I think an even more fascinating phenomenon is going to emerge in June, and that is the rationalizing of all these people who are insisting it is
coming. I call dibs on cloaked gravity free planet!
Although interestingly, it has already begun, with people pointing towards the influx of comets, (a rather large one on its way in now V1) as the
return or herald of the return of planet X.
I received an email from the webmaster of xfacts.com which I will reprint here.
From: Jason Martell Save Address
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Date: Fri Jan 3 14:35:39 2003
[email protected]
Subject: Why couldn't planet x return in 2003?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why couldn't planet x return in 2003?
I believe in the idea of a Planet X from two sources of information. One
being our
modern science has been looking for this planet for 2 decades now. Dr.
NASA data on the possible location of planet x was released in 1989.
Much of the
outer space probe data clearly suggests that something is pulling the
planets in a certain
direction which suggest another planet is still out there.
However, there is also ancient knowledge of this planet known to the
Sumerian culture
as "Nibiru". The evidence they present which dates back over 6,000 year
ago can
now be confirmed by our modern science. The knowledge the Sumerians
back then can now be tested with modern science. Since they new about
all the other
planets in out solar system, it's very likely that they are correct in
stating that there is
another planet in our solar system, that we have not yet detected.
Now, in all of this information, I am using NASA, Sitchin, and various
"Confirmable" information that can be verified by other researchers.
This is
a good base of knowledge to begin looking for evidence that a Planet X
does actually exist.
However, using one site such as (ZetaTalk) from one lady, channeling
alien information is not a good base to start from. ZetaTalk got "the
idea" of planet x
from the research done by Zecharia Sitchin. Who clearly states that 2003
has nothing
to do with a return date for Nibiru. Anyone who actually does their
homework on the
true nature of the planet x information will quickly find that the
ZetaTalk information is
completely inaccurate, and has no bearing on the real effort to locate
this planet, as
described by Dr. Harrington or Zecharia Sitchin.
You can also listen to a recent interview I gave on a radio show where I
discuss in
details the misinformation regarding the return of planet x.
Jason Martell