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Why a Democrat is needed in office.

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posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:50 AM
Ive been hanging out at GLP (god like productions) for some time and giving my political views. Well I just got banned. Seems as though theirs an evening moderator thats a Republican there.
In a round about way Im going to tell you how a Democrat is needed in Washington.
I have seen a lot of blame for the current economical crisis.
Republicans blaming Carter or Clinton. I have been writing about and warning for years about the current crisis.
But heres the way I see things:
As it started to happen instead of trying to work out a sound solution. Blame became the spotlight. Carter did it with his legislation, hum things were going fine then hows that so?
No, clinton did it with nafta....hum, things were awsome when he was president...hows that so?

Ill tell you how it really happend.

When Bush took office our country had a 400 billion dollar Surplus. Then Bush gave the tax breakto the eleitists and turned it into a 200 billion dollar deficit almost overnight.

He allowed all of his eleitist buddies to offshore the american jobs. I wrote an article about this back in 2002. At the time it was speculated that 14 million jobs were going to be offshored.
Offshoring American money Offshoring American money escalated to 66% since the Bush administration took office. Not only does it hurt America (because the funds arent here) but it allows these people that Bush gave the tax break to (Im sure in hopes they would allow it to trickle down) to earn Billions in interest while paying no taxes.

The next thing he did is to allow unqualified people to make major purchases. Housing, So, this soon unemployed person is allowed to make a major purchase. Knowing that sooner or later they wont have a job due to offshoring.
Then you change the legislation for credit card payback. This new unemployed home owner has to live on something. Change the credit card legislation.
Change the bankrupcy regulations. So, this new unemployed home owner that was surviving on credit cards now has a hard time (if possible) to file for bankrupcy.
The only thing needed is to raise the cost of something that everything in the US needs to survive. Fuel, this puts our country over the edge.

The above is more then enough to devistate our country....but then he did have a lot of help.
Lets look at McCains history a little bit:
He was one of the last in his class at Annapolis MD Naval school. The only thing that kept him afloat was the fact that his father was a retired admiral. He called the commander of the base and (IM sure in very stern words) instructed him to get his son some help. So, his room mate was ordered to pick up the slack for McCain so he graduated 5th from last in his class of 900 people.
It is theorized that he start the fire aboard a ship by stoking his engine in hopes of frightening a friend. This caused the death of 167 crew members.
He is captured during the war and gets the nickname of "Song Bird" by the rest of the inmates. Some of the information he volunteerd to the NV were flight patterns and ship locations causeing 63 jets to be shot down.
In congress he is involved in the largest scandal in Us history. (Keating5)
He also has ties to Ayers of which he is bashing Obama for.
Lets look a little at education if I have space:
Educational Background:

Columbia University - B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in
International Relations.
Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude
University of Delaware - B.A. in History and B.A. in Political Science.
Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)
United States Naval Academy - Class rank: 894 of 899
Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semest er
University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in Journalism GPA 2.2

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:58 AM
More recently, He has been on the running platform of "stay the course", the economy is good. Sure the economy is good for him. Hes gotten hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of tax breaks. But then after much criticism. He changed it to "change in washington". He has slandered and libeled his opponent that is making his previous constituents jump ship. Becuase of his arrogance, lies and innuendos. This is not a professional way to act. Its more like a clown that is desparately wanting to take his position rather then letting democracy reign in the free world.

On his campaign team and used to be chief advisor, with the confirmed appointment of Secretary of the Treasury if McCain is elected is Phil Gramm. Phil Gramm if you didnt know, is the one that got America into the mess it's in. He forced the passing of one bill and one amendment that has destroyed the financial status of America.
They both were done with little regard for standard procedure. The first was done by drawing up and 11000 page document and waiting. With hours left before congresses Christmas break. He introduced it and demanded a vote. First hardly anyone was there to contest it. Secondly, No one could read an 11000 page document and comprehend its true meaning. So, they went by Phil Gramms word.
The legislation that was passed is what created the loophole for Enron to do there dirty work. Ultimately, devistating American and international investors, Taxpayers and the employees. As a show of good faith, his wife was given an executive position with Enron which earned her 1.8 million dollars.
The second was an ammendment to a bill that was introduced. This allowed these big bankers to rape and pillage the American home owner. It allowed people like Rolland Arnold to do what he did with Ameriquest:

Several years ago there was a fellow Roland Arnall, He owned Ameriquest Mortgage company. His company was the scum of the mortgage world. They originated hundreds of thousands of loans that utimately resulted in catostrophic financial situations for there clients, at a minimum they lost there homes. They were caught and shut down t'wards the end of the refinance boom (good timing hu?).
There was an investigation. Knowing there was no way out of it (because of the flagrant disregard to the law), he turned to his buddy George Bush. They had a meeting the morning of the court hearing. The owner of Ameriquest agreed to a 320 million dollar fine (the largest in history at the time). In doing so, George Bush made him the ambassador to the Netherlands.

