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Why don't they tell kids what makes drugs really bad?

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posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

jeez you have got to get with it, why are you so keen on the govt as the solution. they are the problem coupled with the agencies and mafia and military in one happy frakin family. its a global operation.

everyone knows which agencies do the drug running. afghan supply lines are left open. how do the drugs get in its not on frakin BA or virgin flights is it or through customs/docks where some little dog with a job can sniff it all out.

ever thought about that.
bush sr started war on drugs. oh what a surprise you know what that means. they won't even like you growing hemp in the states even though our founding fathers supported it, what a joke!
c'mon dude get with the program!

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by re22666

well im 14 so year 9 in high school and this is in england in london to be exact she (the teacher) is one of my boroughs drug advisors and yeah it is pretty cool because our last teacher would hear no 'positive arguments' for drugs wheares this one lets us weigh up the pros and cons
she isnt technically alod to but it is nice to be trusted etc

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 09:03 AM
Look Government vs Parents teaching it...

What this thread is really about is the teaching of:


Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Health Education, Math

These are the things a child needs to know to have a chance of living properly in a world of Drugs both perscription or otherwise.

Everyone's opinion on Good or Bad is worthless, parents vs teachers is equally worthless if niether understands anything factual or can predict outcomes or understand the causes of various reactions and know how to deal with them.

Science, would aalso help people understand DOSAGE, which really is the single biggest factor in all drug problems

Science education in the west is dismal...

I partied way too much growing up, to the point where I saw alot of people I know ruin their lives and I didn't, I'm fine healthy and look 10 years younger than my age and have zero addictions.

Why? my first major in school was biology/psychopharmacology

I know what a cannabanoid is, I understand what opiate receptors are, I know what drugs have my mind working off my limbic system and which ones have me using my frontal lobe, I know that my dopamine receptors are alot like my knees... you can wear them out and I know which drugs make them grow again if you screw up, I know what parts of my brain can regenerate and which ones don't and how to trigger the ones that don't to repair themselves also. I know how and why every substance I take causes or doesn't cause addiction, I know what to do if I become addicted how to speed up recovery and when i'm at risk, I know how to cleanse my liver and my kidneys I know where the chemicals store in my body and what vitamins and minerals are reduced if taking them. I know what a psychosis is and I know i'd know if I was slipping into one and I know how to recognize in myself if I am slipping from a pov of my faculties.

I know because I can read a periodic table, I can do the math to understand dosage and body weight and metabolism, I understand the biochemistry inviolved and know the human body down to the receptors in my brain the chemicals are working on...

Why oh why does it matter in a world of dope who Teaches Organic Chem? Just so long as it's taught, if I didn't initially plan on going to med school I never would have gone that far...

Organic Chem should be reached by HS, just like alot of kids are required to at least learn Algebra by least get through it... Organic Chem is a High Level College course in the States

Teach drugs?


Put Science up there as a subject that is mandatory, and the Math that goes with it, make kids use their brains strenuously, grow that mind young, before they can poison it at all, Calculus and Organic Chem a requirement of first years HS, step it up

Even if they use drugs they will be working with a sharp brain and know exactly whats going on, Drugs wouldn't be a problem in a society where people were genuinely educated...

Drugs are bad... lol, this is drugs..this is your brains on drugs lol

How about if you reach 9th grade not knowing what a Dopamine receptor is you get left back and aren't allowed out lunch time until you do...

[edit on 13-7-2008 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 09:15 AM
"Legal" drugs kill 100 times more people than illegal drugs, and marijuana kills none. Zero.

external image

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 09:48 AM
Very interesting discussion, very differing viewpoints. Personally, as a 47 year old father of three children I think things are extremely messed up at the moment regarding everything, drug use being just one of them. If we look at the numbers/ stats, they speak volumes. Holland, which has a liberal attitude towards cannabis use has half the number of users in the 16/25 age group than the US which has a heavy anti drug enforcement policy. The Dutch route seems to be working very well for them. This is a real fact, like it or not, It's there !!
I think this approach would work elsewhere if the powers that be accepted the truth, but they don't want to know. The US, UK, Ireland(I'm Irish) follow the same sad "war on drugs' line. Yet they do little to police the availability of legal drugs; like ssri's and many anti-psychotic which are extremely dangerous, and have been shown to be so. Effexor is waaaay more deadly than cannabis could ever be. There are indications that the majority of murder/suicides especially involving guns, can be attributed to prescribed drugs, Columbine and countless others, all prescription drug related.
I think children, from 6/8 on, should receive honest information about the trials of life, drugs and alcohol being one area, it's up to the parents to help the child make the right choices, and to be there when things go wrong. Safe experimenting is not a bad thing.
What seems to be really missing in our schooling systems, is that our children are taught math and science and geography, but very little about life. Hopefully this will change someday.

This is an interesting link to the damage done to our society by Big Pharma

Scroll to the bottom and check out the index, it make uncomfortable reading.
This thread on ATS is great, and would be funny if it wasn't so serious.

