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We Need A White History Month, white college, and white scholorship funds Etc...

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 08:43 PM
New Law. Everyone must breed outside their own race from now on. (Sorry, KKK). After awhile, there will only be one race. No problem.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Europe
reply to post by Valhall

He raises a very good point, go back far enough and you probably had slaves in your family tree, romans took slaves, greeks did it, egyptians did it, arabs did it, vikings did it, every single nation (barring the past 100 years) has committed and been victim to slavery, there is nothing holding black people back but themselves.

Well, unfortunately, you didn't answer my question to him for him. Aside from that, your argument doesn't even go with his argument.

Who the hell cares what 2 or 3 generations of my family did? It has nothing to do with the topic. The topic is about some bizarre theory that the black man has some advantage because he has been afforded a few assistances designed to help him get to an EQUAL footing with the white man.

My question was (to the original poster who acted as if he had no clue why such assistance would be required): how old are you? Because anyone older than the age of 40 knows the answer to the ridiculous question. While I'm proud of the advances that have occurred in my country, I don't see confirmation that a measure of "leveling" is not called for.

Coming in late to the game and saying the 3 quarters you missed was a piece of cake is ridiculous.

[edit on 12-29-2008 by Valhall]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 08:55 PM
I\'m going to be blunt with you Amaxium.

This is grade school history. Now I\'ll make this quick for you, the United States of America used black/negro humans from the continent Africa as slaves to do the white mans dirty work. Here\'s one that might jog your memory, Cotton. Now this went of for many many many years until a few great black/negro people stood up and fought for their rights to be come equal with the white man, who held power. It was tough, blacks were hung from a rope, murdered everyday, women were raped.

Now think about your post and ask yourself why there shouldn\'t and definitely wont be any White college, White college funds, or a White History Month.

This country has changed, its not about white or black anymore, its about Americans. If you still don\'t get it, you\'re suggesting segregation, you\'re moving back in time buddy.

Goodnight. Hope you get this message.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 08:57 PM
I know i'm late with this post and i'm not following the continuing convo. But i agree with muzzleflashs' post on page 1. Abolish black history month, and teach all races to be branches on the same tree. All these double standards are rediculous, why give one race a special month. If we all truly wanted to move on with civilisation we would drop these useless arguments about race and recognise the human race, with all it's different cultures and colors, as one. issues with race and religion has only torn us apart thus far, I see it as a brick wall on a multi-lane highway.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:06 PM
When you look at a nations laws, you begin to understand its social problems. Though in my opinion all the hoopla over Black History Month and all that is a ploy by the powers that be to keep us divided. Because clearly, it has made white folks bitter whether anyone wants to admit it or not. After the Civil War, they didn't get rid of slavery for blacks, they just threw the everyone into slavery of a different kind. Lincoln used to be a president I looked up to, but upon really researching the man, he's not a man to admire. Maybe a bit off topic but I think it's relevant due to the fact that the history we're taught in public schools(for kids of all races) isn't what really happened for the majority of it all. And that really fuels these social problems, people all being taught history that isn't completely true. Races pitted against each other for reasons neither side is truly educated on.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:07 PM

If you follow US history then you should know blacks were treated poorly, beyond poor. Do some research, that\'s why these foundations exist. We need to unite all people from all over the world, we can not continue to think of each other as enemies. We are all human.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by Niko_Belic]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

and we can just teach ALL history of ALL RACES IN THE SAME MONTH!

A good thought there. "Race Month" I'm thinking.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by patent98310
I know i'm late with this post and i'm not following the continuing convo. But i agree with muzzleflashs' post on page 1. Abolish black history month, and teach all races to be branches on the same tree. All these double standards are rediculous, why give one race a special month. If we all truly wanted to move on with civilisation we would drop these useless arguments about race and recognise the human race, with all it's different cultures and colors, as one. issues with race and religion has only torn us apart thus far, I see it as a brick wall on a multi-lane highway.

