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The Georgia Guide Stones

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posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 03:12 PM
so i was just watching the old tv show Sliders season 1 episode 10 "luck of the draw" and found it interesting that the world that they were on followed the Georgia Guidestones almost to the T. The world they were on only had a population of 500,000, they had a "lottery" that was used as population control and the society was a utopia. If you get a chance the old series is on netflix watch it and see.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:20 AM
I found this thread through ATS member Nspekta's thread here and originally was going to post in that thread but seemed more appropriate here ...

I found that thread very interesting which motivated me to read the other guidestone articles, track the area on Google Earth (which shows pics of the defaced explanatory tablet) and read the links posted in the thread above which lead me here ...

I honestly don't know what to think of it. Signs of a planned depopulation or plans for the aftermath of an unseen catastrophic event, whether natural or unnatural and the rebuilding of civilization ? To me it seems to be targeting a post-apocalypse audience or people "rebuilding" after "something" as some of the "guidelines" make no sense for this time and the area. Someone(s) certainly put some serious thought, time, effort and money into this project.

Other than being close to the 33rd parallel, I wonder why this particular location was chosen. On Google earth I can see homes and properties around the location but on Zillow zero info comes up about any of these homes or properties surrounding the location for miles ... would be interesting to know who owns these properties around the area, for how long and taxes paid.

Fascinating stuff

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 10:11 AM
This seems kind of interesting too.

In google earth, under layers tic the US Government option ... to be more specfic the US Postal code boundries.Look directly north west of the guide stones or Lat. 34°14'19.66"N Long. 82°54'17.96"W.

This one small spot, in the middle of basically no where has its own zipcode not far from the GuideStones. To the left of the 2 homes and 1 structure in that zip code are some weird trails, is this a park of some sort ? Some of the trails seem to lead to no where, ending abrubtly on both ends, actually kind of remind me of the Nazca Lines or something.

I don't know, kinda odd really ...

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 07:28 PM

edit on 6/4/2012 by disgustingfatbody because: DELETED STUPID QUESTION

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