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Chemtrail Challenge Game

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posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 12:34 PM
Chemtrails are like religion. Once someone sees them and does not understand them they believe it like their god. They won't let anyone tell them they are wrong in believing it. However if you want to get to the bottom of this belief then be in this thread.

How this will work:
I want you to tell me the location or region in your state you are viewing from. IF I can be correct about your trails for an entire week for shows and no shows then you will know that these are simple contrails and not chemtrails because I PREDICT them.

So who is up for the challenge? I am. Seven straight days and you must not lie about your viewing. If you see none that day you must u2u me your report.

I will post a map and archive them for you to follow the progress of the "prediction" of trails.

The catch is that if I am right in your area SEVEN times in a row you admit that I predicted contrails and that is all you are seeing, finally releasing yourself from this conspiracy theory. We can call it chemtrail therapy.

I'll await the replies if you want the truth revealed.


posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 09:42 PM
I don't have anything personal to add to this thread as these aren't obvious where I live anyway, but I have read a lot about them and will be following along with great interest to see how this goes!

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 03:26 AM
hey - a great challenge - starred and flagged

BUT - i make a prediction that chemtrail proponents will claim that your weather predictions are used by chemtriail sprayers too - and the ONLY spray when the humidity , pressure , temp and dewpoint are within certain levels - for ` maximunm chemtrail efficiency `

you have already correctly deduced that itsa " like a religion " to some chemtrail believers - you really cannt win with them

but hey - good work - asnd at least the people who are prepared to look at all evidence rationally will take notice of your argument

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 03:30 AM
Well you're spot on for the UK today. Clear blue skies here and not a trail in sight

[edit on 8-3-2009 by Essan]

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by Essan

blue skies - what blue skies ??????????????

its grim up north - leaden grrey from horizon to horizon

but we can handle it - unlike you soft sotherners - lol

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by Essan

blue skies - what blue skies ??????????????

its grim up north - leaden grrey from horizon to horizon

but we can handle it - unlike you soft sotherners - lol

Well it changed down here later with rain and hail - all as expected though

Mond, we close our schools if it looks a tad frosty down here .........

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 01:02 PM
So Dude... Where is your original 'Chemtrail Meteorologist' thread?

I seem to be getting a 404.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by golemina
So Dude... Where is your original 'Chemtrail Meteorologist' thread?

I seem to be getting a 404.

I am wondering that also.


posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 12:58 PM

Chemtrails are like religion.

I made had the same comment on my chemtrail message board, that it is very much a religious type belief in that its adherents have "faith" that it is occuring, without any hard concrete evidence in it. They know KNOW it is going on, and will believe it is until it is disproven. Just like someone with a religion is going to believe it is, until proven otherwise.

You do not see chemtrail believers asking each other for proof it is going on, they just believe it all unquestionly, all the while claiming that everyone else is the real sheep.

But, just like not every religion could possibly be true, even if they were this nefarious chemtrail conspiracy occuring, it would be impossible for every version of it being true too.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by firepilot

Chemtrails are like religion.

Funny... I was thinking thinking the SAME thing in reading your absolute denial that chemtrails couldn't POSSIBLY exist...

Op, you should see if we can start a poll to endorse you as the official (or honorary
) ATS meteorologist. I REALLY think we need a meteorologist for ATS, we could check your forecast and know how to dress.

Seriously, think HOW funny (and tongue in check) THAT would be!

Unparalled humor.

Op... You in?

The reason I was asking our resident meteorologist about his thread, besides being annoyed it got whatevered, was going to be to take him to task...

And present him with an audit on conditions Monday, the first day after our weekend cloud cover disappeared. Detailing the chemtrails that were formed and stack those up against the countless overflights in the Seattle air corridor that produced nothing than normally dissipating contrails at all altitudes...

But that would be like rubbing salt in the wounds of missing thread.

Op, I'm sorry your thread is whatevered.

It would have been a GOOD discussion.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by golemina]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:39 PM
I u2u'ed you about the map and Virginia to be sure I understood what I was looking at on the Chemtrail Meteorologist member profile, and you never responded....what gives??

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 02:51 PM
Well, if you want to put your knowledge of aviation and meteorology against mine or any of the other pilots here?

You are welcome to put up photos of your chemplanes, and tell us what all sinister chemicals they are putting out. With I mean all that concrete proof you chemtrail believers have.

Pilots and meteorologists can explain things with science and logic. Chemmies can not. Everytime you chemmies see a contrail that is not a textbook perfect line, you point up and scream about government spraying.

If 99.999 percent of people do not believe in your chemtrails, you are going to have a hard time convincing anyone that disbelief in chemtrails is like a religion, especially when there is no logic or knowledge behing chemtrails.

Even the chemtrail websites have been slowly dying for the past 4 years, you may have arrived at your chemtrail religion a bit late.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by firepilot]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by firepilot

Get a clue FirePilot... You're dealing with golem here.

All those little Jedi mind tricks... Might work with your so called 'Chemmies'.

Let me correct you on your basic error there big guy...

I don't have to convince anyone of anything.