Now let me break this down for you:

Rolands company originated hundreds of thousands of loans with the use of fraud (this doesnt mean a selected few), this was the start of the record foreclosures. One offense like this could get any mortgage broker 10 years in prison.
I did the math for my state alone. Now keep in mind this is only the people that filed a complaint against the company. That meant out of the 320 million for the people (in the state of michigan) that filed a complaint against the company, they recieved 600.00.
Now the afternoon after the announcement of his appointment as ambassador to the Netherlands. He was questioned by a reporter about the big fine his company recieved. Roland laughed. The reason is because he made 70 million dollars a month net with his company.

Then you have the dozen or so other lobbiests on his campaign team. Something which should be outlawed and has been put before congress in the past.

You also have to realize the fact that hes WAY past his prime. Hes borderlining dementia, he looks as though hes suffering from a stroke.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:01 AM
I just dont see it. Im sorry to inform you but the Republicans your mommy and Daddy were so fond of havent been in office for years.
The Neocons in office now are for the eilietists that would never frequent a forum like this.
So that leaves the tax break. I hate to break this to you too. Whoever gets into office has no choice but to raise taxes. I dont care if McCain tells you hes going to eleminate taxes. HEs lieing.
Get smart.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by Douggie

It doesn't matter who sits in the White House, the bankers, Federal Reserve, CFR, and military industrial complex still control the United States.

There aren't 2 political parties anymore, it's the same party with 2 factions. The NWO party.

Voting is an illusion given to US by THEM.

For quite some time, the office at 1600 Pennsylvania Street is just home to the "puppet". The puppetmasters never change.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by Douggie
I just dont see it. Im sorry to inform you but the Republicans your mommy and Daddy were so fond of havent been in office for years.
The Neocons in office now are for the eilietists that would never frequent a forum like this.
So that leaves the tax break. I hate to break this to you too. Whoever gets into office has no choice but to raise taxes. I dont care if McCain tells you hes going to eleminate taxes. HEs lieing.
Get smart.

The problem isn't taxes.

It's spending.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by Douggie

When Bush took office our country had a 400 billion dollar Surplus.

Sorry, but I hate when this half-truth is stated by anyone. A "projected" surplus isn't a real surplus.

I can hope to make 50 K next year, that doesn't mean that I actually will.

Secondly, congress was controlled by Republicans in 92-2000, they had to twist Clinton's arms to get the projected surplus. Presidents don't write laws, they just autograph the ones sent to them from Congress.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

If the last 8 years don't demonstrate in a crystal clear fashion why it does matter who is in the White House, then you must have been hiding in a cave.

Our country is barely recognizable from where it was in 2000. So much has changed for the worse, but not because of the terrorists. It's because of Bush & Cheney's misguided leadership.

Look at the last 8 years and tell me, seriously, that it didn't matter who was in the White House.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:45 AM
I actually do think the Democrat needs elected. Obama's ideas will kill off our economy and his foreign policy inexperience will probably produce some real world dilemmas.

With Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker, the House's Democratic Majority, as well as a Democratic President, we'll have nobody to blame BUT the Democrats after Obama's single term as the next generation's "Jimmy Carter".

This will possibly open the door to another 4 terms of Republicans in control again.

Did anyone make the connection yet? Since the Democrats won majorities in the House in 2004, everything's gone to hell (except the Iraqi surge of course!)

Of course, this is just my "opinion".

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
reply to post by NOTurTypical

If the last 8 years don't demonstrate in a crystal clear fashion why it does matter who is in the White House, then you must have been hiding in a cave.

Our country is barely recognizable from where it was in 2000. So much has changed for the worse, but not because of the terrorists. It's because of Bush & Cheney's misguided leadership.

Look at the last 8 years and tell me, seriously, that it didn't matter who was in the White House.

Did you even read my post before you hit the "reply" button? I already answered:

"It doesn't matter who sits in the White House, the bankers, Federal Reserve, CFR, and military industrial complex still control the United States.

There aren't 2 political parties anymore, it's the same party with 2 factions. The NWO party.

Voting is an illusion given to US by THEM.

For quite some time, the office at 1600 Pennsylvania Street is just home to the "puppet". The puppet masters never change. "

99 out of 100 people focus entirely on the dumb puppets, not on those pulling the strings. Bush and Cheney don't run the country. They do what the elites tell them to do. They are patsies. They are just there to deflect criticism from the real rulers of this nation.

