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America, The Latest Victim of The Jewish Parasite Bankers

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posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:20 PM
Throughout history we read that thsoe of the Jewsih faith have been persecuted, we all ask why, why has it been that way. Rarely if ever does anyone offer the real truth or even a theory. yet one common theme runs through all these stories, the Jewish money men. Why is it stable nations one minute become waring and unstable the next. Well its simple to fight wars you need money and lots of it so who has the money.

The answers simple, the Jewish bankers have it and like a virus, a festering parasite they infect the host nation with their usury. This is a known fact, the source to fight all wars is money and the Jewish bankers are behind every one of them. They are like an alien life form that has infected the Earth, one that funds endless wars and conflict, division and hatred.

These parasite money men, back all sides in conflicts, support and pay for terrorists are involved in all manner of criminality yet remain aloof and protected by their paid pawns. Maybe this is why the Jews have been persecuted, maybe this is why they move from one country to the next. Right now they have been feeding off the USA, the American people being sacrificed for the aims and objectives of the Jewish parasite bankers and their supporters.

The American taxpayer pumps billions into Israel they loose their jobs and homes and American troops die in Iraq and Afganistan with one purpose, to protect Israel. The Jewish bankers own America, they own the media and they own the Government. They have been brainwashing the American public for decades. They are bleeding the country dry and when they have finished with it it will be thrown on the scrap heap just as others have been done.

These parasites are well protected, they have laws made to protect them, you have the ADL to denounce and attack anyone who try to reveal the truth. Their tricks work so well that they have totally brainwashed the people into thinking everyone else is their enemy but them. But every now and again the people do find out the truth and history reveals what happens to the followers of the parasites.

So vile are these people that they are willing to sacrifice any one and any number of people if there is a profit in it for them, even their own people are not safe from their parasitic greed and lust for money. No you may say this cannot be true, your just anti Jewish, anti semitic. Really, how many business men do you know who can buy a few buildings for peanuts and a few months later they are destroyed in terrorist attacks and that business man then makes billions on them in insurance payouts, just chance is it, mere coincidence.

In isolation that might be the case but when you start digging deeper you realise that its not an isolated case but more the norm. Where ever there is war or evil the fingerprints of the parasites will always be found. When you find out who the backers are then you realise its the same group all the time. Their control is so strong I wonder if we will ever break free of it, their tentacles of corruption are so complete it won't be easy. From war to pornography to assasinations to mind control they have a hand in it all.

But the American people are not stupid and over the last few years their has been an awakening conciousness that all is not well and that the country is being taken on a course not of the choosing of its people or even its Government. Being allegedly the strongest military in the World at the moment also means its a target. A target for the parasite bankers who can win twofold. Convince the American people are at risk of attack by extremists, support those attacks, get the country to attack Israels enemies and make lots of money in the process. Trillions in fact, so whilst the brainwashed people go to bed at night thinking they are under attack from extremists they are in fact under attack from Jewish parasite bankers.

If the American people want to be free, if they want to feel safe they need to reognise the real enemy amongst them. It is not some mad bomber, some freedom fighter. No its well dressed men sat in nice offices who with the stroke of a pen or a phone call can send the country and its people to war. Americans do not need to fear anyone, they are more than safe from such ideals or politcal views, but they are not safe from the snake that resides amongst them.

But like all parasites, they must be removed before the host is killed by their actions. That is what the US and its people face today. Don't look abroad for your enemies but look close to hand. Who is making all the money, who is suffering the least in these hard times, who are the ones that profit the most from war, banking, the media, the film industry, drugs and arnaments. But you have to go right to the top of the pile to find the answer. And when you do you will find out who your real enemies are.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:29 PM

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

you are an anti semite, plain and simple. Madoff was a criminal, no different than dozens of other banker who happen not to be Jewish. Stop spewing your vile and hate mongering.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 11:02 PM
MM, you posted this thread on January 24 and four days later no-one has had the courage to reply. Your fellow ATS members would likely be less afraid to post on this thread if you purged the reference to Jewish bankers, i.e. instead of using the term "Jewish parasite bankers", just refer to them as "parasite bankers".

It appears that everyone is afraid to appear to be anti-Jewish. I don't see you as being anti-Jewish, just anti parasite banker, whether Jewish or otherwise. Correct me on that if I'm wrong.

I doubt that the "parasite bankers" are all Jewish. Many of them may be. Regardless of their faith or ethnicty, isn't it clear that they could not do these things unless their host country was complicit. How does that happen? How do they get a people to allow the financial bloodletting without resistance?

