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Ok so how do I 'wake up'

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posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 03:01 AM
Very simple. By discovering the truth.

The easiest way to do it is this, but it takes time.

Listen to everything, no matter how "ridiculous" it seems. But don't automatically believe or disbelieve it. There is no rule saying you have to make an immediate decision.

Now some of the stuff you will hear is true, some of it is bull and some of it is a mix of both.

Over time, with all the stories you have gathered, you will start to notice "this bit goes with that". Use your own personal experiences in life too.

Eventually, a whole heap of the information will all fit together so well to the point where you will suddenly realise that it is the truth. This is what is known as "the big picture".

Once you understand the big picture, you will start to realise why Governments do this and do that. Yes, it's true they lie to us. But the question is, why?

The big picture answers that. Then you are awake, and have broken their spell.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

"The big picture answers that. Then you are awake, and have broken their spell. "

Excellent post nuclear Paul. I learnt a lot from it, the part about over time things just fitting together, you know what goes with what and what to throw away as untrue.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:30 AM
Yes I agree! Thank you for that insight It made a lot of senseThis is what Im attempting to do by gathering as much info as possible on this thread so that I can sit down and dissect it all with the aim of seeing the bigger picture in its true light. Not just in terms of the governments and other controlling influences but spiritually as well Im of the belief that a blend of academic and spiritual research is necessary not just to know and understand whats going on around us but understanding and knowing ones self!

Thanks again friends!

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 03:32 PM
you can't wake up if you don't know your dreaming

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Unknownsoul
you can't wake up if you don't know your dreaming

So do you subscribe to the thought that this reality is infact a dream of our true reality in another dimension? So does that mean that when we dream here we are dreaming within a dream?

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:57 PM
No need to further explain what you meant by "wake up", to me

I think I was born "awake" surrounded by sheeple, and have been struggling internally ever since. I dont have all the answers, I rely strongly on intuition and how something resonates with me.
Ill read a book about the origins of the pyramids for example, and that just leads me to more questions and another book,and it never ends for me (my truth seeking),
but what I do know is something is definitely wrong with this reality,this life...Im sorry to be such a downer right now but I am so disgusted with humanity, I feel like there are these highly intelligent beings looking down on us, thinking we are a bunch of self serving,breeding like cockroaches(destroying the earth) murdering,inhumane idiots.
I mean c'mon....heres just one example of how messed up we are; we will spend millions(maybe its in the billions?) of dollars to make 1 lousy 2-3hr movie, while children starve to death! That doesnt make sense to me!
I for one, can do without Spiderman 4 or 5, whatever number they are on, and would much rather have that money feed a small country. I feel like karma is really going to get us, (with the current state of the world it looks like it already has).
We all just buy those tickets,give awards out for that, and buy into everything...all this self serving, materialistic BS.
I know! how about we have a broadcasted award show for people who really did something to help humanity, let them be the idols and role models we give praise to, and we can all gossip about what they were wearing.
its as if someone purposely took away our spiritual abilities a long time ago, such as knowing who we are, where we came from (an all knowing state of being), our love for one another (unconditionally),our connection to everything, all the psychic abilities(telekinesis,astral travel,ect...) and they are constantly working to keep us supressed. Sometimes I strongly feel we are not even supposed to have a physical body, and it feels like a prison to me, If you have ever had an OBE,(astral projection) youll know exactly what i mean.
read about what they did in the 1600's (maybe it was the 1800's?) to people who possessed these abilities..they were labeled witches and burned alive, men too.. it spread like wildfire when they realized how lucrative it became, (gaining their properties and assets), if you spoke of a premonition and it came true,most likely you would be burned alive.
Fear has always been a successful weapon of theirs.
Sorry for my gloom, but I thought i would share with you how I have been feeling. I wish everyday for us all to move up to that higher level of consciousness.
Until then, I feel trapped like a rat.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by wash222

Thank you - this is a pretty good summerisation of how I feel and what I perceive Something is amiss and the answers are so spread out and even hidden that finding the full 'truth' is such a hard task that its nigh on impossible which can be quite frustrating. There are also so many varying theories on governments, 2012, NASA and UFO's, religions, the universe and reality and countless other subjects that the filtering process becomes difficult, further compounding the fact that the 'truth' is hard/impossible to find!

However the search is becoming easier as more and more people 'wake up' What we do need to do is think more positively and condition ourselves to expect a positive event to befall us soon and not the doom and gloom that is being broadcast by many people (thats not a dig at you wash222)

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:06 AM
Watch the world around you like you are watching a movie. Look at it open mindedly. See the parts you don't like and the parts you do like.

Then go look inside of yourself see what parts that you don't like you find within yourself and the parts you do like within yourself. Get rid of the parts you don't like and work on the parts you do like to perfect them.

