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911 baby step proposal

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:40 AM
I appologize of this has been covered, I did a search and couldn't find anything related directly to this.
I have tried awakening people to the reality of 9/11 and have noticed that trying to explain the depth of what happened on 9/11 is an uphill battle due to the "giant leap for mankind" that it requires.

An example:
If you traveled back in time and tried to explain anti gravity propulsion or thrust vectoring to a person in 1890 they would stare at you with a blank look on their face. However if you explained basic "wright brothers" flight to them first, you could build on that and eventually work your way up to the anti gravity propulsion. They would then be more likely to understand and accept what you were trying to explain to them.

My point is that trying to dump the entirety of 911 on someone who hasn't been previously prepared prior to hearing the full story, can be an overload of information that they are not ready to scratch the surface of, let alone digest and accept.

My proposal is that baby steps be taken, first showing the obvious and glaring holes in the official story, then building on that foundation. Afterall, you can't build a roof on a house before you pour the foundation.
I think once it has been shown that the official fairytale we're told of 911 has been proven to contain more holes than a block of aged swiss, the vast majority of people will naturally gavitate towards seeking the real answers rather than swallowing their government supplied propaganda pill. I'm well aware that many holes have already been pointed out, but they are usually followed quickly by theories that constitute the giant leap I spoke of.

I understand that alot of us are way past the baby step stage and already working our minds towards a more complete picture, but I believe it would be good to bring into the fold those people who can not accept the reality due to the overwhelming depth of conspiracy it presents. I feel that everyone seeking the truth of what happened on September 11th would be well served to bolster our numbers, by helping those who can not accept such a major step without the proper foundation first being layed out before them.

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this.
Am I "off base," deceiving myself, or being counterproductive to think that a concerted effort to disprove the official story, without theories of what really happened muddying the waters for those who already have a seemingly impossible task before them to take that first baby step, could only serve to help us all?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by ashamedamerican
Am I "off base," deceiving myself, or being counterproductive to think that a concerted effort to disprove the official story, without theories of what really happened muddying the waters for those who already have a seemingly impossible task before them to take that first baby step, could only serve to help us all?

I think the horse is long out of the barn on that. Anyone looking into 9/11 now is going to be bombarded with everything.

I've noticed though that people often ignore what doesn't fit their preconceived notions.The buildings fell at near free fall speed, (within two or three seconds of free fall speed). Case closed.

It was a controlled demolition. There is no way around that for anyone who is willing to accept a real fact, unchallenged by anyone. But people ignore that fact and advance any number of arguments to blunt the effects of the mountain of circumstantial evidence that points to a controlled demolition and a conspiracy within the US government. They carry on the whole discussion at a secondary level, ignoring the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

Many people do not want to believe the truth of what happened that day. They don't want to face the issues it raises. They like the image of themselves as people of principle who would never have been like those sad sack Germans who let Hitler ride roughshod over them. In the famous phrase from the movies, "They can't stand the truth."

When I am talking to anyone who isn't really aware of the 9/11 controversy, the first thing I do is introduce them to the 800 pound gorilla.

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