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US Continues ‘End Time’ Support of Maniacal Israeli's Murdering Arabs

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posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
There are some facts you are all ignoring.

1. Hamas broke the cease-fire and fired hundreds of rockets into Israel in a few days.
2. Hamas built the warehouses near civilian population as they don't care about civilian deaths knowing full well that Israel would eventually defend themselves.
3. Israel targetted Hamas and not civilians.
4. Any country including the US and Britain would defend themselves and retaliate against such rocket attacks.
5. Fairly low number of deaths caused by rocket attacks in Israel are irrelevant as Hamas intend to kill each time they fire and so they must be stopped.
6. All civilian deaths are a tragedy.
7. 1/3 of casualties are civilian and 2/3 are Hamas. Not too bad in comparison to USA's efforts in Afghanistan and Western Pakistan, and much less ratio of civilian deaths relative to militant deaths.
8. This would not have happened had Hamas stopped firing rockets.
9. Gaza has a border with Egypt to get supplies thru'
10. They use this to get weapons instead of essential supplies.
11. Israel are not responsible for looking after another state/country (Gaza)
12. Israel has the right to defend itself, including retaliations.

OK, logical conclusions drawn from these facts:
1. Hamas are to blame for not honouring a cease-fire, and are entirely to blame for all the deaths.
2. This tragedy would have been prevented had Hamas stopped hating Jews and lived in peace as civilised people.
3. Hamas only understand killing, and have no compassion even towards their own people in Gaza.
4. Israel responded in the only way Hamas understands, and so now has the mindset to destroy them as Hamas shows no rational behaviour. And why should Israel wait forever for Hamas to live in peace?! They have given them long enough.
5. The solution is for Hamas to stop firing rockets and then there can be peace. Simple as that. Just as the US have stated today.
6. If you don't conclude the same you are lacking logical and rational thinking. The most simple and obvious causes and solutions are correct.
7. Yes it's a humanatarian disaster if this continues, and if Iran supplies more rockets to Hamas and Hezbollah it will get worse. Israel may have to bomb Lebanon again, and maybe go to war with Syria and/or Iran with US and British support.
8. You know what, it will be the fault of the Arabs because they started the latest battles when we and Israel wanted peace. But Israel and the West will finish it.
9. China and Russia to get involved at their peril, and ours as well.

Hey Bro!

Even the facts you are drawing from are not even facts.. they are all Israeli and American media lies... If you want to know some truths I suggest you turn off CNN for starters.. why not watch some Al Jazeera or Democracy Now, or read any other Non-Jewish owned newspaper from around the world.

Here is a video of truth on what is really happening in Gaza.. Sorry to bust your bubble, but Israel are committing genocide, and Israel started all of the instigation by locking down Palestinians in Gaza and preventing food and medical supplies from reaching the Palestinians in Gaza, followed by the worst type of attacks imaginable... Don't spin your dreidel here (with me) brother- find someplace else.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

I'm amazed no one sees this is classic guerilla warfare, and Hamas WANTS civilian casualties on their side. It’s a propaganda coup. why else would they starve their own people in favor of getting more rockets to chuck at Israel instead of food?

Yes on guerilla warfare and the willingness to accept civilian casualties. No on “starving their own people” which the blockade is the Israeli response to the ‘06 election. Hamas will not kowtow to Israel. It’s that simple.

Does no one recall that this whole mess started because HAMAS broke the cease fire? On what basis do the Palestinians lay claim to the land?

I don’t recall that at all. I would personally assign the provocative rhetoric by the United States and its lackey, Israel and that followed by the blockade by Israel as the provoking acts. But OTOH neither do I know which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Please let us not go back to Moses and Abraham to argue who owns the land. Both Moses and Abraham as well as the first three kings of Israel are generally accepted today to be purely mythological characters. There never was a Solomon’s Temple. Or an Ark of the Covenant. And etc.

Regardless, if anyone in 2008 was going to assign a deed to a plat of land based on a 3,000 year old land grant, would it not be imminently fair to ask the claimant to establish his lineage?

Everywhere the Palestinians have gone, they've caused trouble. Jordan and Lebanon come to immediate mind, not to mention the West Bank.

Palestinians are Arabs living in Palestine. They have the traits we found in the Vietnamese. They are not quitters. I have come to believe they will prevail. For the same reasons the weak Vietnamese overwhelmed the mighty US. It's called NATIONALISM.

Why do you think no Arab countries want them?

