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Worst child abuse in history - dont read if easily upset

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posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 05:34 AM
can I just point out my demands for execution relate to those involved in the actual abuse, not the one with the pictures, although he deserves a lengthy sentence and monitoring

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:35 AM
shame, shame, shame.
this deadens my heart..

reading about the part where the sounds of the children in pain would haunt the officers for the rest of their days...

people are so sick.. this guy and all the others like him - they need help.. they are mentally impaired. i don't believe killing off the cancers of society is the answer. the root of the problem needs to be addressed - and that is education. because this is an on-going cycle, these kids are growing up with no knowledge of human love and affection and compassion and so we're breeding psychopaths... and we just sweep these problems under the rug at an early stage. then they emerge full-blown and cycle repeats. we need to have an understanding of these people before we judge.

believe me i have a hard time understanding as well.

Originally posted by Quazga
Really? The worst?

Did you even hear about the guy in austria who kept his daughter in the dungeon and then fathered several children by her and started molesting them?

Erm, the article stated the "worst case that BRITAIN has seen..."
the Fritzl case was absolutely one of the most extremely twisted cases, but it was in austria..

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Conspiriology

Originally posted by Marsrising

Originally posted by Rasobasi420

Actually, he displays the typical kind of thought process I have seen among many who are the product of our idiotic public school system and are so supportive of the Atheist agenda to advance this kind of morality using drawinian evolution.

Did I go to public school? Am I an Atheist?

On one hand being clever enough to at least say he doesn't condone the actions of this sick puppy but lets take a closer look shall we.

I first noticed something was off about the post he had removed in ashley's avatar thread and then I read the post that had your chin hitting the floor and was like you, wondering how anyone can say such a thing.

Non Sequitur, unrelated and diversionary...
but go on.

Then again I consider things like this from a differen't perspective.
You see this is the double standard that this social darwinist jumped to conclusions right away blurting out , "Genetics have nothing to do with this"

And I see that you didn't read the actual post. My comment was addressed to the mob rule mentality of stinging this individual up or 'shooting him with a 12 gauge'. That is what I the idea with which genetics had nothing to do, then again, I could be wrong.

That's funny?? I thought it did according to Darwinists?
I mean I just had a post edited almost completely out for saying this very issue would take place and people who were arguing for the rights of homosexuals using genetics as the basis they can't help themselves would be carried over into such acts like this.

Maybe pedophilia is genetic. Then again, maybe it's ingrained in a person's personality at some stage of their development, separate from their genetic makeup. Maybe it's a bit of both. However, it's probably not a 'choice', but more of a compulsion.

Why do I think that?

Well I have been researching Atheism for 2 years and if you peruse most atheist websites, you will find a LOT about sex and sexual deviance. The reason Raso blurted out the fact that genetics had nothing to do with this is so that it can't be argued in the reverse of other stands he takes on sexuality where genetic excuses for his argument suit him.

See Raso believes the genetic argument works for gays but not with people like this pedophile?

From this post, it's obvious that you don't know what I believe, despite my drawing it out in crayon for you.

In fact, if you took the time to investigate it, you see not only are many of them showing a disturbing sympathy behind the guise of "reasonableness", they argue using the same post modernist circular semantics to decriminalize such acts.

At no point did I say, nor anyone else in this thread say that such behavior be decriminalized. Simply that this crime did not necessarily warrant capital punishment. I'm starting to pick up on a thread of selecting quoting and assumptions on your part leading to drastic logical fallacies.

If you were to adopt raso's opinion you see why the so called Science community boasting of their so called superior logic shows exactly why this kind of logic makes no sense at all?

See Below:

It means we don't understand ourselves, and we fear ourselves. So, we kill what we fear

We kill what we fear and we fear ourselves? Hey I'm all for the guy committing suicide if that is raso's argument but it isn't true. What we fear is our own children being the victim of someone like this and our LOVE for them is why we want to kill what threatens them and yes, the more our society makes consessions for sexual depravity, the more we have to worry about this kind of predator getting off the hook by blaming it on his genetic design.

Well, since I addressed this point a little while back, I see no point in revisiting this.

Sexuality is a choice and NO ONE is forced to have sex gay, straight or pedophile priest. When the argument about the priest was on the atheist blog, do you really believe their concern was for the children? Or just a great opportunity to flame Christianity?

