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How did 'peace' get turned into 'war'

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:40 PM
After the last few comments, and thinking on this...I still am not sure that peace only comes after war. I think peace could have been, and its mans fault that we are in the mess we are in now.

True peace begins with ones self. Peace within that one is worthy, that wrongs can be forgiven through awareness of the wrong, which follows with actions that one learned a better way to deal with things and places faith in this way that he or she will alwasy try to 'do' the better then the bad.

Then, peace moves out of the person, onto others, through love, acceptance and forgiveness of their troubles and wrongs.

I bet its contagious....peace and love that is (just like hate is also).

My point still being...just because man felt war was a must...doesnt mean it was the right way and it didnt help man to see a God who sometimes justifies the lose of hope with destruction and chaos...for now we have many man who are fighting NOT to do their own will but claim to be doing Gods will. Should man go into war for a land because its what the Bible predicts? Or is this another fall waiting for mankind?

Peace to all, always,

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hey there, let me see if I can make some sense with my two cents worth here. OK first question. HOW DOES CHRIST BEING A TEMPLE OF PEACE TIED TO THE OT? Yes must remember that in the OT days Israel had limited knowledge and needed help in their understanding of what went on in their lives. Now, because of sin coming into the world. God began a process that would be a object lesson to them and people in the NT. If the penalty on the sinner were remitted without atonement, God would cease to appear holy being. The moral law is holy because its giver is holy. God's law is determined by his own inner character. Then atonement is an indication, not only of God's righteous law, but also of his personal holiness. So we have the animal sacrifices. When the person brought their animal for their sin offering they laid their hands on the animal and recited their sins over the animal and when the animal was sacrificed the life blood of the animal covered their sins. Once a year when Aaron when into the Holy of Holies for the sacrifices of the people of Israel, he then would lay his hands on the animal and recite the sins of the peoples and the blood of the animal would cover their sins. Now this was just a resemblance and a symbol as to the perfect sacrifice that was to come with Jesus. The offering of the body of Christ and his blood is the true offering. Christ was the lamb of God, which took away the sins of the world. We are redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and without spot. With this is proof that the OT sacrifices were DIVINELY given types of the death of Christ.

Now about Israel are they God's chosen people and are they protected by God. In a sense yes they are. Let me explain.....A civilization if born, reaches its maturity, and dies. This is the pattern of history. So it was with the Babylonians, the Persians, the Romans. WHY NOT THE JEWS? How have the Jews survived throughout four thousand years of human history? Why has this small band of people continued to exert such influence on so many civilizations? Many biblical prophecies about the Jews have been fulfilled. Attention should be directed to those relating to the Babylonian captivity and the return, or to Jesus remarkable prediction of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, which was fulfilled forty years later. Attention should be directed to the predictions given beginning of Israel's history, which was not fulfilled until after the beginning of the Christian dispensation, and other important prophecies that are being fulfilled only at the present time. When Rome besieged Jerusalem the prophecies came to be as the Jews suffered from prolonged famine. During this famine, fathers and mothers killed and ate their own children. These facts are related by Josephus, a Jewish historian who was an eyewitness to these horrors. The slaughter was so great that the Bible predicted "few in number survived. Moses said that they would scatter among all people, from one end of the earth even to the other. NO OTHER PEOPLE HAS BEEN SO WIDELY SCATTERED FOR SO MANY THOUSANDS OF YEARS AND YET RETAINED THEIR IDENTIFY. According to biblical prophecy the Jews were to preserve their identity as a race. For nearly nineteen hundred years, Jerusalem was in the hands of the Arabs. But in 1948-1949, Israel war of independence brought the old biblical prophecies to life, and it was in this was that a new Jewish nationalism emerged. Today as in the past the state of Israel and the Diaspora. Now what does the NT have to say about modern Jerusalem now under the rule of the Israelis. Or does it speak to a different kind of "chosen people" under the lordship of Jesus Christ, "everyman's Messiah?'

I have to close for now............will finish tomorrow. Sorry, bedtime.

Take care

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by Grandma


I know you mean well, with best intentions. But I couldn't hardly even finishing reading your posts that you made to me. Its the Bible paraphrased more or less. You KNOW that I know what the Bibles teachings are.

