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Obama Campaign Cuts Off Interviews With Florida TV Station

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posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

Thats not the issue here.

How do Obama and Biden differ from Socialists? They don't. Biden couldn't answer the question. And neither will you. Liberals refuse to answer a question when they know the answer is going to make them look bad.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:57 AM
If I may insert a brief note here. Obama mentions in his own gripping memoir that he associated with "Marxists" in college. Is it possible that these friends had influenced his ideology? Just a thought.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by CVTman

So you admit that you believe that Biden and Obama should be forced to be attacked, not questioned, by McCain Workers. But McCain should only be interviewed by Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Yeah, no bias here...

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit

Originally posted by sos37
Fact is, Biden and the Obama campaign felt the interview was biased and decided to cut them off. That seems like a bit of a tantrum.

At least Palin kept her promise to Katie Couric by doing all of her interviews even though Couric wanted nothing more than to put a knife in Palin's back.

Diss Palin all you want for botching the interviews, but she followed through on her word instead of breaking her promises. That's class. That's something Biden and Obama have NEVER been able to demonstrate.

You know how many interviews McCain has canceled because of the "liberal media"? 3 that I can think of off hand and Im sure there is more. BOTH sides do this and its pathetic on BOTH parts. They are running for president not manager of a McDonalds.

I'm talking about Palin. I did not mention McCain in my response and I didn't mention him on purpose.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by jibeho

Yeah, well, I would remind all Conservatives in this thread to hold these Liberals to the topic in this thread. Don't let them play this game here.

If they can defend their candidates position when even the candidate himself cannot, I'd find that amazing. His position is indefensible.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by CVTman

I tried earlier in the thread but head just about burst. I hope to regain my second wind.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by CVTman

McCain is not the issue in this thread. Now, defend your candidate on the topic of this thread, which is: How do Obama and Biden differ from Socialists when they imply that want to impose the core tenet of Socialism on America?

Actually smart guy.....
The thread title is:

Obama Campaign Cuts Off Interviews With Florida TV Station

Which makes my question completely relevant, and your answer the deflection.

Are you saying that ambush interviews equating the person being Karl fair??? Balanced???
With all the whining about the "liberal media"??

The whole problem here is that you think that regulation of business...and making the rich pay their taxes is Socialism. That is absolutely incorrect.

Calling Obama a “socialist” simply isn’t logical. He doesn’t share the belief that industries should be nationalized by the government or even taken over by the workers as many American Marxists espouse. He may not be as wedded to the free market as a conservative but he doesn’t want to get rid of it.

He wants to regulate it.

He wants “capitalism with a human face.” He wants to mitigate some of the effects of the market when people lose. This is boilerplate Democratic party liberalism not radical socialism. I detest conservatives throwing around the words “socialism” and “Marxism” when it comes to Obama as much as I get angry when idiot liberals toss around the word “fascist” when describing conservatives. I’m sorry but this is ignorant. It bespeaks a lack of knowledge of what socialism and communism represent as well as an ignorance of simple definitions. Obama will not set up a government agency to plan the economy. He will not as president, require businesses to meet targets for production. He will not outlaw profit. He will not put workers in charge of companies (unless it is negotiated between unions and management. It is not unheard of in this country and the practice may become more common in these perilous economic times.).

She was wrong.
You are wrong.
Bill O'Reilley is wrong.

And all you had to do is go get yourself a dictionary.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

Biden is accountable to the American people if he wants to be elected. He needs to explain his socialist views. If it takes a Conservative to call him on it, all the better, because a liberal surely won't.

I dunno if the interviewer was Conservative, but it doesn't matter anyway, because it was a fair question that he did not answer. Just remember who moderated the second debate. Miss Liberal herself, Gwen Ifill, who wrote a book supporting Obama's campaign.

If you want to go tit-for tat like this, I can name 10 liberals bashing conservatives for every 1 conservative bashing liberals. You would lose that argument.

But the topic of this thread is Obama's and Biden's Socialist views. Defend that. How do they differ from Socialist? Respond please or let this whole thread know by your silence on the subject that you agree that they are socialists.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by CVTman
The question remains: How do he and Obama differ from socialists if they want to "spread the wealth around?"

And I ask you, did you listen to the interview?

Biden said how they were going to do this was by repealing the tax breaks that the large corporations get and have them pay the same taxes as a small business, like they should be taxed, and lowering taxes on middle and lower income families.

This is his redistribution plan from what I can tell!

That's the plan that I heard him say!

How is this Marxist like everybody is saying it is!

He never said he was just going to take rich people's money away and just GIVE it to the lower income people, at least I never heard this said!

What he is doing is having big business and the rich pay the same (or a little more) percetage of taxes as the lower income people and businesses.

Can somebody tell me if they heard HOW, threw socialism or any other way that Obama is going to take money away from the rich and give it to the lower income people? Cause I haven't heard how yet!

