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Worst President in history? Come On!!!

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posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by RedWhiteBlue
Why do Americans keep boasting about the freedoms that they have in the US as though they have more freedoms than everyone else? Because it's rubbish. The US is ranked only 14th in the world for democacy. Ten European countries and Australia, Canada and New Zealand have more freedoms than the US.

Heh, I think it's more the opposite. I think we Americans complain about the Freedoms we believe we're supposed to have. Maybe that's why we act so angry all the time-- we're supposed to be the land of the free, but everytime we take a look, our government is trying to impose additional restraints upon us. Atleast, that's my take.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
But on anoite that does'nt involve Bush bashing or CLinton bashing, look at the other presidens such as Franklin Peirce, James Buchannon or William H. Harrison who died after a month. They did'nt do anything to help our country at least Bush has, and Clinton may have done 1 good thing.

Please tell me what Bush has done good for our country. I'm not debating that he has, but I believe the negatives extremely out-weigh the positives in his case. I know I've been focusing on the negatives, so I can't list any positives, but Cons to his credit include :
(1) The highest unemployment rate in so many years, (2) The bankrupting of California (by way of allowing Enron and other Energy makers in the state to decide their own clean-air policy, and allowing them to overcharge the state for power),
(3) Lowering taxes for the wealthy,
(4) Making a mockery of our electoral system ( ),
(5) The Patriot Act (which allows for the monitoring and systematic arrest of pretty much anyone, without due cause or reason).

That's just off the top of my head.

[Edited on 10-4-2004 by Cappa]

[Edited on 10-4-2004 by Cappa]

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 06:47 PM
Give us some citeria to make a judgement on who was the worst president in history.


posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 09:15 AM
But what he and his merry crew of convicted felons have done is ignore, misdirect and cover-up all of the clues that could have allowed our existing intelligence networks to locate and capture the 911 terrorist before they ever got to the airports!!!

What is coming out now that is unravelling the orwellian coverups incubated by the bushies, are documents from FBI, CIA, NSA and InterPOL that lay out all of the information that was out there already about:

> known Arab terrorist linked men were in the US taking flying lessons, but were not concerned with take-offs and landings!! They all asked the same question; how do I turn off the black-box tansponder?

> money was being funneled into the US from Saudi banks into accounts being accessed by Mata, the leading terrorist hijacker who was under surviellance and had been one of those taking lessons in Florida.

> Clintons admin stopped 3 terror attacks by way of the good intel that was being put together from our US sources!! Why is it that shrub is nowing using "bad intel" as his excuse for ignoring all of the intel?

> all of the incoming bush felons were briefed by their Clinton counterparts that terrorism WILL BE YOUR #1 PRIORITY, SO AS TO PROTECT AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!!
But Condi and Dick said oh no, we have more important things to worry about, like what excuse can we find to go take the Iraqi oil fields for our campaign contributors.

> Dick Cheney was suppose to keep his eye on the terrorist ball, but yet he never met with nor even formed the commision to do so until after 911, 9 full months after the bush felons took over the WH!!
But he did have a meeting with the Energy Commission that was formed from the most powerful and richest energy consortiums in the US, and he did it just 2 weeks after taking over the WH in the coup of Nov-2k.

> Don't forget that shrub has now surpassed Wilson as only the second president to continually lose jobs while in office. The few burger-flipping-redefined-as-manufacturing-jobs DON'T COUNT!!!

> OVER 3 million mfg jobs lost in 3 years

> OVER 6 million jobs lost in 3.5 years overall

> OVER 8 million unemployed with no hope of finding employment and the bushies refused to extend benefits to help Americans to support thier families and feed their children.

Your right in saying that the comparisons of shrub to hitler are not fare!!! Your right!!! Hitler put his people to work!!!! It's their foriegn policies that resemble the others.


Be honest with yourself and us; if you are truly middle class or the working poor, are you better off today then you were 4 or 8 years ago????

I know I'm not, my wages have been stagnant since shrub took the office, I've made less each year and have been taxed progressively more each year.

The RICH GOP Elistist need not reply, we know shrubs felons have taken care of your financial issues!!!






posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:20 AM

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 11:39 AM
"Sarcasm is a very effective tool when used in moderation."
Bush has done many things that many people disagree with. The war is proof positive that you can't please everyone, even when your cause is just and right.
The fact is noone likes war, but sometimes it is necisary to protect our country from further harm (Like when we were attacked by terrorists).
Or maybe we could just back out and wait until we are attacked yet again. I'm sure that would make a lot of people happy.
Guaranteed if bush hadn't gone to war with iraq, the liberal press would be critisizing him this very moment for noty defending our country and ridding the world of dictators like Sadaam.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 08:12 PM
Responses to some highlights :

"A country that hides something is afraid of getting caught."

