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How Obama Got Elected

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posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

I think you meant their part. You went to college, right?

For some one who hates deflection you sure do alot of it. its a typo, get over yourself. you are deflecting away from the issue at hand with statements like that.You clearly no nothing about what deflection is. Other wise you wouldnt do it your self so often. You are not right, you dont even know enough about deflection to keep from doing it yourself...Nice try though

I never said all Obama voters were uneducated. But the percentage that won the election for him were, to a very large part. I'm sure I could recreate the very same results as the videos today, because most Obama voters don't know the issues at all.

The precentage that won the election for him were? meaning the 51% of all registered voters that voted for him or just the 2 precent that put him over the top? Either way id love to see you back that outrageous claim up with some evidence from a non biases source. I dont just take peoples word for it. Im smarter than that. If I did than id probably agree with everything youve said. But I dont, so how about some suffiecient evidence from a non biases and legitimate source instead of just your word that the obama voters, any percentage of them are uneducated.

The people that truly understand the issues voted against Obama. That's why they lost. There are too few people in the US who are truly "educated".

Yet again with such ridiculous claims. Id love to see you back that up with some evidence from a non biased source. Show me just how you are so sure that is how McCain lost.People voted for who they though was the best person for the job. Education level has nothing to do with that. The bush admin ran this country into the ground. The majority of the people felt that a republican president is not what we need in order to get this country back in shape. That is how people work naturally. If one thing doesnt work, typically they want to try something else.

Many republicans who used to vote regularly for repub's decided taht we needed a democrat for president, surely you arent suggesting that those people have some how lost their education?

This is ATS, we require evidence to back up claims such as you have made. If you cant provide that no one takes you seriously. no one is willing to take your word for it. Do some research and mabye you will find out what the truth really is.

John McCain lost fair and square. Not because any percentage of people who voted for Obama are uneducated,or some how less intelligent. But because the majority of people who voted felt that Obama is who we need for this country

[edit on 23-11-2008 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:08 PM
these videos are all pretty biased, you can do the same thing going up to some of the republican voters in the red states and ask questions like this and a lot of them wouldn't know what they are talking about. As far as I'm concerned, Obama swept the electoral college votes, and I would say that those people knew what they were voting for.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by Billson]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by LittlePinky82

Tsk, tsk, HON! I was responding to your inaccurate, silly statement:

If he was still such a terrorist like Sarah Palin kept claiming why didn't anyone call the FBI?

Shows you don't know diddly-squat. Duh!

Don't get your panties in a wad, HON!

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

You're arguing with someone who actually represents the people he/she is talking about. Jsobecky talks nothing but mudslinging all the time. He/she spends no time discussing policy, and probably would answer the same types of questions just as badly as the people on video.

It's just funny to see someone, such as jsobecky, complain about other voters only knowing information about mudslinging, when he/she only posts mudslinging. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

This thread needs to be closed. It's a hit piece based off of limited information.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by Irish M1ck]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by bingmat

Originally posted by bingmat Obama will turn the U.S.A into a communist, or even socialist state???

Yes he will. Socialism at it's worst.

Get a life. You do know the world shine's brightly outside your Mom's basement, right???????

You want to participate? Start acting like an adult, and knock it off with these childish little snipes.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

It isn't the media's fault entirely, a huge burden rests squarely on the shoulders of our government education system.

Good point! There needs to be much more competition from private schools. However, that will never happen under Reid, Pelosi and Obama.
Liberals can't control education content, ie. can't dumb down the students unless they control public education. As it is only the elete can afford a quality education for their children.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Irish M1ck

Originally posted by Irish M1ck
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

You're arguing with someone who actually represents the people he/she is talking about. Jsobecky talks nothing but mudslinging all the time. He/she spends no time discussing policy, and probably would answer the same types of questions just as badly as the people on video.

It's just funny to see someone, such as jsobecky, complain about other voters only knowing information about mudslinging, when he/she only posts mudslinging. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

This thread needs to be closed. It's a hit piece based off of limited information.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by Irish M1ck]

If this thread is closed, it will be because people of your ilk cannot post without making personal attacks.