For the same reason America does not want them despite the empty promise engraved on the Statute of Liberty. But first, we need to understand what we are saying when we use the word LAND. When I use it one way, I refer to tracts or parcels of land that are surveyed off and for which deeds are issued by the governing authority describing the boundaries and identifying the owners.

In another looser way, the word LAND can refer to a country. Long before 1948, all the land in the 1920 Palestine Mandate from the League of Nations assigned to the United Kingdom, had been bought or sold to someone. There was NO vacant tracts or parcels of land that did not belong to someone, somewhere. The deeds were of record at the usual place for keeping deeds. Here we call that office the Recorder of Deeds Office.

Historically, it is now agreed by scholars that the Semitic people we came to call Israelites came from Mesopotamia around 1,500 BCE. Thereafter they shared the land we are now arguing over with other peoples. The place we are talking about was almost always under the hegemony of a larger more powerful kingdom or empire. Egypt. Assyria. Babylon. Persia. Greece. Rome. The Ottomans. And etc. The land is strategically situated along ancient trade routes. It was a trans-shipping place where overland caravans met sea-borne traders along the Mediterranean Sea.

Early on Jewish inhabitants of the region moved to established colonies all around the Mediterranean basin, the largest being at Alexandria, Egypt. Carthage was the largest Greek colony which gave Rome fits. After the failed revolt of 66 CE, the Romans tore down the only Temple ever - we don’t know for sure where it was either - and expelled the Jews living in Jerusalem. But not the Jews living elsewhere in the land. The Romans finally renamed the area Syria Palestina after another failed revolt, the Bar Kochva revolt in the early second century, CE. The much heralded Diaspora never removed all the Jews from the land.

The point is that each square foot of ground in that place belonged to someone and it was not just anyone who claimed to be descended from the mythical Abraham.

But back to the propaganda angle. That's what drew me to this thread to begin with. The headline was masterful. I've not beheld propagandistic eloquence of that caliber since the Soviet Union fell. Now to be honest, propaganda has gotten a bad name as being equated with untruth, but that isn't strictly so. Propaganda can be wholly true, partially true, or bold faced lies. The best propaganda is always based in truth, but it's the packaging that counts

I’m going to accept this as complimentary and say “Thank you.”

No, I am not Jewish, and yes, I know what it's like to have your ancestors lands taken. The only thing that matters is what's real on the ground NOW. I'm going to bed . . nenothtu out

Good night.

[edit on 12/31/2008 by donwhite]

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 04:23 AM
Personally I don't see an issue with Israel defending itself IF it was fired on first... without reading every post what's the problem with that?

You can discuss the wider issues of these two counties until your blue in the face, I think (in simple terms) these two countries don't get on and probably never will (it happens all over the world all the time) its part of being human sad to say. You have two tribes, teams, countries, religions etc. they will always compete... unless you have one team, one religion which sounds like NWO stuff to me. We're stuck with it forever or until humans change in general and violence is some how removed from our traits.

For me both sides have a point, both can blame each other but I see only one real cause behind this problem and that's religion or should I say the weakness of man to be so easily divided (which can be a useful tool for those few who have power).

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:21 AM
This whole debate is really interesting, the real problem is that whenever Israel is involved in any kind of debate the entire history (and psudo-history) of the Jewish people is brought up by both sides -in this thread cannanites have been mentioned already so has the holocaust and probably Old Egypt, Babylon and Rome. None of these things should have anything to do with what's happening today, today is todays business -if you're going act while thinking of a time that isn't today then make it tomorrow not yesterday. Yeah it's awful that Jewish people were treated badly by the Nazi's and it's awful that the god told the Jewish people to murder so many 'peaceful and unsuspecting' people in the bible (see Danites) but if we're going to move forward the only thing we should take from these events is understanding, leave the bitter resentment and anger behind.