Sex is a choice, which is why we can take vows of abstinence and chastity. Sexual desire is not. The point about the atheist blog is another non sequitur.

This kind of sickness is unfortunate they are the adults versions of the child abuse they have endured but you won't see raso talking about that kind of child abuse. No what he will argue that raising your children with a sense of Christian values and morality is child abuse. Then we have the stunning brilliance of fifty fathoms deep thinkers of the rational response squad graduates saying this:

Have you though of asking me what my opinions are rather than telling me what they are? It might be easier on your typing fingers.

I think sexual predator Jeffery Dahmer says it best

Mass murderer (Dahmer) on evolution v. morality

‘If a person doesn’t think there is a God to be accountable to, then—then what’s the point of trying to modify your behaviour to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all just came from the slime. When we, when we died, you know, that was it, there is nothing…’

Jeffrey Dahmer, in an interview with Stone Phillips, Dateline NBC, Nov. 29, 1994.

Taking Dahmer's view on evolution is like taking Manson's view on Christianity. Neither are by any means an expert on the subject.

This is why the death penalty is the only way and if it were up to me,,

I would take a 12 guage shot gun and send that sick POS

to hell right now.

- Con

And what about those Christian values you hold so high and mighty?

Jesus said, "Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account." Matthew 5.11

Jesus said, "You have learnt how it was said to our ancestors: 'You must not kill; and anyone does kill he must answer for it before the court.' But I say this to you: anyone who is angry with his brother will answer for it before the court." Mt. 5.21-22

Jesus said, "You have learnt how it was said: 'Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.' But I say to you, Offer the wicked man no resistance. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; if a man takes you to law and would have your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone orders you to go one mile, go two miles with him." Mt. 5.38-41

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Conspiriology

In fact, I could argue that my believe in not killing this man is more 'Christian' than your belief in taking a twelve gauge to his head.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:47 PM
Our glorious Supreme Court here in the US has recently decided that a death sentence for a child raper is too extreme a punishment for the crime. They only allow execution for murder. In my opinion raping a child is the greater crime.

Many of us in the States are frustrated and fed up with the leftist soft socialism that is creeping into our country. We don't want to be like Europe. That's why this country exists in the first place: to not be Europe.

Let me introduce you to Rep. James Fagan (D, Mass.). He is part of the problem. He is against the "draconian mandatory sentence" for child rapists. I should point out that what he calls draconian is only 25 years. 25 years of jail for inflicting a lifetime of pain on a child. Here is a clip of Fagan talking about the obligation of a trail lawyer to destroy a child on the witness stand in order to defend a pedophile...

Now if that's not enough to make you sick, here are some groups dear Mr. Fagan is involved with...

Taunton Boys & Girls Club (Board of Directors); Taunton Little League; Taunton Youth Basketball Coach; Massachusetts Bar Foundation; Massachusetts Waterfowlers, Inc.; Babe Ruth League; High School Umpire; Southeastern New England Area Boys' Clubs of America (past Chairman) Source:

Such a vehement defender of child rapists and so much involvement with children. A bit suspicious if you ask me but of course I'm making no accusations, I'm just STRONGLY HINTING

EDIT: For whatever reason it seems the YouTube link isn't working although I copy/pasted it exactly. Here is the exact URL:

[edit on 30-6-2008 by spaznational]

[edit on 30-6-2008 by spaznational]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:59 PM
See.... I try to have empathy for these people... but then something like this evil disgusting disturbing man.... and I think he should be castrated and anally raped by inmates for life.

This just doesn't seem natural, this kind of perversion... at least not Earthly nature. I know in the wild, animals will kill their or other animals' children, they will eat others of their same species.... some will engage in same sex intercourse.... but does this happen in nature.... like do apes in nature rape young apes? I have never heard of it happening in nature, but I don't know everything.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by spaznational
Let me introduce you to Rep. James Fagan (D, Mass.). He is part of the problem. He is against the "draconian mandatory sentence" for child rapists. I should point out that what he calls draconian is only 25 years. 25 years of jail for inflicting a lifetime of pain on a child. Here is a clip of Fagan talking about the obligation of a trail lawyer to destroy a child on the witness stand in order to defend a pedophile...

Mandatory sentencing for any crime is short sighted and lazy. It removes any individuality from a crime, and makes context and circumstance irrelevant.

