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Have your dreams become more vivid and intense than usual?

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by seeker11
reply to post by beaverg

Do you remember the title of the post? I'd like to check it out.

It's titled "Increase in dreams" It took me a few times to find it but it was on the 13th. Hope you see it.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:38 AM
Yes, lately as in the past couple weeks my dreams have been oddly vivid, I can remember each and every one and they're all very weird.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:29 PM
I made the other thread. heres the link to it if you all want to reference it.'

This was my last post:
"I had a dream about an ex girlfriend and people I havent seen in a while. then I saw her that night. its like the dream told me to take care of my social life. kind of wierd"
Someone said that they bought up things they needed to take care of.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Another 1evel

Thanks for sharing your thread!

It's very interesting how many people are having more vivid dreams. And it's not just people on these conspiracy sites because I asked people who would never dream of browsing a site like this. haha.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:18 PM
I haven't dreamt much in the past 12 years as I have been on paxil and it seems to supress my dreams, however, in the last 6 months or so my dreams have been increasing in number and in changes made to my meds, so i don't know what is up. Also, my daughter, sister and I have been having dreams that are very similar to each others...

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:55 PM
Over the past few weeks to month, my dreams have been more intense.

My emotions are much greater in them. I feel desire, and passion.

No nightmares yet. But they have gotten to the point where, In my dream I realize im dreaming, yet It feels so real, I quickly forget im dreaming.

Honestly, My dreams have been really good, there are a few I wish were real.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:05 PM
What do you think is causing this?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by veryrandomannonomous
What do you think is causing this?

I honestly have no idea! But the more information we can gather about it the closer we might come to an answer. Thank you all for contributing as I really think there is something more to this.

I know a few people mentioned having their first lucid dreams (in other threads) as well as I had my first lucid dream last month. Perhaps are reality is changing, and it's time for us to start realizing we have more control over our dreams/reality. Maybe the line between dream and reality will eventually dissipate.

Who knows? I'm no expert I can only speculate.

edit to add youtube vid
[edit on 16-12-2008 by seeker11]

[edit on 16-12-2008 by seeker11]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:52 PM
It is good to know trends though, eh?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:09 PM
I am so glad to see I am not alone in this.

About 2 months ago is when mine started. Very intense for about a week and then it tapered off.
I would say in the last two weeks they have picked up. Everytime I fall asleep it is happening now. I sleep maybe three to four hours before I wake up. When I do I am energetic and find myself unable to go back to sleep.
Last night I had one where the city was in rubbles and there was little fires everywhere. I remember I was not scared but curious. When I woke up I felt paralized.
Another one this afternoon during my nap I was in our shop trying to pack but there was strange people every where. One guy was twisting oil soaked pine cones into a chandelier telling me he would hang it up so I could have more light. I kept asking how that would work without burning up the pine cone but he would not answer me.
There is some other gruesome details in that one but not sure if I should post it. Normally things that would freak me out but I was calm upon waking but had the paralysis again.
I have enjoyed some of the dreams but the fact I am not sleeping more than three or four hours at a time I am exhausted. My eyes are looking very black from lack of sleep.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:17 PM
People are never alone, You just have to reach out to others, and you'll find that there are many people who can empathize with you ^-^

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:35 PM
OK, now I don't usually subscribe to mass happenings, and I don't know if this really fits in here, but...

Over the last three weeks I have been waking in the night. I never used to.
It started with waking up at exactly 04:20 two nights in a row. I guessed that it was the heating coming on, or a neighbor slamming their car door on their way to work.
Since then, I've been waking up a couple of times a night, and on a few of those occasions I've found myself quite energetic.

I'm a writer (amongst other things), and at least twice I've found myself awake in the very early hours not knowing what woke me, but feeling the urge to boot up my P.C and get on with some work. I usually just have a cigarette, then spend another while trying to get back to sleep.

Although I often work nights, I never seem to wake like this during the day, when there's plenty to wake me! It's only on my days off when I am sleeping nights. But it has become a problem because it happens every night now.

I'll have to have a look at the time from now on, because after those initial instances I stopped checking.

