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NEWS: Tennessee County wants to ban gays

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posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 03:03 PM

While I understand your use of Megan's Law, I do not think it truely applies, although I am sure some will try to use it in any case.

The laws governing sex offenders (child molesters, rapists, etc) are there to prohibit forceable sexual contact (sex with minors, rape, sex with the mentally disabled in some cases).

This does not apply to meerly having consentual sex. This goes against conservative politics in that they are creating government invasive measures that will only serve to propagate intolerance.

I for one do not think that hate is the driving force behind this legislation. Fear is what I would equate it to. Fear is the leading cause of hate in many cases, much like getting your feeling hurt (sadness) leads to anger.

We need to first look at the root of the problem.

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 03:34 PM
I never heard of Megan's law, can someone explain it a little.

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 09:26 PM
note for jrod: go to google, type "megan's law" in quotes and hit search.

It would be enjoyable to discuss this with you, KJ. But this is my last
post in this forum. Your last statement rings very loud, for those who have ears.

"We need to first look at the root of the problem." == KJ

The need is there, KJ, but the ability is not. Here is why:

"You say this is a democracy? I say you're lieing. This is not a democracy." = Garon

Hey Old Man.....How can you stand..... to think that way !

"when a government wants to change the constitution to fit its bigot, hateful agenda....that is not a democracy." = Garon

If you remove the word bigot and hateful, you have defined our Great Republic. (As you pointed out, it is not a pure Democracy and never was)

"This is about hate." = Garon


"Hate cannot be allowed to prosper. It simply cannot. " = Garon

Hmmmm..... let me guess....this is newspeak from Orson Wells 1984?

"If it takes a revolution to stop the spread of hate in this country than So Be It. " = Garon

"that for these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave
the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that
these dead shall not have died in vane, that this nation under God shall have a
new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." - Abraham Lincoln

Obviously, Garon, when political debate and the Rule of Law fails, then we must choose

"I applaud the counties that are doing what they are doing." = Garon

Looks like I will be Blue and you will be Grey.


posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 10:03 PM
I will like to say that this people that are against gay wanting to sheare their life with the person they love are afraid of their own sexual feelings, but the truth is that the USA christian coalicion organization sponsor by the president is behind all this. Keep fitting for your rights, since this president is in power we womens are loosing our rights and he wants to burn gays at the stake.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 02:35 AM

CNN on Rhea County, TN "Gay Ban"

Commissioners in Rhea County on Thursday night reversed a vote they made two days earlier to support criminalization of sodomy, an idea one commissioner admitted was designed to keep homosexuals "out of here."

County attorney Gary Fritts said that it was all just a misunderstanding. "They wanted to send a message to our (state) representative and senator that Rhea County supports the ban on same-sex marriage," he said. "Same-sex marriage is what it was all about. It was to stop people from coming here and getting married and living in Rhea County."

Commissioner J.C. Fugate told his fellow commissioners that he wanted to discuss the subject of gay marriage, and dictated a motion that read, "those kind of people cannot live in Rhea County, or abide in Rhea County; if caught, they should be tried for crimes against nature."

OK, right. Sure. It was perfectly honest mistake.

I wish I could make myself believe that this decision was based on a realization that the proposed legislation would take away the rights of a portion of the population by criminalizing their lifestyle, but I am pretty sure that it was to avoid the vast amount of bad publicity it was creating. If they really think that this issue is going to fade away in the near future they are going to be disappointed. The topic is still being debated across the country -and around the globe- both person-to-person and in the media.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Garon
legislation allowing criminal charges filed against homosexuals for "crimes against nature" ...

hahahah classic!

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 11:48 PM
Well, Folks, I am one of your Rhea County "Good Ole Boys." Let me preface this by saying that I don't know anyone that is married to his sister, or cousin, or mother, or anything else. I do know one guy who kissed his cousin once, but that was before he knew she was his cousin... But we'll get to that later.

When you all hear of anything going on in rural Tennessee or any southern state, you automatically think that we are all backward, redneck, inbred intolerant people. While some of this does go on there (much as it does anywhere else in the USA), the vast majority of us are not like that. Some of us are pretty intelligent, well educated people. Some are not quite as impoverished as you all would like to believe. Truth is, however, that we are pretty conservative. We believe in the Bible and what it says. If this makes us ignorant, then so be it. If you are the kind of person that thinks religious ferver equals stupidity, then you are actually guilty of the intolerance of which you speak. In several of these posts I have noticed that the homosexuals "just want to be left alone." If this were true there would be no problems. The case is really that the rest of us want to be left alone. If you don't like the way we live here, then why do you want to live here and impose your beliefs on us? If you want to be left alone, keep it to yourself, don't expect special priveleges, and don't try to start controversy. It's simple really. If I had a girlfriend that I didn't want anybody to know about, I would either just keep quiet about it, or move to another county where I could see her freely. If I know something is going to offend 99% of the population, I probably won't do it unless I am in the privacy of my own home. I will never understand why the wishes of 99 people must take a backseat to the wishes of 1.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 12:08 AM
I really wish I knew enough about gays to make a valid argument.