As for 'destroying a child on the stand', every defendant has a right to face their accuser. If you take that away from one, you end up losing it for everyone. It's a basic right of American citizens.

Now if that's not enough to make you sick, here are some groups dear Mr. Fagan is involved with...

Taunton Boys & Girls Club (Board of Directors); Taunton Little League; Taunton Youth Basketball Coach; Massachusetts Bar Foundation; Massachusetts Waterfowlers, Inc.; Babe Ruth League; High School Umpire; Southeastern New England Area Boys' Clubs of America (past Chairman) Source:

Such a vehement defender of child rapists and so much involvement with children. A bit suspicious if you ask me but of course I'm making no accusations, I'm just STRONGLY HINTING

He's a defender of citizens rights, not specifically of child rapists. And unless you can show any evidence of him actually be a Chester, I'd suggest you keep your 'strong hints' to yourself. It just makes you look like a witch-hunter.

(as does the comment about not agreeing with the defendants right to face the accuser, and the approval of mandatory sentencing for crimes.) All practiced in Salem circa 1690. I thought we'd have gotten past such foolishness as a society. I guess I was wrong.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420

Mandatory sentencing for any crime is short sighted and lazy. It removes any individuality from a crime, and makes context and circumstance irrelevant.

what mitigating context would there be for someone raping a baby

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by spaznational
Our glorious Supreme Court here in the US has recently decided that a death sentence for a child raper is too extreme a punishment for the crime. They only allow execution for murder. In my opinion raping a child is the greater crime.

Many of us in the States are frustrated and fed up with the leftist soft socialism that is creeping into our country. We don't want to be like Europe. That's why this country exists in the first place: to not be Europe.

Let me introduce you to Rep. James Fagan (D, Mass.). He is part of the problem. He is against the "draconian mandatory sentence" for child rapists. I should point out that what he calls draconian is only 25 years. 25 years of jail for inflicting a lifetime of pain on a child. Here is a clip of Fagan talking about the obligation of a trail lawyer to destroy a child on the witness stand in order to defend a pedophile...

Now if that's not enough to make you sick, here are some groups dear Mr. Fagan is involved with...

Taunton Boys & Girls Club (Board of Directors); Taunton Little League; Taunton Youth Basketball Coach; Massachusetts Bar Foundation; Massachusetts Waterfowlers, Inc.; Babe Ruth League; High School Umpire; Southeastern New England Area Boys' Clubs of America (past Chairman) Source:

Such a vehement defender of child rapists and so much involvement with children. A bit suspicious if you ask me but of course I'm making no accusations, I'm just STRONGLY HINTING

EDIT: For whatever reason it seems the YouTube link isn't working although I copy/pasted it exactly. Here is the exact URL:

[edit on 30-6-2008 by spaznational]

[edit on 30-6-2008 by spaznational]

well said mate, I like in the UK, and you do not want the leftist/liberal element taking over your justice system

Over here, the papers still call it "life" when someone gets jailed for murder- what that means in practice is about 13 years, I kid you not

We have lost the plot over here

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by blueorder

It falls under the 'slippery slope' category. Mandatory sentencing for pedophilia and rape could extend to statutory rape, then 'he said she said' situations containing none but adult parties for example.

Mandatory sentencing is what leads people who steal a cupcake from a convenience store to 25 years jailtime.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
It falls under the 'slippery slope' category. Mandatory sentencing for pedophilia and rape could extend to statutory rape, then 'he said she said' situations containing none but adult parties for example.

I would keep it specifically for kids.

he said/she said situations are notoriously imposible to prove (often with liquor involved)

Mandatory sentencing is what leads people who steal a cupcake from a convenience store to 25 years jailtime.

I would not support 25 years for theft

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 08:45 AM
Instead of pandering to the loonies of the "lets give the criminals a chance to redeem themselves" squad , any convicted paedo's or terrorists that have had all the evidence shown in court and judged by a jury of their peers to be guilty beyond any shadow of doubt should be put in the 'general population' of a prison.
That way we wouldn't have to molycoddle or pander to 'their human rights' , The hardnuts inside would kick seven bells of crep out of them and probably finish them off saving you and I Joe ' taxpayer' Public the costs and we wouldn't have to worry about the capital punishment debate.

