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If We Can Trus NASA Why Do They Alter Their Photos Before Releasing Them To The Public?

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posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 05:07 PM
Heres one for your, if what we have heard on the other threads is true and that is NASA does have the general publics interest at heart

Why does NASA deem it necessary to heavily censor their photographs? sems odd to me???

Take a look at this video and see for yourself.

In these pictures we see that NASA are clearly hiding something, my guess is that they are domes that have been built by the beings before us. Its a guess I have no proof just a gut feeling.

I will post some more videos I have found if anyone elses is interested. Alternatively if you have any that you think people would like to see please add to them to this thread.

The important thing here is to recognise that not everything is what it seems and just because someone tells you something it doesn't necessarily mean its the truth.

Look for yourself.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by franspeakfree

I threw this tape into a moon hoax thread that went around recently

Nice to make it a thread, S F

I dont trust any agency that has a blank cheque available

NASA are probably doing things most politicians have no clue about

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 06:18 PM
That was great, thank you. Amazing the lengths they go to to get rid of the evidence.

I surely do not trust NASA, not since I've been a member here, at least!

[edit on 20-3-2009 by blujay]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 06:42 PM
Interesting. Some amateurish erasing there. Can't imagine why it would be so badly done.
For AS08-15-2561, the scans on NASA websites don't have the elliptic cut-out:

The best resolution scans can be requested here.
(Image courtesy of Earth Sciences and Image Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center.)

Finally found the tampered version here, it's not a NASA website!

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 06:47 PM
The Italian owner of, Davide De Martin writes:

Many pictures were restored by me, restoring the original colors, enhancing the contrast, removing scrubs, scratches and dust maks. I hope that this work helps to remember in the best way the epic of space exploration and the men who were involved.


Great work, Davide, congrats for making originals look fake!

[edit on 2009-3-20 by nablator]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
The important thing here is to recognise that not everything is what it seems and just because someone tells you something it doesn't necessarily mean its the truth.

Can't agree more.

Look for yourself.

I just have. Have you?

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by nablator

Just so I have this straight...

The photos in the video are not from NASA. They are from a guy who has taken some prints, scanned them, and then "cleaned" them up.

The images which are available online of the same photographs do not show the same evidence of "tampering" that the images from Davide.


posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 07:49 PM
I have seen at least one photo that was altered by NASA, but it was not to hide anything (it was an ATS member that found discovered it, and NASA corrected the photo after that), it was a greyscale Moon with a colour Earth above, probably to show the Moon as a more dead world than it really looks.

In this case, in the photos I saw (only the first four from the video), there was nothing hidden, like nablator said, those photos are available on several NASA sites, anyone can see.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 08:15 PM
Do you know what NASA stands for??


posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Dear ArMaP,

If NASA corrected one photo AFTER it was shown on ATS, there is a possibility that ALL the alleged tampering shown in the video was actually done by NASA, then corrected, to make conspiracy theorists look like fools AFTER they upload their video analysis to YouBoob, the ONLY source for the WHOLE truth. It's like the anti-missile missile. It's launched as soon as the enemy's missile is detected. A conspiracy within a conspiracy!

Sorry, just joking. Those who downloaded the entire Apollo archive (I bet you did!) would know the difference.

As you know, I'm very much interested in evidence of tampering. Claims about NASA erasing part of images, or applying the airbrush generously is very common. I'm skeptical about the whole idea because it is so difficult to maintain a consistent version of a modified area, with all the scans floating around on the Internet, and many old and new missions (not all by NASA) taking pictures of the same area.

I haven't checked the other images referenced in the video, there are several types of alleged manipulation. You, Phage and Internos can have a look, I'm going to bed.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by whaaa

How clever.
Did you think that up all by yourself?

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by whaaa

How clever.
Did you think that up all by yourself?

I detect a hint of sarcasm here.

Truth be told, I heard it from Richard C. Hoagland on C2C when Art Bell was the host.

NTL, I hate paying taxes to buy lies.

[edit on 20-3-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Why does NASA deem it necessary to heavily censor their photographs? sems odd to me???

Well im sure its not for the same reason conspiracy psychos (not calling anyone here that), create CGI and fake images of aliens, UFO's and other conpsiracy stuff.

Only problem is, like NASA, it does aboslutely nothing for the credibility of the roganisation or people involved with it

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by whaaa

How do you feel about buying books full of lies?
In case I was a bit too obscure, have you bought any of Hoagland's?

[edit on 3/20/2009 by Phage]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by whaaa

How do you feel about buying books full of lies?
In case I was a bit too obscure, have you bought any of Hoagland's?

What makes any of you think your being told the truth? What is your proof that you are getting the full story off of NASA websites?

Do you all just accept their word because they tell you it is all there nothing else to see move along?

Apparently so. Stopping so short of the finish line yet declaring victory is quite humerous...and idiotic.

But some find more comfort in being led by the puppet strings instead of being independant and living byond the leash.


posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 01:47 AM
Things look like there heating up a little in here, so play nice every one ! I'm torn between what i think is right and wrong when it comes to NASA and there space pictures, I do belive that numerous pictures have been airbrushed, cropped and just edited in general to remove certain objects out of the picture, my problem is that I'm not sure weather it is as bad as people think.

