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Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours

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posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:02 AM
So-o-o-o, the so-called "powers that be" are finally admitting that something is up? If Israel is involved it will be in order to aid the launch of something extremely important that no one has yet mentioned... AZERBAIJAN. It is the world's largest repository of natural gas & oil; the "Land of Fire" which inspired Zoroaster's visions & Hitler's "Operation Barbarossa"- a 14 TRILLION dollar oil field upon the Caspian Sea. The US has BILLIONS of dollars invested in it already; now that Russia has cut off the Georgian pipeline to the Black Sea there is one option left: Iran's pipeline to the Persian Gulf. Can you spell W-o-r-l-d W-a-r III ??!

This country is broke, folks, & it is no secret that it has had an heinous history of interfering with Iran & its rulers for the past 60 years or so. The armed forces of the USA now have Iran surrounded; in Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan. The so-called "War on Terror" has NOTHING to do with it. Anyone who takes 9/11 at face value needs to read Jim Marrs' excellent book, "Inside Job- the 9/11 Terror Conspiracy".

Jeff Rense has an excellent website,, which is usually full of info about this & other things. Be patient in trying to reach it; this site is attacked frequently & is sometimes down for days at a time. Pay especial attention to any & all articles written by the Earl of Stirling.

For all of you that become enraged at Ahmedinijad's Holocaust denials, I have this to say: Moslems tend to deny the Holocaust ever happened because so few of the Nazis were ever punished. At the war trials in Nuremberg, only 19 of them were tried & sentenced. Every one of them had this to say when asked how did they plead: "Nichst suldistch!" (Not guilty). Of the thousands of Nazis & SS who were: what happened? They were imported to the US, folks- to help invent the atomic bomb, the space program, & much else. Here's another Jim Marrs book for you, just out: "The Fourth Reich". READ IT!!!

Second WWIII scenario: Up until a short while ago Venezuela was supplying 40% of this country's oil. The US oil companies made an utter cesspool of the country with their methods of drilling, which are illegal here; the native peoples living there are in the process of suing, because the land will be poisoned & unfit to live in for decades. So, it is no wonder that the Venezuelan President kicked out the US ambassador recently, & the US responded by kicking Venezuela's ambassador out of Washington. Who is Venezuela's newest buddy? Russia. The former Soviet Union has a fleet aiding Venezuela in the Caribbean at this moment.

I was 6 years old on the day of the Cuban missile crisis. All I knew at that time was that my teacher told my class that everyone had to go home right now; & not to stop to play or speak to anyone- to run straight home. No one would tell me why. One year later, on the very morning that my British mother was being sworn in as a new American citizen in Chicago, President Kennedy was assassinated. I have never been the same since.

Quite frankly, with the evil financial dealings out there & their effect upon the entire world, I don't think it will take until January of 2009 for something to come up. The whole world has an itchy trigger finger at this point, & it is aimed at the US. Small wonder. -Deianera

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:02 AM
The question was asked what is significant about Jan 21st or 22nd...well, the President will be sworn in on Jan 20th. They have been talking about an incident immediately following this day which is why Colin Powell said Jan 21st or 22nd.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:31 AM
They have to keep the general population scared at all times. Maintain high stress levels. It keeps us from recognizing what's really happening to us

This is how they get away with stuff too.

Buzz words like, nukes, death, destruction, crisis, turmoil, terrorist, bombs, recession, bankruptcies etc etc are constantly fed through the media machine for the world populace to ingest... sooo scary--

Bush Cheney did it, and so will the new governments...

Keep the people on edge...

How to stop it: TURN OFF THE TV

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Fantastic post - whoever you are!

It's so important to look at the BIG picture and get an accurate historical context.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by TH3ON3

Around the time that the new president will be sworn in.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:45 AM
Starred and Flagged

Excellent thread, very interesting and political. If January is the projected date, then we just have to wait and see I guess.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:02 AM

The imminent threat is against the United Nations headquarters in NYC.
I don't know who the plotters are, nor do I know what the weapon will be, but I do know they are waiting now only for the next UN Summit at the Heads-Of-State level. The goal is the complete removal of the UN, and certain state powers. The day which is coming was planned a VERY VERY long time ago; and now that it's finally here, nothing and no one is going to stop it from coming.