Past Presidents have tried to sound the alarm, JFK was killed for vowing to expose these elitists. Sorry, but Bush and Cheney were following orders from above.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Ive seen the same videos and more then likely done the same research as you. I still dont believe someone else holds the power of America. i do believe there are powers greater then the president. But I still think he has the authority to tell them to go screw themselves.

the attitude that our government is powerless makes me feel that it comes from someone that tried to get something pushed through their congressman that wasnt able to do it for now theyre disgruntled.

The Bush administration was acting with the sole purpose of the eleitists.
I have a mortgage company, over the last 5 years I saw some crap I didnt ever think I would see. People with one 10.00 an hour income 3 kids and a wife getting financed for a 100,000.00 house. I couldnt believe people would write paper like that. I turned away more then I financed just to have them call me up and tell them someone else did it for them. You know, non of this (the housing market, economy) would have even been an issue if they would have kept the jobs here. So many people are out of work and struggling.
Christ one of my best customers I financed a dozen loans for had a construction company. He made 300k off of it in 2006. I called him up last spring and he told me he was having the phones turned off the following day....didnt get one call in over 6 months. I talked to him again in August, still nothing. He had to let all his finanicals go. The only thing he has is his rentals and those are going down...the renters arent comming up with the money to pay him.

But you know what bugs me the most? These old retired people that have to choose between the medicine thats keeping them alive or there mortgage. There must be 2 a month. It pisses me off to no end.
There was a lady that was getting evicted she was 90 if I remember correctly. This was in Ohio. She turned a gun on herslef. She lived in the place all her life. Im sure youve seen the article.
I wish she had family and would have pointed the gun the other way. Its time, in my eyes to actually do something about it. I personally dont know if Obama is the right man for the job....but I know hes 100% better then the alternative.

This is what Bush did for his buddies:

While the middle class has declined under President Bush's reckless economic policies, the people on top have never had it so good. For the first seven years of Bush's tenure, the wealthiest 400 individuals in our country saw a $670 billion increase in their wealth, and at the end of 2007 owned over $1.5 trillion in wealth. That is just 400 families, a $670 billion increase in wealth since Bush has been in office.

Thats from offshoring (both money and jobs).

The fact that MCCain is saying the same crap Bush did settles it for me...about wanting to be a dictator....following the Bush strategy.
But then you have companies like Diebold and that other one that makes the voting machines.
If you havent seen "hacking Democracy" I suggest you watch it. Its in google videos. A little old lady was concerned about the voting process in Florida so she went down there and found some voting strips from the Diebold voting machines. In the trash! This was when Gore lost the election. The unhackable equipment counted his votes backwards...he lost 42000 votes in that one county alone.
She found money transfers from the Republican election committee transfering large ammounts to Diebold. She even found a letter from the president of Diebold to the Republican election committee say "the votes will be delivered in 2004"
If you havent seen it you should watch it....

Google Video Link

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by CreeWolf

You have to be kidding. You need to explain how the democrats will destroy lmao our economy. Unless you dont have a TV or even a radio you should already know our economy is pretty well #ed (sorry if I cant use that word here).
Youre right though, Obama will have one hell of a hard time on his hands.
Restoring (if possible) all the damage that the Republicans have done over the last 8 years.
Foreign policy is why he picked Biden as a Vice over Hillary.

See thats whats wrong with people that think theyre Republicans. They will NEVER take blame for anything. our country is on a day to day meltdown with the economy the way it is. Its this way because of what? Carter? Clinton? Christ, why not just blame it on George Washington while youre at it.
Sorry to inform you, the Republicans your mommy and daddy were so fond of havent been in office in decades. The Neocons are for the Eleitists. They dont give a crap about you, me or anything else but money.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Ok then youre not happy with 400 billion. We'll call it even across the board. Man I wish the Bush administration would get audited.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Maybe you should read a little more into the post. Spending wasnt an issue when clinton left office.
Its the Bush administration that allowed all the offshoring of jobs and money..less tax income (make sense?)
Tax break...less tax income.
Wow why am I even replying to that.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 08:55 AM
You should look at Ron Paul if you want the correct definition of a GOP Republican. .

You can't honestly think that the Rep/Dem presidential nominees now are actually different? LMFAO! They're both the same, just have different party names! You really need to do your research son!