Ask yourself what causes the parts you don't like. When you find the reasons for those you'll learn how to step outside of the system and what its all about. Find the parts you do like and ask yourself what makes these parts. Usually you'll find those traits aren't materialistic, or selfcenterness. You'll also find there is no want of power in there also.

Which then brings you farther on the path of spirituality. Then believe in your gut feelings..believe in everything that leads you somewhere. Learn to make connections in things in your life. Everyone comes into your life for a reason a season or a life time that is true. Learn from your experiences. Most importantly believe what you are shown personally from what you feel comes from inside of you. The more you believe and except what you feel without knowing the more that will be shown to you.

Most importantly never stop learning spiritually or about whats going on around you..and always question anything from external sources. If it don't feel right inside of you research it and keep researching it until something clicks inside of you.

But thats just my opinion others might not agree with it.


posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 06:31 AM
Well Ive been doing a lot of research in terms of reading and watching documentaries/lectures and a lot of what is being said/suggested are things that I already believe in, practice and feel!

So could it be that I was actually further down the path to enlightenment than I originally thought?? The more I think about and the more I research it the more I keep thinking to myself 'hang on, I already knew this' (or at least had a suspicion). 'Coincidence' and synchronicity plays a big role in my life and Ive got to the point where I refuse to believe its just mere coincidence - theres something else to it Im sure!

Im very much a believer in positive thought and I'm finding myself become a more spiritual character. I would like to take it further (whilst not rushing in) and try some of the spiritual practices that people engage in e.g. meditation, reiki, chakras. Im recently getting a feeling that we are being geared towards negative thinking - possibly in order for the collective consciousness to make this negative event manifest (just my thoughts)

I may have mentioned before (I'll have to check so there may be an edit here shortly) that some have offered their help, but even though I have replied via u2u and shown an interest, nobody has really got back to me. Some have giving me words of support and encouragement but....I suppose what Im looking for here is some form of mentor to get me properly started so to speak. I know that my conclusions and so on have to be my own but I feel I need that little helping hand to get me started y'know?!

Nice to see this thread is still going and getting some great input Thanks again friends!
(PS please please please u2u me if you can help at all with what I mentioned in the final paragraph)

[edit on 10/2/09 by mrvalleyboy]

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 08:30 AM
I myself would not want one mentor. If you keep yourself to direction and teaching of just one person you tend to take on only their views of things. Which would close you off to all other views. Why not multiple mentors?

People aren't the only teachers we have in life. Written word, spoken words by people you don't even really know will stick in your mind. When something sticks in your mind check it out. Ask questions. Let your spirit be its own mentor learn to follow where it wants to lead you.

Don't do info overload because you'll just start jumbling up everything. Take your time. One subject at a time let it lead you from one subject to the next. You can always come back and reread things or remember things you've seen in the past or words spoken to you. Many times what sticks but doesn't make sense to us does at a later date in time. Sometimes even things have dual meaning and as your level of awareness increases so do the meanings of these things.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 08:44 AM
Yes I totally agree!! It would be considered narrow minded to consider only one route of 'education' This is why I have done a bit of my own research as well as try and get a 'helping hand' or two

Data overload is a problem Im coming to grips with and filtering out the BS from the good stuff (although a little BS now and again doesnt do much harm - in fact it can be quite amusing). Im trying to put a bit of a structure to it but at the moment you could liken me to the teenager getting his first....well you get the idea The term fumbling comes to mind!

Thanks again

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 08:58 AM
and never ignore the person that you think you'll ever understand things in the way that they do. They've been brought to you for a reason. You may not ever see things in the same light but they open another door for you to explore after you rehash your conversations with them in your mind. If your open minded. When you close your mind to any or all possibilites then you stop learning.

It's been a long time since I was a teenager....but don't worry when your single and old the guys are worse than teenagers at that time

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by napayshni57

Hmm good advice! A few times Ive stopped looking at a thread/article because the content is way above my head and I guess Ive just been a bit too lazy to persevere in that respect so thanks for that.

Ive always been (as far back as I can remember) a believer in 'anything is possible' and I do mean anything. In a universe/reality as expansive as ours the odds of a given event occurring or life-form being in existence are in my opinion quite high. Space dwelling fairies that speak perfect English - why not? Extreme I know but it hasnt been disproved and therefore it is a possibility!

What I do know for certain is that we know very little and I for one want to learn and know a LOT more!

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by mrvalleyboy

Here is a website that will surely do the trick in waking you up. It is most certainly a spiritual process no question. My version of the red pill......

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by azurite

Thank you very much indeed! I shall have a look through this!!

Slightly square eyes at the mo Its 15:21 and Ive been sat in front of this screen reading since 7.30am (work is far from busy today)

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 09:47 AM
mrvalleyboy, I would nix the melchizedek stuff: they have Ruled humanity since man's inception upon this planet: look at how lovely it is, yes?