Israel has a great rift at it's core, the zealously nationalist Zionists and the religiously sober republicans - yes, just like america they have two right wing factions battling for dominance. That's not to say that there aren't plenty of Israelie liberals, i would recommend a great documentary if i could remember its name all about the party drug culture in Israel -yep, just like America orthodox parents pressuring kids to be Holy in an unholy world has created a massive and vibrant youth scene (in fact one section has two palestinian girls taking E with their Jewish friends, one of the few things that gives me hope for the future of the region)

I doubt many people have ever listened to 'Israel National[ist] News Radio' but to put it bluntly they're crazy -i'm talking beyond rush limbar crazy here! Ever since i've been listening they've been running all sorts of adverts and features trying to attracted people to 'make allia' (move to israel) with very thinly veiled messages like 'move to the politically important area of the Golan Hights...' -those of you that don't know, the golan hights is the area which holds most of the water supplies for the region and is a disputed territory thus by filling it with settlers it would increase the jewish hold on the area this vital area. The reason they are doing this is because it's a Zionist station, they truly believe they are on a mission from god to take over all of Israel,

Every time a rocket hits israel all the people near by get a little more right wing, a little more hawkish and a little more zionist - by keeping pressure on Palestine the Zionists have ensured enough dissidence to convince most jewish people that 'something has to be done' and thus now they're run by the more hawkish side of their government, this then gives them free reign to use some harder tactics to reach their objective which is of course the ownership of the entire holy land.

I've heard some reporters say that they've witnessed rockets being launched from Palestine and Jets haven't responded for over half an hour - could this be because they know if they win too quickly they won't be able to fulfill all their true objectives? Of course this being ATS we should probably just assume that the rockets from palestine are being fired by members of the IDF, i'll let someone else say that though

If anyone learned anything from the Nazi's it should be that the sensible, good people of any nation shouldn't trust the crazy warlike nationalist (or globalist) hawks to fight for our 'freedom' because dominance is all they really want and they'll do anything to get it.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by donwhite
Jews Continue to Engage in the Ethnic Cleansing of old Palestine

You forgot to mention EGYPT iin this so called 'ethnic cleansing'.
They closed their border to the Gaza as well.
Due to the very bad behavior of the so-called 'palestinians'.

The muslims made war against Israel. The muslims lost.
It's now Israeli land because THEY WON. No one who wins
gives land back to agressors who try to take them over.

The 'palestinians' made their own bed. Now they get to lay in it.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:43 AM
'Hammas' started it? Did they - when? As someone has already mentioned - a rather interesting land grant basically displacing the entire Palestinian people from their homeland may have started it.

I really don't buy the whole 'we have 3000 year right to be here' - so many nations in the world could try and pull that one - like the British for instance coming to the UK and demanding that they have some kind of homeland as they used to own it and they were forcibly removed from it.

Or how about China and Taiwan? Lets support China shall we in their domination and control of the Taiwanese - its only the same principal as in Israel.

What happened last century - granting this land - was a HUGE mistake and if I were a Palestinian, probably with relatives in living memory who were actually displaced - told to **** off and goto Syria or Lebanon - I'd be pretty damn pissed with Isreal lording it over my homeland that they were essentially given.

Israel had the homeland 1000's of years ago - but hey - wake up - they lost it - gone. Maybe if they have had military aid from the US 3000 years ago they wouldn't have lost it in the first place ;-) Stuff that happened 1000's of years ago pales in insignificance to an injustice that happened less than 100 years ago. People remember it happening, people's lives are still effected as a consequence.

So do I think the solution is the removal of Israel - for goodness sake - of course not! That's a ridiculous notion. But I do think Israelis should be more realistic about the origin of their current state and in many ways grateful to the Palestinians for the land they have 'given' them.

As someone has pointed out - Israel has been blockading Gaza since the DEMOCRATIC AND LEGITIMATE ELECTION OF HAMAS - this has caused starvation, prevalence of disease and economic disaster. Blockading a country because you don't like who the people democratically elect? I think that's illegal - and does amount to genocide when your results kill the population. Not the actions of a nation that claims to favour a 'peaceful solution' are they.

I also would like to point out the ignorance of previous posters who make comments such as 'Israel are committed to wiping out the terrorists' or 'good riddance to the terrorist scum' - you fail to understand what terrorists are.

If taking violent action sanctioned by a democratically (or otherwise) elected government of a nation state (ok Gaza technically isn't but hey - close as huh?) is legally defined as warfare, not terrorism at all.

Doing this without provocation would be an act of war. If you think this is terrorism, and would like it defined as such, the US, Israel, UK, France, Germany and many other western nations who have been active in the recent Iraqi, Afghan conflicts would also be 'terrorists' under the same definition.

I've already addressed the point about Hammas using rockets/suicide bombers rather than tanks and planes.

And to the people who taut 'the Israeli deaths caused by Hammas' - i.e. the rocket deaths of civilians. Well come on now - 300 vs 1 - I'd call that a gross over reaction in the very least. More people have resulted in death due to the blockade than that - hundreds more.