WARNING ! ! ! ! !

Keep an eye on the news for an emergency summit in NYC. Do NOT be in NYC whenever Bush is in NYC ! ! ! ! !

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:07 AM
I would like to say this,

we are all in a world of *Snip* right now.

America is *Snip*... israel just dodged a bullet with the cargo ship to Iran crises.

If you didnt know a cargo ship seized by somalian pirates was actually a giant dirty bomb headed to israel... google it.

And also if you live in Australia, and you are reading this,

we are all going to be in a world of *Snip* within 6 months.

soon as Iran blows up israel and kills all the jews, it might end,
but thats the best case senario.

worst case senario is that israel attacks Iran, then it will be a major problem, it will be dragged out like Iraq.

If we back russia, china and Iran for the death to israel plot, it might come to an end.

On the otherhand, if your an Aussie, buy a gun, stock up on ammo, im not kidding, we have Indonesia on our doorstep, and dont kid yourself about them being friendly with us, they support Iran, and russia is very close with them in the weapons department.

This isnt a conspiracy, its a fact of life.

Stock up, be ready, and make sure when it happens get away from botany bay, get away from darwin, queensland, and head further inland.

East timor, and PNG will be indonesian military bases.

If you are a true blue, you will answer the call.

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[edit on 25-10-2008 by MemoryShock]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Sheridan

Originally posted by ninthaxis
No need to get too worried, this happened last summer when Cheney made some off hand remark and there was talks about 5 major cities getting a nuke and the top counter-terrorism guy said something about an imminent attack. People seemed pretty rattled here around that time and nothing came of it.

You forget that right after this quote five or six nuclear bomb has gone rogue for few hours onboard a B52 where not even the pilots knew what they're carrying. Then three of those Air Force ground personnel, whose discovered the missing bombs and reported it, did not survived the next week, because they died in "road accidents".

That Cheney remark wasn't a hoax. They planed it, but few people blew their plans. Not everyone wants Armageddon.

And I believe if a nuke attack will happen, search the masterminds at two places. White House and Tel Aviv. Both of them are cornered right now and both of them would only gain from these sort of attacks, especially Israel. Their great "Liberal" world, their great illusion has just ended. Everything what for they fought, why they ruined many lives and countries is now failed.

[edit on 22-10-2008 by Sheridan]

i didnt know about that...just found this..incredible that this was kept so quiet..

these people are criminals...

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by JustMy2Cents

The imminent threat is against the United Nations headquarters in NYC.
I don't know who the plotters are, nor do I know what the weapon will be, but I do know they are waiting now only for the next UN Summit at the Heads-Of-State level. The goal is the complete removal of the UN, and certain state powers. The day which is coming was planned a VERY VERY long time ago; and now that it's finally here, nothing and no one is going to stop it from coming.

WARNING ! ! ! ! !

Keep an eye on the news for an emergency summit in NYC. Do NOT be in NYC whenever Bush is in NYC ! ! ! ! !

you mean this.. rather important do you know all this?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:29 AM
Basically, it's been estimated that Iran will be able to build its first nuke by February 2009.

This might be why there's been all this talk about something 'testy' going down in late Jan 2009.

Could be another preemptive strike like Iraq except this time its Iran because they will supposedly have nuke capabilities.

US intelligence: Iran will be able to build first nuclear bomb by February 2009

edit to add

Will Hamas-Israel truce come to an end in January?

Afghanistan is in a ‘downward spiral'

In a troubling example of Vietnam-style 'mission creep,' the US commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David McKiernan, is calling for 15,000 more American troops on top of the 8,000 now slated to arrive in January 2009. His predecessor told Congress that 400,000 US troops would be needed to pacify Afghanistan.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by PhotonEffect]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:30 AM
^ I hope you do realize that this great WARNING that you posted has just won you a fabulous all expenses paid trip to the databases of all the major three letter intel agencies..... just a thought. Choose words carefully. lol

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by TH3ON3
Umm most ominous. I hope they are wrong, but anything is possible in todays environment. What I find unique is Colin Powell's statement of January 21-22. How can you state that unless it is a given. Could it be a strike on Iran? An asteroid? An imminent nuke strike on US soil.