My spirit shakes 'no', this was not the meaning or lessons that were sent to mankind. Call me new age, call me a misguided one by me a gnostic, Universitarian (lol)....or call me a lady who has simply found a peaceful path that has brought me higher up/more within then Ive been and for the first time in my life, my last 2 yrs. have brought me to experience things that I never dreamed would happen, but always hoped would happen.

I do not believe God ordered any one taken from Israel, killed over Israel or to be killed because God hated a whole nations of people of bad seeds. But yet, he sends a flood to rid of these aweful seeds...and whatcha know, the Bible says some of those Bad seeds were still there after the flood. So all that for nothing I guess.

I could go on and on and on about all the RED FLAGS in the OT that are not from a Holy God.

And I fear for my other selves, very much so, as myself.....if another human embodiment of God comes and teaches us good things that go against our ways and the main world religion, is anyone going to listen?? No...they are stuck up in their prophecies (which are mysteriously odd enough without the Abraham and their weird ways) and most will likely say anyone preaching or teaching for UNITY of the world, for a better world should be feared, NWO and all.

I just shake my head...if there are peacekeepers....what a hard duty they have stepped into.

Love ya always,

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:05 PM
If a people is without a land and claim themselves as a nation of God that now has rights by God to this other land over there....its not hard at all to predict what was predicted...the down fall was always forseen by the observers who could see bloodshed and destruction coming.

The star prophecy is ancient....and Im sure that Old Serpent new exactly what line the Christ would come from...and that Old Serpent knew, what a good test to mankind this will be, a nation who would be full of pride and a nation that will be involved in many wars and wars fought over these wars...its endless chaos.

Just like looking at the world now, is it hard to predict that chaos and destruction sitting at our doorsteps?


posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo


I do believe that Jesus was a peace-keeper. He taught love, forgiveness, mercy, understanding, compassion, meekness, and faith. He was all of these things and more, but he also was our perfect lamb. Paul tells us in Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as sins entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned - for BEFORE the law was given, SIN WAS IN THE WORLD. But sin is not taken into account when there is no law. Sin was already in the world before the law was given to Moses. This is because of Satan's fall to the earth, where he became the ruler until Jesus returns.

Will we KILL the next peace-maker? Who will this peace-maker be? It won't be Jesus. The bible tells us how Jesus will return for his second coming. There won't be any doubt about his arrival.

There will be a period of peace on the earth but it will be a false peace. The nations will unite into a one world government and have there own money system also after much suffering with war and other things, the people will decide to have one religion that says it believes in the one true God. BUT THEY WON'T BELIEVE THAT YOU EARN YOUR SALVATION AND WAY TO THE FATHER THROUGH HIS SON, JESUS AND THE SACRIFICE OF ATONEMENT HE MADE FOR US. Anyone who believes in the Son will be killed. As is prophecies state there will emerge a leader who seems to have all the answers and he makes a peace treaty with Israel for 7 years. They even rebuild the temple. All seems OK for awhile, There emerges a New World Order THE NEW ROMAN EMPIRE with the head being the pope in Rome. This new leader is lead by Satan and the new world order is his pathway to power. After a while Satan is said to actually live in this leader. There will come up a false prophet who will say this leader is God and he will appear to be so. He will survive a head wound that kills him but he rises again after 3 days and so everyone really believes that he is God. He is the anti-christ. He will require everyone to take a mark to be able to buy or sale. After about 3 1/2 years he breaks his treaty with Israel and sits up his idol in the new temple and rules there. THIS WILL BE A VERY BAD TIME FOR CHRISTIANS they will be perscuted as the Jews were of old for believing in Christ. Also this is a time of great tribulation for everyone and the earth.

The good news is that Jesus comes back and defeats Satan (the new world leader) and sets up his kingdom on earth for a thousand years. And that will be a time of happiness and peace. After that there will be another great battle and Satan is defeated once and for all.

So is Israel favored, maybe in some ways. We need to remember that we were grafted into the vine and so we become favored also. The Church is ALL believers from ALL nations who believe in the name of the Son.

God has worked in so many ways for man to be saved from their sins. He will try every way possible to save every person.

I don't believe in a hell like fire and brimestone. I believe that hell will be no fellowship with the Father. You will be totally cut off from Him. You will be spiritually alone.

The bible says there will be a new heaven and new earth. I am not really sure what that means.