What I post only sounds like mudslinging to you and other Obama supporters because you cannot face the truth about him, and your own gullibility to swallow the "Change!" mantra. It is understandable that you would be so defensive. Or, even embarrassed.

As far as answering policy questions, I'll go head to head against you ANYTIME.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:38 PM
Let me expand that challenge to include ALL Obama supporters.

Policy debate? Let's get it on.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth

Originally posted by jsobecky

I think you meant their part. You went to college, right?

For some one who hates deflection you sure do alot of it. its a typo, get over yourself. you are deflecting away from the issue at hand with statements like that.You clearly no nothing about what deflection is. Other wise you wouldnt do it your self so often. You are not right, you dont even know enough about deflection to keep from doing it yourself...Nice try though

I never said all Obama voters were uneducated. But the percentage that won the election for him were, to a very large part. I'm sure I could recreate the very same results as the videos today, because most Obama voters don't know the issues at all.

The precentage that won the election for him were? meaning the 51% of all registered voters that voted for him or just the 2 precent that put him over the top? Either way id love to see you back that outrageous claim up with some evidence from a non biases source. I dont just take peoples word for it. Im smarter than that. If I did than id probably agree with everything youve said. But I dont, so how about some suffiecient evidence from a non biases and legitimate source instead of just your word that the obama voters, any percentage of them are uneducated.

I was correct. Your ragged, poorly constructed post is testimony to the failed education system. You should not be expected to understand policy discussions. It's not your fault.

I apologize for expecting too much of you.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by jsobecky]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:48 PM
I heard about this Zogby Poll on Fox and they admitted that the poll was generating strong responses on both sides. Obama voters were indignant that they were being characterized as a group as uninformed.

To conservatives the poll only confirmed what they already thought. At a time when our entire system is in danger of collapse you need experience and someone you can trust. Obama has comparatively no experience and where he stands on the issues is unknown because he rarely voted in the Senate or sponsored bills. He said a lot of things, made changes in his platform daily so how could you tell what he really thought?

I keep hearing the Obama people say Obama is not this, Obama's not that. How do you know? He has no history. How can you trust what he says if he doesn't have the experience to back it up? Often what he wrote in his books contradicts what is said about him also.

Obama is a huge gamble for this country at exactly the wrong time!

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to [uZogby poll has been proven to be full of the brown stuff!!rl=]post by plumranch[/url]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by VDOG.45

Have you read Barrack Hussein Obama's books?


Do you know Barrack Hussein Obama's voting record?


Barrack Hussein Obama's associations with known terrorists here in America?
You mean Bill ayers? The former political activist who was never convicted and is a proffesor now? Yes I know he has talked to Bill ayers before.On a side not it always makes me laugh that people say his middle name as an attempt to ascociate him with Sudam hussien. Nice attempt at word play but, it means nothing because Obama IS NOT A TERRORIST!!!

Do you understand, or can even comprehend the over 4 million votes of dead people thanks to ACORN?

Yes I am aware of the voter fraud commited by ACORN. Now are you aware or can you comprehend that a federal judge ordered that all voters registered at ACORN had to be verified otherwise they would not be counted in the election?

Get ready for this "Hope and Change"
- Adolph Hitler promised the same for Germany in 1933.
(by the way, Hitler was Elected by a 2% margin same as Obama).

Not sure what your point is here. Are you suggesting that Obama has the same policies as Hitler? Are you suggesting that he is some how hitler reincarnated? Are you suggesting that because hitler won by a 2% margin that Obama will attempt to wipe all the jews off the face of the earth and put them in concentration camps and torture and kill them? Is that what you are suggesting?If so I only have one thing to say, THIS IS REALITY!

History is repeating itself thanks to the Elected Socialists and Communists in Washington.
And who would they be? Lets see the ones in office are George Bush, Dick Cheney Condeliza Rice. Thats who you meant? Well as much as I dont like them, they are hardly socialists or communists. Neither is the administration that will replace them. Not to mention that Communism and socialism are on completley opposite sides of the political spectrum.

Welcome to the "New World Order" So voted on, so Elected.= more of the same.

Obama wanting to change the crooked way things are run in washingtion equals more of the same? Im sure you meant to say that wanting to change things and clean up washington equals change.

