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Terra Papers - I was there

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posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 09:04 AM
For those interested, here is a link to a download of the Terra Papers in PDF form.

The Terra Papers

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
Is it possible that these "very sick & dangerous individuals" are not human? That we are told they are? That they are lizard-hearted and not human hearted? Is it possible that sexual repression has twisted many a human heart to spend money to see this porn (they are all about profits, after all...)?

I am making no claims here, just wondering if this is possible...

I honestly didn't want to continue on this particular line of discussion as it is horrible but your question does deserve some form of rebuttal or answer.

Is it possible what your suggesting? My answer would be that anything is possible but firstly, we must look at the probability of both. Though I'm not trying to blow my own trumpet or degrade your hypothesis in any way, I feel that an 'earth bound' solution is more likely.

Part of our brain (not heart) is referred to as reptilian but that is not to be taken literally. It's more a metaphor for 'primitive' or primal.

Do I believe that off-world intelligences have visited this planet? Yes - but I don't subscribe to the motivations that have been suggested.


posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by nexusmagazine

So, Duncan - Are you 'the' Duncan from Nexus Mag? I personally know that Duncan was present in Maroochydore (Sunshine Coast, Queensland) at Roberts 'seminars'. Were there 2 Duncans there in February of 1992? Or do I have my wires crossed?

I only ask because last time I asked you if you were 'the' Duncan, I believe you said no!

BTW, I have a recording of one of those 3 nights (i think it was 3 wasn't it)... or was it 2? So long ago!


posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

You might find this interesting:

An author by the name of Dake, wrote a huge book on the biblical texts back in the 50's and 60's. In it, he uses biblical texts to show that before humans were here, there was another race of beings here, who he refers to as the angels. That they had a time of testing, grew to technological advancements, went out to the solar system and colonized the other planets. Not all the "angels" were the same race nor from the same planet or solar system. There was a government in the universe, 2/3rds of which had a war with the other 1/3. The 1/3rd ended up having their planets devastated (this includes earth). This is the end of DAKE's theory and here begins mine:

Enter, the sumerian Enki. who is the model of the biblical Satan, the Serpent in the Garden, and leader of the 1/3rd. He survives the war and finds out about the "uncivilzed and newly "created" humans" on some other planet in enemy territory (2/3rds territory). He returns to (this planet) with the rest or most of the surviving 1/3rd (who are reptilians). They have to rebuild their civs from scratch. The others, who were accustomed to living in an advanced and modernized society, complain because the labor is hot and back breaking. The lightbulb goes on in Enki's head as he recalls those "uncivilized humans" he saw on that enemy planet. So he makes arrangements to bring them here. They are the first human slaves, primarily black people, btw.

(Enki did not create them. The text says they are ENLIL'S BLACK-HEADED PEOPLE (not Enki's).) Rather he brought them here as slave labor. This will start to make sense as you ponder the history of this planet.
Enki's "Creation" event was more than likely a star gate event, in fact, 7 gates (represented by the 7 birth goddesses in ENKI AND NINMAH. These old stories show signs of deification of inanimate objects as they represented something inexplicable to the humans and hybrids that weren't told how they functioned. So when a "god" emerged from a gate, the humans/hybrids associated that with it giving birth to that god. )

So Enki (Ra), who also came back here through a mammoth "gate" on the floor of the Persian Gulf, tells the good news of how he's found the solution to their problems. Some of the humans that come here are tinkered with genetically and become rulers/kings who oversee the affairs of the "gods" (the gods being the 1/3, who have taken up the chore of trying to resurrect their former civs on the other planets/moons in this system). Mars regains its former splendour, Earth as well, all thanks to human slaves and 1/3rd technological know-how. This all culminates with yet more wars, mostly on this planet and Mars, and the death of almost every human slave, due to pollution, starvation, death as a direct result of war or death as a result of being cannabalized by the hybrids.

This sets off a series of events in which both Mars and Earth are devastated. These events are described in several ancient texts but the Mars-Earth connection is hidden in the "Bull of Heaven" and 7 sisters (gates) references in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Enuma Elish, and also hidden in "The Legend of the Destruction of Mankind." To shorten the story, they used the gate system between earth and mars, to wipe out all life on both planets. the mars gate systems,mostly under water, dislocated their water to the earth, who's gates were also underwater, destroying both planets environments in one fell swoop - one due to flood, the other due to the sudden removal of the biggest bodies of water on the surface.

Fast forward. Flood damage subsides. Rebuilding earth civs begins again. Enki returns and takes a new host body. (i'm not sure if he clones all of them or just some of them). He reopens the gate at Eridu (tower of babel) but is stopped by the 2/3rds, after they catch him transporting yet more humans here from 2/3rds territory -this time, orientals and caucasians as well as blacks. This is the Namshub of Enki, the confusing of the languages.

Not one human race on this planet, is from this planet. (my theory).