I really don't agree with what you say apart from abolishing Black History month. Tell you why. I don't think all this togetherness stuff will work. All that would be happening is you're forcing groups together that may not want to be put together.

I think the solution is individualism. Teach kids to think independently and let them make their own decisions, let them exchange ideas, and I'm pretty sure they will end up together in the end with no troubles whatsoever. We need to stop looking to public education to solve problems because it's pretty clear that the public school system went up # creek a long time ago. Collectivism never works, and in the end what we need are free thinkers, not group therapy sessions.

[edit on 12/29/2008 by ludaChris]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:12 PM
Affirmative action is the new racism.

It is a very effective method of marginalizing non-whites.

"Your ethnicity is a handicap, so here's your cripple check."

But hey, it is just so easy.

What is wrong with saying "Sorry, folks, but the world is a real place and sometimes messed up stuff happens. Deal with it." and letting the chips fall where they may? Oh, no that would be awful! People coming from the bottom would actually have to work hard, and would have to teach their children to value the things they have. And that wouldn't be easy at all. How terrible!

On the subject of "Native Americans", the idea that indigenous peoples have some "right to live however they want" is a crock of bull. Indigenous peoples, minorities, and majority groups all have the same "right to life" as everyone else: the right to live as they are able to, not as they want to.

I was born in Illinois. I am a Native American. I was born in the United States of America as were both my parents. Where's my cripple check? Never mind , keep it. I take pride in working for a living.

So can you.

As a result of affirmative action, "minority" people are becoming less equipped to compete on a level playing field.

"Affirmative action" is one of the biggest scams alive today.

Edit: Removing the wordy durds so the moderunts don't get their panties all knotted up.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by Symbiote]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by Amaxium

yea i agree, even tho im in england.. we have a theater company that helps children get out of crime and into acting, but only black children can join because its funded by the black african children projects.. but im sorry its not just black children that are subjects to crime, and it surprised me when i met the man who ran the theater to be a white man
.. but if we question something like what you have brought up were seen as racist even tho we see people as humans and not colour ??? i dnt understand, why not have a global human history week, or a human collage lol

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:02 AM
I'm a black man, in my late 30's, well educated and i work in education. i enjoy the forums here, but i'm also often astounded at how ill informed some who post to the forums are. no offense, but a number of you here might want to spend some time with a good (with the emphasis on good) history book. our divisions will continue if americans choose not to have the tough conversations and/or recognize ALL of our history, bad, good or indifferent. it's not about whites feeling guilty, but don't act as though the blood of millions of natives and black slaves does not fertilize the soil throughout our great land. not to mention the the tens of thousands of africans who didn't survive the trip to the new america. i can't speak for the entire black community, but what really burns many (myself included) is that other groups who experienced tremendous tragedy, like the jews and the japanese who were interned in the u.s. after pearl harbor, were compensated for what they endured. now, i'm certainly not advocating for checks to be cut for every descendant of a slave--it would be impossible. but, speaking as someone who financed his way through school, student loan amnesty of some sort would be great, as one form of redress. lack of access to quality education has much to do with our country falling behind the rest of the industrialized world. the profit motive in education in the u.s. is a travesty.

anyway, i wouldn't be writing all of this if i didn't really care about these issues. this is my life's work and what i impart here is what i try to impart to kids everyday. it's not about total or even partial agreement, but respect respect for diverse viewpoints is fertile ground for productive dialogue. i strongly encourage my students to develop a high degree of empathy. not being able to see all sides is a huge barrier to progress. anyway, follow me if you will:

-EVERY month is white history month as whites are the dominant culture. months that celebrate other groups, blacks included, were only created as a means to address the marginalization of these groups from the mainstream of america. it was a paltry effort and has had no impact on race relations, much like the recent "apologies" for slavery. so, celebrate people of color during their given months, and treat them (intentionally or subconsciously) as second class the rest of the year.