[edit on 13-7-2008 by willywagga]

[edit on 13-7-2008 by willywagga]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by selfisolated
Obviously not all drugs are like that, but I think if the British Government told the truth to schoolkids then there would be hardly anyone taking drugs in this country.
Had they told me the REAL truth about drugs, I'd probably wouldn't have lost my driving license and job, put it that way.

Hmm, from what I can tell from my experience here in Scotland - you only have yourself to blame there. We used to get enough information about drugs, enough to make me want to stay clear!

We used to get police coming into the school with a selection of drugs, pointing them out, telling you what the effects of them are on your body and mind - then showing you photos of people whove gone down the path of drug use on that particular type of drug.

Dont blame the government for your own actions.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 10:49 AM
drugs lead to god thats why...they think that empowered beings are their biggest threat.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 10:53 AM
Drugs are cool when you are 20 year old. Then you get to age 30 and look back and see how half your friends lives were completely ruined by them. It is a real roadway to God all right. Just not in the sense you think.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by bakedbean

Thank you bakedbean,
You have hit the nail on the head. Would there have been a 911 if the poppies in Afghanistan were not destroyed by the Taliban?

Indeed the Feds and syndicate are strings on the same instrument. I know cause I’ve met with them.

It would be better if public education were to teach reality. They could even teach the kids how to function as an adult!

The whole program could be paid for by taxes from drugs if they were legalized.

Then the open cells from no longer locking up victimless “criminals” could be used when law enforcement actually incarcerate politicians and elite family members that ruin the lives of citizens.

The education could start with the drug Lariam (see my post) and the harm it is doing!

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 11:07 AM
I can look back and say that my life hasnt been ruined by drugs, or anyone I know for that matter.

I must say though, although i've always kept an open mind about drugs i've never and never would try heroin.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 11:08 AM
No, its exactly the way I think. Just don't use drugs that ravage your body. Not all drugs have negative side effects. Research, I can't believe how many people are UFO nuts on this website but noone takes the time to induce contact. I know that weed helps to reach a common wavelength and frequency and if you use outside, you can attract star beings. Ever think maybe that the feds know of this too and thus people are too scared to spark up a joint outside? It's funny cuz last night I did it, played some good trance music and watched as they got closer and closer, and then, oddly enough...everything became sexual. It felt amazing, like I was making love to some benevolent being that knows true tantric teachings.

Also, I went outside because I needed guidance in my life, and I'm not very religious but I prayed on the way home that if I took a walk it would guide me. I called up my girlfriend I recently broke up with and we sorta started to talk, she gave me guidance about how I should be with her, and it was the first time I was ever so open to listening. I even felt true empathy when she cried.

Prophetlike. Oddly enough, many of our religious figures were drug users. You also gain an awareness to the subliminals in music, as if some artists seek to pave the path for the rest of us. is notorious for songs like this...just tune in my friend.

This was off one harmless bowl in my pipe. About 2 and a half joints. (Joint = 20% THC, Pipe bowl = 60%) Noone died.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 11:11 AM
I've decided to contact every night this way, so that when my benevolent lover feels comfortable enough, she can show herself to me one night, and take me away with her, even for a moment, to feel the stars also.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 11:15 AM
Schools are just propagandizing your children. Yes drugs are bad.

But do they really teach you not to take Oxycodone? what about Ritalin? Or Prozac/Zoloft/Wellbutrin? Valium/Klonopin/seroquel (now also for ANXIETY!)?

But if you smoke pot your evil, and condemning yourself to a horrendous life.

To be blunt I have many pot smoker friends. All of whom are fairly successful for their age.

There are drugs that are problems in this society, and those need to be addressed... Most High School age kids aren't interested in shooting heroin, or other hard drugs. If Memory serves me correctly the hardest drug in my High school (class of 2000) was Cocaine. As many of the druggies I knew in school I would have had knowledge of people doing anything harder.

If our drug education classes would quit focusing on pot; and start focusing on heroin, coke, and other lethal drugs (as well as Synthetic Heroin aka pharmaceuticals) the kids might actually learn something.

What is taught in drug education is mostly propaganda to keep people away from marijuana. I even recall my teacher telling me smoking 1 marijuana cigarette was worse than two packs of cigarettes a day.

Interesting, The legal drugs get an endorsement in Drug class. The natural ones get denigrated.

sad really.

If you want your kids drug free, the best method is to teach them yourself.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Misfit

From my experience as a student; then as a parent of students, the kids are being missinformed. We were told to "Just say no". That didn't work. Now they play these rediculous comercials that don't even make sence. That dosen't seem to be working either. Kids are told these horrible things about cretain drugs, but when they do go out there and try them, usually, those bad things don't happen. So, they think, 'what else are they lying to us about?'
IMO - THEY don't want kids not to use drugs; they only want to keep getting the money for all these drug prevention programs and the laughable 'War On Drugs".

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by corusso

you are precisely right......... truth be told: THERE IS NO "WAR ON DRUGS"

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by coven
Schools are just propagandizing your children. Yes drugs are bad.

But do they really teach you not to take Oxycodone? what about Ritalin? Or Prozac/Zoloft/Wellbutrin? Valium/Klonopin/seroquel (now also for ANXIETY!)?