I agree with your assessment of the usury problem. Financial institutions use grossly excessive interest rates, bank fees, penalties, and every charge they can imagine to steal your money. And they do it with the unreserved blessings of the US government and the courts.

I am not in any way anti Jewish or anti Israel. However, I am against the parasitic bankers and other financial system robber barons and against Israel's campaign of terror, mayhem, murder, land theft, and infrastructure destruction it practices against the Palestinian people. May those responsible meet a very dire fate!

[edit on 1/28/2009 by dubiousone]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by dubiousone

Old School, I'm in Chicago and I was born in the heart of Jew Town, which was 90% African American, but the Jews own all the businesses.
As a child I would ask my self way is it call Jew Town Mr. Jacob and
Mr. Sul don't live here. When I took business class at the UIC I found out
the Jews were the Tax baise and theat why our community was called Jew Town.
Later I was taught these same people are call "Jacobites" and they don't worship God they worship materialism.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 02:02 PM
thi might be the most absurd post i have read on ATS. go to hate sites and post this drivel there, leave its for Adults...

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 02:28 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Madoff was a criminal, no different than dozens of other banker who happen not to be Jewish.

Madoff's victims are, for the most part, jews, jewish businesses and jewish charities. I would think that folks like MM and the cowardly anonymous poster who's hate filled text y'all can't see, would be cheering Madoff for ripping off those nasty joos.

Originally posted by dubiousone
Your fellow ATS members would likely be less afraid to post on this thread if you purged the reference to Jewish bankers, i.e. instead of using the term "Jewish parasite bankers", just refer to them as "parasite bankers".

but he means jewish bankers. not all bankers. just the jews.

as is typically the case, the uninformed, ignorant hatred that spews forth in times of trouble is telling.

Here are a few names that keep getting mentioned in the list of people who should be blamed for the economic situation

Greenspan - yup, jew.
Clinton - not a jew
George Bush - thankfully, not a jew.
Franklin Raines - not jewish
Angelo Mozilo - doubt it
Phil Gramm - not jewish
The American Public - that's right, you. I take it you aren't jewish.

The bankers themselves? some of the folks running banks are jewish, some are not. Sadly, only the jewish bankers will be blamed because we all know that followers of every other faith are not capable of using the loopholes created by a non-jewish administration for the benefit of their employees and themselves. no, that would never, ever happen. only jewish bankers would take advantage of these things.

the non-jews are too busy doing good things like, um, I don't know, cheating on their spouses with interns, hitting on men in bathroom stalls, preaching the word of god whilst fondling and molesting young boys, invading countries and pushing invented agenda because god told them to etc.

yeah, blame the jews for the economy.

every group of people, every faith, every color, every nationality etc has good and bad people. a profession such as banker is filled with all colors, nationalities, faiths etc. singling out one faith and blaming them when they all do the same things is nothing more than ignorant hate.

I know all catholics are not the same, all muslims are not the same, all jews are not the same and so on. It's how humans live with eachother. We know there are good and bad and we don't blame the group for the actions of one. If we did, we'd have to assume all people were ignorant and filled with hate and violence.

I know I'm not and I, for one, don't want my race, the human race, to be characterized by the ignorant hate spewed by a minority of the people on the planet.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 03:01 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

every group of people, every faith, every color, every nationality etc has good and bad people. a profession such as banker is filled with all colors, nationalities, faiths etc. singling out one faith and blaming them when they all do the same things is nothing more than ignorant hate.

When will some people realize that the above quote is the truth of the matter? Instead we get nonsense like the OP blaming an entire group for the lack of oversight of an entire industry by it's customers. Instead, let's make a scapegoat of an entire group of people it's so much easier isn't it?

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 03:08 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by seagull
Instead we get nonsense like the OP blaming an entire group for the lack of oversight of an entire industry by it's customers.

no, we get the OP blaming an entire group for the lack of oversight by an entire planet. With the exception of a few third world nations, I think everyone is suffering similar woes. There just aren't enough jews to share all this blame.

perhaps we can also throw another group in the mix? Baptists. No, wait Mormons.

It's frightening how quick the world is to blame the jews whenever things are bad. Like it's our fault you lost your job or your signed up for a mortgage that you'd never be able to pay for.

Here's a thought. If the jews control the banks and the world and the media and everything else, how come y'all aren't parading in the streets when times are good, celebrating the jews? how come you blame us when things are bad and slap yourselves on the back when times are good?

Is that possible?

when you find a dollar on the street, good for you
stub your toe, friggin jew?

