posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 03:19 PM
My name is Harley Davidson Borgais, and I can explain almost all of this, with verifiable facts (Which wont fit in this character limit, so request
them: harleyborgais at gmail dat com).
First, ALL CAPS names (CAPITIS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA) are neither Proper Nouns nor common nouns (capitis diminutio minima), and under the law (U.S. Style
Printing Manual), all govt. unit names are to be capitalized as "Proper Nouns" (Capitis Diminutio Media). Since an all caps cannot be a legal name
of something that physically exists for these reasons, it can only be a 'legal fiction', which is intended to deceive.
"Fraud" is defined as when one party purposely deceives another so the first benefits while the deceived is harmed.
Thanks to the 'Fractional Reserve' and 'Federal Reserve' Systems which are illegal and fraudulent, ALL home foreclosures are illegal, null, and
void (Jerome Daly V. Wisconsin, 1969, and Spire Law groups $43 Trillion suit).
Also, no state may required drivers licenses because we own the roads, and the govt. is our hired servants...and taxes on labor are illegal because
they are like a trade, for which no third party has any right to take a portion. "Income" = "Profit" or "Gain", NOT "Compensation" like
"Salaries" or "Wages".
'Common Law' involves a harmed party who raises a grievance to the court, against the perpetrator, and requests a redress from the court. The Judges
duty is to understand, obey, and explain the law, making sure all parties understand the law properly, and the Jury's duty is to decide what is fact
and what is not certain. A person must be found guilty beyond any reason for doubt, and is presumed innocent until such proof is decided by the jury.
'Equity law' refers to a system of equality, justice, fairness, etc., so the punishment must fit the crime.
'Harm'=Injury, loss, or detriment (endangerment).
If there is no harmed party, there is no crime.
If one person is harmed or punished who did not cause any harm, or there is no party raising a grievance, than the officers are the criminals, and the
person is the victim.
Americans have equal rights to cite, arrest, and prosecute just as any officer does.
All officers and soldiers are required to swear, remember, and obey an oath to support our Constitution (the Supreme Law of our land, anything to the
contrary is void, no state may make or enforce any contrary law, and if any officer does, they are guilty of a crime).
Any officer convicted of even a misdemeanor is removed from office (in Constitution).
The 'Prime Directive of our nations Constitution is clear (in the Preamble): 'promote the general welfare' of 'We the People of the United
States' 'of America'. Anything contrary to that is illegal.
Common and Equity laws are natural laws. "Law" refers specifically to the 'laws of the lands' written by those governed by them, and means a
system which actually works in real practice, and is sustainable indefinitely, as opposed to a 'rule' which is imposed upon others, and ultimately
defies the 'Free Will' we have because of our abilities of critical and rational thought, hence they are destructive.
Admiralty law refers to the captain of a ship or vessel (a country or anything holding or transporting people or things can be a vessel), where the
captain is a dictator.
Maritime refers to international laws governing the international waters.
These last two are imposed rules, which are what we fought and died to severe our selves from in the 1770s and since.
For those speaking ill of Irene Gravenhorst, do more research. She is a genius, and a great person, obviously.
For those wanting more info, my contact info is at the top of this post.
I can also explain: Causes and cures for all disease and wars, secret societies and oaths, origin and nature of God and all existence, the entire
cycle of creation to the end of time, death and after life, and much, much more. I have proof for all that can be physically proven and logical
arguments for those things that are not physical in nature. Eventually I will get to the equations which work as logical proof for the mainstream
scientists as well.
Hope that helped, but I will post answers to any other questions as well.