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"Swine Flu"...... A distraction for something else?

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posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 02:32 PM
My personal opinion is that this is utter nonsense and there is alot of hysteria surrounding this "Swine Flu" stuff in the media atm.

I rather think this could be a kind of conditioning type exercise to see how the populas react to presentation; either directly (a very very very small minority) to the real "flu" and indirectly to the media and authorititive presentation of the "crisis".

You can flame me if you want but mark my words by xmas we'll all have forgotten what all the fuss was about; but.......

The fuss will have served its purpose; either the world will be in the grips of a serious reduction in population (from Swine Flu) or TPTB will know exactly how the populas will / can react to even more control and influence.

Any thoughts, just my 2c anyway.....


Edit: Just to say, whilst we're all distracted and preoccupied with "Swine Flu". This is the perfect opportunity to set up the next big event.....

[edit on PMTue, 28 Apr 2009 14:34:42 -050042America/Chicago by Marlborough Red]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 02:41 PM
I don't call 160+ dead from a very virulent virus that is now spreading globally a fuss. This is a serious threat to all humans and especially to those in developing countries with poor healthcare and inferior infrastructure.

Hmm, well, if we want to speculate, what could this next big event be then ? /Regards

[edit on 2009/4/28 by reugen]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:04 PM
F&S for this. It's usually something HUGE on the MSM that grabs everyone's attention away from something suttle. 160 people in Mexico City vs 13,000 cases of tuberculosis and not a word of it on mainstream news!!!!

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:11 PM
A distraction? A coincidence?

This thought just hit me...with all the news about how bad the economy is, we have a virus taking over now?

I am going to put on my crazy hat here, and say what if this has been purposely been spread around to lower the population to help stabilize the population, possibly helping the economy?

Crazy hat off.

This will either die out, or continue getting worse.

I hope it dies out.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:12 PM
If the swine flu isn't able to go from person to person, could it be possible that it was mixed with avian flu, which IS able to?

Since the "experts" are saying that the virus is a mix of bird and pig.

The swine is the host, the bird is the able carrier.

Just a rambling thought.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by reugen

I don't call 160+ dead from a very virulent virus that is now spreading globally a fuss.

Are all of those confirmed? and if so, who is doing the confirming?

Could it be that swine flu patients will be used as guinea pigs for experimental flu vaccinations?

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:24 PM
Here's a great tracking map that shows all cases be it suspected, confirmed, or deaths -


It also gives specs on each person(s) affected.

Might be a good site to watch for a while.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:25 PM
Not sure if that link worked the first time......... I'll repost.

Sorry for the one liner.


posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Marlborough Red

Yeah, I was thinking pretty much the same thing. We`ve always been played, and that probably whats happening right now.

Got a thread similar to yours here

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:30 PM
According to the CDC, the Flu kills approximately 36,000 Americans per annum. So, until the Death Toll due to the Swine Flu exceeds that average number of deaths due to all Flu variants, it is not really a concern or different from any other year. So far, the Death Toll in the US due to Swine Flu is 0, null, nada, zilch!

I agree that the Media has hyped the heck out of this. So have people who would rather panic and worry.

It is also true that it is S.O.P. to distract and divert attention away from what one is doing by throwing out an object that will keep their attention preoccupied. Illusionists do this with their audiences. Covert Ops do this with the media.

Even when not done as a preemptive diversionary tactic, it is done after-the-fact as damage control when something leaks out to the media that shouldn't have.

When big stories that have little to no worth hit the press and the press, it is generally an indicator to begin looking at what's on the back page.

Especially considering you have some large diversionary stories taking up the majority of the public's interest right now, even if it wasn't to cover something up, it would be an opportune time for any Covert Group to do something with little worry of exposure. (Kind of like when Bank Robbers wait for an Earthquake or a Presidential Visit in the next town over to do their big heist knowing that the Police are going to be too busy elsewhere.)

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by reugen
I don't call 160+ dead from a very virulent virus that is now spreading globally a fuss.

I don't see any evidence, (other than MSM) of these deaths......

This is a serious threat to all humans and especially to those in developing countries with poor healthcare and inferior infrastructure.

Why would it affect developing countries more than the developed? Surely the virus isn't specific about 'who' it attacks.....?

If anything; poor healthcare and limited infrastructure would mitigate the spread of the virus, unless of course they've been jetting off on package holidays....!

Hmm, well, if we want to speculate, what could this next big event be then ? /Regards

Who knows......

Read what I said and think about something different because.....

As sure as eggs are eggs we'll all have forgotten about "Swine Flu" in 6 months time.....