-ALL colleges, save for historically black colleges, are white colleges. after all, black colleges were only created because blacks at one time were not permitted to attend white institutions. so, there would be no point to attempting to create a "historically white college", as they already exist.

-As for the college fund, i think that is a good idea for any student, white, black or other. i work in a private secondary school with costs to rival some colleges, so parents of all races are really struggling to provide their kids with a high quality education. unfortunately, the state of public schools in most cities makes whether or not your kid will get a good education a gamble. at 38 years old, i will admit that public schools did the job for my generation, for the most part. but, today's world is much, much, more competitive and if a student doesn't have access to the resources that give them an edge--small classes in private schools, after school tutors, standardized test prep, etc.--they are operating at a real disadvantage, both domestically and internationally.

Anyway, sorry to be so verbose. I'm also an erstwhile writer. I truly hope this finds all who read it in the best of health and spirit.


posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by cenpuppie

As for black history a black person i can tell you that while the idea is good, it's BS . February is the shortest month..and if the history books decided to tell the WHOLE truth rather than picking and choosing what to tell, then Black History month wouldn't be needed.

I am all for White History Month...or removal of all racially based acknowledgments.

Your drivel of February being the shortest month is nothing more than trying to play the whole race card BS that makes me wanna fukin hurl!!! If it had been's because it's cold-or that is the Pagan Holiday month---If it was's because it's hot, and that's when you pick cotton...etc, etc, etc! Knock it off!

What part of history do you think is being left out that would make BHM irrelevant? I am not saying that the history is not filtered, but what exactly is missing that sparked the need for such a racist occasion that is the BHM?

I was going to leave this alone, but you got me a bit are my first FOE!!! I so look forward to your reply, come prepared, and leave the whole 400 years of oppression BS out of it


posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by King neptune117

Originally posted by Amaxium
This is a post to show that Caucasions in America are now in need of certain "white" recognition and perks.

There are currently established:

Black History Month
Black Colleges
United Negro College Fund

Just for starters. Now, where is the white history month? White college funds? White colleges?

Answer, there are none.

What would happen if we rallied together to establish a white history month, white college, and white scholorship funds?

I realize this is a touchy topic. I am not posting to anger anyone. This is to see what "reactions" would be like. I will not post any replies for a minimum of 7 - 10 days.

I am NOT racist and I am not wanting or intending to offend anyone. If this topic angers you then close it and move on to another topic. I do not want racist talk in this thread.

Please contain yourselves and remember.... WE ALL BLEED RED.

This is so true. Just what makes African Americans get all these special days. Because they were enslaved? Im sorry, but that just is not amazing enough. People act as if JUST because they were enslaved, it is 10 times harder for them to do things than it is for white people.

Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

I guarantee that I struggle just as much, if not more than my black friends to make sure my littles eat, have clothes, learn as much as possible, have social interaction in sports, friends, etc. I say possibly more because I don't qualify for almost any kind of subsidy. My wife and I have friends that are black that receive almost $700 a month in free food for their 3 children. I don't call them names...other that Rodney and Marie. Rodney knows this double standard is BS, but he has no issue with effing it-he makes roughly the same money I do-Marie works as well...

My wife is presently pregnant with our 4th...nothing. I work, she does not. WE don't qualify because I make too much!?! This is where my issue lies with this WHOLE issue!

I don't mean to rant, but I get a little angered at folks trying to say that someone else is the reason they don't have what they want/need...not just the whole black/white issue either...anyone. I can tell you that my littles DO eat very well, DO enjoy school and all of their friends, DO go to social things like dances, and football games(state religion), etc. I have NEVER been held down by any man...except myself! I don't feel that I deserve anything special, but I do feel I deserve the same as others. And I don't want reparations either...

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by Amaxium

Give it all to them if they organize it,sure it's Great to be Proud,should be more of it and push the crap out of it to get a Public Holiday for any human with RED Blood.