I'm also pretty certain that if Hammas had the capability they would target military targets rather than just shooting unguided rockets and crossing their fingers. Indeed in the past when they have had guided weapons available to them, they did. It's strategically better to do so. Most suicide bombings have been directed at checkpoints etc - sure civilians have died - Israel, as you have stated so many times in the last few days - that's what happens in war.

Finally - there is the most obvious point of all. Israel, and the rest of the world know very well that this latest operation will only serve to provoke a massive Hammas and perhaps even Iranian/Syrian/Lebanese response which absolutely WILL result in more Israeli deaths - so the obvious question is why?

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:43 AM


posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:59 AM
There was more to my last post, and I tried to edit - but it didn't work - so I'm not trying to insult you without any qualification - but to be honest your post was so far away from the facts it doesn't really deserve qualification.

Great post there about the right wing Israeli agenda too.

It's a real shame there is this ridiculous attitude within Israel - and that is isn't banned and indeed is prevalent within the government.

Israel could be an amazing place - existing alongside/as part of Palestine if it wasn't for these idiotic ideas.

I think it's a shame that any nation is still founded/run on the basis of religion - Israel seems to be one of the last nations run on this basis.

God isn't real. Whether you like it or not that is a fact and I'd love anyone to prove otherwise. And please don't say 'well you prove it then' that's not really the way it's done is it. I believe in time travel - 'prove it' - 'no I don't have to - you have to disprove it in order for it not to be true'.. hmmmm

And if we have no god, then what is the government of Israel founding many of it's ideas on - some kind of fanatical mental illness? Ugghhhh shudder.

If the people of Israel want to live in peace and security - a great first step would be electing a more mainstream, peace hungry government.

If Tzipi Livni is elected Prime Minister - god help the world. Another war mongering - power drunk - shoulderpadded women with a chip the size of china on her shoulder. She has something to prove about women in politics that seems to blind her from making any non aggressive decisions. God help us all.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Kailassa
Zionists have worked for years to increase their land and eliminate Palestinians, always using the holocaust as the excuse.

Not saying Israel hasn't been overly aggressive, maybe I've understated that, but don't you think if they wanted more land they could have really taken it by now if they wanted? They still haven't given back Golan, and probably won't, and they could have held onto Sinai as well. I never understood this argument because of this. From past wars if they had held onto their gains, they could have doubled the size of their country.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by ludaChris

Not saying Israel hasn't been overly aggressive, maybe I've understated that, but don't you think if they wanted more land they could have really taken it by now if they wanted? They still haven't given back Golan, and probably won't, and they could have held onto Sinai as well. I never understood this argument because of this. From past wars if they had held onto their gains, they could have doubled the size of their country.

Water will soon be the paramount problem in Israel. The Jordan River is so small over here we call that a creek. It does get full in the short rainy season but that only lasts 2-3 months. There is already a big fight going on behind the scenes over the division of the Jordan’s water. So far it has been like our own Colorado River and Mexico. We take what we want and the Mexicans get what's left.

Golan may be part of the headwaters of the Jordan. It is fertile and that makes it rare in that region. Already there are 21,000 illegal Jewish settlers - I call them squatters - in the Golan. That is in direct violation of the UN Charter and of generally accepted international law. But hey, when you have the 800 pound gorilla in your corner, little technicalities don't matter!

The Sinai Peninsula.
99% rock and sand. Captured in the 1967 Six-Days War, but nearly retaken by Egypt in the 1973 Yom Kippur War before Israel got its IDF up and running. Massad was asleep at the wheel. It has some oil but apparently not much.

Both Egypt and Israel wanted to end the war. Gerald Ford began the peace negotiations and Jimmy Carter participated in the final peace treaty in which Egypt became the first Arab power to recognize the State of Israel. I think the Sinai was the bargaining chip Israel gave to Egypt to get what was more important to Israel in the 1970s.

The US facilitated the peace. We supplied 700 US Army peacekeepers to secure the border. We agreed to give Israel and Egypt $3 b. a year, each, to keep the peace. I am not sure but I think the soldiers are gone but I know the money still flows. (Like all American foreign aid, the money has to be spent here. We don’t put the check in the mail).

Post Script.
On December 12, 1985, 248 US Army soldiers and 8 aircrew members died in a fiery crash of a privately operated charter DC8, in Gander, Newfoundland. The plane was on its way to Fort Campbell, KY, from Egypt bringing the soldiers home from peacekeeping duties in the Sinai Peninsula.

