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Worst President in history? Come On!!!

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posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 04:52 PM
Anyone who doesnt approve of GWB's job must read this. I copied this from and the poster copied it from somewhere else, but makes a great point about how our President has handled his job.

Now a word of caution because I'm not positive these numbers are precise
but if I read it correctly, there were 39 combat related killings in Iraq during
the month of January..... in the fair city of Detroit there were 35 murders in
the month of January. That's one American city folks, about as deadly as
the entire war torn country of Iraq. ----Unknown Author

Subject: Worst president in history?

The following appeared in the Durham, NC local paper as a letter
to the editor. Please forward to all on your list as this will put
things in perspective:

Liberals claim President Bush shouldn't have started this
war. They complain about his prosecution of it. One liberal
recently claimed Bush was the worst president in U.S. history.
Let's clear up one point: We didn't start the war on terror. Try to
remember, it was started by terrorists BEFORE 9/11. Let's look
at the "worst" president and mismanagement claims.

FDR led us into World War II. Germany never attacked us:
Japan did. From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost, an average
of 112,500 per year.

Truman finished that war and started one in Korea, North Korea
never attacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost, an average
of 18,333 per year.

John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962. Vietnam
never attacked us.

Lyndon Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire. From 1965-1975,
58,000 lives were lost, an average of 5,800 per year.

President Nixon ended it.

Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent,
Bosnia never attacked us. He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a
platter three times by Sudan and did nothing.
Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions.

In the two years since terrorists attacked us, President Bush
has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaida,
He put nuclear inspectors in Lybia, Iran and North Korea without firing a
shot, and captured a terrorist who slaughtered 300,000 of his own
people. We lost 600 soldiers, an average of 300 a year.

Bush did all this abroad while not allowing another terrorist
attack at home.

Worst president in history? Come on!

The Democrats are complaining about how long the war is
taking, but... It took less time to take Iraq than it took Janet Reno to take
the Branch Davidian compound. That was a 51 day operation.

We've been looking for evidence of chemical weapons in Iraq for
less time than it took Hillary Clinton to find the Rose Law Firm
billing records.

It took less time for the 3rd Infantry Division and the Marines
to destroy the Medina Republican Guard than it took Teddy Kennedy to
call the police after his Oldsmobile sank at Chappaquiddick.

It took less time to take Iraq than it took to count the
votes in Florida!!!!

Our president is doing the right thing.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 05:37 PM
Honestly that's quite interesting. And obviously true as they are all facts. You have made me re-think and I'm sure many others as well. Although I never had said Bush was the worst in history but very compelling anyway.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 05:43 PM
great post

It really does show how stupid the claim of "Bush is the worst president ever" really is.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 05:49 PM
Time will tell, friend. 'Nam started off as a something like this. We're too early to see if this war on terror is goign well or not. And thsoe examples are pretty fraudulent...

1. The Nazi war machine flattened a lot of europe. Iraq's didn't. to draw a comparison between a war in which untold millions died and a blitzkrieg on a poor, barely defended country that didn't back its leader is misleading. Also, the 'germany didn't attack us' is a moot point- one of its allies did. And germany supported the move.

2. Korea was a war on communist aggression. America was just putting on its booties as Policeman of the World That It Kinda Cares About, But for Strategic Reasons. Having a presence in Korea ensured a listening post right in the middle of Commie Country. Another self serving move my America.

3. Vietnam was supposed to be like korea. A war where the US had every advantage. A war to curb Communist aggression. Unfortunately, people didn't figure out they were losing fast enough, and kept sending young men into the meat grinder. They fought a fanatical lot of guerrillas on their home ground. Wait...that soudns familiar...

4. Now Clinton's a close call... his domestic policy was pretty not bad. However, hsi foreign policy was rather revolting...

Now, Bush has awful domestic AND foreign policy. Oh, you forgot that? Building a straw man, my friend. Bush, like Kenedy is taking that first step into the quagmire. Not only that, he's glorifying it. While not the hands-down worst, he's up there.


[Edited on 4-4-2004 by DeusEx]

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 05:52 PM
So will everybody who thinks Bush isn't the worst President in U.S. history feel better if he's relegated to simply one of the worst Presidents in U.S. history?

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 05:54 PM
Obviously everyone doesn't think he's the worst in history or close to it at this point. If enough people felt so, something would be done about it. It's been done before. correct?

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 05:59 PM
It's called our good friend propaganda. Most people think he's great because he tells them he's great. They believe him, and he keeps his job.


posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 06:08 PM
Forget about the worst president part...

There was a recurring statement that stopped before Bush's 'track record'. Allow me to add it in.

In the two years since terrorists attacked us, President Bush
has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaida,
He put nuclear inspectors in Lybia, Iran and North Korea without firing a
shot, and captured a terrorist who slaughtered 300,000 of his own
people. We lost 600 soldiers, an average of 300 a year.
Iraq never attacked us. (bold print added by Bangin)

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 06:19 PM
A fairly balanced national panel of Presidential historians selected by CSPAN rank JAMES BUCHANON as the worst overall. But keep in mind they don't rate W yet...just through Clinton.

Worst at International Relations would be William Henry Harrison:

Moral Authority? Bill Clinton:
(With Jimmy Carter surprisingly high.)

Economy? Hoover is the worst:
(With Clinton in the top 5!!! Take that Reagen!

There's a bunch of categories:

And also ranking by CSPAN viewers (but what the hell do they know?)