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

There are many questions left unanswered in these Papers. Many, many, in fact. Here I will list ones we might want to contemplate, and ask of those who could answer us – should we encounter them.

Great questions – and as I said, reading all this work, each answer leads to more questions! I haven’t re-read the Terra Papers for a few years and am answering the following on my recollection  kshaund

What was the purpose of the dinosaurs? Was that an SSS-T experiment…or something else?
Don’t know.

Is the Ninth Passageway a naturally occurring wormhole?
I understand it to be a naturally occurring region of passage between the negotiated division between sectors (Orions and Sirians) on which we lie.

At the beginning it is mentioned that we will see “black pigs” in our media. What is the significance of the black pig?
Do not recall.

What is the significance of “AI” (evil eye), mentioned in the list of derived Egyptian words but not mentioned in the text?
The symbol of Ra was an eye – and since Ra was perceived as evil by the beast (us)…

What caused the “Galactic Great Wars?” Who were involved?
Which galactic great war? There were more than one.

How were metals forged on BAR-BAR-U (Jupiter) if habitation was not an option?
Don’t know.

What race was Bek’Ti?
As I recall Pleaidean – though as I also recall, as they are all star beings in that they can travel effortlessly and they all know about each other but we don’t, that saying someone from the stars ‘is’ this or ‘is’ that, is like trying to say someone from New York ‘is’ this or ‘is’ that – they can look different, act different, have lived elsewhere, etc. so generally speaking, Bek’Ti as I recall was from the Pleaidean systems of life.

What stopped the TIAMAT fragment (Earth) from its fall into the sun?
My understanding is that after Tiamat’s impact, the largest fragment (Eridu/Earth) was heading towards the sun and was stopped technologically and placed into this orbit and started over again.

What (who) was the neighboring star system that threatened the SSS-T (“age-old enemy”)?
It was the Sirians (only their current name – apparently have been around for-ever) and are a warring race encroaching on the Orion Queens regions where a deal was struck – they can patrol and have dominance as long as the Queen keeps assets, etc. and has a representative on the throne – an Orion princess (later referred to as half-sisters in Egypt) to ensure peace between them.

What does it mean for star ships to be “cloaked in silence?”
No idea.

How were energy crystals grown? What were they made of?
No idea.

What were the reanimation centers? How did they work?
My understanding is mummification later became the way the beasts (us) tried to mimic the gods in their immortality – in that they could simply reanimate into another body when needed.

What gave these beings immortality?
Their technology gave themselves immortality (get a new body).

When EA “left ERIDU,” after AN-EN (EN-LIL) was given administration, was this the city, planet or solar system?
My understanding is that after a falling out the earth was divided between the two, Ea again being ousted.

Was the beast originally demonstrated by NIN-HUR-SAG Neanderthal?
There were many trial and errors. My understanding is that the Nin-Hur-Sag with Ea/Enki worked with him and actually ended up with the winning recipe – (us) though Ea/Enki is the one acknowledged (known?) for it.

Were all EA-SU reprogrammed by MARDUK, or did some escape that fate?
Obviously some escaped or we wouldn’t be talking about it now… 

What is S-MA? Do we know it by another name?
If it was a drink, it is likely soma (purified blood).

Though it is said we will be told the significance of the Grays’ two heart system, it cannot be found in the Papers as I have received the

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by keeff

There are many books out there on all this stuff - it all keeps everyone nicely confused and unfocused while at the same time telling us to our faces what's going on. I try not to get too involved in single events (like media about one person committing suicide after reading a book) because they are minute details of a picture much larger and more important (in my opinion) to our existance, period. It is our soul that seeks and I believe it is our soul that needs the knowledge to get through this, whatever that looks like individually. For me I believe we are trapped here and without 'knowing' what the trap is will not find options. :-)

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Yes, I've heard of Alex and read all his stuff - I have no idea what to make of it.... could be absolutely true or he could be absolutely being led astray... I have not been able to anything current about him and best I could discover he went low key a few years ago. I believe he is/was in regular contact with Val Valerian though. :-)

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by undo

Hi Undo

I am already well aware of the old Mesopotamian legends. I've read all of Sitchins work and the like but thanks for taking the time to reply to my post.

As engrossing as the legends are, I don't entirely believe them all to be 100% true accounts of Earth history.


What is S-MA? Do we know it by another name?
If it was a drink, it is likely soma (purified blood).

S-MA sounds very much like 'star fire', or menstrual blood which was eventually substituted over time for 'mana' or colloidal gold. The ingestion of star fire was believed to give one 'eternal life' amongst many other things. Only the 'elite' (such as gods and kings) had access to such things as star fire in ancient history.

Do a google search, you may find it interesting even if not related!


