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Pope cracks down on miracles

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posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 07:07 AM
Catholics- get ready for the second dark ages

In a bizarre piece of bureau­cracy, more reminiscent of an edict from Brussels than a vademecum from the Vatican, Catholics who claim to have seen the Virgin Mary or developed stigmata will have to submit to a battery of tests and visits from psychologists, theologians, exorcists and even atheists before they are given any credence. What’s more, they will be forced to remain silent about the matter while under investigation. The Pope has asked the Congregat­ion for the Doctrine of the Faith (yes, the Holy Office of the Inquisition as it was in the good old days) to draw up a new handbook to aid bishops in distinguishing between genuine miracles and bogus claims.

What stands out for me is the fact he's using the same tools as the Inquisition from centuries ago. And with everything else going on, this just looks like another control grab- If you have an experience, shaddup about it until we've grilled you like a cheese sandwich...?! I am willing to bet this may spill over into any religion after a point.

Ya know- if the Church had kept it's stinking mitts out of things way back when, our world would be so much more advanced.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 07:23 AM
In matters of my faith I would answer to no one but my God. All other religious figures that reside here on Earth can stick it. I’m not Catholic, so really the pope is nothing more than an over dressed priest to me, but even if I were I would tell him the same thing.


posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by wylekat

Your source is a pathetic joke of an excuse for news reporting.

Having people who claim the stigmata and visions of Mary submit to psychological testing and a church panel is NOT NEW. This has been going on for a long time and it's very important that it does. There are MANY crackpots who claim visions and stigmata. Very few are authentic.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 07:33 AM
This is silly. If anything, the pope is a true cynic, something we have in common.

I've always said Catholicism is a self defeating religion, and this is just one step in a long journey towards reforming to something similar to Unitarianism.

I doubt very seriously the Catholic church is ever going to find any true miracles. They can try all they want, but there has never been, and likely will never be, any direct evidence of god. (Unless you count the testimony of a schizophrenic as direct evidence.)

Such is the nature of imaginary beings, living in the clouds, watching everything we do, judging us, and punishing us "after we die." Totally convenient to only reveal himself once one is dead -- of course nobody can verify this is true or not, on account of, ya know, turning to dust and spending the rest of eternity being recycled by worms and bacteria.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Raist
In matters of my faith I would answer to no one but my God. All other religious figures that reside here on Earth can stick it. I’m not Catholic, so really the pope is nothing more than an over dressed priest to me, but even if I were I would tell him the same thing.



But, in response to the OP with my real opinion on the Catholic Church at it's present state...

I liked John, he was real.

I dislike this new pope, he scares me.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 07:37 AM
Personally i would never tell things to anyone, even though i am catholic. Why would you need reconition from the church, for what has happened in your life.

Even though i think it is wise of them to look at everything before going further and declaring miracles. If i was that person i would just keep my mouth shut.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 07:58 AM
What unadulterated tosh spewed forth by that article.

The very opening line should alert anyone with a grasp of history to be on the alert:

What have the Catholics ever done for us? a humourless Darwinist might ask

Catholics have done quite a lot for "Darwinists": Gregor Mendel and George Le Maitre immeditely spring to mind.

The article, like many others, confuse the old office of the Inquisition with the Spanish Inquisition, two entirely different entities - but I suppose getting one's history from Monty Python does result in such confusion.

There is nothing novel at all in this, read the story of St Bernadette of Lourdes to see what she had to go through, and went through humbly, at the time of her visions.

Those who have personal revelations from God can indeed treasure them, its when they wish to make a shrine and make a few dollars from it or lead others into believing their personal revelations are dogmatic that there of course has to be inquiries.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
Personally i would never tell things to anyone, even though i am catholic. Why would you need reconition from the church, for what has happened in your life.

Even though i think it is wise of them to look at everything before going further and declaring miracles. If i was that person i would just keep my mouth shut.

Sorry to use your post, but it illustrates some obscure points I want to make:

...and that, to me, is why people will not know. Perhaps this is what 'God' intended? To have people "in power" who don't have a connection...

I honestly don't think the current Pope has a good connection with 'God.'
I honestly don't think the current President has a good connection with 'God.'

...but I believe in 'God.' There are some here who don't believe in 'God,' maybe most, I am unsure, and truly it does not matter.

