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I WAS THERE: The protest march on the RNC in Saint Paul 9-2-08: FULL REPORT

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posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:09 AM
Its up to you to enforce your own Constitutional rights, and those rights can only be upheld by the second amendment. If a "stormtrooper" stomps on your head and you dont own a gun, well you cant protect your rights or uphold the constitution. Basicly, the way you and other protestors were treated is your own faults. If you were/are in the right, public opinion will save you. I don't care if you are dem,repub, or independant. Without owning that gun, you let your rights and others get trampled.

You can't expect the rights given to you if you just pick and choose from the Constitution,if each amendment wasn't mandatory to every citizen, then wheres all the slaves...oh yeah, its sorta tough to enslave an armed, responsible person.

Your words wont stop corrupt people from abusing you, infact it makes you a larger target.

However, I do look forward to hearing your "on the ground" report. There are some major discrepancys in the number of people reported. Also some video was shown of a cop hosing a man in the face with pepper spray, then the victim was pulled from the cops grasp by others. Protesters then beat on the cop till he retreated. I aplaud those protesters, as the victim was clearly running away from the violence when he was grabbed and unnessesarily sprayed/manhandled by the cop. Anyway, cant wait to hear about the next two days.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by LordBaskettIV

LordB....yor first paragraph was well intentioned, I know....but can you imagine the trouble a person, who was carrying a firearm and caught up in the 'force-majeur' of that overwheming presence of 'riot police' would be in after, once 'booked' the weapon was discovered?? EVEN with a valid permit....heck to pay!

OR....brandishing said weapon, whilst surrounded??? Shot dead, he'd be!!

EDIT...wishing to add.....Have you read our Second Amendment?

It was written in the 18th Century, of course. It makes a reference to ...a well-armed Militia... of citizens. Essentially, to give the right of the 'citizen's militia' to rise up, when necessary, against an oppressive government....but in the late 1700s, it seems to be a little obsolete, as an amendment. Especially since our Constitution is slowly being stripped away.

This assumed that each side had about the same technology of weapon, as was the case back then....

The point here is simple: Extreme excessive force was being used against UNARMED citizens!! I guess they could have thrown a sign at the police....or maybe a shoe.

[edit on 9/3/0808 by weedwhacker]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:46 AM
That is a brilliant report and the Rage Against the Machine bit was classic.Oh ,the power of music.You did well not to rise to the agent provocateur's bait.Honestly ,these people are completely immoral.Keep up the good work poster.I don't know if things are still going on in St Paul but if they are please be our eyes and ears,ATS expects....

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by candyfloss

Thank you very much for that kind compliment. I must say I felt very alive during this event. To be surrounded by thousands of strangers yet sharing a harrowing experience with a powerful bond unification and of shared values.

Also knowing that history was being made and that we are sending the message that people are fed up!

The strong sense that the eyes of the world were on us.

[edit on (9/3/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 04:48 AM
Police State Methods: Preemptive Strikes Against Protest at the Republican National Convention
"On May 21, the Minneapolis City Pages ran a recruiting story called "Moles Wanted." Law enforcement sought to preempt lawful protest against the policies of the Bush administration during the convention"

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 05:49 AM
Fox host: RNC protesters should just be left in jail
"They've got to put them in jail and leave them in jail," Kilmeade suggested angrily. "Just leave them there for a week. ... Just say the paperwork got messed up."

Police fire chemical agents, projectiles at RNC protesters

ACLU condemns mass arrests of RNC demonstrators

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by jpm1602
The blue haze of teargas was everywhere. Apparently the republicans for which we stand don't play. I saw none of that on the dem side.
Watching cbs now...up to the minute, it was quite an ugly scene. Pavlin doesn't do anything for me by the way, and she needs to rethink those glasses.

[edit on 9/3/2008 by jpm1602]

You saw none of this on the dem side? Are you kidding me? Did you pay any attention at all?

DNC Begins in Denver While Tear Gas is Used by Police to Subdue Protesters

Keep on fooling yourself though.

reply to post by AllSeeingI

As far as your little tale, I'm sorry but I don't beleive it. It sounds just like EVERY tall tale I've heard about alleged cops "starting trouble". To be honest, I find your lies to be very offensive.

Thank you very much for that kind compliment. I must say I felt very alive during this event. To be surrounded by thousands of strangers yet sharing a harrowing experience with a powerful bond unification and of shared values.

Thats exactly what this is. A bunch of people with nothing better going on in their lives, who make beleive their part of some heroic adventure. When in reality they are just starting trouble to feel important.

I cant beleive how many people are buying in to this.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by Dronetek

You have no right to call me a liar without proof either then. Unless you are a hypocrite.

And were you there, next to me when this provocateur event happened? No.
I was there, I know what I saw.

It is pathetic to try to label everyone in this multi thousand person march as an out of work pot smoking hippy as you and many other are trying to do. You are trying hard to discredit our peaceful protest and movement.

In this crowd was Iraq, Desert Storm, and Vietnam Vets. People of all ages. Infant up to so-old-you-need-oxygen-and-a-wheel-chair aged. There were students clean-cut and students dreadlocked. All races of people marching together.

While the rich white oligarchs suckle at the fascist teat.