I cannot think what woke me at 04:20, having checked, the heating doesn't come on at that time, there were no engines running outside, no alarm clocks going off in the house, no one else awake.

Meh, it's probably nothing, but maybe it's worth mentioning.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 01:55 AM
Hi again,

Just wanted to check back in to report that in addition to my shotgun blond girl story, I have 2 more experiences to share.

Last night, I had another dream in which people in my past were vividly in my present. I was at one of my old friend's house, but it wasn't where he lived when I knew him, and when we walked inside my sister was there hanging out with his sister. We went out back and were hanging out in this beautiful wilderness. I have hung out with this dude once or twice outside of school in my entire life.

Tonight, just now (which made me want to post this) my girlfriend woke up from a horrible nightmare. Her cousin murdered a relative, and then an old lady, and my girlfriend knew (apparently was there) and helped him. She said the blood was incredibly real, and the people involved were so real that she could see the blemishes on her mothers face. She said she could feel what it was like to want to hurt somebody. In real life, she is the most caring, giving, helping individual I know to everyone so where she came up with this dream is beyond me.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Yoda411

That's pretty scary to have such a violent dream, with such realistic feelings. None of mine have involved a large amount of physical violence, but on the latest one, a guy in my dream took a swing at me with a fist. He missed me and hit a boy next to me. He ran, I gave chase. We were in a house and I grab "something" like an umbrella or a cane. I found him hiding in a corner and starting beating and prodding and cursing him. A few swings into the violence and I woke up. The violence was so real that my heart was racing and I remembered it so vividly. I still remember it, like a haunting feeling.

In my dreams, I seem to act as I would in real life. I am nice to my friends, social with family and strangers. The anger seemed exactly like me as well, because if someone took a swing at me and/or punched a kid, I would definitely go after them without restrain.

Yoda, I hope she is not too rattled by her experience. Violence has a funny way about sticking with people. The human psychi is a fickle and confusing thing. Within its realm, all that seems impossible, becomes possible.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:27 AM
I have lucid dreams, but I know what Seeker is talking about, as that has happened to me of late.

I am usually a light sleeper, despite my medication. It takes about four hours for me to get into REM. Lately though, the dreams are so vivid, and intense that I feel like I am living in another dimension.

On more than once occasion, I see myself on different worlds. For example, I recorded one dream that was really odd.

I found myself in a city that there were no cars, trains, buses, or planes, as we have here on Earth. The city was centrally located and there were no signs of overpopulation.

It was a strange looking city. The buildings and structures were unlike anything here on Earth. There appeared to be no signs of fossil fuels etc., being used to heat or power any thing within the city.

I saw some of the inhabitants in my dream and was told that they used an energy source that maintained the city without causing damage to the environment.

On another occasion, which has happened more than once, I have found myself in a strange building that much resembles a shopping mall. I have seen it more than one time in my dreams. There is a hospital in the building and a kind of tram/lift system which links it with a sister building opposite.

It is a strange kind of shopping mall. I have seen myself going through the aisles looking at different things on the shelves. Like I said, this dream has occurred on more than one occasion and it is like I am actually there.

I have also had dreams of UFOs and their occupants, and as I said earlier, I have dreams of planets that are different to our own.

It is almost like we somehow cross dimensions in our dreams. I had one dream where I woke up in the future and when I woke up in our time line-I was confused. I told the nurses at the hospital and how bizarre it was and how I felt I was really there.

I had the dream in July, but the dream it had snow and it was cold. One building that I saw in my dream, I was to later see in my waking state.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by rachel07

Glad I'm not alone. I totally know where you're coming from about the types of dreams you're having. A lot of times mine will have people in them from this current life but we will be living in a totally different world. Like, there are some things that are similar, and some things that are totally not following the rules of our present day society. It makes for some fascinating dream scenarios anyhow.

When I wake up I really do feel as if all I'm doing when I'm sleeping is visiting parallel universes. Strange feeling.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Yoda411
Hi again,

Just wanted to check back in to report that in addition to my shotgun blond girl story, I have 2 more experiences to share.