What 'human rights' do the victims have? None , apparently according to British law. But hey , the perp can have all the comforts of a top class hotel ...paid for by you and I , all their wants are taken care of if they're put in a secure environment away from the hardnuts and all the paedo's and terrorists complain about is 'prisons cramping their human rights' . Send them to 'GP', let the real prisoners deal with them.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:19 AM
The reason this keeps happening is because we scorn these people so much. If you think about it, how can a person just decide one day to be sexually attracted to children? Surely this is a form of mental illness. A lot of paedophiles know there desires are wrong and discusting etc but if they want help who can they turn to? Years ago alcoholics were scorned and ostrasized and the stigma of alcoholism prevented people from admitting their problem or seeking help. AA and similar associations have dramatically reduced the effects of alcohol on society.

So what about paedophiles? Our children need to be protected and guys like the one this post is about need to be locked up for good, but there are a lot of paedophiles out there that have not offended yet and don't want to, but they can't even go to a local MD without fear of reprisal.

So comments like "kill them" etc may be a common sentiment, but surely we need to do what is needed to try and stop these crimes.
Remember, these people only get caught when its already to late for the child/children victims.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by DataWraith

Speaking as someone that has seen the inside of a couple bad places in my younger days I can say that anyone going into prison for crimes against a child wouldn't last long.

It somewhat amusing that even these people that many times don't have much useful education can see these people are ill and the only cure is to make them go away. That is why these animals are not cut loose into gen-pop. The only reason for this is to keep the pedophile from facing a sometimes long but always painful death. There is a twisted honor among thieves where killing someone is not near as big a deal as being a rapist or worse a child rapist.

Even with the segregation things have a way of happening.

I agree totally though...Toss them in Gen-Pop and read about it in a few days. Anyone thinking that there is a way to fix these people should meet a few of them. I think a lot of minds would change really fast.

These "rehabbed" people are all fine till they move into your neighborhood. I suggest everyone visit their state police web site and see just how many of these people are let loose and living really close to you. Make sure to look at the ages of their victims. Most states will post that too. Something to think about before you let the kids play in the yard. The percentages of repeat offenses (I really don't have an exact number) is pretty high...One percent is too much of a chance when it comes to any child of mine. I'd just as soon see it solved the first time they are caught.

There is nothing your going to do to help the children that fall victim to these ...people. Time might help make them more able to function but there's no unringing that bell. Something has been taken that can not ever be returned.

anyone wanting to see them rehabbed..fine..just let them move in with you when their time is served..i don't want to see them

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by nyk537
Send the bastard over here....we'll execute him. Well unless the Liberals take that away from us too.

Don't be a prick and generalize things.

I'm a liberal, and I would have no objections to frying the freak. However, in my view this scumbag needs to be tossed in with the general prison population, and make sure they know who he is and what he's done.

I expect that they would give him a far worse death than the government can legally allow.

I'm good with that.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 12:30 PM
I cannot believe what I just read! What the F**K is wrong with these people?!? Not just violating young, (Formerly!!!) innocent kids, but NEWBORNS!!!! I hope he gets puts into General Population so the other inmates can rape his ass and kill him!!

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
Oh and this animal is repeat offender:

Morley, who had previous convictions for rape, attempted rape and indecent assault against children, and was a registered sex offender, used a false name and address and an internet cafe to avoid detection.

So PLEASE tell me again why he should LIVE? Go ahead....TRY IT.

[edit on 27-6-2008 by greeneyedleo]

Simple. People like that have earned the right to suffer in Hell and on Earth. Killing him now would make his punishment TOO easy. It would almost be the same as letting him off the hook.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by Promecus
Simple. People like that have earned the right to suffer in Hell and on Earth. Killing him now would make his punishment TOO easy. It would almost be the same as letting him off the hook.

His final moments would be agony enough, as would not having to spend money on this filth- and, like it or not, the threat of death is a deterrent in many instances where killings are not done in "the heat of the moment" ala passion

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 06:13 AM
cut there #ing balls and thair hands and thair feet anl let them out with a tattoo on the forhead saying i am a child malester end of, but thats the thing the top police and judges @ lawyers are pedoes so what do you do.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 06:13 AM
cut there #ing balls and thair hands and thair feet anl let them out with a tattoo on the forhead saying i am a child malester end of, but thats the thing the top police and judges @ lawyers are pedoes so what do you do.

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