I want it said now. If you want to blame the jews for all the troubles of the world, when things are good, I want to hear you praising the jews for all the good they bring. If you can't praise them for the good times, you can't blame them for the bad.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

They're a pretty damned impressive group, aren't they? An entire world dropped into economic turmoil, not by the idiocy of people who can't be bothered to oversee their investments, but by the machinations of the evil jooos. What an incredible load of nonsense...

Plus ce change, plus ce mem choise.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:39 AM
What can you not understand, do we blame the Nazis for WW2, do we blame PolPot for Cambodia, do we blame Stalin for the purges yes we do. So why is it we cannot blame the conniving of the Jewsih bankers or do you believe that they don't hold the purse strings. Its quite astounding that all the evidence is there, its easy to see who runs these businesses so why all the outrage.

You cannot blame those who use the sysytem because the system was set up in such a way that it would ensnare the individual and businesses alike. The fake money systm that we have is weighed in favour of those who have the real wealth not the masses. And if it upsets you that it is indeecd the Jews who are behind ll this then tough. Its amazing how well poeple are conditioned to point the finger of blame at anyone in any time period but the minute the J word comes into it then it cannot be true.

Well yes it is, you just have to open your mind to see it rather than believing that it was the end user of the finances who caused, the problem it was those who hold the purse strings that caused it. The reason why people don't react to this is because they do not know who is behind all this or the simply won't believe or accept it. To deny that there are powerful forces at work in many area's not just money is just pure unadulterated ignorance.

But it is an interesting concept that when 300 million people are told Iraq was behind 9/11 they all believe it yet when anything is said about the Jews its taboo, I wonder why.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
I wonder why.

Because it's stupid, misleading and hurtful. Some people can't seem to grasp how tarnishing an entire population of people for the actions of a scant few is harmful, despite thousands of years of historical evidence about where that can lead.

I wonder why?

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:10 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

reply to post by magicmushroom

what you're saying is that the only bankers responsible for this mess are jews. That not one single non-jewish banker was involved.

that is completely false.

Your statement is unfounded hatred.

How about, at the very least, providing a list of the responsible bankers?

And how do you explain the fact that Clinton's administration put the laws in place? Is Clinton one of those secret jews?

How do you explain Bush, who, apparently takes his cue from jesus, allowing this to continue down the toilet on his watch?

Wait, I know, jesus was a jew and, in this case, he was acting all jewey when he was advising Bush on what not to do to stop the evil joos from further crushing the global economy.

I am anticipating a list of evil jewish bankers responsible for the crisis.

edited to add:

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Its amazing how well poeple are conditioned to point the finger of blame at anyone in any time period but the minute the J word comes into it then it cannot be true.

the only people I know who point the finger of blame at a group of people every time they have a problem are people who are not man enough to accept the fact that their shortcomings, their mistakes, they, themselves might actually be the reason they are not where they want to be in life.

It's funny that you even added the idea of this being a jewish thing. Truth is, since the beginning of time, people have pointed fingers at jews whenever a scapegoat was needed.

Not sure if you know this but jews are also the reason why the cubs haven't won a world series in so long.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

[edit on 30-1-2009 by Crakeur]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 12:33 PM
What the hell has Bush or Clinton got to do with anything, nothing in fact as they are just paid puppets by the parasites that do run the show. You don't belive their anything else do you. They are bought and paid for by those who run the show. And if you want evidence search for it as I have had to do. You are exhibiting all the signs of perp control. You cannot or will not accept the fact that the Jews hold our finances and weild great power.

And stop trying to make this a Jew thing as I am speaking of a small group of people. I never said others were not involved and obviously many are but it is the ones who are on the top of the pile that count. Perhaps you have not heard of Rothchild, Bronfman, Kohn and Warsh just to name a few.

And as these people do have the hold on the money then the blame lies at their foorstep. The fact that others have been involved makes no difference, I am talking about the big boys not their fawning servants who would do anything for money.

And nice try at making this a hate thread, is that what you do when people try and expose to others just what is really going on and who is behind it all. Thats what people such as you do, try and denounce and shout down those who try to find out the truth, well you won't shout me down no way.

Next you will be telling me Israel did not invade Gaza it was all just a mistake and they did not mean it. Its not about scape goats ts about whats really going on and who is behind all this, and obviously you don't.

If a General orders his army of 100k into battle who takes the responsibilty if things go wrong, all the men or the General. Bush ruined the US, is it all his fault or the peoples fault. It is those who wield power that have the control and not the minions below.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 12:44 PM

I also wondered how Israel got their star on our money.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

What is this? Mein kampf part two? Jewish parasites? Really?

For god sake, that is the mind set Adolf Hitler was in and we all knew how that turned out.