The Official Canadian Report. "On 12 December 1985. Arrow Air Flight 1285, a DC-8, crashed after takeoff in Gander, Newfoundland, killing all 256 passengers and crew on board, making it currently the worst air disaster to occur in Canada; the cause is determined to be a stall most likely due to wing icing."

The plane had stopped at Gander to refuel for the final leg of the flight. It was snowing hard at Gander. The wings were covered in snow and ice. The plane was de-iced but due to weather caused delays, more than a half hour lapsed before the plane received control tower clearance to take off. For reasons never revealed the pilot did not order a second deicing of the planes flying surfaces although the accumulation of snow on the wing was plainly visible from the cockpit.

The Reagan Revolution. It pees me off! We know the DC8 was manufactured between 1968 and 1972. That meant the plane was at least 13 years old. Rather than fly the soldiers via the Air Force’s MATS - Military Air Transport Service - the US Government under President Ronald Reagan PRIVATIZED the flights. It was farmed it out to a FOR PROFIT company. It cost $18,000 to de-ice a DC8. I suspect those 248 soldiers died for next to nothing. The cost of a tank-truck load of ethanol. Thank you, Ronnie!

DC8 specs. Weight empty, 134,000 lbs. Max take-off weight, 310,000 lbs. Range, up to 4,600 miles.

[edit on 12/31/2008 by donwhite]

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 11:02 AM
Hamas has smuggled Chinese and Iranian rockets into Gaza that are longer range than the previous generation that they were accustomed to firing randomly into Israel.

Israel was pressured to withdraw from Gaza, now they get shot at from there. They locate their command and control near civilian areas as a shield so when Israel attacks their are civilian casualties. Does anyone have a realistic idea of how to stop this conflict? Dialog and concessions don't seem to work with Hamas, they understand force only.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by smokingmonkey

Hamas has smuggled Chinese and Iranian rockets into Gaza that are longer range than the previous generation that they were accustomed to firing randomly into Israel.

I have not kept up with the slaughter in Gaza the past 48 hours. The first rockets the Hamas fired were apparently home-made. Possibly to plans taken off the internet. I say that because first reports said some of the rockets fell short of what appeared to be the intended target and that others seemed to have been fired aimlessly or at random. Perhaps later reports indicate otherwise?

Israel was pressured to withdraw from Gaza, now they get shot at from there.

Dead wrong. Israeli PM Ariel Sharon UNILATERALLY ordered the Jewish settlements closed and withdrew from Gaza after 17 years of occupation. There was NO pressure on Israel to do that. It was part of a new scheme hatched by the Likud to take what Israel wanted and then DECLARE peace. Present the world and the Arabs with a fait accompli!

Does anyone have a realistic idea of how to stop this conflict? Dialog and concessions don't seem to work with Hamas, they understand force only.

Sweet Jesus! How short are our memories? There was an election held in Gaza in 2006. Anyone remember that? To the surprise and chagrin of both the US and Israel, Hamas won fair and square. Bush43 and Sharon declared WAR on Hamas that very same day! They rebuked the Palestinians for being so stupid as to vote for Hamas. What the world knows is the US loves elections it wins. But we ignore or hate elections we lose. Or cancel like the election agreed to in Vietnam. And where we ultimately lost 59,000 men and killed 2 million Vietnamese. About which we hear nothing. Not even a "sorry about that."

There has never been any dialog with Hamas.
We require Hamas give up its only bargaining chip BEFORE we will talk. Only dumber than a 5th grader Americans are FOOLED by that nonsense. Say hello Sarah Palin!

They say GOD takes care of fools and drunks. Let’s all pray that GOD take care of us.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Dowhite has it right.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 12:36 PM
Israelis today, the very end of the year, in a tricky position. Arab countries and the West quietly sighted with relief as the cathartic sight of Israelis lashing back at the 'asking for it' Hamas this weekend.

Only Iran wants to see this masochistic scenario continue. The Palestinians, almost non of whom are descended form the tiny number of people living in the Sinai before 1948, have developed a political culture of victimhood that has stifled any other development for themselves.

Israel does not want to appear aggressive, but has found painfully that they can only achieve respect and be left alone by the Muslim world when they put the fear of God into them.

Backing down in Lebanon showed the Muslims that Israel was not invulnerable, that they could be beaten. Israel is now forced to show that in military strategy they are unbeatable.