Last night, I had another dream in which people in my past were vividly in my present. I was at one of my old friend's house, but it wasn't where he lived when I knew him, and when we walked inside my sister was there hanging out with his sister. We went out back and were hanging out in this beautiful wilderness. I have hung out with this dude once or twice outside of school in my entire life.

Tonight, just now (which made me want to post this) my girlfriend woke up from a horrible nightmare. Her cousin murdered a relative, and then an old lady, and my girlfriend knew (apparently was there) and helped him. She said the blood was incredibly real, and the people involved were so real that she could see the blemishes on her mothers face. She said she could feel what it was like to want to hurt somebody. In real life, she is the most caring, giving, helping individual I know to everyone so where she came up with this dream is beyond me.

I've had some violent dreams that have stuck with me for quite some time afterwards and always puzzled me because in real life I can't even squish a spider! (I have to take them outside or something) and they give me the creeps, but I still feel terrible if I have to kill one. So, yeah, I don't really understand where the violence comes from!

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
OK, now I don't usually subscribe to mass happenings, and I don't know if this really fits in here, but...

Over the last three weeks I have been waking in the night. I never used to.
It started with waking up at exactly 04:20 two nights in a row. I guessed that it was the heating coming on, or a neighbor slamming their car door on their way to work.
Since then, I've been waking up a couple of times a night, and on a few of those occasions I've found myself quite energetic.

I'm a writer (amongst other things), and at least twice I've found myself awake in the very early hours not knowing what woke me, but feeling the urge to boot up my P.C and get on with some work. I usually just have a cigarette, then spend another while trying to get back to sleep.

Although I often work nights, I never seem to wake like this during the day, when there's plenty to wake me! It's only on my days off when I am sleeping nights. But it has become a problem because it happens every night now.

I'll have to have a look at the time from now on, because after those initial instances I stopped checking.

I cannot think what woke me at 04:20, having checked, the heating doesn't come on at that time, there were no engines running outside, no alarm clocks going off in the house, no one else awake.

Meh, it's probably nothing, but maybe it's worth mentioning.

I think it's worth mentioning, if you do. I think other people are experiencing the same thing you are with waking up out of a dead sleep. I'm just not sure which thread...might be the other dream thread listed in this one.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:44 PM
Hi all...great idea for a thread.

I though I would add my little bit, but I deliberately havent read all the dream sequences detailed here incase it affects my own, bu t I have also seen a marked difference in my dream patterns.

Usually I sleep like a dead thing and remember very little of my dreams but I've had some real nightmares recently. There is nothing in my life that would stress me out enough to create these so I'm wondering...

Firstly about 3 weeks ago, I had a real film of a vivid I though I was in it and coudn't shake how it felt for days. I was outside my house and I saw a nuke go off on the other side of the city about 30 miles from where I live above the hills....I was saying in my dreams....we'll be ok...we have plently of food...we'll just stay inside for a few days. Very scary. I've also had a paralysis dream where I was on a conveyor belt heading for some kind of creature who was going to drill into my skull...I really couldn't move and can't remember what woke me. Most disturbing of all is a repeated dream, very short, where I'm watching a bird of prey in one tree swoop down on a wood pigeon or crow on the opposite tree, biting it's head clean off, letting me watch it chew it and then throwing the body at me...this has happened three times in a week and gets more vivid every time. It's freaking me out a bit.

Will read the rest of the thread tomorrow when I'm more awake and have had time to think.


posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:51 PM
Hi I would just like to point out something:

The OP of this thread wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing unusually vivid or strange dreams lately.

Well, if one is trying to form an 'objective' opinion whether this is the case, or not, such a method of analyzing results is not an objective way to do so.

This kind of thread is 'self-seeking', where those who are interested in, and have something to contribute to the subject, do so, and post their replies. Those who don't, either ignore the thread, or find their opinion already expressed. So, looking for an objective measure is hard to do, by gaugeing the replies.

That said, I'm really enjoying the sharing of dream-state experience that's going on here - I don't feel so alone in the (ocasionally shocking) experience I myself have, by so reading.
Thanks all.

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