The fact is that just as many jewish people were victims of this economic crisis as anybody else.

what is happening to our country has nothing to do with race, religion, color, creed, sexual orientation etc...

Anybody who thinks it does is just plain ignorant.

This has to do with bad money managment and giving loans to people who really should get loans because they cant pay it back etc...

I know several jewish people who have been every bit as victimized as you or I. I must admit I am completley disgusted by this anti-semitic message.

I am completley disgusted by any thing that seeks to segragate an entire race or religion. I am disgusted by any show of racism or prejudice.

Your nerve to post such a message completley disgusts me.

You have the right to your opinion, and thank god I have the right to mine, Because I want you to know, I whole heartedly disagree with you and your message.

Jewish people are not to blame. There has been plenty of jewish victims much the same as there have been many christians and people of other religions who have come out on top.

I hope one day you will get over your irrational fear, Because then and ONLY then will the words peace and love mean anything real to you.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:17 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
What the hell has Bush or Clinton got to do with anything, nothing in fact as they are just paid puppets by the parasites that do run the show.

If they went along with it, took money from someone to do something or simply turned a blind eye to it, they are a party to it and, therefore should be included in the finger pointing blame game

Originally posted by magicmushroom
You are exhibiting all the signs of perp control.

I'll add that to the list of things I've been called and file it under "unknown" as to its meaning.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
And stop trying to make this a Jew thing as I am speaking of a small group of people.

says the man who titled the thread The Latest Victim of the Jewish Parasite Bankers

Originally posted by magicmushroom
And as these people do have the hold on the money then the blame lies at their foorstep. The fact that others have been involved makes no difference, I am talking about the big boys not their fawning servants who would do anything for money.

so, anyone who knowingly accepts money or other payment to further a criminal or other nefarious type plot isn't guilty?

wow, I guess you've never heard of aiding and abetting.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
And nice try at making this a hate thread, is that what you do when people try and expose to others just what is really going on and who is behind it all. Thats what people such as you do, try and denounce and shout down those who try to find out the truth, well you won't shout me down no way.

No, if you will go back and reread my posts, I was rather clear. Hate and ignorance. Not just hate.

I am not trying to shout you down. I am simply trying to show the hypocrasy in your argument. If the jews are at fault, shouldn't they be given the credit during boom times?

- that reminds me, where's the list of parasite bankers and the verification that they are the ones behind this mess?

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Next you will be telling me Israel did not invade Gaza it was all just a mistake and they did not mean it. Its not about scape goats ts about whats really going on and who is behind all this, and obviously you don't.

Gaza and Israel? no, don't try and divert the eyes of the folks reading this. Stick to the topic at hand.

Originally posted by magicmushroom
If a General orders his army of 100k into battle who takes the responsibilty if things go wrong, all the men or the General.

If a general orders his army into battle during a war and things go wrong, that is the price of war.

If a general orders his army to rape the women, slaughter the children, loot the homes, burn the fields, kill the villagers, etc and the men do as they are told, they are responsible.

It's one thing to do as you are told, it is another to break the law, commit crimes against humanity and then claim " I was following orders"

I'll ask you something your mother or father probably asked when you were a kid "if (insert childhood friend's name) jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?"

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Bush ruined the US, is it all his fault or the peoples fault. It is those who wield power that have the control and not the minions below.

Well, if this is the case, then isn't it Bush's fault as he was the top law maker during the time when the banking crisis went from an accident waiting to happen to a crisis?

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Those are five point stars in the emblem. The Star of David has six points.

While I have problems with Israel's government, I would never blame all its citizens for the wrongs committed. Greed knows no race, religion, color, sex, etc. Greed does not discriminate, and anyone can be greedy. To state all Jews are greedy is as Spock would say: Not logical.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
But like all parasites, they must be removed before the host is killed by their actions

That's exactly what bankers are. They fund what they want, deny capital to programs they want to kill, yet create nothing themselves while confiscating huge portions of the working people's labor and wealth. Once you understand this it is no mystery why business, politics, money, and society seem so corrupt and ineffective at creating a viable, healthy, living world for humanity. They don't want that.

Parasites. It's time humanity's immune system kicks in.

[edit on 30-1-2009 by username371]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Those are five point stars in the emblem. The Star of David has six points.

I see what he means. The stars themselves are 5 pointed, but if you look, in aggregate they do form a pattern of a 6 pointed star. Which means nothing to me other than, hey here's a geometrical shape.

Sometimes a star is just a star. In my opinion, of course.

[Edit for typo]

[edit on 1/30/2009 by yeahright]

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