But now Israel finds itself in the same entrapment as in Lebanon. They can't keep going on after the initial volleys. Hamas will still be standing, even if on crutches, and they will claim they won by default. The tables will be turned; Israel will look like the bad guy, the aggressor. World sentiment is already shifting to Gaza as they take a pounding but look heroic in their resistance.

Israel seems to be in another no-win situation. The world watches them and expects them to act like charitable humanitarian Christians, while Hamas is exempt from critique.

Billions will flow into Gaza for rebuilding, and it will all move towards an anticipated rematch.

The cards were stacked against the state of Israel in 1948. The Arabs have been defeated but have eliminated compromise and co-operation as a viable option.

Mike F

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

The Palestinians, almost none of whom are descended form the tiny number of people living in the Sinai before 1948, have developed a political culture that has stifled any development for themselves.

1) And just where did the 1.5 million Palestinians living in the 130 sq miles of Gaza come from?

2) Is it possible the lack of infrastructure, lack of capital, lack of a stable functioning government and reliable export-import conditions have hindered development as much as just being lazy, ignorant and slovenly?

3) Could it be we are blaming the victim?

Backing down in Lebanon showed the Muslims that Israel was not invulnerable, that they could be beaten. Israel is now forced to show that in military strategy they are unbeatable. Israel does not want to appear aggressive, but has found painfully that they can only achieve respect and be left alone by the Muslim world when they put the fear of God into them.

So what’s that all mean? So what’s the common thread running between Lebanon and Gaza? With America running interference at the UN, the IDF conducted a 34 day long RAMPAGE in the south of Lebanon. With more successes like that, maybe Israel will review its policy?

The tables will be turned; Israel will look like the bad guy, the aggressor. World sentiment is already shifting to Gaza as they take a pounding but look heroic in their resistance. Israel seems to be in another no-win situation. The world watches them and expects them to act like charitable humanitarian Christians, while Hamas is exempt from critique.

What’s the reference to Christians got to do with anything here? “Charitable humanitarian Christians.” Are you making a bad joke? Where are those types? It looks like Christians have stolen 2/3rds of the world from the people it belonged to. We’re not talking religion, we’re talking LAND.

But now Israel finds itself in the same entrapment as in Lebanon. They can't keep going on after the initial volleys. Hamas will still be standing, even if on crutches, and they will claim they won by default.

If you and I can see this, why could not the Israeli government see it too, and take a different tack? you know the definition of insanity? I’m thinking that Red State types are pretty much alike all around the world, “Do it my way or I’ll shoot you!”

Billions will flow into Gaza for rebuilding, and it will all move towards an anticipated rematch.

You still do believe in Santa Claus?

The cards were stacked against the state of Israel in 1948. The Arabs have been defeated but have eliminated compromise and co-operation as a viable option.

As long as Israel (and Bush43) say, “It’s my way or the highway” there will be problems. As the weak Vietnamese showed the strong Americans, NATIONALISM is a dream that cannot be suppressed. No matter how many you KILL!

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

israel and the U.S. will finish it? you keep dreaming. you people keep thinking russia and china will easily be handled. america is stretched out pretty good just in iraq and afghan. then iran, pakistan. be serious for a second and try to act like the world is not that simple.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by mmiichael

Only Iran wants to see this masochistic scenario continue.

Another American MISSTATEMENT of the truth.

The real story was that some Iranian potential suicide bombers wanted to travel to Gaza to "do their part" resisting the IDF murder of innocents. The government of Iran declined to meet with them. Bush43 OTOH applauds as the murder continues as he blocks UN moves to stop the useless killing. This is exactly what Bush43 did in 2006 during the IDF rampage in Lebanon.

There is s strong religious component underlying the American response to Israel’s savage misconduct. Many US Born Again types including Bush43 believe they are hastening the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ riding a white horse, and HE will sit on a golden throne in Jerusalem for 1,000 years! HIS most loyal followers will be assigned cities, kingdoms and principalities to overlord. To kick butt in the name of GOD. By assisting the Jews in being "called home" to the ancient land of Palestine the time is shortened. Yet one more religion inspired “crusade” of murder and mayhem unleashed!

On reflection, I cannot think of a religion that has killed more people, burned more at the stake, hanged, tortured and buried more people alive, stolen more property and closed more schools than the CHRISTIAN religion. Can you? Ugh!

[edit on 1/2/2009 by donwhite]

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