Just what is the significance of January 21-22. Anyone have any info on whether or not it is an anniversary of some bad terrorist attack. Is it perhaps a religious date/ This needs to get much press on ATS so we can try to prepare as best we can as a community. Please star and flag.

It's the first two days after the new president will be sworn into office.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:08 AM
wonder if this is related:

'US missiles' hit Pakistan school

Missiles thought to have been fired by the US have killed at least seven students of a religious school in north-western Pakistan, witnesses say.

The school, in North Waziristan, is close to the residence of a fugitive Taleban leader, Jalaluddin Haqqani, witnesses told the BBC Urdu Service.

At least two missiles, reportedly fired by pilotless US drones, hit the school early on Thursday.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:18 AM
Content from external source:

'US missiles' hit Pakistan school
Missiles thought to have been fired by the US have killed at least seven students of a religious school in north-western Pakistan, witnesses say.

The school, in North Waziristan, is close to the residence of a fugitive Taleban leader, Jalaluddin Haqqani, witnesses told the BBC Urdu Service.

At least two missiles, reportedly fired by pilotless US drones, hit the school early on Thursday.

The Pakistani army is investigating the incident. The US has made no comment.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by kissy princess]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:31 AM
Wait lets not forget Collin Powells ties to the Earth Charter stuff .
Something is going on but it is with the UN...
Is Obama involved in this too I wonder ?

Earth Charters Ark Of Hope which holds the UN Covenant
Sure is similar to the Arc of the Covenant and the fact that the ten commandments is supposed to be in the Jewish Arc of the Covenant
(Can anyone say ANTI (In place of ) the Arc and the Commandments and even a world leader in place of Christ (Mytria ) .....
I believe that the NWO is about to happen for sure happen ...maybe America will have to be taken out to make their Utopian world come they have planned....isnt it even possible that our own leaders have set us up for this ?

Please do not think this is something good ..IT IS DECEPTION .
And it wont go as they planned.....I know it all sounds awesome a nice comfy happy world ....but it is not what you think it will be like is DECEPTION .You tell me how just all of a sudden the whole world could just GET ALL NICEY NICE aint gonna happen ...impossible ....

Ask yourselves why the Earth Charter stuff is so eerily similar to the Arc of the Covenant >?Also Mytria who calls himself Master Jesus is in the background of all of this ..Same with the Channelled messages ..The Federation of light peoples who had a no show with their ships this week ... And dont forget the Noahide movement is also involved in all of this ..which means we will be under the Noahide laws ...

Please at least dig into this ..dont just blow it off as bs ,.we all know something is happening more than what we think is happening ..
Even if you dont believe the bible ..obviously the UN New Agers believe enough to set up their own version of a NEW WORLD ORDER that is very similar to the one Christ has in mind when he comes ...Why are they COPYING it if it isnt true ? ?

[edit on 23-10-2008 by Simplynoone]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:46 AM
Jan 21 dates in History

Jan 22

Lists of dates in history ..we all know how TPTB goes by dates and numbers when they do anything .

Jan 21
1941 World War II: Australian and British forces attack Tobruk, Libya.
Jan 22
1917 World War I: President Woodrow Wilson calls for "peace without victory" in Europe.

World war 3 start date maybe >?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by Jazzyguy
It has to be something about Israel and Iran, it has to be. They know something about this already and they're not telling, just giving signals.

Israel expected to bomb Iran, French foreign minister says

Top Iran officials recommend preemptive strike against Israel

And that will be the beginning of our worst nightmare... at least I hope that after all of this, human beings will really change for better.
The wait won't be long...

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:10 AM
You guys arer thinking nukes and I just don't think this pertains to such a drastic measure.

Let's think about this. Say there is an event at the UN and martial law is declared.

The elections continue.

January first Obama is elected President, however under

the presidential seat is taken away from Obama, which triggers outrage among Americans and the begining of WWIII, followed by the boxcars for civilians and an all out attack against the US.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:19 AM
I don't know what they know, or how they know what they supposedly know and will not share it with us verbatim, especially Biden's statement of "fact".

I do know one thing, and this may or may not be related with the events to come. When I die, I'll die gloriously and peacefully, just as I live, not in fear and desperation.

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