We, as in the U.S., hide far more secrets than where we keep some weapons.


"This country must go on the offense, and stay on the offense."

That is a method of thinking that could force not even our current enemies, but those who dislike America to become our enemies.


On numerous occasions, GWB was asked about the subject of 'apologies to the American people'. In his responses, he did nothing in the way of apologizing. He, as the leader of the United States Government should have already apologized on behalf of the system in which he is the head representative of-- not to mention the system that elected him.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 08:14 PM
The US president is with the skull and bones he never does the right thing.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 10:05 PM
great post

its good to hear some truth around here.... im sick of all this anti bush cr ap goin around

Its always good to lay down the facts.....

you wanna be a patriot at time of war....then support it and support your country...... so this does not turn into a vietnam

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 10:39 PM
Did you see the conference? He was talking about our obligation to lead the world. Sounds like globalization, to me.
I'm happy to see that he was flustered by questions about whether he felt he was mistaken or not. Maybe people are finally getting it, and asking the right questions? It seems they were cornering old Dubya.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 12:23 AM
Ra puts it very well, and many others add valid points. Unequivocally, Shrub merits the title of this thread. And the evidence continues to mount that no amount of spin can remedy:

The Dark Side

Articles of Impeachment

Utter Stupidity

Human Costs

News You Need to Know

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Aeon10101110
Ra puts it very well, and many others add valid points. Unequivocally, Shrub merits the title of this thread. And the evidence continues to mount that no amount of spin can remedy:

bahaha, the quotes on that first site are hilarious.

And, at the same time, very very sad.

My favorites :
"They misunderestimated me."�Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000

"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."--Reuters, May 5, 2000

"I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can't answer your question."� Reynoldsburg, Ohio, Oct. 4, 2000

Seriously? How could we allow this guy to be made President?

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 08:27 AM
Worst=William Jefferson Clinton
Dumbest= King George II (aka junior)

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 09:52 AM
Clinton was, by no means, the worst president. Things were very stable during his administration. In fact, I remember nothing major going wrong during his terms.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 03:48 PM
You mean besides whitewater and his impeachment? or were you refering to the condition of the nation:

Record high budget deficits in the 1990s, one-third decline in the military budget in the post-Cold War era, Runaway spending on Medicare, Medicaid and welfare, or the 30 percent build-up in federal nondefense spending.

Or perhaps the first world trade center bombing was "a good thing".

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by surfup
Someone needs to review their history books, HOOVER is the worst president in the U.S. history.


Why not?

Bush is the worst (p)resident SINCE Hoover. Accepting that he's in charge of anything more than picking his nose.

Really, Cheney is the worst president since Hoover.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Rain King
You mean besides whitewater and his impeachment? or were you refering to the condition of the nation:

Record high budget deficits in the 1990s, one-third decline in the military budget in the post-Cold War era, Runaway spending on Medicare, Medicaid and welfare, or the 30 percent build-up in federal nondefense spending.

Or perhaps the first world trade center bombing was "a good thing".

You're blaming those things on Clinton?
Sure, Whitewater and getting a blowjob may have not been the greatest things, but I don't think he was that bad as a president, really. I'll take a lie about a blowjob over a lie about war any day. His shortcomings are dwarfed by Dubya's, IMO. The deficit actually improved while he was in office. It was fuctup when he got there. The budget actually became balanced while he was in office. Now, I'm not saying he had anything to do with it, but it was. The budget was balanced mostly due to 1) an exceptionally strong economy that was creating gobs of new tax revenues and 2) a shrinking military budget. The economy was very strong, at the matter what other bad things happened. Does anyone care about the deficit anyway? It's like a runaway credit card bill. We'll never pay it off.
Whitewater was just a BS realestate scam. Big deal. The BJ never should have gotten him impeached, IMO. That was a setup and a scam, if I've ever seen one.

[Edited on 4-14-2004 by Satyr]

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 04:25 PM
What president hasn't sucked in some way or another? Between the special interest groups, his advisors, the congress, any morals the president may have, how the hell does a decision get made that doesn't piss someone off or affect something?

I once heard that the best manager knows how to make the tough decisions, suffer the heat and stand by them. I try to operate that way at work and I'm responsible for a much smaller budget and smaller staff. Can't be done.

I'm not necessarily pro-Bush or anti-Bush despite my republican affiliation. Any president will be complained about for some reason or another. Clinton, look how he let those rangers/deltas get killed for nothing in Somalia.


posted on Apr, 16 2004 @ 05:42 AM
Militarily he may have done well, but how about domestic issues?

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Satyr
Did you see the conference? He was talking about our obligation to lead the world. Sounds like globalization, to me.

We are a world power...the leading one out that...its our obligation to set by example...and to go and assist the less fortunate countries...World powers in the past (some) did the same...its not a new concept...

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