What I do believe is that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

I know you don't like a lot of what I am posting and I am sorry. I really am, but I also must follow my heart and tell what I believe. My God is not a angry God. He is not a unjust God. He is a God of endless love, mercy and forgiveness. He will wipe away every tear! There will be no more suffering, no more pain and no more crying. There will unspeakable joy, happiness and we will be filled with glory.

Love you so much

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 04:15 PM
God is more simple then all of that.

Thee will make a way through this evil separation that has been placed here, for every soul, Thee will find a way.

It is predictions like the OT and revelations that keeps the world separated in pride that some are more worthy or that some have the right way.

There is no slyer trick then to keep mankind separated from each other....because it prevents us from our purpose>UNITY.

I find it so simple, to weigh and see who's works belong to whom. I shake my head and cant believe what the world in following.

No need to be sorry to need at all.

I think it is obvious there is a huge problem here. You say you follow your heart (but actually, you follow another mans heart that wrote some scriptures thousands of yrs. ago). If everyone posted what their hearts say, there would be thousands of answers. Why is it then, if what ones heart says is to be true for all. It cant be.

If the Indian down the road lives a humble life, does for others and tries his best to make himself a benefit to this world....but at the same time, claims he accepts no other then God and God alone (without a crucified son)...I believe with all my heart that that man will find the kingdom in heaven because he lived a righteous life through his actions and was aware in his heart his own wrongs and rights.

What is truth for one may not be truth for then its really not truth at all.

Peace to all,

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hi honey,

I believe that pride and hate are character flaws that man has inheirted and part of our emotions we need to crucify along with ego, daily, in order to have the spiritual growth and knowledge that God expects us to have.

But, again we must remember, Satan is right there waiting to feed us the lies that make us prideful and hateful.


posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Grandma

Hello Mamma

I agree, pride and greed are a result from our experiencing in the material world. I dont think any of it is by mistake. I dont see any happenstance. There is a purpose for it.

I still believe the masses that are thinking its about sins and sacrifice will miss the mark. Call me judgmental or what ever...I think this is the deception.

The sacrifices caused us to kill. I see Satan (if there is one) jumping up and down at this. Also, if Satan or god were to need a blood to consume....which do you think it would be? I think you know my answer to this...


posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hey there

I don't totality base my faith on just what the Scriptures say. They are important and when I can find harmony of the Gospels I have to weigh that very heavily. At least you will find 2 Gospels telling the same story. At other times there will be 3 or 4 of them in complete harmony with each other. You can not discount that fact.

When I look into the OT and see that 38 prophecies that were made years ago that have been fulfilled. I have to take that in to account too.

And when I find harmony in the OT with the NT then my spirit really gets excited about that old book.

The bible doesn't teach hate or war. Mankind already caused all that for themselves. However, the bible does teach how man can get out from under all that hate and destruction and their prideful ways.

There is too much history in that book that can't be ignored or should it be. History has a way of repeating it's self. And yes, it could have been tampered with but I believe that there is enough of the basic truth that God can still use to reveal himself and show us that he wants a one on one relationship with his creation. And he worked out a wonderful path for us to be able to reach him. Jesus was that way.

There are other texts that are not in the bible and I believe they should be. I think we can be given the wisdom to be able to discern what is right for us and what is wrong. IF what we read in these other texts do not find harmony with the scriptures then it most likely not something I need to worry about. We can get bogged down with all kinds of knowledge and if it take us away from the one basic truth, Jesus is the one true Son of the Living God, he suffered and died and was raised up on the third day so that we might never have to taste death. AND we can only get to the Father through his Son Jesus Christ. Anything that strays away from those two truths is not from God.

Anyway, just my two cents worth!

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Grandma

We didnt NEED anyone to die.

There really isn't anything more I can say.

But I do forgive those that thought this, I believe God does understand the misleading and still will know who's hearts believe their beliefs with good intentions. Even if Im right, and the masses have been taught wrong of Gods nature...God still knows what is in their hearts and their actions in life is what will speak to Thee.

The book has brought wars and seperation and a belief that God consumes blood and actually enjoys the savor.

*I shake my head*

Much love,

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:13 PM
About prophecies....

There are a number of religions that have them. Many prophecised a man that would come and show a better way. Many prophecised about wars and damnations amoungst certain lands, churches or people.

This isnt really hard to do with the knowing that a people is going to try to overtake land by killing off certain people that believed certain things.


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