Safe New Year All.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 05:03 AM
For the people who are still asking why "white" people shouldn't be able to have their own special things as well, this is how I see it: the "white race" had sort of a head start. While they were learning and progressing as a society, they used their power to hold down other "races" of people and giving them a disadvantage, which made things unequal. People who didn't have "white" skin weren't allowed to progress, because for some reason they were seen as inferior. Fast forward to modern times, the "white race" has realised that what they did wasn't right or fair and so other "races" get to catch up on what they've missed. And now hopefully soon, we can all be equal again and we can all live as one big, happy family on planet Earth. Hope that makes sense
. I realise that this isn't a perfect way to describe it...


Also, I know a lot of people here have been saying that it would be a good idea to get rid of Black History Month or anything that points out a person's "race" and all, but I really don't believe that it would be a good idea. Not yet anyway. The reason being is that I don't believe everyone is ready for that. There are still quite a few people who aren't as open-minded as those on ATS. My point is that I think education is needed first so everyone learns about ALL the history and not just "white" history. If people can do that, then I think humanity would be mature enough to get rid of labels. I hope I'm getting my point across
. I just don't believe humanity is ready to do away with labels just yet. Not until the history behind them is learnt and we all truly understand that we're all the same. To me it seems like it's a training-wheels stage. We're just beginning to acknowledge those different groups of people who have basically been pushed aside in the past and almost forgotten about. And I think once the majority has acknowledged and gotten to know the minorities, then the majority will have the oppurtunity to realise that we are really all the same and really only one race, the human race. I think then, when that's happened, there won't be any need for labels anymore. I guess what I'm saying is that labels - for now - are a way to recognise one another. At the moment we're all different categories, that need to work our way to becoming one category, the human race in which every achievement etc. is filed under.

It's like we're all M&Ms, some of us are different colours on the outside, but on the inside we all taste the same

So anyway, hope this all makes sense

(For the record, I'm Indigenous Australian

[edit on 30/12/2008 by Sparkly_Eyed777]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 07:48 AM
I have to say that I agree with you. There should be a balance and there is not and there NEVER will be...... I am not going to get into why, but the smart people can easily figure that out.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 07:56 AM
White history month huh, United Caucasian College Fund huh, all white colleges all sound great to me. However you must keep in mind that when Black History Month, UNCF, and all these other things put in place to help the black race achieve a greater sense of self worth and to succeed in America they were put in place during a time period when the plight of the black race in America was dire indeed. Something had to be done. Now that things are on a more even keel between the two races perhaps all perks and pluses that show favoritism toward any one race should now be eliminated. On the other hand perhaps they should be expanded to include all American citizens regardless of race color or creed!

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:13 AM
Instead of flooding ya'll with U2U's I will just post this here.

I will not post what I believe for 7 - 10 days as I mentioned in the 2nd post immediately after the first one. Again, I want to emphasis this thread is to gather research for my advanced sociology paper, not to “hack” anyone off. I realize this is a temperamental topic, I had to pick a "hot" subject. To all of those accusing me of being uneducated in history, I have FULL knowledge of history and how African-Americans were treated. I have seen present day instances of oppression still going on. This paper is for studying people's initial reactions and then gathering thoughts on a couple questions after.

For my paper, would you please answer the following:
How did the original post make you feel before you began to read any other posts?

What do you think will put a stop to racism?

What race did you think I was?

On a side note......
Thank you for all those who have automatically accused me of being racist for asking questions and wanting other peoples feedback and thoughts for both sides and I also appreciate the ignorant threat I have already received via U2U. The sarcasm has been laid thickly now and I see that some people still cannot talk peacefully and gather information.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:53 AM
I always wondered what would happen if the was a White Entertainment Tv station. And don't say CMT is it.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:37 AM
Yea well I would still like an all white tv network. Id rathers not let my kids see rappers call ladies itches and whores, and promoting drugs and shooting other blacks.Being beat up by blacks for being white, I think I could get along with out seeing them alltogether. Peace

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