Anyways if being gay is some sort of hormonal inbalance or mental disorder then it would be logical to try to prevent it.
I do not see the evolutionary advantages of male sexual behavior.I know females tend to grow closer in relationships to increase chanves of the newborn surviving. Males live off of competition and the strive to be better than every male around them. Now if it is some disorder than it can be viewed with the likes of behavioral products of many disroders which, incidently are outlawed in other circumstances. One of course is some psychotic person who rapes women but in his mind the woman talks to him and invites his sexual behavior. This of course is still a crime in the court of law and the defense of course would be insanity. Thing is, we still try to prevent it even though it is a product of a mental inbalance. (At this point I forgot what the original post was about
). Point is.....I think the reason for being gay is more important than being gay itself(Now I remember the subject) so making a law banning gays must of course make a better reason than immorality. If you use common sense it is obvious there is nothing wrong with being gay. Also many gays are just exaggerated seperatist (gothic, punk) so any oppostion against them only encourages their behavior.
I am typing too much.........I just realized I really don't have a solution. I know there is nothing wrong with being gay, I am not against it as well, but if many cases of homosexual behavior is biologically related then I see nothing wrong with discouraging it's behavior. Bla bla bla..Ok I got in one more post, I need like 13 more.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Jonna
Crimes against nature? Then charge Bush already for wanting to drill in Alaska and wipping out the native species.

Ok Jonna, tell me what you know about anwar. I am curious. Since you are such a smart dude and know so much.

So, how many acres of land are in this reserve?
How many acres were proposed to be drilled?
Have you ever looked at a cost/benefit report for this?
What types of animals live out there?
How many of those animals above live out there?
(By out there, I am referring to the area to be drilled)
Have you ever looked at two sides of a story?

[Edited on 4/12/2004 by Seapeople]

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by ChickenFriedChicken
Well, Folks, I am one of your Rhea County "Good Ole Boys." Let me preface this by saying that I don't know anyone that is married to his sister, or cousin, or mother, or anything else. I do know one guy who kissed his cousin once, but that was before he knew she was his cousin... But we'll get to that later.

When you all hear of anything going on in rural Tennessee or any southern state, you automatically think that we are all backward, redneck, inbred intolerant people. While some of this does go on there (much as it does anywhere else in the USA), the vast majority of us are not like that. Some of us are pretty intelligent, well educated people. Some are not quite as impoverished as you all would like to believe. Truth is, however, that we are pretty conservative. We believe in the Bible and what it says. If this makes us ignorant, then so be it. If you are the kind of person that thinks religious ferver equals stupidity, then you are actually guilty of the intolerance of which you speak. In several of these posts I have noticed that the homosexuals "just want to be left alone." If this were true there would be no problems. The case is really that the rest of us want to be left alone. If you don't like the way we live here, then why do you want to live here and impose your beliefs on us? If you want to be left alone, keep it to yourself, don't expect special priveleges, and don't try to start controversy. It's simple really. If I had a girlfriend that I didn't want anybody to know about, I would either just keep quiet about it, or move to another county where I could see her freely. If I know something is going to offend 99% of the population, I probably won't do it unless I am in the privacy of my own home. I will never understand why the wishes of 99 people must take a backseat to the wishes of 1.

Now that was logical....

Why should 99% of the population take a back seat? I know why they do, but why should they......lazyness being confused with tolerance..... hmmmm

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 09:18 AM
If you want to be left alone, keep it to yourself, don't expect special priveleges, and don't try to start controversy.
I will never understand why the wishes of 99 people must take a backseat to the wishes of 1.

I just want to know from all you people who say we want "special priveleges", what kind of special priveleges are you implying.? Tell me one thing that we ask for that you DON'T ALREADY HAVE.

What...marriage...straights have.
Um....can't think of anything else that this gay militia that you all think is going to rip down your door and force our lifestyle "down your throat" wants other than the SAME rights and benefits that straight people ALREADY have. It's not like we are forming a gay only college fund (maybe but as of yet I'm not sure). But even if there was one.....straights have, i.e. minority college funds.

So, basically I want to know ....WHAT SPECIAL PRIVELEGES ARE WE ASKING FOR?

And as for 99 bowing down to the 1. Well, I guess I expect that from a Tennessean. Why should the majority of white people bow down to the wants of the minority blacks? Do you see your follie in this statement now?