You voted, you made History for a Communist to Destroy America!
He is? I thought the conservative media wanted you to believe he was a socialist. Did they change it now? You seem to be under the impression that Hitler was communist. Hitler was socialist not communist. The least you could do is get your mudslinging accurate.

Well, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev would all be Proud! The Communists have taken over the United States without ever firing a shot.

Once again, I thought the conservative republcian agenda was telling you to believe that Obama was a socialist. Communists? I love that. Yeah a senator from illinois who stands behind capitalism. That makes sense. If he or any of his admin were a communist they would not be american politicians. any one with common sense should know that.

Higher taxes bigger Government intervention into your lives, Gestapo like tactics by the police & military. Don't forget to enroll your children into the Obama Youth Program effective January 21st, 2009. (The Obama Youth not to be confused with the Hitler youth)
Again im not sure what you are getting at by trying to associate obama with some one he is NOTHING like. Are you still trying to indicate that Obama hates jews and is trying to put them all in concentration camps? Are you suggesting that he is trying to create a "perfect" race? How about suggesting something that is involved in reality?

America is on the path to another REVOLUTION…
Make no mistake about it! Those of us that Support and defend our Constitution will fight against the takeover from you Communists heathens.
May God have mercy on our souls...

Oh yes you have to make sure to finish it off with some nice fear mongering. SO now we are communists AND socialists? id loe to hear how thats possible.I love how people accuse democrats of not defending the constitution when it was the republican bush admin who spit on it and tore in to a thousand pieces. You have no one to blame for the way the country is now excpet the bush admin.

The majority of people who voted, went the way they did not because they are communist or socialist, or uneducated or anyother BS you can throw out there. They voted the way they did because they love their country just as much ad the republicans. They dont want our country to be destroyed. We want change. We voted for the candidate who will give us that change away from the policies of the bush admin. simple as that.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

I was correct. Your ragged, poorly constructed post is testimony to the failed education system. You should not be expected to understand policy discussions. It's not your fault.

I apologize for expecting too much of you.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by jsobecky]

Yet another off topic post form you. are you not capable of sticking on topic?You are clearly running out of arguments as you have NOTHING to back up your ridiculous claims with. You are now desperate and have to take a few parting shots at me. before you run off with your tail between your legs. By throwing these insults around you only prove to everyone just how wrong you really are.

I have been able to disprove every ridiculous claim you have made by using logic and intelligence. You havent been able to back up anything you said.

Obama and his supporters are not socialists or communists. They are not stupid or uneducated. I have given you the opportunity to prove other wise and you cant do it. You know why. Because your outlandish claims are FALSE! They are ignorant and wrong.

go ahead and get in a few more off topic , deflecting, trolling against T&C insults.Doing so only shows everyone how badly you lost.

call my posts poor all you want, it does not change the fact that you are unable to provide any evidence what so ever from a legitimate and non biased source to back up your ridiculous claims.

Ive done my part, I had an answer for every ignorant claim you have made. I even have an answer for your insults that you throw around. Make the insults all you want. Insults are used by desperate people who have run out of intelligent arguments to back up their claims.

Clearly you didnt expect enough of me. You are the one who is now backing down, not me. If you are able to provide any evidence from a non biased and legitimate source, let me know. I will be glad to continue proving you wrong.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by plumranch

I could easily find a tape full of idiots that voted for every president ever. Ever met a Bush supporter? Ever met one that is still a Bush supporter?

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

It should be further noted GST that well before the elections and following 9/11 the Bush family has close dealings and meetings with the Bin Laden family and they were considered friends. This was during the time Osama Bin Laden was committing these unforgivable act. Its funny ya know, not only was this man a disaster to this nation, but conservatives alike paraded this man around in 2000 and 2004 with his familys close connections to the Bin Ladens... I mean even Osama himself was in contact with the reagans during the early 80s.

Just more double standards... hypocrisy.....

[edit on 23-11-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

It should be further noted GST that well before the elections and following 9/11 the Bush family has close dealings with the Bin Laden family, and this was during the time Osama Bin Laden was committing these unforgivable act. Its funny ya know, not only was this man a disaster to this nation, but conservatives alike paraded this man around in 2000 and 2004 with his familys close connections to the Bin Ladens... I mean even Osama himself was in contact with the reagans during the early 80s.

