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Planet X video from THREE different views

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posted on May, 16 2009 @ 06:54 PM
I just got done reviewing some very shocking videos of what looks to be TWO suns setting. I put them all together in one video along with another set of shots from YET another part of the world. ALL show TWO suns setting.

Some claim it to be the moon. But if the moon was in between the Earth and the SUN it would HAVE to be dark because NO light will be reflecting off it. Besides, isn't that how eclipses form?

In addition, the second sun and/or planet X sets with the sun, never changing position. Thus, that indicates it is much further out than the moon.

Also, as the cameras moves the sun and Planet X never change position. They remain where they were. Thus, that rules out lense flares or some camera trick.

Heres is the video... let me know what you think. Sorry, I can't figure out how to post my video here so I will give you the link.

this video is of screen shots CLEARLY showing TWO setting suns... NOT A SUN DOG.

[edit on 16-5-2009 by Galacticwacko]

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:08 PM
I don't know what to think of this video. I guess everything thats visual can just be faked nowadays. Nonetheless, heres the video embedded:

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:22 PM
Im pretty sure most of the so called "Planet X" videos presented have been talked about here before and have also been debunked as lens flares or something along those lines. Im too lazy to look it all up and post the links.

As for "chemtrails" supposed to be for making it so we cant see it (in the video comments) ...........something as large and as close as Planet X is supposed to be, would be seen regardless of any sky hazing. After all, we can still see the other planets like Jupiter and Venus etc, which put off NO light of their own (only what is reflected from the sun).

My next question to the planet x believers is: Is it a planet? or a large brown dwarf star? because I keep hearing it referred to as both in these threads.

Either way, Planet X, Nibiru etc doesn't exist. Made up by people wanting to earn a quick buck from the fantastical books they write, in my opinion.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:35 PM
Notice how all the chemtrails in the video are presented as a large X covering the sun. Lulgasmic.
But anyway, I believe Planet X is something very real to an extent. Weather it be a large brown dwarf star or a real planet, I have no clue.
In conclusion I don't know weather or not they're "covering" something form our view.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:37 PM
What you see in the video is probably what is called a "sun dog", like in this photo (the hand blocks out the actual sun):


Sundogs are visible when the sun is near the horizon and on the same horizontal plane as the observer and the ice crystals. As sunlight passes through the ice crystals, it is bent by 22 degrees before reaching our eyes, much like what happens with 22 degree halos. This bending of light results in the formation of a sundog.

Sun dogs

And the "chemtrails" in your video are quite normal contrails. From previous experiences in threads about "chemtrails" I know it will be very, very difficult to convince you about that, but I thought I would mention it anyway.

Here you can learn a lot of stuff about contrails if you are interested:

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by QBSneak000

In all the videos and pics there were SUN lenses placed over them. You can plainly see it being put on in one of the videos. Maybe I should have left that part in.

I am NOT a big believer in Planet X. But these videos are causing me to ask questions. So far, I have not heard a solid logical reason for how the SAME event can occir in three different parts of the world.. ALL coming forward within just the last month or two.

As far as the hazing obscuring our vision. After we are sprayed the trails widen a cause the entire sky is hazy. It defracts the suns light to make its rays more bright. Like when you shine a flashlight in the fog. Or put your headlights on... it creates an obscure vision. It is just a guess... that is why I put a QUESTION mark in the video.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by ziggystar60

Close... but the SUN DOG pics I have seen all have the second sun a bit further away from the sun than the video pics.

SUN DOG's are a very good possibility but do not equate with the images in the video.

As far as Chemtrails... all I know is that I have lived in the same town for over thirty years... and ONLY in the last few years have I been seeing the skies get clouded by these streaks. And only up until this year I have been seeing HUGE Xs made right in front of my eyes in the sky. They almost look choreographed.

Gotta get me a SUN DOG pic that is NOT in the video and looks more like it. The SUN DOGs I have seen are different.

In addition, there are other videos that back the Planet X theory up.

I will post it in a bit

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:54 PM
And as my SON just pointed out... SUN DOGS have are created on BOTH sides of the sun and often at the top as well.

So it aint a SUN DOG


posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:56 PM
I wonder if you've seen this video, it has since been 'removed by the user' from youtube but I saved screencaps. Here it is:

some other pictures by two different photographers:

Perhaps for some unknown reason, 'planet X' can only be seen by a camera.

I actually can't get an picture of 'Nibiru' with my digital camera under any conditions, but other people can?
My location is Southwestern BC in Canada

[edit on 16-5-2009 by star in a jar]

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by star in a jar

Here is his new video... he actually has photos of a planet with moons. See for yourself.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Galacticwacko
In addition, there are other videos that back the Planet X theory up.

I will post it in a bit

There should be hundreds if not thousands of videos showing exactly the same thing.

But there isn't.

The thing about the whole Nibiru/planet x theory is that anyone can just look up to the sky and realise what a load of crap it really is.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

two years ago I never even knew what the Federal Reserve was. Two days ago I could give a crap about Planet X or niburu or whatever you call it. Someone sent me some pics and asked me some questions. I am asking them now? What is that other sun?

It is not a sun dog? Thus, we can't say it is Planet X and we can't say it is not at this point.

New World Order was just a conspiracy theory until a month or two ago.


posted on May, 16 2009 @ 08:53 PM
Nice vids keep it up, i want to see 100s of these..from 100s of individuals.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Galacticwacko

Since there are thousands of different situations that will effect how a sundog will look, it's difficult to say it's not a sundog.

Like I said, it's a simple matter of just looking up.

