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Atlantis is Cuba and the Americas?

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posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Jasestrong2

I wish I could remeber where and when I saw a show on TV and it was about a submerged city off the coast of Cuba under a few thousand feet of water. If I remeber right it said there were pyramid type buildings and temples.

I wish I could remember exactly when!!!!!!

But I also remember a News Story, on Headline News, about stunning mosaics and other Med Styled articles found in the waters off Cuba.

The Mosaics where in amazingly good condition, and the discription expressed this was much like those found in Greece and the Canaries.

I have searched for the Story, and Video, but never was successful in finding it. Maybe someone here iknows of this.

My PERSONAL Opinion on this whole discussion differs slightly, but yet also encompasses the topic.

I believe the Described Land Mass, Plato records is missing.

I believe it began in the areas of the Canaries, upto Southern Ireland/Great Britian, and down to the Coasts of the Americas, and Carribean.

But the tale of nothing but mud being found after the "Said" terrible night, is actually describing what you would see if the "Land Mass" was removed, leaving just Muddy Waters to be seen the next morning.

Sinking seems like a simplistic response for something NO ONE EVER DID SEE. It was there one day. The next it was missing, and all you could see was Mud.

Again, it's just my OPINION

Good topic, and good links though



posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Shane

Are you referring to the megalithic stones found off western Cuba back in 2000?

These were the most impressive stones they showed to the public. These megalithic stones were found at a depth of 2200 ft. which were taken by a R.O.V by ADC International. There are many more under the sand.



Earthfiles report

morien-institute report

Linda Moulton Howe reported on it back in 2003 and nothing new really came after that. ADC International couldn't get funding or some government agency silenced them. I am under the impression there are discarded missles down there with the ruins and that's what's caused the halted research. On one of the linked websites you'll notice an image taken by the rover that has two white triangular objects on it. That object might be a discarded missle by the U.S.S.R. Russia probably told Castro to keep his nose out of those waters or else!

fixed links

[edit on 27-4-2009 by lostinspace]

[edit on 27-4-2009 by lostinspace]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 12:35 AM

sry, it's to much for me to translate - let's wait for the english version.
but there are also links to four english labeled satellite images/maps in several resolutions:

following screens are 1600x800px:

it's definitely a circular structure and under water

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by lostinspace

No. I have seen these Megaliths in "Other" posts and Websites.

What was shown was Divers, Swimming within a Courtyard, or Structure, which had Coluums and Blocks along with a Mosaic Floor which was just under the sand, and in a remarkable condition. All of these things where shown, and as I noted previously, it was on Headline News.

Of course, somethings do get noted or shown on TV, that maybe were not ment to be shown or noted, and maybe what they had shown was falsely tagged or "Edited" away by the Criminal Media Elites.

(Much like on 9/11 when planes scambled around Canada to Land, Fox's Ticker clearly noted that over 23 Flight Crews indicated that "Fellow" Mid-East Pilots had been granted access to the Cockpits that morning.)

But back to the point. I still have had no luck, and actually spent quite a bit of time last night searching, to no avail.



posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Shane
What was shown was Divers, Swimming within a Courtyard, or Structure, which had Coluums and Blocks along with a Mosaic Floor which was just under the sand, and in a remarkable condition. All of these things where shown, and as I noted previously, it was on Headline News.

You have misremembered.

Nobody swims around in scuba gear (or deep diving gear) at 2200 feet, do they? Maybe I'm wrong here. And no such find has been made in Cuba in shallower water (nor in deeper water, apparently, given the age of this claim.)

There have been exactly two "investigations" into the so-called "anomalous" sidescan sonar pictures taken in deep water off Cuba IIRC.

The first "investigation" was an accidental finding of some strange-looking sonar scans by ADC, which is a salvage company owned and operated by Geologist Dr Paul Weinzweig and his wife, engineer Paulina Zelitsky, while looking for (they claim) possible sources of offshore oil for the Cuban government (more likely that they were looking for sunken Spanish gold - that's their M.O.)

They lined up support from the National Geographic Society to return a year or two later, but after reviewing the evidence, Nat Geo backed out. They went anyway with a remote control unmanned sub but weather did not cooperate (and neither did the sub) so they got nothing.

Nobody has ever dived on the site to my knowledge. It's too deep.

I have no idea where these pics were taken, to my knowledge, they do not come from this site.

If anyone has info that the site has been investigated a third time, please post it here for me.

Thank you.


posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Shane
reply to post by lostinspace

No. I have seen these Megaliths in "Other" posts and Websites.

What was shown was Divers, Swimming within a Courtyard, or Structure, which had Coluums and Blocks along with a Mosaic Floor which was just under the sand, and in a remarkable condition. All of these things where shown, and as I noted previously, it was on Headline News.

Are you perhaps getting two reports tangled?

I've seen similar pictures (but they were created in photoshop) used on websites about Atlantis. There may be some recent footage on the Anthony and Cleopatra material as well.