Is this the death of belief... NO...there are believers even in the absence of leadership toward that goal of saving as many people as possibe. I've said before, I love perspective. I just can't help the fact that I believe there is a "higher being." I can't even say if the belief in this "higher being" has anything to do with surviving(or rapturing, or whatever) what is to come. All I know, in my heart, is that he/she/it is there, and actually gives a s**t that ****I**** exist.

Disclaimer: I have been drinking, which means I could be closer to "God" or just less inhibited in my human bulls**t.

You decide.

EDIT:I am a non-profit organization, in the most "real" sense of the word.

[edit on 9-4-2009 by dragonking76]

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 08:11 AM
Awww give the guy a break.
It’s Easter - the biggest time of the year for him.
Things in the world are just not right.
Now the earthquake.

I think he just wants the word out - again (nothing new in the article) so there’s less the rash of false reports for a bit. (Seeing Jesus's face in a new kittens fur pattern, Mary's face in cracked window and on the bark of trees, etc).

Though Padre Pio's story is an incredible true story of stigmata, a man of courage, faith and a profound love for his fellow man, most of the rest of it’s a bunch a hogwash.

Link to Padre Pio Bio


posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 09:02 AM
Pope cracks down on miracles!

Yiikes!! I'd better run for cover!

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 10:54 AM
I admit- my source is a bit... umm- well... But after doing casual reading, and experiencing catholic life for a while- I say the article has some truth to it, if not a lot of truth.

I firmly believe if the catholic church had never existed, the entire planet would be advanced at least 600 years technologically. Arts, sciences, you name it, were all repressed by religion. The Bible? Rewritten and edited. The supposed 'word of God' voted on like a contestant on American Idol. "this can stay, this comes out, this can stay, so can this..." The inquisition- The demonizing of Galileo... shall I go on?

I think "God's Rottweiler" need to be neutered, spanked, and put outside on a chain. And don't even get me started on Christian megachurches and their lickspittles....

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 12:12 PM
Im guessing that the earthquake did more things they arent telling us. On april 6th a 6.3 hit 60 miles from rome(the vatican). I bet they have text telling of this and other events but they keep it secret because it also tells you you dont need a priest etc.......they are crazy people the caththolic church.

I'm waiting for the popes easter service/address.
Im thinking he will say something significant and be told by others he is one of those "2012ers". Lets see how it goes. He will most likely say something inflammatory.

[edit on 9-4-2009 by romdog11]

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 04:16 PM
Convince people out of miracles like the You Know Who convinces
people they didn't see UFOs or Aliens or did see UFOs or Aliens.

The Pope usually will take a doctors diagnosis that a person with an
ailment suddenly is well gets the nod for a miracle.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 07:55 AM
Miracles happen EVERYDAY. The power of believers is un deniable to all. The fact that the Pope doesnt teach anything or tell us anything is simple. Nothing happens to him and God isnt speaking to him. That simple. The church will try and fight the fact God excludes them from signs and miracles adn teachings because they bow under atheist and other un believers. The church gives more credence to infidels, heathens, and others than the followers of God.

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by dragonking76

the new pope scares me to but so does jp and his funeral has a lot of scary things to go along with what you speak!

check out this website it is really well thought out and direct to the point!

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by andy1033

i have to second that and also when christ performed a miracle he told the people to not say anything and don't return to the sin that caused the problem.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by wylekat

Ya know- if the Church had kept it's stinking mitts out of things way back when, our world would be so much more advanced.

That's not really true, coz the Bible contributed to the spread of literacy in pre-medieval Europe. If it wasn't for the Church, Renaissance would be deferred by at least two hundred years.

It wouldn't be bad if the trigger-happy Church of UFO adopted some of the strict guidelines issued by the Vatican regarding the investigation of alleged miracles.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by wylekat

I don't think any church or organization is going against the Illuminati
or go out to defeat the church of the UFOlogy as mentioned in the thread.

Such things as worldly possessions get in the way.
Any one pulling out billions of dollars from the bank of the
Rothschild for a campaign and quest for education of the masses
to denounce the lies and science and education corruption, not
to mention all the underhanded operations, will meet with decisive

Religion is for getting to another world no matter how much of a
fool the people were made by the educators.

The monks of old were the stronghold of education, they all spoke
Latin and the rest of the world was uneducated , and helped give
rise to the power of France.
The bishops ruled over the people and people like St Vincent De
Paul butted heads with them only because he helped the destitute
that no one wanted .. some how that wheeled power over the
country planners at times.

So unless some modern day monks make some great whiskey and
spend the profits at defeating the present dark ages stronghold the
status quo is assured.

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