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:29 AM
why a third party is needed in office.There is but one party we get to see with the media slant,the corporate party.They let us see the two factions of the corporate party,democrats and republicans.Neither cares about the people.
Neither cares about the constitution.Both of them continually vote against the peoples wishes.The only way the people will straighten this country out is by getting rid of them both.Get them all out of our government is the way to return america to her former glory.You wouldn't build your house on a faulty foundation.Why do you let these people tear up the foundation of this country?
Why do you ignore it when these people vote in opposition to the people?Look at who backs these people,it's the same names.Goldman Sachs,Morgan Stanley
JP Morgan.When are you people ever going to wakeup?

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Douggie
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Ok then youre not happy with 400 billion. We'll call it even across the board. Man I wish the Bush administration would get audited.

I HATE Bush and Congress's spending addiction.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Douggie
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Maybe you should read a little more into the post. Spending wasnt an issue when clinton left office.
Its the Bush administration that allowed all the offshoring of jobs and money..less tax income (make sense?)
Tax break...less tax income.
Wow why am I even replying to that.

Actually, the opposite is true. With the tax breaks the government received more in tax revenue than ever before.

They still collect sales taxes.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by CreeWolf
Obama's ideas will kill off our economy and his foreign policy inexperience will probably produce some real world dilemmas.

Pray tell what single idea of Obama's has the potential to "kill off our economy". Also please comment how Obama's popularity and credibility abroad is worse than what McCain/Palin have to offer. McCain doesn't want to talk to Spain, and Palin can't explain what magazines she reads for her news sources.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by CreeWolf
Obama's ideas will kill off our economy and his foreign policy inexperience will probably produce some real world dilemmas.

Pray tell what single idea of Obama's has the potential to "kill off our economy". Also please comment how Obama's popularity and credibility abroad is worse than what McCain/Palin have to offer. McCain doesn't want to talk to Spain, and Palin can't explain what magazines she reads for her news sources.

Not a problem, I'll give you three. As I've explained in another thread -

1. Obama's tax policy will do great harm to the economy. Extra taxes on the job creating class means the buck gets passed down to the middle class. That's common sense. Force the grocery store owner to pay extra taxes and he increases the prices of his groceries to pay for that tax hike. It's the way of business.

2. Nationalizing health care - paid for how exactly? Yep, through middle class tax hikes that will come later. Remember how Clinton later imposed taxes on everyone making over $30,000 after he was elected, even though he also said he would only tax the rich? The same will happen.

3. Extra tax on companies who offshore jobs - while I hate it that companies offshore jobs, I do understand that this is now a global economy. Add extra costs to those companies and they aren't going to stop offshoring (because that's where the big savings are right now), they are going to CUT MORE American jobs and send those jobs overseas. Since Obama's "punishment tax" will most likely be flat and not based on the number of jobs offshored, it won't matter how many more jobs go overseas. That means fewer American jobs, higher unemployment rates and a blow to the economy. If Obama were actually smart, he would "punish" companies who offshored jobs, he would offer large incentives and tax breaks to companies that kept 95-100% of their labor force in U.S. borders.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by sos37

1. Obama's tax policy will do great harm to the economy. Extra taxes on the job creating class means the buck gets passed down to the middle class. That's common sense. Force the grocery store owner to pay extra taxes and he increases the prices of his groceries to pay for that tax hike. It's the way of business.

.....and how many jobs have the "job creating class?!?!" ....uh, created in the last 8 years? They have their tax cuts.....record profits.....and unemployment is rising?? Wow...this really is putting the "trickle" in trickle down economics.
(There is far more "trickle" in a R. Kelly home video.....)

2. Nationalizing health care - paid for how exactly? Yep, through middle class tax hikes that will come later. Remember how Clinton later imposed taxes on everyone making over $30,000 after he was elected, even though he also said he would only tax the rich? The same will happen.

If we are comparing CLINTON tax policies with McCain policies........I would be more than happy to let you know where will have to start a thread for that though.

3. Extra tax on companies who offshore jobs - while I hate it that companies offshore jobs, I do understand that this is now a global economy. Add extra costs to those companies and they aren't going to stop offshoring (because that's where the big savings are right now), they are going to CUT MORE American jobs and send those jobs overseas. Since Obama's "punishment tax" will most likely be flat and not based on the number of jobs offshored, it won't matter how many more jobs go overseas. That means fewer American jobs, higher unemployment rates and a blow to the economy. If Obama were actually smart, he would "punish" companies who offshored jobs, he would offer large incentives and tax breaks to companies that kept 95-100% of their labor force in U.S. borders.

You can't have it both ways. On one hand, you say you don't care what the world thinks (and they should have no opinion about our election), and then you say "this is a GLOBAL economy"?!?!? I think you are giving mixed signals. So, why do you care about the global economy if you don't care about their opinions???

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[edit on 13-10-2008 by Grafilthy]

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