This is a distraction for other things going on in the financial, political and military echelons of this planet.....


posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Marlborough Red

i think it could be a distraction ... i don't know if 'they're' setting up for 'they're' next big thing, but it's possible and 160 people really isn't a big population reduction ... who knows it could be pop. reduction coming out with the vaccine just in the nick of time ... i think it could be a distraction for what's going on with wall street etc. people will be more interested in their well-being rather then the well being of the country, for the time being, and the media is feeding the frenzy which doesn't help either

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:00 PM
I think it's possible that it is a distraction. ZOMG 160 people who died from a spreadable disease worldwide. What about TB? HIV? What about all the girls tanning who will get melanomas? What about REGULAR influenza that still kills thousands?

I kind of think we're all just bored and tired of complaining about the economy and want something else to be scared of.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:46 PM
What happen to those drug wars going on down there, Americans were told not to travel to Mexico? I guess the Drug Wars are over with, the dealers all have to wear face masks nobody can reconize one another.

Now is the perfect time to bring in that national health plan.... Free flu shots for everyone

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:28 PM
Just a quick reply on this one that I haven't seen mentioned here.

Almost every news channel that is covering this outbreak ends their coverage with a poll like this:

Is the government overblowing the situation?


Is the news covering this situation too much, too little, not enough?

On CNN's website there is a poll on the main page asking this. And it isn't the only place. This is very important.

why would they be asking these LOADED questions? most people who responded to the CNN poll said they were ever overblowing the situation or not supplying enough information.

How can you know if it is overblown if you don't have enough information? The media wants to know how much of their BS we're willing to take.

this is not a good precedent.

they either want people to demand the lose the boarders, set up camps, force vaccinations.

or they want people to demand they do nothing while everyone dies. It is splitting up the population YET AGAIN, trying to force people in to groups, trying to make you either support huge government interference or support no interference, the word compromise doesn't exist to them, and hasn't existed in America for the last 8 years.

[edit on 28-4-2009 by coincidence_theorist]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Marlborough Red

I doubt very seriously that the families of the 160+ people who have died will think that this is a non event come christmas.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 08:05 PM
here .. check this..

Swine flu is believed to have killed more than 150 people in Mexico, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the U.S. has 68 confirmed cases in five states, with 45 in New York, one in Ohio, one in Indiana, two in Kansas, six in Texas and 13 in California.

"I fully expect we will see deaths from this infection," said Richard Besser, acting director of the CDC.

That was echoed by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. "It is very likely that we will see more serious presentations of illness and some deaths as we go through this flu cycle," she said.

President Barack Obama asked Congress for $1.5 billion in emergency funds to fight the illness.
yahoo source full read

and this.....on the very day as the above announced..

WASHINGTON – Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius won Senate confirmation Tuesday as the nation's health and human services secretary, thrusting her into the middle of a public health emergency with the swine flu sickening dozens of Americans.

The 65-31 confirmation vote came after Democrats urged quick action so that Sebelius could get to work leading the federal response to the flu outbreak.

"We find ourselves in the midst of a global crisis," said Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn. "What we've been missing in all of this is the head of the Health and Human Services Department."

Sixty votes in the 100-seat Senate were necessary for approval. Immediately after the vote Sebelius resigned as governor in Kansas and headed to Washington to get sworn in.
yahoo source full read

and here are some points to think about from the post above..

~Swine flu is believed to have killed... so there might NOT be deaths and as the other thread states.."is this confirmed?? !?"

~has 68 confirmed cases in five states, with 45 in New York, one in Ohio, one in Indiana, two in Kansas, six in Texas and 13 in California. hmmm.. so i'm assuming that these are confirmed cases of deaths since the above statement stated deaths above...since it's proper English and is included in the next sentence; and if it's not deaths. then shouldn't it look more like...

Swine flu is believed to have killed more than 150 people in Mexico. (period)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the U.S. has 68 non-death related confirmed cases in five states, with 45 in New York, one in Ohio, one in Indiana, two in Kansas, six in Texas and 13 in California.

another point...

~has any report came out from Mexico with confirmations of deaths?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:15 AM
Ok rather than a distraction I think this could be a test to see how the population reacts.

There is much hysteria about this over here in the west but in Mexico it's going largely unreported.

I have a friend in Mexico atm and he says that things haven't changed that much at all out there, where as here you'd think the whole world could be coming to an end......


posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:54 AM
The only "benefit" that the powers behind the government will have is a big distraction of the population away from the economic woes and the anger against the incompetence of government.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
The only "benefit" that the powers behind the government will have is a big distraction of the population away from the economic woes and the anger against the incompetence of government.

That's exactly my point.

Things were/are about to take a serious turn for the worse and TPTB have decided now is the time to test the population to introduction of new laws etc based on the threat of an unknown and unseen killer......

Sound familiar?


The War Against Terror.......

Percieved killers......we should be begging our illustrious leaders to help us and take more of our freedom and liberties at the same time

I just don't get why no one else sees this

A guy at work was like "I'm definately gonna go get a Tamiflu jab...."

When I asked him why he said that he wanted to be safe, when I said what makes you think the jab is safe he didn't know but was adamant he wanted and needed it even though he wasn't ill.....

Go figure.....


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