But things left underwater for a long time get covered over with silt, diatoms, corals, and other things. If you saw a scene of divers swimming in a courtyard with a mosaic floor then either the thing sunk recently, was built in that area for diver entertainment... OR is a photoshop chop job.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by Harte

You have misremembered.

Ahhhhh. It's refreshing to "hear" your dismissals. I've missed these Harte.

Nobody swims around in scuba gear (or deep diving gear) at 2200 feet, do they? Maybe I'm wrong here. And no such find has been made in Cuba in shallower water (nor in deeper water, apparently, given the age of this claim.)

And I would tend to agree, if they did not have tanks and the associated Diving gear on. I do know, it had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Megalithic structures found by the Canadians. It was in some 200 Feet or water, from what I do recall.

If anyone has info that the site has been investigated a third time, please post it here for me. Thank you. Harte

I echo this assistance. I can not have been the ONLY PERSON watching HLN/CNN for that period.



posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by Byrd

Are you perhaps getting two reports tangled?

I've seen similar pictures (but they were created in photoshop) used on websites about Atlantis. There may be some recent footage on the Anthony and Cleopatra material as well.

Tangled? No! Two different reports? Definately! Photoshopped? This was running footage, with Divers, Fish, Artifacts, Mosaic Floor, in an area being discussed on a NATIONAL/MULTI-NATIONAL NEWS Network.

If you saw a scene of divers swimming in a courtyard with a mosaic floor then either the thing sunk recently, was built in that area for diver entertainment...

As I noted to Harte, I believe they indcated the dive was in some 200 Feet of water. I do not think Castro had that kind of abilities.

But I do understand the questions both of you have made. I watched this report at least 10 Years ago. It has nothing to do with what is being reported some 2200 Feet down by Sonar/Subs. It has nothing to do with Anthony or Cleopatra, for that matter.

I find it amazin that this is NOWHERE in the "WEB" and despite many searches, nothing but Megaliths, or a Mosaic Floor Company come up.

Anyhow, thank's again Byrd. Your assistance for me was spot on, as "MOST" of your observations are.



posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Shane

Originally posted by Harte

You have misremembered.

Ahhhhh. It's refreshing to "hear" your dismissals. I've missed these Harte.

Let's see.

You make a post regarding "something" you "seem to remember" from a television program a decade ago regarding an offshore site near Cuba.

You have no idea what it was.

I tell you it's not Cuba.

You make some snarkty remark about my "dismissal" of your vague reccollection?

Whatever you are "remembering," it's not off Cuba.

You have misremembered.

Maybe you're thinking of the opening scenes of "Laura Croft, Tomb Raider - the Cradle of Life."

Now, there have been some findings in the Mediterreanean off Alexandria that involve some of the buildings and such from that city that sank into the ocean long ago. Maybe you're thinking of these.

No such site has ever been found near Cuba, though.


posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 11:15 AM
So what other points do you remember about the show you watched? If it was running on national tv, others would have seen it and it would have been remarked on.

Do you remember location? Any names?

The ones on the WebUrbanist site don't seem to match any of your points:

Or the Museum of Underwater Archaeology (which accepts freelance reports):

I tried some of the other sites (didn't try Atlantis sites) and came up with a blank. Let's try to track down what you saw... give us more details, please. Any fragments will help (color of suits, gear, etc.)

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Shane
reply to post by lostinspace

No. I have seen these Megaliths in "Other" posts and Websites.

Any luck maybe remembering what those sites were?

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Harte

You have misremembered.

You make a post regarding "something" you "seem to remember" from a television program a decade ago regarding an offshore site near Cuba

Again, It was not a show. It was Headline News. A simple and limited news spot that announced with fottage what I have indicated.

You have no idea what it was.

I agree 100%. Like most news, most of the details bear little resemblence to reality.

But none the less, this is what the Story claimed.

I tell you it's not Cuba.

You may well be right Harte. I have clearly indicated I have never found any confirmation to indicate what was expressed is factual. I have asked if anyone may have any info on it. Some of the Megalith Photos where offered. That's all I have seen in response. That, and your comments.

You make some snarkty remark about my "dismissal" of your vague reccollection?

No, just expressing my happiness to see, Somethings do not change.

Maybe you're thinking of the opening scenes of "Laura Croft, Tomb Raider - the Cradle of Life."

Now, there have been some findings in the Mediterreanean off Alexandria that involve some of the buildings and such from that city that sank into the ocean long ago. Maybe you're thinking of these.

Actually, there are very exciting things being found in the Med, but it's a long way from what was said in the News Story.



posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
So what other points do you remember about the show you watched? If it was running on national tv, others would have seen it and it would have been remarked on.

Do you remember location? Any names?

Exactly what I remeber is this.

Three or four divers, with a Cameraman swimming in what Headline News indicated was 200' of water off Cuba's Southern coastline. There where a few Coluums (Not fully Standing) and some lying on thier sides. And they proceeded to show, from under the sand, a "Mosaic" which they claimed "looked" very Med in styling.

I was astonished by the News Spot, which is typically 20 to 40 Seconds, and have never heard or seen anything else on the matter.