Handy site for settling bets.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 06:22 PM
Saddam had to go, his regime was terrible and the Iraqi people will suffer from his atrocities for many generations. The blind arab world and the Iraqi people need to stop blaming the US for their problems and help themselves.

Funny how some think of Bush Jr. as one of the worst presidents, while others look at him as doing a great job. There is no way to make everyone happy. I am proud to have a president with the balls to kick some tail when extremist threaten our great country.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 06:31 PM
Bush is the worst preasident!!!!! I hate that pice of $hit. He's a fag!!!!

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 06:36 PM
Someone needs to review their history books, HOOVER is the worst president in the U.S. history.


Why not?

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by jrod
Now a word of caution because I'm not positive these numbers are precise
but if I read it correctly, there were 39 combat related killings in Iraq during
the month of January..... in the fair city of Detroit there were 35 murders in
the month of January. That's one American city folks, about as deadly as
the entire war torn country of Iraq. ----Unknown Author

i don't think bush really is that bad of a president. he's done some things i don't like or agree with, but so have others. my point is that the fact that detroit is being used as the example just cracks me up. in february it was even worse. we had on average like 4 or 5 murders a day.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx

2. Korea was a war on communist aggression. America was just putting on its booties as Policeman of the World That It Kinda Cares About, But for Strategic Reasons. Having a presence in Korea ensured a listening post right in the middle of Commie Country. Another self serving move my America.

actually the UN set a resolution to defend south korea if the north invaded and they did invade, infact they pushed way into seol before we actually did anything of if i remember correctly and as soon as we started winning china started to help the north and pushed us back.

had nothing to do with what you stated, i mean taiwan and japan were just as close and we couldve had listening stations and such without any war,

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 07:13 PM
Bangin......I guess 9/11 didn't happen and thousands of Americans and others didn't die.

In the recent suicide bombers in Madrid, the police cornered three suspects they chanted in Arabic as they blew themselves up killing 1 police officer, wounding 11. Didn't Spain say that they were going to recall all its soldiers? Why are the terrorists still attacking Spain?

It is known that Saddam has helped terrorist organizations just like every dictator and communist country in the World. Saddam is not the only one, but he was the first one.

[Edited on 4-4-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 07:17 PM
Bush administration toxic spill probe cover-up: Bush administration the most corrupt ever: Bush administration lies about Iraq: Bash administration Iraq fixation:

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by AD5673
Bush is the worst preasident!!!!! I hate that pice of $hit. He's a fag!!!!

Ah, intellegent reasoning.

Bush is doing an overall good job.

In the two years since terrorists attacked us, President Bush
has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaida,
He put nuclear inspectors in Lybia, Iran and North Korea without firing a
shot, and captured a terrorist who slaughtered 300,000 of his own
people. We lost 600 soldiers, an average of 300 a year.

Bush did all this abroad while not allowing another terrorist
attack at home.

This is all true. You cant argue that. Worst president in history? Come on, we can certainly do better than that. What about President Jackson that enforced the "Trail of Tears"? Or Nixon with the Watergate scandal? Clinton the womanizer who chopped our military up and sold it off? There are much more that are worse.


posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 07:37 PM
Oh yeah Bush is a great president.

I think my favorite thing that he's done is abolish more treaties with other countries than any other president. Also, I love how the whole world hates us now. Ya that part is great. I love knowing that when I travel outside the US I shouldn't tell people I'm from the USA.

I also love how he hasn't found time to go to one funeral for our fallen soldiers, yet somehow he finds time to hold the record for most vacation days taken by any president.

Ya, I love Bush. He's a great president. But let me tell you my favorite part of Bush. This is the kicker.

I love the Patriot Act. I love knowing that the government can pull up any of my information on a whim without my consent or knowing, or having a judge review it first. I love it when my Freedom of Privacy is taken away. Who needs that, right?


posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 07:46 PM
While I'm at it, I'll tell you more things I love about our current administration.

I love how every person in the world is now classified as a terrorist. Let me tell you, this will make our image to other countries even better! I bet people are going to be so excited when they enter our country and immediately have to scan their fingerprints and eyes. Ya, I can't wait for that.

A database of everyone in the world that enters the United States. Oh yeah, and we're only going to use it to better your privacy. Don't forget, we stand strong about Freedom and Freedom of Privacy here. Freedom of Speech too. We love Freedom. Just don't tell the Iraqi radio station that we blew up because they were broadcasting messages that we didn't agree with.

Speaking of which, I'm so happy we went there. The Iraqi's really love us. I mean, ya the occassional suicide bombing killing us so we get out is just a show of passion, right? We'll call it hazing. They love us over in Iraq. And afghanistan too. Everyone loves to be westernized! Nevermind they had their own cultures, ours is better! Nevermind Baghdad was an old historic city, we need to blow it up to get rid of the terrorists that are there! And trust me we'll find those Weapons of Mass Destruction. After all, Mr. Bush and CNN told us they are there so they have to be! They're probably just hidden under all the rubble waiting to be found.

Like a treasure!


posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 07:54 PM
Oh yes, and one last thing before I'm done. My love for the Patriot Act II. I think it's great they're doing that. The first Patriot Act didn't give our government enough power. I mean, the fact that they could get any info they want without telling anyone or having to ask, and also that they can stop anyone from informing me just seems to be too little power. I like how in the Patriot Act II they can actually detain me with having to inform someone. That's right, I can just dissappear and noone would know where I went! Isn't that awesome! I also love how it makes the word terrorists seem more broad. Now, anyone acting in civil disobedience is a terrorist! Ya, get those dirty terrorists!

Go Bush!

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