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I honestly had no idea that it was this bad

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posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by dbates

I disagree. That is like saying, that since they called Bush a "Good Ol Boy" that we can freely call Obama "Boy", completely ignoring the racial implications.

Like it or not, calling Obama a monkey is different than calling Bush a monkey. One is being critical of intelligence and one is being critical of race. I am not defending people who call Bush a monkey. It is wrong on both counts, but you are kidding yourself if you think that it carries the same implications in both cases.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 07:44 AM
if the comments are racialy based or biggoted then i have to disagree, as its very dumb indeed!

i dont think their is a more counter productive way to think in the world today!

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 07:46 AM
They remind me of This clip. It doesn't really shock me anymore, and on the other hand, Obama Supporters filming a McCain rally will NOT show a positive McCain crowd. Just like McCain supporters filming Obama supporters.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 07:56 AM
Thanks, Karlhungis, for posting that. It makes me sick, too. There's a level of hatred and anger in that video and the recent McCain/Palin events that I haven't seen before. I hope nothing comes of it. It seems that McCain, anyway, has gotten the message. Palin has switched her message from Obama being a terrorist" to him being a baby-killer, though. Seems like she's riding a series of "hatred waves" to the end of the campaign... Who knows what will come next?

And yes, there's a big difference between booing and jeering and calling someone a terrorist, an Arab and saying to go back to Africa (which we've seen McCain fans say about Obama). For the last 7 years, we in the US have been infused with the fear and loathing of this thing called "terrorist". Especially "Arab terrorist". It's been repeatedly drummed into our minds and hearts to muster up the most vile hatred and anger for the idea of "terrorism". And McCain and Palin have successfully attached that idea to Obama. Many McCain/Palin fans are ignorant enough to really believe Obama is a terrorist. So, now, there are some whacked-out, frenzied, no-brain people with guns, thinking Obama is a terrorist. Think about that. Nice plan, McCain.

Originally posted by Constitutional Scholar
Just because you dont "understand" racism doesn't make someone who holds unpopular opinions ignorant, dumb, stupid, etc etc.

I also have to agree with Constitutional Scholar to some extent. While I do think racism is born of ignorance, I don't think all racist people are dumb or stupid. Some very intelligent, well-educated people are racist. But I do think it's out of ignorance and fear.

Originally posted by Harman
They remind me of This clip.

My husband and I were saying that for days after that show!

DarkStormCrow do you have any source for your information about the Code Pink person or that the "terrorist" cry was about Ayers or that the monkey man is an Obama supporter? Or is this just what you tell yourself? Try this on for size:

It is thought that that the 2 who threw the Molotov cocktail were actually McCain supporters trying to make Obama look bad...

See what I mean? Without a source, it comes across as pretty lame.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 08:01 AM
This very pitiful, many of those individuals probably did not make it past 5th grade.

There is a tremendous amount of fear, it is showing, this is the perfect storm for unprecedented unrest, I think if Obama wins or McCain, the aftermath of the elections will not be so pretty, also I do think we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt shortly after the election who won, so this will add to the amount of frustration in these individuals.

These are the hardcore, anti anyone else side of America, they live in a vacuum, it is also unfortunate that Obama made the statement he did about small towns, however, it was taken out of context, he actually was talking about certain midwestern small towns he had been to that since the aftermath of the great depression jobs and economies have never returned and those particular small towns remain bitter because of that fact and all they had to cling to was their guns and religion and in a lot of ways he was correct if applied to the context he put it in, but his comment taken out of context was immediately and erroneously applied to all small towns unfortunately.

So the perpetuation of that statement in an incorrect context has also led to a lot of people in all small towns to be angry when his statement was not really aimed at small towns in the generic sense it was taken.

[edit on 13-10-2008 by phinubian]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
There's a level of hatred and anger in that video and the recent McCain/Palin events that I haven't seen before.

That kind of hate has been around for a long time.
I'm surprised you've missed it.

5 minute video
There is plenty of hate in the Obama crowd as well.
This isn't a 'GOP' problem. It's an American problem.

This subject was the theme of the article here - Michelle Malkin

It's everywhere. Dems. Republicans. Everywhere.
Lots of anger. No where to direct it exept at those who may be POTUS.

edited immediately to fix link

[edit on 10/13/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

I lived in Kenya for almost 2 years. Obama sticks out like a sore thumb there as much as I do. If you showed me a line-up of Africans, Obama would be the last person I would pick as African. Obviously he's half black, but I honestly think my skin color is darker in the summer time. He looks more like his mom than his dad. If it wasn't for his hair, I would never guess he was African. To say that he has monkey features is a stretch of the imagination.

So here's Obama addressing a crowd in Kenya. He doesn't fit in well does he?

