communication".

But the spectrum could be infinitely expansive wich would piss someone who has to claim by there very organisational societal "cohesion" system that they are the inventor of everything Capitalism mixed with dynamic "information or spectrum awareness" as currency just my small take from a laymen

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:55 PM
my current christ spirit" dont tell another to take a spigot out of his subconscous" when its in your own. Dont try to be unmeek or rude. realise fighting still happening on this planet at the moment, so official secrets are dissemable and the reactions it causes are incalcuable or not worthwhile to calculate, or too worthwhile not too

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 07:26 PM
I would have had a few different questions for that reptilian female:

1) Why are none of the 14 races that are currently here on Earth just simply SURPRISED at each other? I mean 14 different species of aliens, that's insane, all on one planet?

2) Where are all the 'good' species at? Why are none of them taking up for us? Shouldn't we be viewed as pretty much defenseless, dumb and that we really don't know better?

3) Why don't any of them make themselves known to us?

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 05:05 AM
I got it from 2 sources...1. Alex Collier he talks about the reptilians and all the governement issues with greys 2. Text from the VEDAs which literrally tells you beings living underground soo kinda backs up Alex Collier micheal tsarion also covers this in this books and DVD's

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 05:24 AM
First of all it is already thought the reptilians coming to earth now WERE considered native originally at a past time but left due to conditions on earth . They would logically come back later on when conditions were more right for them to set up their technologies and whatnot else. However it should also be known that there is a separate reptilian/dinosaur like species inhabiting earth and has been for some time.

These species that are more dinosaur-like in nature ARE native to the earth and escaped into the hollow earth during cataclysmic events that may have possible caused the extraterrestrial reptilian to leave abruptly. Now this may be confusing considering it is possible some groups of the terrestrial reptilian dinosauroids may have been forced into collaboration with the invading reptilians. Now back to the topic at hand; can reptilians and greys come from earth? I wouldn't expect the greys to come from earth since the main system for them seems to be zeta reticuli or Orion.

Also I saw a comment on this thread that someone said they were surprised to hear that a grey was a type of reptilian. This is somewhat true and untrue at the same time. The gray species doesn't really qualify as being reptilian which is why they are somewhat lower on the hierarchical structure. However there are some species that have been observed to be a mix of grey and reptilian genetics. As for the dinosauroids I mentioned don't assume them to be your enemy. For your own peace of mind I wouldn't assume every reptilian to be your enemy either considering that, like people, there are those who dish out the negative and those who dish out the positive. Don't judge a species by the actions of a small portion.

Lastly I'll go into this more on other threads when I get the chance. I have to go for now and I hope some of this information has proven helpful/interesting to someone. Take care everyone.

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