But if you smoke pot your evil, and condemning yourself to a horrendous life.

To be blunt I have many pot smoker friends. All of whom are fairly successful for their age.

There are drugs that are problems in this society, and those need to be addressed... Most High School age kids aren't interested in shooting heroin, or other hard drugs. If Memory serves me correctly the hardest drug in my High school (class of 2000) was Cocaine. As many of the druggies I knew in school I would have had knowledge of people doing anything harder.

If our drug education classes would quit focusing on pot; and start focusing on heroin, coke, and other lethal drugs (as well as Synthetic Heroin aka pharmaceuticals) the kids might actually learn something.

What is taught in drug education is mostly propaganda to keep people away from marijuana. I even recall my teacher telling me smoking 1 marijuana cigarette was worse than two packs of cigarettes a day.

Interesting, The legal drugs get an endorsement in Drug class. The natural ones get denigrated.

sad really.

If you want your kids drug free, the best method is to teach them yourself.

Yah... sure.. how sick is that to tell people one joint = two packs of cigs..

science daily

science daily2

Apparently marijuana is awful for your lungs... BUT, nicotine prolongs cell life and allows cancer to form where as Marijuana kills the cells before they can divide

I have seen studies that show that over 90% of marijuna smokers won't get cancer of the lung even if they smoke cigarettes too!

Nice post, proves the op's point right on, education on drugs is mental

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by narin
No, its exactly the way I think. Just don't use drugs that ravage your body. Not all drugs have negative side effects. Research, I can't believe how many people are UFO nuts on this website but noone takes the time to induce contact. I know that weed helps to reach a common wavelength and frequency and if you use outside, you can attract star beings. Ever think maybe that the feds know of this too and thus people are too scared to spark up a joint outside? It's funny cuz last night I did it, played some good trance music and watched as they got closer and closer, and then, oddly enough...everything became sexual. It felt amazing, like I was making love to some benevolent being that knows true tantric teachings.

Also, I went outside because I needed guidance in my life, and I'm not very religious but I prayed on the way home that if I took a walk it would guide me. I called up my girlfriend I recently broke up with and we sorta started to talk, she gave me guidance about how I should be with her, and it was the first time I was ever so open to listening. I even felt true empathy when she cried.

Prophetlike. Oddly enough, many of our religious figures were drug users. You also gain an awareness to the subliminals in music, as if some artists seek to pave the path for the rest of us. is notorious for songs like this...just tune in my friend.

This was off one harmless bowl in my pipe. About 2 and a half joints. (Joint = 20% THC, Pipe bowl = 60%) Noone died.

I'm not trying to say drugs are a good thing. But I have to agree theres nothing quite like sitting in the garden with a spliff and some music while staring at the stars! Cant say i've ever connected to anything but it is a nice feeling!

Something i've often wondered is did drugs take part in the birth of religion? I mean we dont really know for sure what was goin on back then.

[edit on 13-7-2008 by Lee_K]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by predisposed
reply to post by Frankidealist35

I don't take drugs

so what qualifies you to have an opinion on them?

...I'm pretty sure they and you haven't abducted and raped little children either...but I'm sure you'd both have an opinion on that.

Not partaking doesn't necessarily invalidate any opinion.

*and NO I'm not drawing comparisons between drug-use and the hienous acts I mentioned*


posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 08:40 PM
The Pollyanna in me says that the anti-drug curriculum puts forth the "just say no to all illegal drugs always because all drugs are always bad " message because many young people, particularly young people who are at risk of having drug abuse problems will not be able to recognize the nuances and science behind drug addiction. For example, they might not be able to discern between drug use and drug abuse. They may also not be able to discern the difference between hard drugs and soft drugs. Finally, any sort of scientific discussion which tries to teach these young people the biochemistry of drugs will be lost on young people who can barely read and write.

The cynic in me thinks that the anti-drug curriculum benefits certain business interests by attaching a stigma to illegal drugs, while being careful not to attach a stigma to "legitimate" drug use. Under the current anti-drug curriculum's message, it is perfectly acceptable to put harmful substances into your body and even get high, just as long as a doctor prescribes it for a "legitimate" medical purpose. Doctors, who receive all sorts of perks from pharmaceutical companies, liberally prescribe medications like vicodin, muscle relaxers, anti-depressants, and other quasi-recreational drugs. Many people have no qualms with abusing prescription drugs, but turn their nose at people who smoke a little marijuanna.

A good anti-drug message would be to teach kids to avoid drug abuse. This means teaching them that certain highly destructive drugs like meth and herroin should always be avoided and certain soft drugs like marijuanna, tobacco, and alcohol can be used in moderation. The should know the differences between healthy, moderate drug use habbits and abuse. They should also learn how to drink and smoke safely. For example, they should know to use a "buddy system" when they go out drinking or partying so they can look out for eachother. They should also have a sober friend with them, not just to drive, but to look out for everyone.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

They dont tell kids why drugs are really bad because they dont want us to stop using ALL drugs. Just the drugs that dont serve their ends. "They" want us to be addicted to shopping, TV, and any number of other profitable and numbing substances that keep us towing the line, turning the grindstone, and chewing our cud.

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