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We´re in a lot of trouble!

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posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 01:02 AM
...because you are reading this now

"...because less than 3% of you read books"

"...because less than 15% of you read newspapers"

"Because the only truth you know, is what you get though TV and internet."

"Right now, there is a hole, an entire generation that never knew anything that didnt come out of the TV."

"But TV is not the truth. TV is an amusement park. You do whatever it tells you to do. You dress like they do. You eat like them. You raise your children like they show you. You even think like they want you. "

"Mind control is probably THE issue of the century! Do you believe it is by accident that the population has become a mass of lobotomized zombies focused on trivialities, lemmings totally apathic when it comes to anything that is important? To put it simple, in case that you neither have spent your life in some remote location without media access, nor know anything about mind control and related topics, than your mind is controlled! It's as simply as that!"

Your thoughts may not be your own

Compulsory schooling and why it is bad:

Charlotte Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education:

No accident that the population has become a mass of lobotomized zombies:

[edit on 14-6-2008 by Daniem]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 03:28 AM
This video is called Mind manglers.

The video is split into these 5 segments, and is an eye opener for many people. It was for me.

I got a "wow" feeling, or maybe an "aha" moment when several things were revealed to me, on how media and education works on our minds.

+2 more 
posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Daniem

No offense, but your post starts off explaining how only 3% of people read books, and 15% read newspapers. Then you go on to offer proof of your mind control with videos from youtube.

That seems pretty ironic to me!

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 08:12 AM
I fail to see how im in a lot of trouble due to the fact i am READING a post on ATS.

Wait a minute maybe i should stop READING post's ? Yep that's the answer.



Stop trying to make me feal like a failure for READING i find it offensive.

Take care.


[edit on 14-6-2008 by h3akalee]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

If he had offered evidence in form of a book he wanted you to read, would you have gone and read it?

I think you're making a valid point OP.
We are getting too lazy to seek out knowledge. Instead of testing and proving we resort to the intravenous dose of Internet to get the knowledge we think we need.
There is this other great thread going about how to expand ones mind, and amongst the ways are turn off the tv and read selected books.

It is too easy today to be programmed through media. Just see how we all fear middleeasterners, how Europeans hate Americans and that we can't live without oil.
We have become dependent on "easy access anything" and being told what to feel, say, do, instead of rationally going over things trying to obtain a cause of any given situation.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

It IS pretty ironic, but if you learned to take what you see with a grain of salt, and if you now know that the media and schools can be used as mind control, you are now aware, and thus more resitant. And that can only be good for you

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by flice

Yes flice, If he recommended a book, I would read it.

If the library had a food court, showers and sleeping accomodations I would probably live there.

As to your comment about "selected" books, that seems very narrow minded. I rather enjoy reading books that are random, and which contain a variety of topics. Some that I never had an interest in before are the best ones I have ever read. I walk down the aisles of the library and just grab books without looking at the title.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:15 AM
You have a slim grasp of the total picture.

The internet has killed off the newspaper with TV going to web sites to attract younger viewers. The US education is so dumbed down, many kids can't read an entire book as it takes attention, and those who do will not comprehend most of what they read. We'll even make the assumption that English is their first language.

The internet has allowed news to be broadcast at a moments notice, books to be condensed into paragraphs, and every possible view of anything exposed for public view as a reliable source because it is on the internet.

As an adult with a view towards the kids (under 30 crowd) of today. In the whole scheme of things, FUBAR comes to mind. All a person concerned about this can hope for is that the people involved have more common sense than educators give them credit for having, and can figure out facts from fiction. It will become harder and harder as the education system relies more and more on computer based information than real, in your hands, books and paper driven research.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by h3akalee

Well if you dont get it, id keep on reading if I were you... maybe you will see that the culture we live in is drowning in mindless entertainment while education is failing... students are failing. It realy is, this is no mad mans rant.

Books live on regardless of how many read them. TV NEEDS viewers, or they get shut down. That alone should be alarming, as fiction and twisted half-truths may draw more viewers than the truth itself. And what happens if they replace the truth with something else? Well... most people will probably believe in it.

If we are to be entertained to keep us from thinking or getting in the way of some of the elites, then id say that

1) TV is much false info
2) Internet is too much info, you dont know what to believe. So I am sceptic to "facts" shown to me.