Just more hypocrisy.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by southern_Guardian]

Its funny isnt it. It makes the whole, using Obama's middle name and trying to associate him with Bill ayers seem so stupid. hypocracy at its finest huh?

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by knows_but_doesnt
Star & Flag!

These same issues run rampant in our neighborhood, with our youth of 16-17 year old kids spouting "Go Obama". When I have a conversation with them, they suddenly turn pale, speechless, and feel like an idiot, because swiftly they know how very little (to nothing) they actually know. Ask ANY teenager that says Obama is cool, about ONE thing he has done in his political career. Answer = Blank Stare or "go obama" (idiots)

Try this with the kids. Tell them that they need real important advise on a life changing decision. Ask them if they would trust the rest of their life to a parent or adults advice, or one of their friends. Everyone I've asked has said an adult, because of "life experience" etc. (know where I'm going with this?) Then, ask them who they would trust their Country with. Someone that has no political history, young, never served our Country, etc., or an elder with experience, history, and has fought for our Country.

If you watch close, you may actually experience them having A THOUGHT FOR THEMSELVES!!!

It is our responsibility to educate our kids, our youth, and the blind idiots that were glued to the idiot box and MSM web sites that made Obama out to be God. I hope it's not too late for this Country.

I just forwarded this video to my contact list, and cannot wait for the many documentaries that will follow over the next few years, showing the fraud and corruption of our political election system. Yes, we will also be faced to watch some of our most ignorant citizens in the process. That is all the more reason for YOU to be part of the solution, and help educate everyone you can.

Go Obama! er, home to Indonisia or Kenya, and take your Muslim religion with you too ;-)

Actually, this is a good point to make. If we see ANYTHING related to Muslim religion starting to unfold from him, then we'll know 100% that we're screwed, glued, and tattooed.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by knows_but_doesnt]

[edit on 23-11-2008 by knows_but_doesnt]

I just foed you. You're a hypocrite. He wasn't born outside the US, he's not Muslim, you are so racist. Even if he was Muslim that doesn't mean he's a terrorist. Maybe the youth are smarter than you because they realize that McCain wouldn't have done anything for them.

People make me mad.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
I was correct. Your ragged, poorly constructed post is testimony to the failed education system. You should not be expected to understand policy discussions. It's not your fault.

I apologize for expecting too much of you.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by jsobecky]

Not cool. Off topic and mean. Plus, again, it's not a failed education system it's people who can't even get an education to begin with.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13

Originally posted by jsobecky
I was correct. Your ragged, poorly constructed post is testimony to the failed education system. You should not be expected to understand policy discussions. It's not your fault.

I apologize for expecting too much of you.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by jsobecky]

Not cool. Off topic and mean. Plus, again, it's not a failed education system it's people who can't even get an education to begin with.

No worries. Let them get in a parting shot. That is what happens sometimes when they lose the debate. They get upset and feel the need to throw an insult as they are running off with their tail between their legs.

They were unable to provide any evidence to back up those ridiculous claims that were made by them through out the thread. I was able to prove them wrong on everything. if it makes them feel better to go out with a parting shot then let them

It only proves to every one that they have lost.

Obama won fair and square. McCain lost.

No worries Raven, I appreciate your sticking up for me though.

As a wise man once said, Insults are the last resort of a desperate man.

Its no skin off my back. Jsobecky as I have said if you are able to back up any of your ridiculous claims with any evidence from a non biased and legitimate source I will be happy to continue proving you wrong.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by eniac
sarah palin is a borderline psychotic, holy-joe-christian fundamentalist, loo-lah creationist, distressingly ignorant, insular warmonger who thinks USA is at war with Iran, and who has no idea what's going on outside USA. It would have been a catastrophe for USA and for the world if she'd been let anywhere near the white house. For those reasons alone, the only option people had was to vote for the Obama ticket.

howobamawontheelection is a propaganda site -- can't you spot propaganda by now??

yes, i can. propaganda is anything uttered about obama in a negative light
glory be! the messiah has risen!

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