[edit on (9/3/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 06:32 AM
Here is some fantastic photography of the days events: JCBEHM flickr photos

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
Here is some fantastic photography of the days events: JCBEHM flickr photos

You have no proof that there were cops within the ranks of hippies, starting trouble. Thats something you are making up, to distract form the fact your little protest was nothing more than a trouble making session. You taunt the cops, till they bite than run around crying about it.

While the rich white oligarchs suckle at the fascist teat.

There you have it folks....

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 07:01 AM
Great first hand testimony!
You know 20 years ago, these protests would have been covered more thoroughly, even the accompanying concerts.
Now, it's just the provocateurs and young, uninformed marchers!!
It makes you wonder why the more democratic and liberal news don't cover it either!

LOVE the photos!
It's a wide range of people with some really creative props!

The clampdown is for ALL sides, repubs, dems and independants.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by Dronetek

Here's a video of a provocateur who got caught!
He had on police-issued boots!
The Canadian authorities ADMITTED to it!

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by Clearskies

Yes and every time I have to read one of you people making these claims, I have to watch this video. I don't know whats going on in this video, but its no proof of this guy's claims. For all I know the guy with the camera set up the scene in this video.

You know 20 years ago, these protests would have been covered more thoroughly, even the accompanying concerts.

You must have missed the clamoring hordes of cameras watching every move of the "protesters".

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by Dronetek
You have no proof that there were cops within the ranks of hippies, starting trouble. Thats something you are making up, to distract form the fact your little protest was nothing more than a trouble making session. You taunt the cops, till they bite than run around crying about it.

Im just telling you what I saw and it was fit the profile of a provocateur. It HAS been documented that such tactics have been used during recent years.

Again you are making a fool's generalizations. Maybe 1 in a 1000 people there was provoking police or breaking windows or anything arrest worthy.

As if these police needed any provoking. They have $34 million dollars worth of new toys to play with. You know they want to use them.

And again you make another attempt to belittle a movement you and people like you fear. There was no crying by any of the peace marchers.

But to me its seems you use the word crying to actually mean "voice opinion". So with the Dronetek translation we have: Protesters go crying when cops make illegal arrests and violate our civil and human rights.

We want to stop the war. We want and end to poverty. These are ideals every human should be behind because it is in the interest of humanity.

[edit on (9/3/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Dronetek
Yes and every time I have to read one of you people making these claims, I have to watch this video. I don't know whats going on in this video, but its no proof of this guy's claims. For all I know the guy with the camera set up the scene in this video.

Here's where the Canadian government ADMITTED that they were police!
Come on!

Yes, I must have missed the un-biased coverage!
Where is it?

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 07:46 AM
I can I would rather not imagine what would have happend and how far it would have gone had not the police been there to thwart this little "riot" that started.

And yes, tho it did not cause cars to get flipped over and set afire, or windows smashed out or fences torn down or people hurt, it most likely would have been had it not been for the cops stopping it before it got that far.

Again, everyone has the right to protest, freedom of speech and to demonstrate, but there is NO constitutional right whatsoever to instigate riots and meyhem. NONE WHATSOEVER!!!

So, after seeing the news footage of this little thing you want to call "a calm protest"...I saw plenty of tear gas canisters being fired, smoke bombs being fired and alot of the crowd wearing scarfs and hankies over their which usually that implies that those folks WANT to hide their identity and is ALWAYS seen by the instigators of riots.

I think the police did a fine job and support them in doing it again to keep the rowdy under control. Say what you have to say, hold up as many signs as you want, march in vast numbers if you like..but when protestors step out of line and think they have a right to riot...well that is when the long arm of the law must and WILL step in and stomp your little party right down to the ground and put a hault to it.

And yes, plenty of that was also happening at the DNC convention as well. Those protestors too, like those at the RNC, are NOT above law and order.

I did not see any police out there purposely causing this incident. And by all means please show proof and documentation that there have been instances where police and authorities have suited up in civilian clothes and purposely caused riots.

We are waiting...for PROOF!!!


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by RFBurns

Didn't you see my previous posts????
Here's something on the DNC;
Agent provocateurs shy away from camera
Fish out of water
provocateurs planning violence at the DNC.

These are the black-clothed throwers of rocks and window-breaking goons!

Also, in France during the riots.

I have NO better proof than the Montibello, Quebec protest.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

Wow, sounds like one smelly, hippie filled drum circle!

You know why there are riot cops at the RNC, because of people like you, you cannot be trusted to not cause violence or havoc. All hippies young and old think they are right about the entire world and how to run it.

You are supported openly by the communist party, yet you dont even wince, you will take their signs of course and hold it up proudly if it has any of the hate filled, liberal crap I see at every protest on it.

Do you really want true anarchy? I do not think you could handle it. It would mean no laws, I could walk up to you and take whatever I want from you, there is no law saying I cant, then beat you down and someone could do the same to me.

Why would you hippies riot at your own convention?

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 08:33 AM
It sounds to me like nothing happened that was wrong on the part of the authorities, but then I do not come to this thread with an agenda.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by stinkhorn

Oh, my!
That's not true and you know it.
Most 'hippies' are and were peaceful.
Most of these at the protest AREN'T hippies, just people against a police state. Many of them were at the DNC.

I used to hate hippies, but, now I see who the real enemies are and they're not carrying flowers!

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