You live in a little glass cage entirely of your own imagining, trapped by your subjective BELIEF in it's REALISM...

And the entire universe keeps right on spinning...

Merrily ignoring your sense of intellectual superiority...

Not feeling any need to conform to the little rules that make up your histrionically laughable belief system.

Everything (It's a 98/2 world baby) you believe in is just utter nonsense.

Search for my handle, golemina
, I'll will be glad to burst your bubble on any subject area...

Just U2U me an invite...

I'll be your huckleberry.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by golemina]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:43 PM
Really? Funny, for my "belief" system to be so laughable, I seem to be pretty good at what I do my career. Logic, reason, and experience are now just simple Jedi Mind Tricks huh?

I have been debating chemmies probably before you even first read about some hoax called chemtrails on a website somewhere. And in that 9 years since I first saw Carnicoms website (whose messageboard is just a ghost town, and he has since started in Do It Yourself dentistry and looking for fibers in his spit after he drinks wine) both it and Chemtrail Central are shadows of their former selves

But by all means, show us your superior knowledge of that vast conspiracy in the aviation field of all these hundreds of aircraft overhead spraying us with every kind of chemical it seems. I mean all of you chemmies know more about aviation, meteorology and aircraft navigation, than pilots, meteorologists and engineers apparently.

And in all that time, there has yet to be any photos of chemplanes at airports, or taking off, or coming into land. Lots of pictures of airliners, Cessnas, military fighters, cargo planes, AWACS, etc, as proported chemplanes, which of course never are.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by firepilot]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:47 PM
Personally , I don't believe any of the Chemtrail conspiracy , I think its a good idea if you can lay this thing to rest

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:12 PM
But there is nothing that will ever convince the chemmies there all the aircraft above their skies are not part of some giant spraying conspiracy. They saw it on a webpage and decided it had to be true, and now in their own minds, they are the keepers of this giant conspiracy, and its such a tragedy that no one listens to them but other chemtrail believers.

Because it is a quasi religious belief to them, there is nothing that will prove to them otherwise.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by firepilot

Really? Funny, for my "belief" system to be so laughable, I seem to be pretty good at what I do my career. Logic, reason, and experience are now just simple Jedi Mind Tricks huh?

Please explain to me how ANY of your personal attributes has anything to do with a phenomenon that exists.

I have been debating chemmies probably before you even first read about some hoax called chemtrails on a website somewhere. And in that 9 years since I first saw Carnicoms website (whose messageboard is just a ghost town, and he has since started in Do It Yourself dentistry and looking for fibers in his spit after he drinks wine) both it and Chemtrail Central are shadows of their former selves

See you don't believe. Case closed (for you) isn't it?

There really is NO point in ANY further conversation with you.

But by all means, show us your superior knowledge of that vast conspiracy in the aviation field of all these hundreds of aircraft overhead spraying us with every kind of chemical it seems. I mean all of you chemmies know more about aviation, meteorology and aircraft navigation, than pilots, meteorologists and engineers apparently.

What ARE you talking about?

Focus your response on the 'you chemmies' part...

Have I joined a group that is SO secret even I don't know about it?

And in all that time, there has yet to be any photos of chemplanes at airports, or taking off, or coming into land. Lots of pictures of airliners, Cessnas, military fighters, cargo planes, AWACS, etc, as proported chemplanes, which of course never are.

Again... Relevance?

There were several CHEMTRAILS in the south King County area...

All the words in this thread won't change that fact.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by golemina
Again... Relevance?

There were several CHEMTRAILS in the south King County area...

All the words in this thread won't change that fact.

What state is that in?

I assume you are in the USA...

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:30 PM
See, somehow you KNOW it exists, without any actual proof. You see contrails, and if it does not fit your idea of a contrail, then you automatically know it is some plane overhead spraying you with chemicals from the stratophere.

How does my experience in aviation and meteorology matter? Thats a silly question. Because so many things chemmies try to pass off as "proof" just falls flat, to anyone with any knowledge of aviation, or a bit of reason for that matter.

You are welcome to share the logic and reason that has you knowing that trails above you are not from jet exhaust though.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by firepilot

See, somehow you KNOW it exists, without any actual proof. You see contrails, and if it does not fit your idea of a contrail, then you automatically know it is some plane overhead spraying you with chemicals from the stratophere.

What? Are we in the 3rd grade?

Dude... It's right there in front of your eyes.

How does my experience in aviation and meteorology matter? Thats a silly question. Because so many things chemmies try to pass off as "proof" just falls flat, to anyone with any knowledge of aviation, or a bit of reason for that matter.

No one is trying to prove anything... 'ceptin you.

You are welcome to share the logic and reason that has you knowing that trails above you are not from jet exhaust though.

Use 'logic and reason'. Very strange turn of a phrase.

Not to mention, fatally flawed.

The universe keeps merrily spinning around you.

Let me show you how that works...

One of my friends is sending a message to you from one of your friends...

"You need to stop using a calculator."


OzW, sorry buddy, missed your post.

Seattle area.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by golemina]

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