[edit on 24/6/08 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by undo

:-)))) Good summary - Ultimately nothing was original on this planet - all was brought here from somewhere else as 'they' have been around for eons, we have been here for a few thousand years.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

THIS IS NOT ROBERT MORNING SKY! I checked this out, and it is Robert A. Morning Sky, an editor of some magazine, not Robert Morning Sky, the Hopi-Apache author and speaker.... kshaund

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

I would very much like to learn what you have - my email address is [email protected] and is a faster way to communicate - I'm finding this website a little boggling and time consuming and would really like to connect with everyone here - always awesome to discover like-minded people (and so refreshing!) kshaund

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by kshaund

Are you talking about the ATS MIX interview? I was suspicious of the same thing as his voice was entirely different to Robert Morning Sky (Hopi Indian). This guy on ATS Mix had no sense of humor at all, which Robert does! LOL

I was only providing the link because it was requested by another member.

BTW - no need to shout mate. Your just as legible in lower case


I'll email you now mate!
Happy to share what I have - you will be blown away!

[edit on 24/6/08 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by nexusmagazine

Duncan - Does your last name begin with an 'R'? Robert and Sioux OFTEN talked highly of their Australian trip - and would love to stay in contact with you. When I first went to Phoenix, they had been doing presentations in the Whole Life Expos and he was doing some public dancing following their trip there. During my time he continued public speaking and wrote much more material, very detailed and referenced and pages of linguistics to explain the origins of words from the ets, etc.
The World's Oldest Religion Book is 500 pages about the Templar Knights, the Grail, Baphomet, and the egyptian language. He is/was brilliant and a great presenter. Please feel free to contact me at my email address, [email protected] - nice meeting you - kshaund

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

lol - Didn't mean to shout at all!!! - Was only hoping to correct a misundersanding - I'm not sure yet how to highlight, etc. in this website so my best option was caps lol - ;-))))

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

well most of my theories are not based on sitchin.

for example, dake's book was written before sitchin's earth chronciles,
and the sumerian texts i'm describing were not written by sitchin.
i mean i hate to break it to the sitchinites out there but the sumerians and akkadians wrote their texts, not sitchin.

it bugs me when a skeptic slams the info because they associate any sumerian text with sitchin's work. sitchin didn't translate the texts, the oxford university or pennsylvannia university and samuel noah kramer, did, though. sitchin had his own translations. so even when i bring up translations by mainstream universities skeptics all point to mistakes in sitchin's work as a reason to ignore the actual texts, which has nothing to do with it.

[edit on 24-6-2008 by undo]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by undo

You are very wise, and correct my friend. Have a good day.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by undo

Undo... take a few deep breaths.... then...

Please read my post more carefully before getting all emotional and giving me the bird! LOL!!!

I said Sitchin and the like. I'm not exclusive to Sitchin at all. How narrow minded you must think I am.. god blimey!

Do I believe we were seeded on this planet (for want of a better term)?
Most Certainly!

Did it happen 100% the way Sitchin describes? No!

So in essence, we agree on the fundamentals!

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 11:03 AM
Where in BC are you? I'm in Nelson... :-)

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

but i see no evidence of us having been here at all before 3900 BC. can you produce a single statue that is human before that time frame? i'll save you the trouble of the enthroned mother goddess. her head is fake, it was added later by someone who assumed she was human. she was not. she has big clawed feet, green, mottled scaled skin and at least one lizard head on her throne. someone wanted so badly to perpetuate the idea that human women had a mother goddess culture before patriarchy, they defaced it, added human toes where there were none before, a human head, where there wasn't one before, a cat head, where there wasn't one before, removed the clawed foot and made it look like a human foot, and i have the pictorial evidence of this, no less.

there was a goddess culture on this planet but they were reptilian, not humans, and it goes as far back as the oldest humanoid statue, circa 20000 bc ... the venus of milledorf (spelling?) is also a reptilian. she has the stripes on her legs and her face has been totally disfigured by some weird pattern so none of her features are discernable. somebody, somewhere, doesn't want us to know what happened.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by Amaterasu
Is it possible that these "very sick & dangerous individuals" are not human? That we are told they are? That they are lizard-hearted and not human hearted? Is it possible that sexual repression has twisted many a human heart to spend money to see this porn (they are all about profits, after all...)?

Yes, anything is possible. There are truths and falsehoods all over the place - red cross stats indicate something like 300,000 children a year in USA go missing - if it were only very sick & dangerous individuals, that would mean maybe 100,000 actively out there (assuming an average of 3 victims per perpetrator?) Possible. But these are disappearances where bodies are not recovered. There are apparently many MIA's as well, something insinuated as a benefit of war (feeding the lords without raising suspicions). Is it true? Dunno - Is it possible? Yes. The better question is, 'Is it likely'? Can there be underground bases with aliens and this not be part of the story? Why did the Mayans behead thousands upon thousands of their enemies except to honor their 'gods' in their likenesses? Whoever's heard of a vegetarian reptile? Or dog for that matter? (yes, we can all have domesticated dogs that only eat vegetables which has nothing to do with point here).
We are so naive and dumbed down intentionally - we are kept this way, made this way on purpose.

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