They have founded all reglious faiths through 4th dimensional inspiration (the Invisible), and are responsible for almost all cults. (Note: not all).

So, if you don't want to wake up, go ahead and follow them: they have a special place already prepared for their idiot believers, called the New Womb for 'ascending' humanity.

Believe a child before you believe the Truth? Remember your earlier post about sorting out the confusion? This is called the Maze, which is part of the dimensional reality of the pyramid of consciousness: seek the Middle Path (Central Light Core), and follow to the Top, where you will find the Capstone. Getting into the Capstone is the challenge you must be aware awaits you.

Following more 'isms' won't get you a thing.

This is what you need to know:

The Foundation of Triality:
Physical Body = = Matter Self (masculine) ................. (you are Here)
Double Body = = = Energy Self (feminine) .................. (you are 'going here)
Integrated Body = Pure Energy Core (androgynous)...... (hope to meet you Here!)

The Ether -ical Awareness must be used to achieve the Integration, which is not where earth is headed, currently. It's achieving 'increased oscillation' or 'ascending,' but it is not any final ascension (matter transmuted to Pure Energy).

And yes, people will spout endless merkaba tales, quantum waveform 'theory' &c., but it is the Ether -ic Subtle Nervous System development that will help guide you to the Capstone (Capstone Path/Middle Path/Central Light Core/you describe it): You must use this 4th dimensional awareness to recognize Communication from your Higher Self (SoulSelf), which will guide you correctly.

I see almost everyone has a piece of the puzzle: it is the Synthesis of Knowing that enables one to Become Wisdom, and Resonate with the One Prime Archetype, or The WORD.

[edit on 10-2-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by SS,Naga

Ok thanks for that theres some interesting points you make. The maze you speak of is something Ive actually visualised (dont know why) when attempting to sift through all of this.

I have looked at the website in question and a lot of it did go over my head and that alone turned me off (yes napayshni57 I realise this goes against the good advice you gave me straight away - oops) I think there were also charges for some of the material. Now I understand people need to make a living etc but when these people are spiritually based I find it difficult to take them seriously when they denounce materialism on one hand and ask for the most material possession on Earth on the other hand - Money!!

I did think it warranted a look at least though - as someone said earlier in the thread "do your own research and come to your own conclusions" The site in question didnt seem like it wanted people to develop themselves as individuals as well as collectively Maybe Ive misinterpreted it but it appeared to have 'cult' like traits so your mention of cults and their creation does seem to have some substance (IMHO anyway)

Im not by any means saying the site and its intentions are totally BS or whatever as some of the text was quite interesting and made sense One line did strike me on a personal level where it mentions that there is a bridge open now to the genuine, passionate searchers who just have a spiritual aspiration that is under informed and I guess thats where Im at. I know what I want, its just the process of getting there that Im not understanding of just yet

Thank you

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by SS,Naga
mrvalleyboy, I would nix the melchizedek stuff: they have Ruled humanity since man's inception upon this planet: look at how lovely it is, yes?

They have founded all reglious faiths through 4th dimensional inspiration (the Invisible), and are responsible for almost all cults. (Note: not all).

This is being pushed on another thread, can you tell me more about it. I dont want cults being pushed onto people if that is indeed what this is.

I have a print out from this web site regarding discernment, it seemed to make sense to me and was infact against cults

Seems strange to call themselves the Cloister Emerald Order sounds a bit wierd to me. I have experience of cults and its a bad place to be.


Never follow one so called mentor/master/guru what ever, you become blinded and dependant on them. Unless you manage to find a true master (like yer thats really likely) I wouldnt limit your teachings to just one.

[edit on 10-2-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:14 PM
Yes Mr Green I agree (hello again by the way) This is why I didnt delve to deep before I understood what I was looking at so any info/advice you can give will as always be well received and appreciated


posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 01:50 PM
hello again to you mrvalleyboy!

You may, perhaps, understand the basic (!) scope of the FT’s a little better now, and you might understand, also, that our use of certain words like ‘spiritual potency’, ‘practicality’, ‘empowerment’ and ‘maturity’ carry a very special, as well as deeply genuine, connotation. These characteristics are important in terms of the task which forms the embodiment of our purpose. The current Cyclical Peak (“SAC”) presupposes our focus on the absolute necessity of “realigning” the sub-atomic elements of our personal bio-energetic fields, and thereby achieving significant restoration of the organic condition of our DNA templates, spin condition of local and extended Merkaba fields, Crystal Body restoration, as well as other key elements of our multi-dimensional anatomy… and, therefore, the corresponding elements of Planet Earth.

This just screams smoke and mirrors to me. New age mumbo jumbo that will create more questions than answers for me. I will most definatly pass thank you very much!!!

Who are these people? What could you possibly gain from this, could you even harm your self? Multi dimensional anatomy

[edit on 10-2-2009 by Mr Green]

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