Every one is pretty clued up here on ATS, yes I've met the intellectually challenged a couple of times here on ATS but over all, smart people. Now can you imagine what would happen if a NASA spokesman came out and said "We found a alien space craft in this picture, we don't know where its from, what its doing or what its intentions are..." there would be mass panic and chaos. We are all familiar with the old saying "You cant handle the truth", i honestly think that the majority of our little back water planet cant. Although i would love to hear the SETI team get a signal back, a craft land at the UN headquarters and just making general contact, i think that it would be great for about 24hrs before every one started to rob and kill each other, literally.

"Never underestimate mans brutality towards each other" - Me

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by ProTo Fire Fox

Or unite to destroy the alien "invaders", we cannot accept differences in each other what makes you think we will accept completely different technologically advanced none the less aliens? Fat chance.

But personally, I don't think NASA is hiding anything. They are just in the dark as the rest of us but others sell books/videos/etc and get to feel special by telling us NASA knows more than they are saying.

Hell, look at the little debate that happened on C2C tonight. When Bart wasn't trying to sell his videos he was not allowing the other guy to speak.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by Watcher-In-The-Shadows]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by ProTo Fire Fox
Things look like there heating up a little in here, so play nice every one ! I'm torn between what i think is right and wrong when it comes to NASA and there space pictures, I do belive that numerous pictures have been airbrushed, cropped and just edited in general to remove certain objects out of the picture, my problem is that I'm not sure weather it is as bad as people think.

Thats the problem, no one is sure if its as bad as most think or if it is not. If we had been given a straight answer in the first place, there would be less suspicion.

"I am from the government and I am here to help"

Ironically, those who believe their word are the first to fall under their thumb.

Originally posted by ProTo Fire Fox
Every one is pretty clued up here on ATS, yes I've met the intellectually challenged a couple of times here on ATS but over all, smart people. Now can you imagine what would happen if a NASA spokesman came out and said "We found a alien space craft in this picture, we don't know where its from, what its doing or what its intentions are..." there would be mass panic and chaos. We are all familiar with the old saying "You cant handle the truth", i honestly think that the majority of our little back water planet cant.

This is what is hammered into people's though processes, and when you are shown or told something repetively, it becomes a regular subliminal message, and is difficult to remove. Like the song that you cannot get out of your head, or that familiar sound or look of something that brings up a memory recall. It is the same thing.

Humans have handled quite a bit over its history. We have adapted and overcame far worse than admittance of ET. We have managed to survive through centuries of war, differences, and even supression. Humans are a very strong willed species. To accept defeat is not in our traits. Why then is it acceptable to accept anyone telling you that you cannot handle the truth?

Originally posted by ProTo Fire Fox
Although i would love to hear the SETI team get a signal back, a craft land at the UN headquarters and just making general contact, i think that it would be great for about 24hrs before every one started to rob and kill each other, literally.

The chances of outright chaos are minimal, considering a majority of the world population believes in alien life and alien craft. It is those who have locked themselves up inside a box will be the ones to stirr up the hornet's nest. It is something outside of their paradyme, the comfy zone, the status quo. The shock of changing all that entrenched closure to reality is un-acceptable. In effect, they cannot handle the truth.

Originally posted by ProTo Fire Fox
"Never underestimate mans brutality towards each other" - Me

When all of mankind faces a common foe, or a common devistation, mankind tends to ban together for the common good, dispite the petty differences that cause the brutality towards each other.


posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 03:58 AM
I do trust NASA. Not 100%, because I'm a cynical, jaded man that reserves total trust for my family and closest friends. Between hoax landings and airbrushed alien bases, I've yet to see anything that convinces me. I have way less trust for those presenting colored-in images to perpetuate their own ideas. Pixellated garbage mostly. If a real image ever appears, I'll cheerfully express surprise and apologies for doubting. Why do I keep looking? I'm interested and can 'handle the truth' without spilling my tea.

There's no reason why people would go on a raping and looting riot at the first image of a spaceship on the Moon that wasn't ours. Would you? Would anyone? I'd be excited and talk it over with the family over dinner. The kids would talk about it at school. Newspapers would run articles and tabloids would throw in a few 'alien invasion' images. Life would go on with a new perspective.

If a few 'motherships' suddenly hung suspended above major cities. That would lead a lot of people to leave the area. Probably right to do so. I'd sooner find out their intentions from a few miles away than beneath them!

A few photos of ancient or abandoned bases on the Moon? No panic

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

I dont buy into the "faked Moon landings" or the "Moon Domes and glass houses" that much either. But given the history of never getting that straight answer out of NASA, I dont fully expect a straight answer outright either.

However, even if there are these glass houses and domes of antiquity up there, doesnt matter all that much. Because if they are in fact there, life here on Earth seems to be going along just fine regardless.

I think that is a good example of what kind of impact there would be if some nitwit wearing a suit and tie gets behind the podium and announces there be life out there. Very little if any impact at all. People would expect the next statement to be something about fixing the problems here on Earth.


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