[edit on 10/28/2008 by Keyhole]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Keyhole

Well, ya know what? I'm asking the same question. Obviously this answer was not adequate or believable by the people who saw it. Cause if it was adequate, then why has this exploded into the big issue it has? I didn't believe those lies, and apparently nobody else does either. Why the big fuss over this interview, otherwise.

At best, what you described is "take from the rich, give to the poor"

Redistribution - spreadin' the wealth, baby! Socialism.

If Biden wasn't in an indefensible position and had he not tripped up trying to extricate himself from an unexplainable situation, well, he would have just sailed through the interview, and we wouldn't be talking about this now, would we?

[edit on 28-10-2008 by CVTman]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by CVTman

If you want to go tit-for tat like this, I can name 10 liberals bashing conservatives for every 1 conservative bashing liberals. You would lose that argument.

So you admit.....she was just "bashing" him??

Just want to clarify, sound like you think she was being objective.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by CVTman
reply to post by mybigunit

And under Obama, you will NEVER make over $250K

Wow if I remember right under Clinton there were plenty of people who made over 250k. Also I remember Clinton had something the republicans have never had and that is a balanced budget.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Grafilthy

Well, I'll be darned. I tell you what. Failing to grant further interviews to a station because you know your position is indefensible and that they are gonna press you on it, well, that just makes me curious about what he is hiding.

And you know what he is hiding. He's a socialist. So, throw off the covers, and what do you find underlying this thread? Biden's and Obama's Socialist tendencies.

Don't accuse me of anything to do with the bias or media element of this thread. I am addressing one thing, and one thing only: Biden's and Obama's Socialist views

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by mybigunit

This thread is not about Clinton. But Clinton balanced the budget by raiding the Social Security Trust fund until those coffers were EMPTY, whereas before they were totally funded. Gee, give me hundreds of billions of dollars, and I could balance any budget you can imagine.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Grafilthy

You tell me? Is it in America's best interest for a Liberal to answer tough questions from fellow Liberals and Conservatives alike?

Here's the thing. You Liberals HATE a dose of your own medicine. And you especially hate it when you are made to take it and you fail the test as Biden did. Oooooh boy, look out!

She was not bashing Biden. She asked him a tough question. That is good for America, and bad, bad, bad for Liberals who are in an indefensible position. Biden could have handled this question much better. As it is, no one believes him, or bought into his line, and now he looks bad. That is his fault, not the interviewer's fault.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by CVTman

I further note that none of the Liberals here can defend Obama's and Biden's socialist position of "Spreading the wealth around." This is a question that no Liberal can honestly answer without losing support, but I assure you that your silence on this issue is not lost on the readers of this thread.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by CVTman
reply to post by mybigunit

This thread is not about Clinton. But Clinton balanced the budget by raiding the Social Security Trust fund until those coffers were EMPTY, whereas before they were totally funded. Gee, give me hundreds of billions of dollars, and I could balance any budget you can imagine.

Bush had hundred of billions. He gave it to Halliburton, Exxon Mobile, and now his buddies on Wall Street. Hard to balance the budget when you give as much money to your friends as possible. And again, MCCAIN MINION attacks Biden, does not interview. Obama Campaign says they will not be played like fools by someone who works for McCain. They will do interviews, and have, just not with McCain Minions.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by CVTman
reply to post by mybigunit

This thread is not about Clinton. But Clinton balanced the budget by raiding the Social Security Trust fund until those coffers were EMPTY, whereas before they were totally funded. Gee, give me hundreds of billions of dollars, and I could balance any budget you can imagine.

Actually Regan, Bush1, Clinton, AND Bush II ALL raided the fund. Bush2 is the one who finally bankrupted it. Check your history.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by CVTman
reply to post by CVTman

I further note that none of the Liberals here can defend Obama's and Biden's socialist position of "Spreading the wealth around." This is a question that no Liberal can honestly answer without losing support, but I assure you that your silence on this issue is not lost on the readers of this thread.

I can answer. We already HAVE been spreading the wealth. Its just its been going right to the top. Im no liberal Im for getting rid of ALL welfare checks that arent warranted but as long as we spend hundreds of billions for welfare for the rich then I want mine too.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by CVTman

Spreading the wealth is bad how? Why the hell does a man need 100,000,000,000 dollars sitting in a Swiss bank account, paying no taxes, while getting even MORE money from the Republicans. Like Wall Street. How many MANSIONS and Million Dollar Cars do they own? Yet they get hundreds of billions of MY tax payer dollars, that they never paid, because of said Swiss Bank Account. I'd rather that 700,000,000,000 be spread to the little man then Billionaires who, if forced, could probably more than that out of bank accounts and from selling a couple dozen Mansions and Cars. But nope, we get shafted, they get billions from their friends. Like the lobbyists running McCain's campaign.

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