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Top Topics: 30 Days

  1. President BIDEN's FBI Raided Donald Trump's Florida Home for OBAMA-NORTH KOREA Documents. 40
  2. Is there a hole at the North Pole? 36
  3. Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases From mRna Jab 35
  4. George Knapp AMA on DI 34
  5. The US Supreme Court Appears to Side With the January 6th 2021 Capitol Protestors. 27
  6. British TV Presenter Refuses To Use Guest's Preferred Pronouns 26
  7. James O’Keefe: I have evidence that exposes the CIA, and it’s on camera. 26
  8. OBAMA ordered illegal SPYING on TRUMP and BIDEN ordered the illegal RAID on TRUMP. 26

Hot Topics: 30 Days

  1. British TV Presenter Refuses To Use Guest's Preferred Pronouns 170
  2. James O’Keefe: I have evidence that exposes the CIA, and it’s on camera. 68
  3. Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases From mRna Jab 66
  4. OBAMA ordered illegal SPYING on TRUMP and BIDEN ordered the illegal RAID on TRUMP. 52
  5. The US Supreme Court Appears to Side With the January 6th 2021 Capitol Protestors. 48
  6. Is there a hole at the North Pole? 44
  7. President BIDEN's FBI Raided Donald Trump's Florida Home for OBAMA-NORTH KOREA Documents. 44
  8. George Knapp AMA on DI 42

Newest Topics

  1. Israeli strikes on southern Gaza city of Rafah kill 22, mostly children, as US advances aid package 82
  2. Really Unexplained 21
  3. The Vaccine Injured 8
  4. Leading Surgeon from Al-Shifa Hospital Dies in Israeli Custody 44