As for the NWO conspiracy, it's been around a lot longer than a few months, I've known about it since before 2000, when martial law etc was going to be implemented because of Y2K.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by Galacticwacko
reply to post by Chadwickus

two years ago I never even knew what the Federal Reserve was. Two days ago I could give a crap about Planet X or niburu or whatever you call it. Someone sent me some pics and asked me some questions. I am asking them now? What is that other sun?

It is not a sun dog? Thus, we can't say it is Planet X and we can't say it is not at this point.

New World Order was just a conspiracy theory until a month or two ago.


Planet X is bunk as far as it coming anywhere near us. If it was going to be here in 2012 and all that stuff, you would already know it.

It takes Jupiter nearly 12 years to orbit the sun 1 time. So think about how long it would take for Jupiter to get from it's current spot in orbit, to the sun itself on a direct path.

Jupiter travels at 13.07 km/s and is on average 778,547,200 km away from the sun. Which means it would take 59888246 seconds for it to reach the sun, which is 998137 minutes, or 16635 hours, or 693 days, or 1.8 years roughly for Jupiter to reach the sun in a direct path.

Now, lets take a look at speeds for the planets. The closer a planet is to the sun, the faster it moves. Like when a piece of soap is going down a drain, the closer it gets to the center of the drain, the faster it spins around it. So we know that the further away a planet orbits, the slower it's speed will be. This is true for each and every planet in the solar system, the further out, the slower they are.

The planets don't go in a perfect orbit, so they speed up and slow down depending on how far away they are.

Kepler's Laws

The speeds get slower pretty quick. Mercury moves at an average speed of 47.9 km/s, but Neptune only moves at an average speed of 5.4 km/s. So lets do the math with Neptune.

4,503,443,661 km away, at 5.4 km/s.

833971048.33 seconds
13899517 minutes
231658 hours
9652 days
26 years

So it would take Neptune 26 years to get from it's place in orbit to the sun at the speed is traveling. Of course it would actually be less than that, as the closer it gets the faster it will go. I'm not sure on the math for figuring that up, I'd have to look it up. But even if you figure in an object moving at 50 km/s from where Neptune is, you are still looking at 2.8 years for that object to get to the sun. If it were going that fast, then it wouldn't be an object belonging to this solar system however, as the sun wouldn't be it's focus point and it would be ignoring the laws.

It takes Neptune 164 years just to make a single orbit of the sun.

So, when you take into account the distances and speeds we are talking about then Planet X would already have to be in the solar system and it would be impossible to hide.

If it's real or not, I don't know. But I'd say any chance of it coming by in 2012 is out the window.

The stuff about the fed reserve is true etc, but when you get into topics like these you will find that the theories attach themselves to each other. Everything is now being claimed to be related to 2012 and so forth. But if you look at the nibiru stuff, and the 2012 stuff individually then you will find each of them are from 2 totally different cultures on opposite sides of the world. Nibiru stuff comes from Iraq, and the 2012 stuff from South America.

[edit on 17-5-2009 by badmedia]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by badmedia

Did I say anything about 2012? And as far as the Planetary speeds and science behind it all... we used to think the Earth was flat and we used to think leaches cured everything. So as far as modern science goes it helps to an extent. There are things about the Universe and reality we DO NOT understand.

If you read on SUN DOGS you will notice that they come in twos and threes. THey also have to do with angle degrees and they do not change by much with each one. But if you can find me two or three pics that look just like the video.. I may reconsider.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 08:21 AM
I think there is plenty of people aiming telescopes at the sky, who are not employed by any corporations or governments.
That would get a lot better look at something like this than anyone with a video camera.
They have expensive refractors with filters that take perfect close up pictures of the Sun.
They would definitely be able to pick this up better than a video camera.
And yet nothing from any of those amateur astronomers and astro photographers.
So I think this is nothing.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 08:30 AM
Has anybody even tried going outside, blocking the sun out with their hand and seen this planet it is quick, easy to do and free, before you go taking pictures this is what needs to be done first. I bet you dont see anything.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 09:27 AM
It astounds me that this planet X stuff keeps on going. A little understanding of orbital mechanics indicates that the concept of it approaching from behind the sun all year round and year after year is total bunk. The 'only visible from the south pole' myth is running a close second as well and for the same reason. I live at 43 degrees south and I'd be seeing it from here if it existed as I have a clear view every night of the south celestial pole and trust me, there's nothing unusual there at all.

All planet X believers - please do a little study (and not on UTube) to enlighten yourselves on this.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Galacticwacko
Did I say anything about 2012? And as far as the Planetary speeds and science behind it all... we used to think the Earth was flat and we used to think leaches cured everything. So as far as modern science goes it helps to an extent. There are things about the Universe and reality we DO NOT understand.

If you read on SUN DOGS you will notice that they come in twos and threes. THey also have to do with angle degrees and they do not change by much with each one. But if you can find me two or three pics that look just like the video.. I may reconsider.

It is said to be part of the solar system, so if it is part of the solar system then it has an orbit around the sun. If it orbits the sun, then it's going to follow the same laws as the other planets. If it is not following those laws, then it would have to be an object which is not part of the solar system, as it would orbit around something else. In which case, it wouldn't be anything that worked on a cycle. Even aside that, I still took and calculated a speed faster than even mercury just to show you the huge distances we are talking about. If there is a planet X, it is still many many years away.

I don't know what's in the pictures. The have the sun in them, which means alot of light and when light reflects/refracts you get things like that. But it is rather simple to rule out it being Planet X.

I'm not going to go look up pictures for you or anything, I seen the theories and stuff about it, checked it out and found it was impossible. I was just sharing the basic math behind why it is impossible.

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