Of course your not a failure for using the internet, or indeed TV, I dont know why you`d think that. But as i said, LOTS of info here.. what will YOU believe in? Too much of anything is bad. "Right now, there is a hole, an entire generation that never knew anything that didnt come out of the TV." Now that CAN`T be good

[edit on 14-6-2008 by Daniem]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:28 AM
What I find most fascinating is that a majority of Americans (myself included) would agree with you, but don't do a thing about it. My self included! I don't read as much as I should, I get all my news from online sources, and ascribe far too much credit to television. And I recognize it as a ploy, by the media. I know I'm brainwashed.

It's perverse that I'm delighting in being able to experience such a unique form of ignorance. But it won't happen again on this planet, that's for sure, so smoke 'em while ya got 'em!

As an aside, I think it's also important, while trying to maintain the integrity of a printed past, to not foresake or demonize the potential of the internet and instant communication. But making that a reality in a completely free way is...beyond my grasp. My only answers are because I don't fully understand the difficulties involved.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by joecamel

I think its great to have all this info available online, it forces you to think (since every intelligent person shouldnt believe blindly what is on the Internet)
What did I just read\see\hear? Is that true? And to get to the bottom of it, you have to research more elsewhere.

What I fear is those who want to take control over the info online and stop free speach, alter truths and censor the Internet. Cause then you have a new form of TV. Totaly controlled by the few on top that gets to decide what we get to see\know.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:39 AM
I didn't look at Daniem's videos but he has a point about the TV.

People tend to believe that TV shows are accurate information.

Take the "Gun Controllers", they are always saying that we will be like the "Old West" with gun fights in the streets. The only gun shooting in the streets are form gang members and they will do it anyway..

The only problem with any form of media is that people can use false information to present a fact or to sustain a fact.

Look how many times we have been hoaxed here at ATS.


posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Daniem

This you may have already seen. I was talking to a friend of mine in IT about it and he agrees: it's only a matter of time until the companies who own it decide to drastically change the internet. I was thinking they'd phase from one to the other slowly. iPhones are a part of that equation, I'd wager.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:51 AM
4 X 0 = 4 (PERIOD) enough said.

The mind control and manipulation happens begins at a very young age. And if you believe that 4 X 0 = 0 then consider yourself manipulated. However if you believed otherwise you would fail in society and be considered a threat due to your cognitive abilities to resist suggestion.

hold an object representing 4 in one hand. Hold an object representing X 0 in you other hand. X 0 is nothing so you have nothing in your other hand. Put the two hands together and what is left? 4. Therefore you can see clearly that 4 X 0 = 4

Great post OP

[edit on 14-6-2008 by KMFNWO]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by joecamel

Watching it now. That will definitly not be good for our freedom online. It will only be another way to enrich themself while the info is under their power to manipulate as they see fit.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:59 AM
I have a gut feeling there's more to tv then meets the eye. Call it paranoid but I have a feeling that there's the regular programming we all see but embedded within some of these programs (and not detectable) on perhaps a higher frequency a mind programming program to "control the masses"..... just a gut feeling.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:50 AM
I knew I was gonna like this forum...

The problem goes far deeper than even the OP indicates. News all around us in being manipulated, and we are buying it hook, line, and sinker.

Books require time to read. In our present situation, most people simply do not have the time to read books. We have to work 40 hours a week (more like 60 for me) just to make that house payment so we can live somewhere comfortable, make that car payment so we can get to work, pay for the gasoline to power the car (an expense that is crippling many people), pay for ever-more-expensive food, etc. Then, when we do get some time to ourselves, it is taken up by the rigors of society: time to go shopping for the latest things so we can fit into society, time to cover social engagements, cookouts at every major holiday (and holidays are getting pretty regular), school events, and a myriad of other things that take up our time.

TV is more 'convenient'. It is very easy to click a button while one is doing other things and get your daily dose of news force-fed to you while you do those other things. It comes complete with pictures, which require less time to assimilate than words.

Radio works the same way, without the distraction of video. Even while driving in rush hour traffic, you can get the latest choreographed information on what's going on in the world.

But where the real conspiracy lies is the fact that, as pointed out correctly, TV and radio are for the most part scripted information sources. You do not receive the whole story, only those bits and pieces that the stations deem to be important to you. Thusly, we become mind-numbed robots, believing what we are told to believe by the moving images and the forceful words. We have the Internet, sure, but that is indeed an overdose of information. There is more untruth than truth, and while the truth is out there, what can be believed and what should not be?