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by dbates

reply to post by dbates

LOL, go tell that to this guy or any other racist.

They don't care that he doesn't look like an African. You are seriously kidding yourself if you don't think that there are large groups of people that don't like him simply because he is "black".

Do you think that the monkey was a reference to his intelligence or simply a toy with no other intended meaning?

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
5 minute video

That's like the 4th time that video has been posted in this thread as some sort of comparison. That's why I said booing and jeering (in your video) is not on the same level as the hatred, anger and racism as in the OP video. And THAT, I haven't seen before in a campaign or election related event. Only in movies and riot scenes have I seen that kind of hatred.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
Do you think that the monkey was a reference to his intelligence or simply a toy with no other intended meaning?

Both, but it would have never come up if not for it's excessive use over the last 8 years. Yes, there are some that don't like anyone who doesn't have the same skin color. They're free to voice that opinion. Their reasoning doesn't have to be founded on facts. There is nothing illegal about a shirt that states you don't think blacks should be in the White House.

Why am I down-playing the race card? Because I think it's being used as a cover to avoid other issues. Forget that he's half-black and ignore the monkey images. Those are red-herrings, the magician's smoke, the half-dressed smiling woman that distracts you from what's really going on.

Forget the "blacks are inferior" racial implication. Other than that the racial implications in this instance are completely appropriate. If not, then why is it written in the Constitution that an American President has to be a native American? Sure Obama is, but his father wasn't. That's more than enough of a sound reasoning for some to question his loyalty to the United States. If this wasn't an issue then why did the Founding Fathers add this into the Constitution? They were obviously thinking of the same thing that is being brought up in this instance.

It's perfectly appropriate to question his race and origin. Just because that race happens to be black doesn't change anything. Sure he meets the legal qualifications, but only just barely. Would you let a random 16 year old who just go their driver's license yesterday drive your kids around town? Despite the fact that the person is 100% within the law, you would still have reservations about their qualifications. The same situation applies here.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:03 AM
The video in the original post reminds me of the KKK rallies they used to have near my area...pretty sad really. But it seems that the racism just hasn't died out as much as it has needed to. I stated in another thread that I am even able to stay in the place I rent because I am not voting instead of voting for Obama...looks like the redneck mentality is reaching far into other parts of the US where rednecks are scarce. And while the video was short, I find it hard to believe that not one person stepped in to just speak some logic into the crowd...but I am sure if there were it would not have been shown anyways as this is an attempt to show the logic behind the McCain/Palin supporters.

However, I believe this is just a small fraction of what will come. While I have not heard of massive violence yet, I am afraid that it will come to that unless people try to calm the mentality of either sides supporters now.

I remember a few months ago in a Comp class...we used to have discussions about topics, mainly because the instructor was new and she was trying to get some level of participation out of the students. Racial stuff came up in nearly every class, in which she loved to point out the fact that even though I always had something to add about every single topic, but when it came to racial topics I remained quiet. I loved her for that because I felt she was singling me out just for not wanting to participate in topics that should not be discussed in a school setting with only 2 other white people in the class. So I explained my position in my belief system about the whole racial divide among the class (18 blacks, 3 hispanics, 2 whites). While I feel that what I would say as an opinion would be understood exactly by the older black gentleman in the class, the guy in the back who was open about being a member of the Crypts might take it very differently. And while the N-bomb was said often, it doesn't matter of the context, white people simply should just not say it or get into any subject where the word is brought up.

...Longer story short...while I believe what I said was right, as did every other student who came up to me after the classes to express thier understanding and respect of my position, some stuff can be taken out of context regardless of the circumstances. All the racial comments after the election will remain in peoples minds, and those who said them will receive much scrutiny from other members of society. Too many people are being brainwashed yet again and not able to look at the fact that both candidates have good points but also many flaws in thier logic. Simply out I see this entire ordeal comming to the "If you're not with us, you're against us" mentality which will lead to much violence.

Note: sorry for the long ramble...

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:16 AM
If we had a black republican running for office, do you truly believe that some democrats wouldn't do like wise?

And what about all the stuff being said about Palin? What category does that fall into? What about all the words used to describe Bush?

It is sad to hear stuff like that but it is part of reality. And people who believe otherwise are only fooling themselves. I encounter racism on a daily basis and it comes from many nationalities. Just as easy as there are whites that are racist, other nationalities are just as racist to whites.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:31 AM
Dbates, you are seriously deluding yourself if you don't think there is a high level of racism coming from the McPalin camp. They are actively stoking this and it's working! I worked at a fall festival in southern Indiana this past weekend for one of the volunteer groups I am in involved in and I heard, literally dozens of people, throwing around the N word when discussing Obama. I even had someone tell me directly that the thought it would be great if he was killed. This is coming from the McPalin camps desperate attempts to change the subject. The economic house is on fire and McPalin is screaming about the flower arrangements in the house next door. I don't blame them to for wanting to change the subject but they choosing the most despicable and dangerous way possible.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by jam321

Palin and Bush are willfully and proudly ignorant. Their incuriousness is not only sad it is unconscionable in a national candidate. The derision they receive is brought upon themselves. Ignorance is not a race or ethnicity.