When I joined ATS I enjoyed a Topic offered by NAT777.

It was during this time, I first tried to locate something on this Mosaic off Cuba, but searching and searching found nothing. It seemed important, since Atlantis became a focal point in the Starseed Post.

Since I "Came Back", and saw this topic, I must of searched for about 5 to 7 Hours. I can not get anything but the Megaliths/Cities in 2200 Feet of water.

Anyways, Harte may be right, in one sense. It's just not in Cuba. Maybe this was a story covered in error, and part of the reasoning why it can not be found now.

All I can say, is what the story claimed as noted above.

Have a good night Byrd



posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by Shane

I finally found this image and thought of your comments. Is this close to what you were talking about?


This was claimed to have been found seven miles north of Bimini around June 2007. I believe we already debated about this discovery but I don’t remember what the name of that thread was.

The ARES search for Atlantis

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 07:37 AM
Probably the discarded architectural pieces off Bimini that were commonly used as ballast for ships from Europe centuries ago.

There are pieces of Roman columns and the like lying on the ocean floor.

Also, many unopened (now hardened) bags of cement were found that (apparently) someone had dumped. Probably got wet while stored on the deck of some ship.


posted on May, 4 2009 @ 02:26 PM
Hey Harte, are you sitting down? I ask because I think I am just about to agree with you on something.

I think Shane is probably remembering divers in the Alexandria ruins, the big reveal of the last excavation was in 1996 which would seem to be near the time frame of his recollection.

Here are a couple of pics of columns from that site, I loaded another one with diver's but it is massive and I cannot get it to resize, (it is on my MATS acct. though)



But to put the world right again, I will openly mock your assertion that Lostinspace's pic from Bimini is ballast, unless you are saying the ships had cranes to hoist the ballast over side.


EDIT TO ADD: A link to some 'prettier' pictures which look more akin to Shane's desc.

Pics and info on Alexandria's sunken ruins

[edit on 4-5-2009 by TheWayISeeIt]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by TheWayISeeIt
But to put the world right again, I will openly mock your assertion that Lostinspace's pic from Bimini is ballast, unless you are saying the ships had cranes to hoist the ballast over side.

What, you havent seen Pirates of The Carribean? You know that big hanging lump of powder and rum blowing the squiddie sky high

Granted I dont know the historical accuracy of having a main shaft down the ship and being able to use net and rope to raise and lower items from deep within the hull (such as cannons, ballast, food, whatever). I've never really looked that close at sailing ships. More of a starship fan.

Either way, the key point is that we have no scale association. What if the object is the size of your keyboard? Or if its the size of an entire ship, then its probably not ballast no.

And the ship need not have unloaded it... The article states:
Under the bottom layer of marble, Wingate found the wooden ribs of an old ship.
So unless you are to say that the ship first unloaded the ballast, then unloaded itself beneath the previously unloaded ballast, its safe to say that it sank.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by merka]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune
A point to ponder


Why have so many Atlantis theories taken up the idea that Atlantis is either in a different dimenion or on another planet?


The utter lack of evidence for a physical Atlantis on this planet. Ignatius Donnelly could state that so much was unknown and unexplored....that isn't the case now.

Let look at Cuba

Paleotology shows a full range of animal there until around 8,000 BP, then human show up and species start to disappear, this greatly speeded up once the Spainards arrived. No sign of the Atlanteans.

Pollen cores - show adaptation to the weather and ice ages for tens of thousand of year then, yes, a spike and change, what caused the change- the Spaniards showing up - no sign of Atlantis.

Agriculture - so where are the great domesticated plants - the basis of civilizating able to feed itself?

Yep the great disaster JUST killed the cities and technology, down to the pottery shards but left all the animals and didn't disturb the pollen going into a pond............ tell us more, LOL

The way I see it, he doesn't need to.

As soon as you get off your ass and write your book answering all the ancient mysteries, we will be able to close the book on all of it. I am only glad I lived long enough to experience the knowledge of a great Swami such as yourself. Pleaee oh great one, explain more of the worlds mysteries since you seem to have all the answers. Oh to be as knowledgable as you.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by merka

Okay, fine. It was a bit of a stretch (and you caught me out), but I needed to restore order to the universe. The universe where Harte and I never agree on anything.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by TheWayISeeIt

I think Shane is probably remembering divers in the Alexandria ruins, the big reveal of the last excavation was in 1996 which would seem to be near the time frame of his recollection.

I thank you for your assistance, but no, this was not what was shown. Coluums did not show any "Mantle" (if that is what it would be refered as). and this water was quite a bit clearer. But again, thanks for at least offering something and trying

I would also like to thank Lostinspace for your input,

I have seen these Bimini finds, since I have some interest in that area due to Cayce's assertions.

As noted a few times, I have searched, and found nothing like what Headline News presented. I would have thought it would have been a simple matter, and since it is not, I must acknowledge Harte's input may be "SOME WHAT" accurate.

It's just not to be found in CUBA.

Not that I mistook the Opening of The Cradle for a News Story on HLN.



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