As someone who has loved books since a young age, I sympathize with the arguments here. I have a growing library myself, of some fiction works, but mostly of non-fiction. One might say I collect textbooks. Over the last couple of decades, my attention to my library has increased, due to one simple concern: while the Internet contains more information, what would happen if the Internet should disappear?

Think about it. The Internet is in reality a preciously precarious entity. Computers are susceptible to mechanical breakdowns and malicious software attacks. The communication lines that form the 'world-wide-web' are also subject to any one of a myriad of problems: earthquakes, water damage, ionic disruption, people digging holes on their property, etc., etc., etc. And it is a common principle that the more complex a mechanism is, the more that mechanism is prone to failure of some kind. Even a power outage, which is becoming a more and more common occurrence, effectively wipes out this wealth of information.

Books, on the other hand, while susceptible to damage form fire, water, etc., can be kept in a more secure location than spread out across the globe. They do not require electricity or special software to be read. They sit quietly on the shelf, waiting patiently to be accessed whenever needed. I even have several books that are printouts from the computer, all bound neatly into binders for reference should there be a day when there is no Internet available.

Another problem with the Internet is that when one has books, one must exercise one's mind to maintain some sort of mental 'card catalog' to remember where in that library information exists. With the Internet, sites like Google do this for us. We type in a word or phrase and instantly we are a single click away from the information we want. Convenient to the extreme, but what happens when someone else discovers the cracks in the software, the ways to manipulate the search engines to give desired results? Then we are right back to where TV and newspapers are, receiving a scripted dose of daily information every bit as complete as the PTB want it to be.

I wish I had a solution to this problem, but in reality the only solution is for every person to read and learn to think for themselves. I think I have a sci-fi book somewhere that talks about one alien society doing that... yeah, crazy idea.


posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by KMFNWO
4 X 0 = 4 (PERIOD) enough said.

The mind control and manipulation happens begins at a very young age. And if you believe that 4 X 0 = 0 then consider yourself manipulated. However if you believed otherwise you would fail in society and be considered a threat due to your cognitive abilities to resist suggestion.

hold an object representing 4 in one hand. Hold an object representing X 0 in you other hand. X 0 is nothing so you have nothing in your other hand. Put the two hands together and what is left? 4. Therefore you can see clearly that 4 X 0 = 4

Great post OP

[edit on 14-6-2008 by KMFNWO]

Hmm, surely it's 4 + 0 = 4, not 4 x 0 = 4...

Although I do see where you are coming from... but surely it's addition and not multiplication?

Oh well, guess I'm a zombie eh?

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by KMFNWO
4 X 0 = 4 (PERIOD) enough said.

The mind control and manipulation happens begins at a very young age. And if you believe that 4 X 0 = 0 then consider yourself manipulated. However if you believed otherwise you would fail in society and be considered a threat due to your cognitive abilities to resist suggestion.

hold an object representing 4 in one hand. Hold an object representing X 0 in you other hand. X 0 is nothing so you have nothing in your other hand. Put the two hands together and what is left? 4. Therefore you can see clearly that 4 X 0 = 4

Great post OP

[edit on 14-6-2008 by KMFNWO]

4 + 0 = 4 (like you describe above)
4 x 0 = 0 (take nothing 4 times and you still have nothing)

No mind manipulation, just simple logic.

[edit on 14-6-2008 by Copernicus]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:51 AM
As someone that has read voraciously for five and a half decades, I need to point out a something here. When it comes to the written word, in all it's myrid forms, caveat emptor.

A printed volume of anything does not automatically make for certain truth. As an example, somewhere I still have an old copy of the Protocols of Zion, in pamphlet form. It doesn't make it truth.

Textbooks for American history, even when I was in grade school, often were slanted, or contained outright lies and ommissions.

The truth, that ephemeral Chimera, has always been manipulated. Truth is most often just an agreed upon lie.

And Roper, there were very few real "in the street" type gunfights, even in the worst days of the Wild West. Another myth that has become a culturally accepted "fact". Nor so the prevailance of dueling scars from the heyday of Hiedelburg. Myth becomes quasi-truth, and later a full fledged "fact", when enough people agree to it.

And the process goes on unabated.

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