If the Republican nominee were black (which, let's face it until there is a significant reformation in the party will likely never happen) I do not think the Dems would be making racist comments. That is one of the reasons the Republicans hate the Democrats, openness!

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by DarkStormCrow

Yesterday in Oregon two Obama supporters tossed a Molotov cocktail into a yard with a McCain Palin sign. I think that link is on Drudge should you want to get a look at that story.

There is enough blame to go round on both sides.

then again, maybe they were just McCain supporters, trying to stoke up the fires a little?

either way you look at it, for the followers to go to these lengths seems to indicate that there are alot of strong emotions at play between the two camps wanting to boil over.
it's not good.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:46 AM
This is a direct result of the fact that those of us who don't support Obama have been accused of being racists for nearly a year now, especially we former Hillary Clinton supporters who refuse to fall in line and get over it in support of Obama. We have been called every name in the book and abused to such an extent I don't see how any of her former supporters could ever consider voting for him. I am deeply offended and ticked off that I am called racist when it isn't true at all. I'd have eagerly supported a black candidate, male or female, for president if I felt that this person was one of good character. I don't feel that Obama is and I never will.

What the DNC, media, and Obama supporters did to Hillary's supporters is exactly the same thing they are doing to McCain and Palin. It is truly disgusting. No, this election will not end well. I fully expect violence whether Obama wins and especially if he doesn't. People all around are angry and becoming a bit unhinged.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:49 AM
Interesting that the Republicans hired such obvious CIA agents to spread disinformation and hatred to insight riot-like mentality. This is NLP at it's best and most basic form, and those sheeple just let them yell that junk into their ears with no recourse, noone says, "Hey, that's un-American, un-Republican, and un-civil, so why don't you shut up." It's too bad that those rally-goers let their ignorance show, like that.

This is NOTHING like the Obama rally I went to where everyone was engaging in civil conversation, smiling, and only cheering for Obama. McCain's name never ever even came up.

It's obvious that the Republicans want to start a civil war, because they're afraid of a black man. Clinton never got this junk. So, Republicans are more afraid of a gentleman than losing their Human Rights to the Neo-Cons, interesting

Truth is, I'm still writing in Ron Paul for President, as everyone should.

(I added "sheeple" to my spell-checker dictionary)

[edit on 13-10-2008 by RockCore]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by RockCore

i was just thinking about past democratic candidates. None have received this level of abuse. Its unfortunate theres alot of ignorant people who buy into the republican pr machine. "hussein" "terrorist" we all know the underlying message . "obama is not one of us, be afraid"

i actually sympathise a little bit with mccain its clear he's not running his own campaign. The people in the background are ruining his reputation i liked him when he corrected that woman at his rally when she called obama an Arab & then said he was a decent person. Shame the crowd boo'd him.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by DarkStormCrow

I agree that there can be 'infiltrators' on both sides. This is common practice to try and dot the eye of the competition. However, one thing that does get me is the constant dropping of the 'Obama Hussein..." by supporters speaking at McCain's functions and then him coming out to say that he doesn't support that. Yet, they keep setting the stage with it. Sorry, but if you are supposed to be 'the man' and you truly and honestly say you don't support something, then your supporters WON'T DO IT. Yet they keep doing it.

This whole mess is a bunch of psychological warfare being waged by both sides. However, I do agree that the McCain approach has been quite a bit more brutal with unverifiable charges.

You know what? I despise Karl Rove, but when you have the KING of spin out there publicly stating that McCain is going too far, you know there is a problem.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:56 AM
The way I see it, is there are a few of different kinds of Obama protesters.

1. The kind who are openly racist and narrow minded that they would never consider voting for a black man, much less one with the "Arab/terrorist" label attached.

2. The closet racist who are ok with black folks as long as they keep their distance and don't " stir up trouble".

3. The people who aren't racist at all, but don't agree with Obama's ticket.

From what I have seen on those videos is that the ignorant open racists are getting the closet racist riled up and the thought of a black president scares the heck out of them. They now feel safe in coming out of the racist closet because they can blend in with the openly racists. They are allowing themselves to be brainwashed by hearing only what the racists say and are not willing at all to educate themselves.

It's a shame, really. I can't believe in this day and age the amount of racism that exists. It's one thing not to want to vote for Obama because you don't like his platform, but quite another to have a KKK mentality toward him.

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