[Edited on 12-4-2004 by MacMerdin]

[Edited on 12-4-2004 by MacMerdin]

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 12:09 PM
As far as I know, you have the right to go and marry a person of the opposite sex same as I do. No one has the right to marry one of the same sex. This is a special privelege that is unnecessary in any society.
As for ramming it down our throats, that is what you are trying to do with this whole thing. If you find out someone (or somewhere) objects to something, and then decide to march on their courthouse and cause civil unrest, then you are attempting to ram it down their throats. I don't have a problem with it. If you desire that lifestyle, go somewhere that the people are tolerant of it.
Why do you always insist on making things personal? "You expect this from a Tennessean"? If you dislike Tennesseans and thing we are idiots, then don't be one. That's all I'm saying.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by ChickenFriedChicken
As far as I know, you have the right to go and marry a person of the opposite sex same as I do. No one has the right to marry one of the same sex. This is a special privelege that is unnecessary in any society.
As for ramming it down our throats, that is what you are trying to do with this whole thing. If you find out someone (or somewhere) objects to something, and then decide to march on their courthouse and cause civil unrest, then you are attempting to ram it down their throats. I don't have a problem with it. If you desire that lifestyle, go somewhere that the people are tolerant of it.
Why do you always insist on making things personal? "You expect this from a Tennessean"? If you dislike Tennesseans and thing we are idiots, then don't be one. That's all I'm saying.

No...marrying someone of the same sex would not be a special privelege for by your reasoning that I could marry someone of the opposite inturn could also marry someone of the same sex....equality my friend.

Go somewhere were people are tolerant of it? Sounds something like if the black people aren't happy let them go back to Africa. Point taken though and I would NEVER want to live in Tennessee. I've been there and all I can say is NO THANKS.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 08:44 AM
I guess any kid around the age of 5 or 6 who show signs of being gay should be punished too.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 07:30 AM
This same fine county that was trying to have criminal charges filed against homosexuals has the highest unemployment rate in tennessee, lowest income rate, lowest paying jobs, a population of 99% caucasion, corrupt officials, a horrible education system, little to no access to anything modern, and is filled to the brim with back water imbread rednecks, how do i know all this you might ask.. sad to say i lived there. a year or so after they tried this with the gay people they tried banning hispanic people. This place is horrible and really something needs to be done about RHEA COUNTY it makes all of tennessee look like some kind of shot-gun carrying screw your sister, deliverance type place.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by MacMerdin
Do they have a law in the books about beastiality? If they do, why aren't all those good ole Tennessee boys in jail? No offense anyone from Tennessee.

How is that not offensive to people in Tennessee?

That's like saying, "No offense, but you're stupid"... or "No offense, but I just threw up a little in my mouth when I saw your face"....

I'm sure you get my point.

[edit on 7/3/2008 by blackbox]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:36 AM
Well it looks like Rhea county will become the number one homosexual tourist destination in Tennessee now.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
This is so medeavil. How are they going to punish gays? With the rack or in an Iron Maiden?

Run to the hills, Run for your life. (sorry, been in an iron maiden mood lately and your comment set it off)

See, all this is going to do is get gay people in that area to be secretive about it. Then, you will have th pople preaching that the "Gays have gone in hiding and can still taint our children and our moral way of life that allows me to procreate with my sister, pass the chaw." Yes, I did just attak an entire town claiming them to be incetuos ics, cause that is how they are acting. Grow up Rhea county, get ith th times. Remind me to stay away from there, backwoods toothless yokel bigots make me violent.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by Spectre
Ahh, good old Rhea County, home of the famous TN v. John Scopes "The Monkey Trial." It makes me proud to be from The Volunteer State.

Dang, you beat me to for you!

This is no surprise, coming from Rhea county, possible home of the most ignorant folks on the face of the Earth! Who the heck cares what two consenting adults do, whether you agree with it personally or not?

Another point I have failed to understand is how letting gays get married affects anyone else other than the couple getting married. I am a married (heterosexual) man, and I just don't see what the harm is in letting gay people get married. It would have absolutely no effect on me or my family, so what's the big deal? Why do people feel that they can force their own version of morality on others through legislation? This needs to stop! We already have too many laws creating "victimless" crimes, why add another to the books? When will people come to their senses?

Oh wait, they won't, because they are afraid and their fear of "gayness" has clouded their ability to make rational decisions.

Makes me ashamed to live in TN!

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by blackbox

Originally posted by MacMerdin
Do they have a law in the books about beastiality? If they do, why aren't all those good ole Tennessee boys in jail? No offense anyone from Tennessee.

How is that not offensive to people in Tennessee?

That's like saying, "No offense, but you're stupid"... or "No offense, but I just threw up a little in my mouth when I saw your face"....

I'm sure you get my point.

[edit on 7/3/2008 by blackbox]

Dude, if you had to live around these people, you would understand. The educated of us are not offended by these statements, because we've seen exactly what kind of inbred morons are running around the hills here. (Or on our city councils, etc.)

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