posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 01:19 PM
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read this thread. I put it in Skunkworks because it is essentially my own theory on what is wrong with the
world today. You don't have to agree with me, I'd much rather you form your own thoughts and opinions anyway. My list is from an American point of
view but isn't "patriotic" or really political. Feel free to let me know how wrong I am or to include your own list of the top ten things wrong
with the world, if I get enough responses I can compile an Ultimate Top Ten list. So without further ado here is my list:
1. Mediocrity
No matter where you go (in America at least) almost everything is exactly the same and it's getting worse by the day. Every town has a Starbucks, a
WalMart, Home Depot, Chilli's, Barnes and Noble, etc. Life seems as though it was a lot more interesting 30 or 40 years ago. A cross country trip
meant you got a taste of the different flavors of American life. You experienced things you'd only experience in a certain state. However, these
days everywhere you go it's pretty much the same deal, malls and chain stores everywhere all offering the same product you can get anywhere else.
Worse yet is the fact that people seem to desire this mediocrity for it's comfort factor and have lost all sense of adventure. Worse yet is that
it's spilling over into other aspects of life, people desire mediocrity so much that it's becoming the only thing offered. Look around you,
everything is mundane. Even tattooing has gotten it's fair share of this cancer.
2. Everything has to be safe!
What is life without danger? Granted, no parent wants to see their child get hurt but I still remember the lessons I learned when I got hurt at the
playground. Not only did I never forget them but I learned that some actions might lead to me being in serious pain and thus never had the desire to
do anything too stupid like we see on shows like Jackass. But pain taught us another lesson. It taught us to accept the consequences of our actions
and understand the possible consequences of future actions. In other words, it gave us a way to weigh our options and decide on the best course of
action. As a consequence of the lack of that learning experience I feel as though people are too quick to shirk away from pain or suffering of any
kind. They are so afraid of suffering even a little bit that they won't take even a slight gamble in their life even if the pay off would seem worth
it to an outside observer. Always taking the safest path gets you no where.
3. Obsession with Tradition
Tradition can be a very good and powerful thing in the right circumstance but it seems as though we are obsessed with tradition in almost every facet
of our lives. If something has been done a certain way before most people are more apt to try it that way than to formulate their own plan. Whether
it's going to college to get a career or following our parent's traditions of courtship and marriage we seemed locked in this perpetual cycle of
failure. There is no possible way that most traditions work for the majority of people yet they can't help themselves but follow a plan that will
most likely not work for them.
4. Self Delusion
No one today truly knows themselves. In generations past people faced much hardship and challenges in their path through life and it was these times
that taught our ancestors to understand themselves and believe in themselves. Today's world of padded playgrounds and instant consumption has made
it quite easy for us to ignore our true selves, to create this false little world around us that keeps us from ever confronting the truly dark side of
life. You must experience equal amounts of pleasure and pain in life to become a fully aware individual. Our ancestors of three generations ago
would most likely think us insane if they were to look at the world today. People go to therapists, do yoga, go to church, turn vegan and never
unplug from the web because they feel it will help them understand themselves but all they are doing is creating what they think they understand, the
resultant personality is an after the fact self created personality that is as shallow as a rain puddle.
5. Dishonesty
This is isn't so much about lying as it is a reverse of the previous point. I'm talking about delusions directed at other people. Take, for
instance, Political Correctness which has made it impossible for anyone, regardless of their skin or nationality can no longer say what they truly
feel. If you are black and your employer hates black people with every fiber then does it truly do you any good for him to sit there and lie to you,
pretend that he likes you? I'd say none at all. If someone hates me, especially someone I am expected to work with I would much rather they come
right out and say it than to have them choose more passive aggressive means to let me know. If you dislike something or someone you should be honest
about it to better avoid that person or thing int he future. Conversely if you enjoy something you should be honest about it to better your chances
of enjoying it again. If your lover is cheating on you it is better to know so that you might leave him or her and find someone who truly loves you.
6. Youth Centric Culture
Everything seems geared towards the young these days. It seems life ends at about 30 these days because you really don't hear about thing that
isn't youth obsessed. Everyone everywhere wants to "look and feel younger" they want to prove that they're still "Young at heart" no on wants
to grow up anymore. Personally my childhood was pretty horrific so I have no desire to relive it. In fact, I remember all my life wanting to be a
mature, responsible, presentable, and respected adult. I never wanted to "stay a kid forever". I really can't understand the obsession with youth
unless it's a result of people not living their lives they way they want and lamenting the lost time. Life is for the living in the here and now,
forget the past.
7. Over medication
No need to worry about brain washing and thought control, it's already here and everyone seems to love it. I worry for young people growing up today
as an innocent talk with a trusted relative or friend about emotions can lead to them being placed on medications with permanent psychological
effects. Our emotions are important parts of our ability to acurately interpret the world around and lead the most fulfilling life possible. If you
are depressed than it is more than likely cause by some aspect of your life you are unhappy with. The best solution would be to look inside yourself,
discover and admit what it is that is making you so depressed and then work to rectify it. The worst solution is to begin dulling your sense so you
can sedate yourself emotionally to the point that you can "just live with it". Find out what makes you happy and do it!
8. Stupidity
Stupidity comes in many forms but seems to be constant throughout the modern world. Whether it's our "leaders" seeming to be hardly educate or
something simple like someone welding in the rain people seem to be stupider than ever. Why do people have this desire to not learn? It seems to be
that many people are actively anti-intellectual and refuse to learn anything new. We shouldn't stop our education once we finish with "formal"
education. When we leave school we gain the freedom to learn about anything we want, anything in the whole world! We also no have the resources to
research any possible topic and gain a greater knowledge than we could have hoped for 30 years ago. I feel as though there is no excuse to not be
educated on at least one topic that interests you.
9. Lack of Passion
People seem to be bereft of passion these days. You rarely ever see a burning desire in anyone anymore. What is life without passion? To be a full,
well rounded individual you must be passionate about things that interest you.